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View Full Version : Too much dragons...

03-19-13, 12:52 AM
Well, I guess that many of you will tell me that it?s great to have so much updates and cool dragons, and I totally agree but...
Why so many at once ? I didnt even enjoyed the first black dragons, because there were others after them. Lightning dragon, shamrock dragon ? Oh yes, I almost forgot they exist.
I have all the first black dragons to evolve, then the illusion, then the moon and the dark angel to breed. I have the shamrock and the lightning too. And the topaz dragon to finish already.
Too much things at once spoil the game, and my interest. As for those players who complained because they had any updates, I think that we can actually complain that there is too much updates... The opposite can spoil the game too.
I hope that TL will calm down, because it became out of control.

03-19-13, 01:11 AM
Yes, I think two weeks for an update is enough for me

03-19-13, 01:31 AM
Agree... At least for a while, for everyone to not get lost.
We already have to get ready for the amethyst dragon (see the new thread)... It?s insane...

03-19-13, 01:48 AM
Totally agree. The only reason I can think of is because TL currently harvesting a lot amount of profits by selling stuffs in DS like hot cakes. While I do enjoyed most of the updates, that indicates that this game is alive, I started thinking to myself that usually this kind of thing would just lead into declining popularity of the game itself. And then, we only have one hybrid per color for Pink, while now we already had the Black one. It has started losing its essence when there were still two or three hybrids for a particular two colors. Weekly update like it used to be would have been nicer, at least for me, if not any.

While I'm at it, since I'm using Android, it would have been really really nice for you guys to catch us up with most of the features that we haven't gotten yet, starting from the Album, TL. I guess saying this will also be pointless, though, considering no response even from the parity discussion thread, lol.

03-19-13, 02:02 AM
You re right. TL should give at least everything that the android/ kindle users still dont have instead of us to be overwhelmed by so many new stuff. I mean, I do love those new black dragons, I even suggested them in the suggestion thread, as for many people, but they come so quickly that we feel that they are not as enjoyable or "precious" as the diamond dragon could have been in the past. I am sorry for losing my words, my english is quite approximative lol...
And I do realize that I have been the cause of this problem, as other gold buyers. I did bought a few gold to speed the breedings of my first black dragons... So TL, as you noticed it, is looking for more and more profits, by releasing more and more dragons. But now I give up. It gets impossible... I miss the time when we had one dragon per week.

03-19-13, 02:07 AM
Personally I don't mind. Up until the Valentine edition was released I was constantly attempting for Elf, still haven't got it. Now we have pink and black dragons it feels like I have a lot left to do, rather than only needing about 5 dragons (plus all the diamonds).

03-19-13, 02:49 AM
The dragons arent limited. Whats hard for some is easy for others. Play monster for six months and then tell me if you still wished they slowed down. There is no rush for getting every single dragon. Take your time and do it at YOUR own pace. Have a contest or structure that works for you.

I personally like the challenge and thrill of new additions. They keep me coming back, instead of growing bored. Most of my gold buying neighbors feel the same way too.

Give us more diamond hybrids! Now THAT would be fun.

03-19-13, 02:57 AM
The dragons arent limited. Whats hard for some is easy for others. Play monster for six months and then tell me if you still wished they slowed down. There is no rush for getting every single dragon. Take your time and do it at YOUR own pace. Have a contest or structure that works for you.

I personally like the challenge and thrill of new additions. They keep me coming back, instead of growing bored. Most of my gold buying neighbors feel the same way too.

Give us more diamond hybrids! Now THAT would be fun.

They arent limited, but will be a part of a very long list of missing ones if they are keeping THAT pace.
Do you know the myth of the bottomless pit of the Dana?ds ?
Even if they arent limited, even if we could have some of them one day, there will be others, and others, and others to get.
I call this frustration.

03-19-13, 02:58 AM
They arent limited, but will be a part of a very long list of missing ones if they are keeping THAT pace.
Do you know the myth of the bottomless pit of the Dana?ds ?
Even if they arent limited, even if we could have some of them one day, there will be others, and others, and others to get.
I call this frustration.

I meant Danaides, sorry

03-19-13, 02:59 AM
The dragons arent limited. Whats hard for some is easy for others. Play monster for six months and then tell me if you still wished they slowed down. There is no rush for getting every single dragon. Take your time and do it at YOUR own pace. Have a contest or structure that works for you.

I personally like the challenge and thrill of new additions. They keep me coming back, instead of growing bored. Most of my gold buying neighbors feel the same way too.

Give us more diamond hybrids! Now THAT would be fun.

And I DO play Monsters, and I like the pace it takes.

03-19-13, 03:21 AM
You have to understand, too many dragons for one person, may not be enough for another. There are players out there who have all the original dragons and a lot of the update dragons. Not introducing new ones weekly or so, can have them losing interest too. I personally don't like all the dragons coming so fast. One a week is enough for me. But that's me. I just don't try for them. I did get moon but after that I will be back in pursuit of older ones I am still missing. Since they are not LEs, go at your own pace and pick and choose the dragons you want to get.

