View Full Version : Demographic

04-03-13, 07:19 AM
Hi All, I am curious about the demographic of DS. Please if you would like answer the poll about which platform you play and if you buy gold.

If you play more than one platform please choose the platform that you are further ahead in.

04-03-13, 07:22 AM
Slight change you can select multiple answers if you play more than one platform

04-03-13, 07:25 AM
I think you have to change the "do not but golf". Some golfers do nothing but golf you know

04-03-13, 07:41 AM
I think you have to change the "do not but golf". Some golfers do nothing but golf you know

Yes, offending them can be dangerous :P

Anyway, I said iOS/Gold and Android/No Gold. I used to play on Android but had my game transferred to my new iPod, but I still check in on Android since I tried to start again.

04-03-13, 07:57 AM
Kindle Fire and no gold

04-03-13, 08:03 AM
Kindle Fire and no gold

Yeah from what I've heard about Kindle I don't blame you. It's getting ridiculous.

04-03-13, 09:55 AM
Lol, i am ios and don't buy gold.... And i dont but golf either :). I would consider buying gold as support for teamlava, but not because i wanted a certain dragon and couldnt wait for it.

04-03-13, 10:13 AM
I am Android and I used to buy gold every pay day. I stopped buying gold around the time pink and gemstone dragons came out because the the unfairness between iOS and Android became too much to continue supporting TL with money. I still play Dragon Story, but I buy currency for games that deserve it more, now. Dragon Story has plenty of high quality competitors on Android, now, which wasn't the case about 6 months ago.

04-03-13, 10:16 AM
I'm android and don't buy gold.

I pay for speed-ups/extras on freemium games I play from every other studio but refuse to give TL money to play less than half the game.

If there is ever anything even slightly approaching parity then I would gladly spend money on the game but, as it stands, l'm more likely to just ditch it.

04-03-13, 11:07 AM
Android used to buy gold fairly regularly but not anymore. I will not finance further development that only increases the gap between the platforms. I'm all for supporting game development and do not mind helping finance it. Once android players (including our Kindle cousins) start to see feature updates I have I'll gladly purchase gold again.

04-03-13, 11:08 AM
After losing gold due to gold trap, I no longer buy it on my iOS or Kindle.

04-03-13, 11:12 AM
I would buy gold but not until Android gets same Ios features. They obviously have many people working on game with speed of new dragons being introduced, but none of it is coming our way, so none of it is going their way either. Adding conformation button and/or removing no refund feature is also a requirement for me to spend money.

04-03-13, 11:22 AM
I would buy gold but not until Android gets same Ios features. They obviously have many people working on game with speed of new dragons being introduced, but none of it is coming our way, so none of it is going their way either. Adding conformation button and/or removing no refund feature is also a requirement for me to spend money.

Seconding all of this. I keep getting gold sales but I'd never even think about buying gold with the state of the game on Android as it is. Gold traps are also a big deterrent for me, even if Android does come close to getting caught up.

04-03-13, 02:04 PM
I rarely buy gold on DS because I'm not willing to pay for programmers that don't work on my platform. Ill pay 5 bucks here and there on the other games. I figured I'd be willing to subscribe to TL games for $5 a month. I play kindle and its just a totally different game then IOS DS. BS RS PSS and FSS are more comparable.

04-03-13, 02:08 PM
I play iOS (and android partially) and refuse to buy golf. ;p

04-03-13, 02:11 PM
I play iOS (and android partially) and refuse to buy golf. ;p

I don't buy golf either! Seems silly, hitting a little white ball with a stick, while wearing funny pants!
( sorry Salinho! Couldn't help myself! 💖)

04-03-13, 02:12 PM
Aaaaah! Apparently little heart emoji doesn't work!

04-03-13, 02:17 PM
I don't buy golf either! Seems silly, hitting a little white ball with a stick, while wearing funny pants!
( sorry Salinho! Couldn't help myself! 💖)

I really wasn't yelling! It was a cute pink heart! Maybe you can't put emoji inside brackets?

04-03-13, 02:34 PM
I don't buy golf either! Seems silly, hitting a little white ball with a stick, while wearing funny pants!
( sorry Salinho! Couldn't help myself! 💖)

Aww! It's okay ;p

I wrote "golf" on purpose, to tease the creator of this thread... Check the second option of the poll xD

04-03-13, 03:39 PM
I play on android never have and never will buy gold nor golf

04-03-13, 03:48 PM
iOS-used to buy gold for DS-haven't in a long time because who knows if you're gonna keep the dragon you paid money to try to quick breed(if you even get what u were trying for!).i pay for gems on castle(you get exactly what u spend your gems on)

04-03-13, 06:10 PM
I spend money on other games but I will not give team lava my money so they can continue to add new features to iOS while ignoring Android, which is what I own.

There are other developers who fully support my platform, they are the ones that get my money.

04-03-13, 06:18 PM
Playing on android, used to buy a little gold sometimes, but not anymore. At least not until I feel like TL actually cares about their customers.

04-03-13, 06:43 PM
I play on an ipad2 with IOS and USED to buy gold, but was ripped off unfairly of almost 500 gold so I no longer put any money into any of the TL games.

04-04-13, 06:41 AM
hmm interesting stats so far, lets try and get some more votes :)

04-05-13, 04:15 AM
I will buy gold when Kindle is the same as iOS.

04-06-13, 07:11 AM
I think TL should take note on this poll.

of the 72 people who voted, 10 play cross platform, android and iOS users are approximately equal and not many more ios players buy gold over android.