View Full Version : Game does not start (null pointer exception)

04-05-13, 11:20 PM
I am playing on Android, version, the regular version of restaurant story. The problem I am having is the same one I had before. Here is a link to the discussion of that problem. There was no resolution to the problem, but I stopped playing the original version since the seasonal versions came out and those worked perfectly.


This has been happening since November of last year. When I try to open the game it takes over 2 minutes to open if I am lucky. Most of the time I get a popup from my phone stating (Application Restaurant Story in process com.teamlava.restaurant story is not responding) and if I click to send a report of the problem, it states that the reason is a null pointer exception.

If I am lucky and get into the game, then I am unable to visit any of my neighbors, and cannot send gifts to anyone. Everything takes minutes to pull up, and I don?t want my neighbors to get angry since I cannot send gifts back to them, and cannot visit them.

I started to play the original version again, because I received a popup on the carnival version stating that it would no longer be supported. So I removed this version, and now I cannot download any other version besides the original.

Please help me with this problem.


04-06-13, 04:19 PM
Reported over to the team!


Thanks :D