View Full Version : The "You're under attack" music in CS

03-19-13, 08:25 PM

I'm sorry but the "You're under attack" music in Castle Story is SO irritating to the ears :eek:.
Because I like the Regular and the "In Castle" Music, I have the tendency to leave the music ON & normally loud but ICHHHHh.... When this other one starts :mad:

Could u plz change or remove it ?
Or, if u can't go that far, could u plz remove it to the neighbors that visits ur Realm ? Doing the "Neighbors Run" is really painfull for that.

Thanks to concider this complaint
S8 🆔 MissChaLk

03-29-13, 09:34 AM
It is annoying I agree with you there! But I guess it's more incentive to get rid of the beastie creatures as soon as they appear and use up our energy...things we complain about don't usually change but it's good to vent and get your opinion out there because you just never know.

03-29-13, 09:43 AM
Lol yeaH !! For sure I do ****s my Beasts... It's more when I do my neighor "round" that I can't control this music :<

07-05-13, 03:40 AM
There's music? Oh yeah, the sounds are the first setting I turn off.

07-05-13, 03:48 AM
OK, I turned on the sounds to see what I was missing. I like the Under Attack music better! They can swap the two as far as I'm concerned. Back to sound off!