View Full Version : android system cant buy pink diamonds?

03-09-13, 11:11 AM
android system cant buy pink diamonds?

so, can I buy that in another way?

03-09-13, 11:45 AM
You can use a credit card-debit card. You might need to set an account up with goggle play. If your new to making purchases of this sort. Or new to Android it'll prompt you first to set a gmail (email account)

03-10-13, 04:06 AM
:pU should be able to buy cards from gaming shops tp be able tp use to buy gems on game lava games

03-10-13, 06:48 AM
Depending on your carrier, you may also be able to charge the gems to your phone bill. I know with Sprint I was able to do that through the Google Play store.

03-10-13, 01:07 PM
Depending on your carrier, you may also be able to charge the gems to your phone bill. I know with Sprint I was able to do that through the Google Play store.
That's how mine works with T-mobile. Only problem..lol..some months is that that the google play/google wallet only gives or allows up to $85.00 per month. Sometimes I want to spend more.. I know crazy..lol. I even called T-mobile to see if it can be increased but no. It's the relationship between T-mobile & Google that has something to do with.

03-11-13, 04:04 PM
Mines just set up with my gmail and goes thru Google wallet. It used to have you type a 4 digit code in but (gladly) it's now pw protected. I've never had the kind jojopeanut has, I'm sure I'd be calling them up too trying to get the charge limit raised haha. I'm thru Verizon though :-/

03-12-13, 08:55 AM
I'm with Virgin Mobile, and you just buy the gems through the Google Play store. You can do it with a credit card or with a Google Play card, which can be found at all sorts of places. I see them at Best Buy and my HEB grocery store, but I bet you can also get them at a Radio Shack or Sprint store...or pretty much anywhere they sell Android phones.

07-06-13, 02:01 AM
Don't need diamonds. Just want to play slots