View Full Version : Some Improvement Ideas.

04-04-13, 12:25 PM
I enjoy the game, but there are some serious problems.
1. Cant stay on all day and night.
2. Cant afford to spend $100 on one dragon.
3. Not everyone gets the same options.

1. Can't stay on all day and night.
Increase the amount of silver the Habitat can hold.
For 20,000 silver or 10 Gold, Receive a worker that collects money from the Habitats.

2. Cant afford to spend $100 on one dragon.
Allow more gold to be received by neighbors, Maybe 20 per day. This allows someone to save up.

3. Not everyone gets the same options.
Hold off on making the next latest greatest dragons and figure out how to bring Android,
and Kindle users up to the same options menus.

There has to be a profit for the game to continue to progress and keep it interesting for
everyone to play. This is why there is a limit to the amount of gold that can be sent
among friends. Currently it seems to be 3 or 4 gold per day. This works out to 375-500 days
of play to receive 1500 gold. That is if they can resist using gold for over a year.
People WILL spend money on gold if they know they wont go broke buying this dragon,
that upgrade, this speed up of a hatched egg.

My main interest is in getting the game on equal footing. This way the data being shared
by IoS users is not irreverent to others such as myself who plays on the Kindle Fire.

I think Team Lava will survive with or without these changes but they would be nice to see.

Would anyone agree that these are good ideas, Or am i just deluding myself?

Thanks for reading my rant.
Iconbus <--- feel free to add me.

04-04-13, 02:48 PM
i like your ideas. maybe put this in suggestions?
i have a few responses.

1. i like this idea. very different and original (i think atleast)

2/ we will never ever be able to gift 20 gold. it is way to much for tl considering the point of the game on tl's side.

3. im not android so this does not affect me. but, many people are arguing about this and tl is slowly updating for it. atleast on my galaxy s3, it is still laggy but not too much. i only use it to send gold, i dont play it. i play my ipad instead

04-04-13, 02:58 PM
I have both ios and android, I think it's hard for TL to have the same features for all operating system, these are limitation at what the os is capable of doing, I have the note 2 and a ipod touch, and the ipod runs alot smoother ( not experiences any lag yet) and on the android the game lags too much and too much graphic problem, with a lot of invisible habitat, dragons walking in the air and lots of graphic streaks and artifats, whiles the ios version the game starts and runs faster and graphics has much more effects.

04-05-13, 06:50 AM
2/ we will never ever be able to gift 20 gold. it is way to much for tl considering the point of the game on tl's side.

What i meant was up to 20 friends can send you gold, and your able to accept up to 20 gold a day.

04-05-13, 07:07 AM
What i meant was up to 20 friends can send you gold, and your able to accept up to 20 gold a day.

isn't that how it is now? o_O

04-05-13, 07:15 AM
most i get is 3-4. with 50ish neighbors. and i now at least 10 of them are sending gold.

04-05-13, 07:34 AM
most i get is 3-4. with 50ish neighbors. and i now at least 10 of them are sending gold.

I can get around 8 a day. read from some place that the max a person can receive per day is 20.. perhaps someone else can confirm.

04-05-13, 08:35 AM
Don't hate me...but how about a "cheap" annual membership? Maybe members could get a discount on gold purchases...?

04-05-13, 08:57 AM
I can get around 8 a day. read from some place that the max a person can receive per day is 20.. perhaps someone else can confirm.

Unless something has changed, this is correct, you can receive 20 but only send 3 per day.

04-05-13, 07:50 PM
MajicHearts -The Cheep annual membership would ruin the advertisement of a free game. Need to bring people into the game and get them to like the game for them to spend money on the game. As it is most will spend a few dollars on it at the start thinking "What the H***" about a paying a few notes just to test out the game.

sollia - Thank you for the info. Should prob look up more information over the game before i start giving ideas for improvement on it. LOL.. Still only being able to send 3 a day that means unless you pick out 3 people daily to send it to. then others will stop sending to you cause you don't send to them. Each has there own friends/neighbors they prefer talking to. should be 20 and 20. This way you can send to more friends and know that you will receive back from them. at a 3 sent per day you will be lucky to get 3-5 per day unless your running your own accounts in order to get max gold. kind of makes it seem like work instead of something enjoyable to play.

