View Full Version : Gems used for purchases

04-05-13, 12:50 PM
How do I get the gems required for larger and/or more expensive purchases? I am level 9 and still have no gems.

04-05-13, 01:05 PM
It's hard to get gems early on. Later in the game you can earn gems from certain Quests, Adventures, and the Purple Cow. You could also get gems by installing TL games that are advertised by the Baron when you log on.

04-05-13, 01:36 PM
I dont know if this is true for everyone but for me, 30 GEMS! On the list of kingdom goals there are 2 recommended games. I really thought Bakery story looked fun so I clicked the install through the castle story game, played for a while, came back to castle story and discovered a goal that gave me 30 gems!