03-19-13, 04:07 AM
I wanted to post a topic about this

I feel many dragons in a very short times
Makes me not only nervous about the habit limit
But also space left on the islands

A dragon once per week is great
We get to enjoy having it
And we get time to try for other dragons

Dark dragons don't feel so special

Not like diamond hybrids

03-19-13, 04:18 AM
I totally agree that too many dragons are being released at once while Android and especially Kindle users continue to get farther and farther behind iOS. All of these at once is too overwhelming. That's why I made the choice to go back and get the older dragons I am still missing instead of trying to get every little new release that I still can't get. I'm getting back in control of the game instead of letting the game control me and I feel so much better and stress free doing this.

03-19-13, 04:20 AM
I agree as well. I appreciate the fact that they're trying to keep the game interesting, but when they could slow down. At the rate of one dragon per week, I was constantly short 22 dragons. Now ever week, one or two gets added to that number, especially the way the new elements are constantly splitting.

I, for one, though playing on ios, wish they would concentrate more effort on bringing Androis up to par with us on back logged features. This would be a more prudent use of their time.

03-19-13, 04:21 AM
Oops, Android

03-19-13, 04:32 AM
Those who speed breed a lot, they will be bored if TL updates too slowly. TL probably figured out the more/sooner they release new dragons, the more money they can get from this bunch of ppl.

The number of dragons I am missing seems to be increasing every week. 2 new dragons per week, and yet pinks/blacks split so often that I need more than a week to get them, there'll always be a backlog.

03-19-13, 04:32 AM
I am totally overwhelmed, lol ! We get several dragons a week now, and they are hard to breed (at least for me). But I guess that as long as they are not LE's, that's ok. I feel like I have been jumping from one dragon to breed to another. I am going to pick one dragon I want to breed and stick to it til I get it. Otherwise, I feel like I am not really accomplishing anything.
And I agree that they do not feel special when they are thrown at us like that. I bred Four Leaf and forgot about it. I see it in the habitat, and it's like, oh yeah, the Four Leaf dragon !
Others like it though, high level players that have all of the dragons. They gotta have something to do.
I actually like the pace of Monster Story. I have so many to feed and evolve, I can take my time...

03-19-13, 04:35 AM
I'm kind of annoyed because i haven't bred ANYTHING new in ages, -.-

03-19-13, 10:21 AM
And I DO play Monsters, and I like the pace it takes.

Wha....NOOO?! Seriously? It drives me nuts how slow it is there. So i guess we all have different levels of likes/dislikes. Id love for monster to grow, get rapid releases and numerous features. Frustration at dragons not yet on our islands is singular.

I jad nary a clue about this game in six months of playing. I didnt get any LE halloween dragons, but kept it moving. I soon figured out a nice pattern and eventually got the ones who meant a lot to me first and then worried about the rest later.

There are enough habitats for all of the dragons, so I dont get why I see folks still wary of the number. Just play and be merry!

03-20-13, 11:58 PM
And here comes the ugliest dragon ever... The easter dragon. Thanks TL, we really needed this one.

03-21-13, 12:21 AM
.... Lightning dragon, shamrock dragon ? Oh yes, I almost forgot they exist.
I have all the first black dragons to evolve, then the illusion, then the moon and the dark angel to breed. I have the shamrock.....

Shamrock? I have seen other posts where this dragon was mentioned, but haven't been able to find it. Was it limited release? I use iOS

03-21-13, 12:34 AM
Shamrock? I have seen other posts where this dragon was mentioned, but haven't been able to find it. Was it limited release? I use iOS
It was released with the album. Check yours eventually :)

03-21-13, 01:20 AM
I didn't get the shamrock either, and I have like 75 dragons and I play on iOS... Weird!

But anyway, I agree! I'm so overwhelmed by all the new dragons, and I cannot keep up at all...

Also, I do play Monster Story and I do agree that it's boring because there are so little updates (I have all the monsters), but that's also because the monsters are so easy to get. Some really rare ones take only 3 tries. Now as for Dragon Story, this is a whole different story... I try for a dragon for weeks and then eventually give up because there is another new dragon I would like to have. And then I end up with nothing new at all. It drives me crazy!

03-21-13, 01:25 AM
It was released with the album. Check yours eventually :)

Eh?? I thought shamrock was four leaf. Lol. Pics?

03-21-13, 01:27 AM
Can anyone post a picture a shamrock
I don't think I have it
Level 94
With 20 dragons left

kooky panda
03-21-13, 05:18 AM
I have the shamrock and the lightning too.

Shamrock? I have seen other posts where this dragon was mentioned, but haven't been able to find it. Was it limited release? I use iOS

It was released with the album. Check yours eventually :)

Can anyone post a picture a shamrock
I don't think I have it
Level 94
With 20 dragons left
I checked and there is not a Shamrock Dragon in the album.
I have flagged this over to a community manager to get confirmation .

03-21-13, 05:50 AM
Im pretty sure that by Shamrock they meant Four Leaf

03-21-13, 09:06 AM
Oh I am really confused. I meant the four leaf dragon sorry ^_^"

03-21-13, 10:06 AM
To clarify some confusion, there is no Shamrock Dragon. There's just a Four-Leaf Dragon. :)