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View Full Version : Dear TeamLava, Moderators, Development team, etc: Please communicate with us........

07-06-10, 12:14 PM
To whom it may concern,

Please communicate with your dedicated user base. We come here to seek help, offer ideas and bug feedback. The very least you can do is communicate with us. Someone needs to take thirty minutes, write an announcement stating that you appreciate our support (and $$) and are working towards making this game better. You can make it a sticky thread!

The board is getting cluttered with the already known "neighbor issues threads" and many other topics too.

The key to great relationships is great communication. Please have some with us! Let us know that you hear us and are working towards solutions.

Your (for-the-time-being) dedicated user base.

07-07-10, 05:34 AM
Bumpity Bump!

Hawk 8
07-07-10, 07:44 PM
Daily Bump

07-08-10, 07:45 AM
I agree. When this game was in its infancy, they would respond to threads in this forum all the time. I haven't seen a mod/developer comment in quite some time. It's like they asked for suggestions/opinions, got a bunch to get the game rolling, and then don't care anymore.

We need to be able to delete neighbors!!!

07-08-10, 08:33 AM
Go to Storm8's forums. Find the "Community Forum" icon and post in their "OFF-TOPIC" forum. That seems to be the least intrusive place to ask for help. Please remember that since we'll be using our Storm8 ID's to remain courteous.

Storm8 needs to be aware of the mess that's taking place with TeamLava. They helped push FarmStory and if I were in management there, I would want to know about these issues. It will make Storm8 look less credible, and trust me, after the whole stealing our real phone numbers thing a year ago.... they don't need any more issues to mess up their revenue streams.

GO POST PEOPLE!! Be courteous :)