View Full Version : How many...?

03-27-13, 05:53 AM
Hi, i always thought all the buildings in kingdom can be "visit" by nbrs or vistors.
But i was checking my wall while i see people post and say it is full, but i still have non-sparkle buildings (cottages) around untouch.
So i was wondering is there a limit on buildings that can be visit?
Coz if there is such case, then i will do a little bit of reconstructing.

03-27-13, 07:26 AM
There's a heart icon on each building.
When the other liked, that heart will diseapear,
Until you collect that building.
We can like 5 buildings each day.

03-27-13, 10:16 AM
There is no limit, if you refresh the game you'll see all the sparkles.
Try to delete a massage from your wall for refreshing.

03-28-13, 12:09 AM
There is no limit, if you refresh the game you'll see all the sparkles.
Try to delete a massage from your wall for refreshing.

Thanks! I'll try to do that everytime i go into the game!