View Full Version : Why 2 different Shamrocks?

03-06-13, 04:50 AM
Having two different shamrocks is a recipe for disaster! People will be easily confused, especially newbies. Please do something to differentiate them.

03-06-13, 03:51 PM
We now have 2 shamrocks in the gifts tabs for bakery story.... Some people have sent me the old useless one instead of the current one. Why can't the latest items be placed at the front of the list not at the end.

03-06-13, 06:43 PM
Thanks for mentioning this! The new part for the Lucky Oven has been renamed Lucky Clover. :)

03-06-13, 06:45 PM
We now have 2 shamrocks in the gifts tabs for bakery story.... Some people have sent me the old useless one instead of the current one. Why can't the latest items be placed at the front of the list not at the end.

Just checking my game and the new shamrock has been moved to the front and the old shamrock is now down with the new items... This has made it even more confusing or players... It would be good to have all new items at the front of the cue

03-06-13, 07:49 PM
This us confusing. There was the original shamrock and then they added the new shamrock. Now my lucky oven is asking for a lucky clover instead if the shamrock that was originally asked for. Unfortunately, in the gifts, the new style shamrock which is called lucky clover is now first where the original shamrock was and the original shamrock is now at the end beside the coin. This will confuse people more than ever. Why did they not just use the original shamrock?

03-06-13, 08:13 PM
I have a few left from last year. I wish I could use all the old gifts I have for something.

03-07-13, 02:51 AM
Just checking my game and the new shamrock has been moved to the front and the old shamrock is now down with the new items... This has made it even more confusing or players... It would be good to have all new items at the front of the cue

Since they listened and corrected the first issue of this post, TeamLava will probably correct this one as well...in due time. Hopefully, it will be to list the gift items from newest items to oldest...plz (with praying hands):cool:

03-07-13, 03:02 AM
seems like it's fixed.. so it seems like yesterday i've sent 50 of the old one lol)) my nbrs must be mad at me xDD

03-07-13, 04:08 AM
seems like it's fixed.. so it seems like yesterday i've sent 50 of the old one lol)) my nbrs must be mad at me xDD

Clarification - what IS fixed is the renaming of the new shamrock to Lucky Clover. What is still NOT fixed is that the new Lucky Clover for the Lucky Oven is at the very front of the list while the other item needed to build the Lucky Oven (Coin) is in the very back of the list.

To assist my neighbors until TL can get it corrected, I have posted a TIP on my wall telling them to be careful when gifting the shamrock. It has worked so far...I say with fingers crossed...:)

03-07-13, 04:39 AM
Yesterday I was careful to send the new 4 leaf clover :) today they moved it! but I didn't realise until to late! And I sent everyone the old 4 leaf clover :( please just remove the old one much easier and put the new items required to the front please :)x

03-07-13, 04:46 AM
no it's already on the back!! the list starts with dragon parts. at least for android?

03-07-13, 04:50 AM
no it's already on the back!! the list starts with dragon parts. at least for android?

For iOS today they moved the OLD four leaf clover to the back with the gold coin and put the NEW four leaf clover at the front with the dragon parts! Very confusing :(

03-07-13, 04:52 AM
While they are fixing why not bring back the shamrock stove!!!!! So we can have both ovens to cook

03-07-13, 05:07 AM
no it's already on the back!! the list starts with dragon parts. at least for android?

I'm on Android and the original Shamrock is at the end. It used to be first. I didn't download the St Patrick's version yet so I can't see where the new lucky clover and coins are, and I can't see that I received them as gifts, but they always put the new parts at the end. I can see I received the original Shamrock from a couple of neighbors and I'm sure they intended to send the Lucky Clover.

This really needs to be fixed. The Lucky Clover and Coin should be together.

03-07-13, 05:16 AM
Just checking my game and the new shamrock has been moved to the front and the old shamrock is now down with the new items... This has made it even more confusing or players... It would be good to have all new items at the front of the cue

C'mon guys... You gotta get this sorted out PLEASE!

03-07-13, 06:16 AM
I sent about 3 of the old shamrock from the back of the list before realizing it was a different color green and looking through the gift list to see what happened. I really don't understand why we need 2 nearly identical parts - can they be merged into just one shamrock for both ovens? Kind of ridiculous to add a new one when we already had one, especially since the old st paddy oven got removed.

03-07-13, 08:44 AM
I have now recieved more than a dozen of the WRONG SHAMROCKS! Team Lava, would you please fix this?

03-07-13, 08:53 AM
I opened my Kindle Bakery to mass confusion! My nbrs sent me the old one. This is no ones fault but maybe TL could you please just pull the old one for a month at least so we can get the new ones. Something has to be done

03-07-13, 09:15 AM
Yep got a bunch of WRONG SHAMROCKS sent to me this morning! Not COOL and not FAIR

03-07-13, 01:20 PM
I'm on Android and the original Shamrock is at the end.

OMG. so i've sent 50 ofthe wrong one again. gosh these kids have totally lost it. altho evrybody would probably lose it having to eat and party for a megabuck per month xDDD

03-07-13, 01:48 PM
Neighbors keep sending me the wrong shamrock!! Beware of accepting the wrong one :(

03-07-13, 02:15 PM
My question is, why is the the shamrock still available to gift? The oven has been taken out of the market.

03-07-13, 02:45 PM
My question is, why is the the shamrock still available to gift? The oven has been taken out of the market.

Exactly. There are so many worthless gifts in there. The gift section gets more unorganized with every new oven release.

03-07-13, 02:45 PM
I keep receiving the wrong one too!!

03-07-13, 08:39 PM
My question is, why is the the shamrock still available to gift? The oven has been taken out of the market.

Yes, that's what I was saying.

But I just checked my game (I'm using iOS) & the new 'Lucky Clover' and Gold coin is at the beginning. Although the shamrock is at the end (as well as still exists), at least the lucky clover and coin is at the beginning... I guess :P

03-08-13, 03:56 AM
Exactly. There are so many worthless gifts in there. The gift section gets more unorganized with every new oven release.

Hey guys/gals, have you thought about sending TL an email and offering the suggestion of removing the gifts that are no longer valid. I've noticed that here lately they have listened to our requests, cries for help, etc. You never know, they could take your suggestion and make it happen. I just send them one asking about organizing the non-food gift items in order from newest to oldest. That would definitely help in gifting everyone correctly.:cool:

03-08-13, 04:29 PM
We now have 2 shamrocks in the gifts tabs for bakery story.... Some people have sent me the old useless one instead of the current one. Why can't the latest items be placed at the front of the list not at the end.
As you can see when I first raised this, I suggested new items be paced at the front.... But all they did was move some of them and place the old USELESS shamrock amongst the new ones... I'm tired of Team Lava and their games I think I'll look for something new to play that IS NOT a Team lava game!

03-08-13, 04:59 PM
We now have 2 shamrocks in the gifts tabs for bakery story.... Some people have sent me the old useless one instead of the current one. Why can't the latest items be placed at the front of the list not at the end.
I'm also browned off.. I started this thread (my time is I hour before KeithRLand) and he has been given credit for starting it!