View Full Version : challenge wanted

03-25-13, 08:55 AM
Is this the venue to tell TeamLava that we would really like challenges in Farm Story? I just think they are so fun and I enjoy earning the gems or decorations when I get them in my bakery or when I played restaurant and Dragon and pet shop and fashion... come to think of it, this is the only Story I've played that hasn't given challenges. I'm only at level 22. However, based on these threads, Farm rarely gives out challenges. Am I correct? Let's all get behind this and ask for a challenge that is NOT downloading a new game, but is farming related. Yay!

03-25-13, 10:16 AM
T-Totally Agree. Game has been getting a little boring lately, but can't say I'm thinking about quitting cause of it. But I am all for some new things!!

03-25-13, 10:29 AM
I agree. Even if its just for gold, at least it gives us something to work for. Just give us a random amount of a random crop to harvest. Doesn't seem like it would be very hard to include, not that I know a lot about programming.