View Full Version : Inactive Neighbors

02-28-13, 05:17 AM
I spend a lot of time in BS and RS visiting, gifting and tipping all my nbrs daily, so I try to stay around 40 nbrs in each game to keep it manageable. I am finding that I have to weed out inactive nbrs more often in bakery than in restaurant. I wait til almost half my nbrs are inactive before I do anything because I don't like this part of the game, but it's like every 2 months I'm deleting 10-15 nbrs. That seems like a huge amount. I was wondering what other ppl do to manage the nbr thing. Am I just unlucky or are other ppl seeing tons of their nbrs quitting? In restaurant, my nbrs are pretty stable - ppl take vacations or breaks, but nothing like I see in bakery. Last time I just added ppl from the add me thread, but that hasn't been better than just pulling IDs from walls. Any suggestions?

02-28-13, 05:45 AM
I think u should add the 60,70 lvl neighbours rather than 99 lvl neighbours as they may quit....but still I have a huge bunch of 99 level players who have not quit....even I have to delete sometimes but just 1 or 2

02-28-13, 05:53 AM
I'm only in levels 30's on both & have close to 200 nbrs on each and am also having this problem. However, I'm unsure who is really inactive or just taking a break. Wish TL would find a way to show how long since they last played. Would help a lot when choosing who to keep & who to delete.

02-28-13, 06:10 AM
I look at the wall if the last record is a month old they've probably quit.

02-28-13, 07:01 AM
I look at the wall if the last record is a month old they've probably quit.
Well since I delete my wall daily then that would mean I quit awhile ago yet am a daily player so I have to consider that others may delete theirs also and if not then possibly they only have a few nbrs & those nbrs May be like me & not post on others walls, you do have a good idea tho

02-28-13, 08:13 AM
I have nbrs all levels, doesn't seem to matter, ppl quit at all levels. No way to search for a certain level, but just to keep checking community though - is that how you search for specific level players then you read walls for IDs? I guess you could ask in add me thread for specific level nbrs. Seems like a lot of work though and I'm already picky cuz I only keep nbrs who gift and want parts.

02-28-13, 08:22 AM
I delete my wall every few days the recent notes but I have older notes on my wall that I keep. If someone has tips on all the tables and all the notes for the last two weeks talk about their tips being full, they're probably inactive. Since I'm in their places daily, it's easy to tell about some.

I was more curious how ppl manage nbrs - if other ppl wait til pretty much you have to or if ppl have a way of keeping up to date more often.

One of my nbrs put a note on everyone's wall that she was going to weed out nbrs and pls let her know if you were playing. She skipped players she knew were active that she got gifts from, posted on all the ones she was unsure of and that worked for her, she got rid of a lot. But I have a lot fewer and I find most ppl don't write back even if they are playing, so I didn't want to end up deleting ppl who do play.

02-28-13, 08:26 AM
I know I take a break from playing now and then and when I come back I am relieved no one has deleted me. Though, what I do with inactives before I delete them is I try to remember back when they were active, and ask myself. Did they gift/tip alot? Were they receptive to item requests? If the answer is yes then I don't delete them, because they always come back, especially if a big holiday update is coming, i.e. Christmas, Valentines, Easter etc. IF I noticed they never (or hardly ever) tipped, gifted, answer requests then I delete them.

02-28-13, 11:48 AM
How I manage my neighbor list. Every once a month or once in every 2 months. I'll visit all my neighbors to check whether if they are still playing or not. If they are still actively cooking or have the most recently updates item or appliance, then they are safe on my neighbor list. I only remove a neighbor when there's rotten food on their appliance or when their bakery looks like a dead zone. The obvious dead zone = rotten food on appliance for days or weeks/ not cooking anything on appliances for days or even weeks without any reason on their wall/ no food on counters. These are some which I'll remove straightaway. So you just have to monitor them slowly if you're unsure whether are they still active or not. In case, you accidentally remove a active neighbor. Though I've to applause you for tipping every neighbors daily. I just find it too tedious and time consuming, so I stopped tipping.

A small advise would be try not to add/accept player below level 20. As based from what I noticed, they won't play actively for long. =x Although the choice is up to you.

02-28-13, 05:25 PM
A lot of my neighbors seem to either not post when they tip or only tip after I do. I still have to weed them out every few weeks but I only keep about 50 at a time so it's kinda easy to remember who I have seen tipping/posting in a while. I wish we had a list here of daily players!

02-28-13, 06:11 PM
I manage my neighbor list regularly. I keep between 50-60 neighbors at a time; that's about all I can comfortably handle and gift/tip daily.

When I first began, I added anyone and everyone and over time built up very active and loyal neighbors. But people come and go in the game and while I keep long-time neighbors for months after they've gone AWOL out of loyalty and hope that they'll return, I prune my list of inactives judiciously and replace them with new neighbors that play like I do. The end result is more compatible neighbors over time.

When I need neighbors, I visit my neighbors' neighbors. They are the ones I know are quite active because I'm the one posting after them on my neighbors' walls on a daily basis, lol. I have tried the Add Me forum here and did not get the results I was hoping for. I didn't just leave my I.D., I explained what my playstyle was, what kind of neighbor I was and what I was looking for in a neighbor. Unfortunately, all I got was a massive spam from 0-1 star low-level probably kids players so I had a mod delete my post. I too don't add players below 20 because there's a very high chance of them disappearing.

02-28-13, 08:55 PM
I clean out my neighbors weekly. If anyone falls below 3 stars, never tips/gifts/sends items back, tables are full constantly, etc., they get removed.

It seems harsh, but I am a great neighbor and I expect the same from my own neighbors. Quality over quantity, in my opinion!