04-09-13, 12:58 PM
Hi Iconbus.

1. Just collect whenever you can.
2. Ignore the gold-only dragons until you have enough gold to buy them.
3. May never happen or happen anytime soon, so just block out what's unavailable on your device(s)

I just reinstalled DS on my Kindle HD and have goals to buy 1 four-leaf dragon for 500 gold bars, 1 wild dragon for 400 gold bars and 1 air dragon for 2500 gold bars. The goals/rewards are: Luck And Found (750 coins and +5 stars), Forestfire (+850 coins and +10 stars) and Up in the Air (+800 and +5 stars). Is 2600 coins and 20 stars worth 3400 gold bars? No. The Egg Hunt goal is buy 1 Easter Dragon for 500 gold bars and receive 10 eggs from nbrs for a reward of +800 coins and +6 stars.

Also keep in mind iOS players started out without features and had to buy gold when they started too...crafting wasn't available in 2009.
gold prices may have been lower due to it being a new game but they are higher now.

04-09-13, 01:07 PM
Hi Iconbus.

1. Just collect whenever you can.
2. Ignore the gold-only dragons until you have enough gold to buy them.
3. May never happen or happen anytime soon, so just block out what's unavailable on your device(s)

I just reinstalled DS on my Kindle HD and have goals to buy 1 four-leaf dragon for 500 gold bars, 1 wild dragon for 400 gold bars and 1 air dragon for 2500 gold bars. The goals/rewards are: Luck And Found (750 coins and +5 stars), Forestfire (+850 coins and +10 stars) and Up in the Air (+800 and +5 stars). Is 2600 coins and 20 stars worth 3400 gold bars? No. The Egg Hunt goal is buy 1 Easter Dragon for 500 gold bars and receive 10 eggs from nbrs for a reward of +800 coins and +6 stars.

Also keep in mind iOS players started out without features and had to buy gold when they started too...crafting wasn't available in 2009.
gold prices may have been lower due to it being a new game but they are higher now.

Air dragon is 2500 coins not gold.

04-09-13, 01:20 PM
Air dragon is 2500 coins not gold.

Thanks for that correction DragonTan. Kindle is set to idle after 30 seconds as I typed rewards on Android.

04-09-13, 01:33 PM
Hi Iconbus.

1. Just collect whenever you can.
2. Ignore the gold-only dragons until you have enough gold to buy them.
3. May never happen or happen anytime soon, so just block out what's unavailable on your device(s)

I just reinstalled DS on my Kindle HD and have goals to buy 1 four-leaf dragon for 500 gold bars, 1 wild dragon for 400 gold bars and 1 air dragon for 2500 gold bars. The goals/rewards are: Luck And Found (750 coins and +5 stars), Forestfire (+850 coins and +10 stars) and Up in the Air (+800 and +5 stars). Is 2600 coins and 20 stars worth 3400 gold bars? No. The Egg Hunt goal is buy 1 Easter Dragon for 500 gold bars and receive 10 eggs from nbrs for a reward of +800 coins and +6 stars.

Also keep in mind iOS players started out without features and had to buy gold when they started too...crafting wasn't available in 2009.
gold prices may have been lower due to it being a new game but they are higher now.

most dragons are breedable the exceptions being gemstone dragons and the album reward dragons.

04-09-13, 01:54 PM
most dragons are breedable the exceptions being gemstone dragons and the album reward dragons.

...just saying my only option in the goal notebook is to buy (or skip for 25 gold).

04-09-13, 02:00 PM
...just saying my only option in the goal notebook is to buy (or skip for 25 gold).

So it doesn't say breed? It should. You have 3 options, breed, buy or skip with gold.

04-09-13, 02:21 PM
So it doesn't say breed? It should. You have 3 options, breed, buy or skip with gold.

They don't say breed in the goals but I have always assumed that breeding is a given

04-09-13, 02:23 PM
...just saying my only option in the goal notebook is to buy (or skip for 25 gold).

They don't say to breed it in the goals but they definitely can be bred

04-09-13, 02:40 PM
They don't say breed in the goals but I have always assumed that breeding is a given

Look again at that picture, it says ''breed Black and Green.''

