View Full Version : No floor ?

12-21-10, 08:48 AM
I downloaded the android version (Galaxy S 2.1). *Why is there no floor to buy ?? Repair bug pleaaase.
This game is really nice, but, with a concrete floor...well.....not that nice....

Cathys Kadabaah
12-21-10, 01:01 PM
How do I change my floor and wallpaper?

12-21-10, 04:49 PM
YES PLEASE. On the android how do you change the floor and wallpaper??

12-22-10, 03:25 PM
(Samsung Vibrant 2.1 android) does any one know how to change wallpaper and floor tiles ?

12-23-10, 03:46 AM
I just started playing on my evo and I haven't been able to adjust the walls or floors either...so sad.

12-26-10, 02:41 AM
The floor tiles and wallpaper tabs are not currently available for Android devices. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Do you have any idea when it will become available? Kinda sucks atm, that it isn't possible.

12-26-10, 03:23 PM
The floor tiles and wallpaper tabs are not currently available for Android devices. I apologize for the inconvenience.

please fix asap, it makes the game not as much fun to play without being able to decorate the walls and floor. especially when you go to other peoples restaurants and see all the beautiful decorating they've done with their walls and floor :(

12-26-10, 09:30 PM
please fix asap, it makes the game not as much fun to play without being able to decorate the walls and floor. Especially when you go to other peoples restaurants and see all the beautiful decorating they've done with their walls and floor :(

totally agree

12-28-10, 08:00 PM
Really?? How do ya put an app in the android market and just "not put the tabs in the game for android"!!!

12-30-10, 07:53 AM
Tup...totally agree....

12-31-10, 05:41 PM
How unfair to have to visit all these beautiful restaurants, and when the owners visit us, we just look plain and lazy! Like we don't care about how our restaurant looks! If the game was incomplete they shouldn't have made it available to droid users. Totally unfair! I am at level 15, with over 50,000 coins, and my restaurant looks like **** because of this missing tabs issue. You should really get a move on fixing it!

12-31-10, 08:30 PM
How unfair to have to visit all these beautiful restaurants, and when the owners visit us, we just look plain and lazy! Like we don't care about how our restaurant looks! If the game was incomplete they shouldn't have made it available to droid users. Totally unfair! I am at level 15, with over 50,000 coins, and my restaurant looks like **** because of this missing tabs issue. You should really get a move on fixing it!

I agree. It is very disappointing that they would release the game on Android while being incomplete. Restaurant Story is the exact same way. I understand that changing the format from Apple to Android can be difficult, but it cannot be that difficult to add an extra tab in the design screen the same way the other tabs were added. I pay real money to play these games and would like the SAME game play as an iphone user.