View Full Version : please make the royal exchange trades mare balanced

04-02-13, 10:52 AM
I really enjoyed this game until the latest update. The new trade tickets are just annoying. It wasn't bad until the trades you could afford to do while keeping up with the rest of your kingdom started to get upgraded. As you make it take more and more time and energy to accumulate the goods for a trade the number of trade tickets you need to do anything becomes ridiculously high. You didn't pull any moves like this with the adventures. There was always the ancient vault adventure that didn't require a large amount of resources.

I've heard TL wants to slow the game down. There will always be a few that will buy the gems to get done at a blazing fast speed. Most will just get annoyed and quit.

04-02-13, 11:20 AM
I admit,I got so annoyed with the ridiculous amounts needed for one little ticket,I just gemmed the rest for camp-we need to get at least one ticket per hour of trade-seems fair.glad I'm not the only one who doesn't think the exchange is awesome

04-02-13, 01:56 PM
Please send us your feedback on trade upgrades in this thread: