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View Full Version : What players really want from TL

03-22-13, 09:25 PM
There has been numerous request from players but one seems to stand out and that is the need for a CONFIRM BUTTON. I myself have fallen prey to these unintentional gem purchases and I feel like I am being robbed by TL for have worked so hard and long months to build up my gems only to have them "stolen" in a second. I say stolen because TL says they will not refund those gems.

03-22-13, 11:10 PM
I get that TL needs to turn a profit in order to keep running and providing games for us all. However, when I unintentionally lose gems, it annoys me to the point that I refuse to buy more. If I felt that the gem process was more fair, I would definitely spend more real money on the games. Based on what other players have said in the past, I don't think I'm alone in this. By adding a confirm button, I think TL would actually see an increase in profits.

03-22-13, 11:27 PM
I totally agree, wonderful idea! I accidently bought a box two nights ago while I was flipping my phone upside down. I was sooo upset and to make matters worse I already had the item I won!!

03-24-13, 02:25 PM
Good luck.... People have been requesting this for years. Kicking, screaming, yelling, nothing has helped. Everyone who plays the games get caught by a gem trap, some are just worse than others. Wait till you click on cook 50 plates for 50 gems for whatever it is, you will be real hot. The funny thing is if it werent for the gem traps, I would spend money with TL. But because of the risk of getting trapped after I spent money and just the principle of the tactic, no money.... I know there are others who feel the same as I so the question is, is TL making for losing money by the gem trap game.

03-24-13, 03:24 PM
If I was TL I be doing what their doing which is not putting in a confirm button because I love making money and I have to give that to TL. But I also get that its not fair for us and we should at least get refunded. That's why my vote says Yes, WE NEED A CONFIRMATION BUTTON.

03-24-13, 03:34 PM
Well I'm sure nothing's happened because their probably sticking to the whole thing of "be more careful"... But still, geez.

03-24-13, 03:42 PM
Everyone wants a confirm button who doesn't buy gems on accident use gems on accident well everything happens

kooky panda
03-24-13, 05:18 PM
There is already a current thread/poll on this.
Please continue your discussion/feedback here. (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?38283-Who-wants-a-CONFIRM-button&highlight=confirmation)