04-09-13, 04:09 PM
Look again at that picture, it says ''breed Black and Green.''

Yes this frustrates me to no end, players that don't read the goals and ask questions about how to breed this dragon or that dragon. Just READ 9 times out of 10, the answer is right there.

That said, the goals for mythic, diamond, and a few others do not say what to breed, but most do.

04-09-13, 04:24 PM
Look again at that picture, it says ''breed Black and Green.''

Hey yeah! It does. :)

04-09-13, 04:45 PM
Hi Iconbus.

1. Just collect whenever you can.
2. Ignore the gold-only dragons until you have enough gold to buy them.
3. May never happen or happen anytime soon, so just block out what's unavailable on your device(s)

I just reinstalled DS on my Kindle HD and have goals to buy 1 four-leaf dragon for 500 gold bars, 1 wild dragon for 400 gold bars and 1 air dragon for 2500 gold bars. The goals/rewards are: Luck And Found (750 coins and +5 stars), Forestfire (+850 coins and +10 stars) and Up in the Air (+800 and +5 stars). Is 2600 coins and 20 stars worth 3400 gold bars? No. The Egg Hunt goal is buy 1 Easter Dragon for 500 gold bars and receive 10 eggs from nbrs for a reward of +800 coins and +6 stars.

Also keep in mind iOS players started out without features and had to buy gold when they started too...crafting wasn't available in 2009.
gold prices may have been lower due to it being a new game but they are higher now.

You know the goal is to breed them, right? If you want to buy them that will also satisfy the goal but it's not required.

04-09-13, 04:46 PM
Yes this frustrates me to no end, players that don't read the goals and ask questions about how to breed this dragon or that dragon. Just READ 9 times out of 10, the answer is right there.

That said, the goals for mythic, diamond, and a few others do not say what to breed, but most do.

I have to agree, people just need to read.

RTFM, people.

04-09-13, 04:50 PM
...just saying my only option in the goal notebook is to buy (or skip for 25 gold).

What?? No, no, the goals are misleading!! They are ALL breedable, trust me! Except for the craftable dragons and for the dragons you buy with coins! (And, and clockworks also seems to either be buyable with gold, or attainable through spinning wheel, though I wonder if it will eventually become craftable too)

Trust me, you do not have to buy those dragons! You merely need to mix their colors together. I say, don't become so attached to the goals. My father also thought he had to buy a dragon once, because of the goal. I gave him an ear-full, what a waste of money for dragons you can breed!

04-09-13, 04:52 PM
Aso, it's pointless to skip a goal. Skipping - by paying gold!! - does not grant us the dragon from the goal, it only gives the XP and coins reward, which are positively not worth 25 gold (or 50 gold when the goal is 2 parts).

I understand some people may be mislead, but it is only out of lack of attention.

04-09-13, 04:58 PM
Thanks all. An egg hatched and it was one from the goals I mentioned (the life dragon).

04-09-13, 05:00 PM
aand sorrry for derailing. i just think with patience there is no need to think of lack of gold as a "serious problem".
TL have many games to play as dragons breed and evolve (and whatever else they do)

04-09-13, 05:02 PM
Thanks all. An egg hatched and it was one from the goals I mentioned (the life dragon).

oops did not mention this dragon but i got a reward for it.

04-09-13, 06:12 PM
aand sorrry for derailing. i just think with patience there is no need to think of lack of gold as a "serious problem".
TL have many games to play as dragons breed and evolve (and whatever else they do)

True, plus with real life stuff it won't be hard to wait... if you're are one of those people who have to complete everything and very impatient then, well.... I'm sure TL loves you to bits lol

04-10-13, 01:36 AM
TL wasn't put on this planet to starve. It's their job, they need to make an income somehow...so if you wanna throw down a hundo for a diamond then go ahead, it's an ULTRA rare dragon, meaning not everyone is suppose to get it, or get it easily.
& I think being able to send twenty gold a day would seriously throw off the balance of the game, I know you can accept that many, but who really gets twenty a day ? everyone wants these dragons to be easier to get, but there is no fun in that