View Full Version : rabbit section sign

03-27-13, 04:46 AM
i saw it at Stormie's Shop.. but i can't find it in market..
where can i get it..?

btw, some of my pet (egg cat, longhair cat) are invicible.. some of decor item too..
i'm using updated android ics & newest patch pet story..
does this happen to anyone too..?

thankyou.. sorry if my english not good enough :D

03-27-13, 05:25 AM
lol they've probably removed the bunny sign at the new year.. it surely was there..pink with bunny ears

invisible items are caused by internet connection loss.. (or internet used by other app)
restart the game and wait until they show up. ensure there's good connection.
if they don't show up, clear the app's cache in android and then wait until they show up..

03-27-13, 04:09 PM
limited time item then.. oh, i'm so unlucky..

i see.. so the problem is with the connection..
thanks for your reply btw..

11-19-13, 06:50 AM
I know!!!!! I want that Rabbit sign!!! And she had a basket of bunny toys. Does anyone know if it will come back again?

12-31-13, 09:42 PM
I want a Rabbit section sign too! Maybe it's nitpicky, but I'm putting my rabbits with the rodents, and rabbits aren't rodents! :)

01-01-14, 03:05 AM
You're right! i never saw that before! :D