View Full Version : Accidentally stored an oven and lost what it was baking

03-14-13, 06:54 PM
I accidentally stored an oven that was almost finished baking something (when you are in the design menu, it doesn't show you if items are currently being used). When I went to retrieve it, the item was gone. Is there any way to get it back? I don't want to wait around for another 16 hrs for banana bread.

03-14-13, 07:09 PM
Nope, sorry :( That's why you have to be really careful with your tapping. Sometimes if you force-close the app right after you make your mistake, the progress won't save on TL servers and you get a chance for a "re-do." Other than that...

03-14-13, 07:17 PM
Nooooooooo!!! Thank you for the answer.