View Full Version : Unable to connect to the Internet.

03-27-13, 07:10 AM
I have done everything possible to open my bakery story app on my iPad....restarted my device several times, removed the app and had it installed, checked my Internet connection several times...but it's indicates that I have no Internet connection. It's been like this for several hours and by now some of my food might have been spoiled by now. My restaurant story however works just fine. Somebody please help.

03-27-13, 07:22 AM
try forclosing app

kooky panda
03-27-13, 10:05 AM
Which Ipad do you play on? Check and make sure your Ipad has the most current Version.
If playing on wifi, turn off your wifi, then try turning it back on.
What is the version of the game you are playing? (under menu-help- small number at the bottom.)