02-28-13, 11:05 PM
I delete neighbours frequently. Sometimes not becoz of their being inactive but just different play times (time zone difference comes into action here) and different gameplay. I used to have almost 200 neighbours but I managed to cut that to 100 now. I want to cut some more but I will feel bad becoz many of my current neighbours tip me occasionally and gift or respond to material requests. It is just me trying to make the game easier for my time. Not my neighbours' fault. I expect there's no hard feelings.

02-28-13, 11:25 PM
The biggest mistake I made was accepting any/all add requests when I started playing. Now I have to decide who is legitimate active player still. I'm tired of having to tip almost 400 nbrs between RS & BS, it takes FOREVER. So for now I'm going to just tip 3 & 4 star nbrs & gradually weed out some as I find them not playing. Star status isn't important to me as long as they are active & gift/respond to material requests. Although it's hard to tell if I'm just maxing before their gift gets to me.

03-01-13, 11:15 PM
Like most people, when I first started, I added lots of people, and got to over 200 neighbours! That became really tedious to visit all of them daily, so I cut down on the ones that I thought weren't playing, ie. rotten food on appliances or no food on appliances/counters, blocked doors for days/weeks, no gifts/tips or messages from them for days/weeks etc. etc. I managed to cut the list down to 100, then again down to about 90. I need to cut down further and just want to keep 3&4 star neighbours and those who tip/gift daily, but aren't 3 or 4 stars. Mind you, some 3 or 4 star neighbours don't seem to tip/gift me back, so I do wonder how they manage to keep their rating.

I do find that I have to weed out neighbours more in BS than in RS. I don't think as many people play RS as BS possibly. Maybe people are quitting BS because of various things, like too high prices, too much stockpiled food etc. etc.

03-02-13, 09:57 AM
I only add people who I've found in community who have 4SR and who are active in using their walls to explain their gameplay and preferences. I've kept people who have gotten down to 1-0 SR before just because they do gift and help even though they won't jump on the tipping bandwagon but most of the time they mass gift and sent old parts, at that point I delete. My neighbor list used to be extensive but now it's down to 60 and its manageable. Also, I don't feel I'm being used for my generous tipping and thoughtful gifts lol. Writing on walls also helps because news feed just doesn't cut it for the figuring out the who has tipped you part.

03-02-13, 01:02 PM
One thing I use to figure out if people are inactive or not is to send out parts requests to just the people I'm unsure about. If I still can't build my appliance after a couple days, well...
I also look for rotten food left out for days, and full tip tables.
I delete people who never tip or gift, but personally I never have four stars and never will. Honestly, I have way better things to do with my life then click on tables for an hour or two each day.

03-12-13, 08:32 AM
How do I delete neighbours?

03-12-13, 09:36 AM
Since the star rating only updates when a player visits the game, it's not very reliable for clearing out neighbors. I was gone from one of my accounts for three months, and my star rating stayed at 3 the whole time because I had not opened the game.

I usually go by spoiled food (which does update even if the player doesn't get on) and if they have full messages on their wall for the past few weeks. The other thing is, if you don't get on for two weeks your tips disappear, so you may think they've cleared their tables when they haven't.

When I delete people, I usually leave a message on their wall with my ID saying that I'm deleting my 0 star neighbors, and if they come back/start tipping again, they can add me back. Only once in my entire history of playing has anyone ever come back and re-added me, and I had to delete them again because they dropped back down to one star.

So, yep. I have a very detailed policy for weeding out my neighbors. But hey, it works!:)

03-12-13, 09:41 AM
Two things I forgot to add:
1) I also delete neighbors who still have their Christmas/Halloween decor out
2) I mostly add mid-level players because most low level people quit because they don't like the game, and most high level people quit because they're bored.

03-12-13, 10:48 AM
Two things I forgot to add:
1) I also delete neighbors who still have their Christmas/Halloween decor out
2) I mostly add mid-level players because most low level people quit because they don't like the game, and most high level people quit because they're bored.

I think number one is a bit excessive if they are still playing (though mine are all in storage now. But i have some nbrs playing who still have theirs out). People should be able to decorate how they want to. Not how others want them to. Number two is fair enough. I'm a high level player and I have yet to get bored though I do have the odd day here or there when I don't feel like playing but I still think number 2 is fair enough. I have low to high level nbrs. Some tip and gift. Some just gift/accept requests. I don't really care. I visit those that post on my wall and normally then tip all my 3-4 star nbrs. If I'm too tired I sometimes just visit from wall posts and newsfeed. I play to relax and can't be bothered keeping track of who visits and who doesn't etc. I do delete nbrs though that have had the same spoiled food for weeks on end and have not told me or posted on their wall that they r away or busy. Other than that as long as they are playing I don't care how they play, whether they tip or just gift and accept requests that's fine with me.

03-12-13, 11:17 AM
How do I delete neighbours?

Pull up you nbr list - there is a small button at the top that says EDIT. Click that and boxes pop up that let you delete nbrs.

03-12-13, 11:18 AM
Wow! I didn't know having a outdated deco placed out in your bakery will get you deleted. This is the first time I have heard of this reason. =/ I've to admit that I still have my Christmas decorations been placed out in my bakery, also some very outdated decorations and my poor frozen penguin out too! Though I'm still playing actively for almost 2 years already and still continuing on. As for number 2, I do have to agreed about that. Most in-active neighbor being deleted away are those low level players. To me, I only delete those with spoiled food for days and weeks. Or have gone mia for too long without any reason on their post.

I have been monitoring my bakery and this is what I've noticed even if I play daily but not collecting my tips. The server will clear up the tips every 10 days(estimated). Same goes for rs, though maybe it take roughly 11 or 12 days for the server to clear up my tips in rs. LOL!

03-12-13, 11:19 AM
*On their wall. Sorry about the typo. =p

03-12-13, 12:28 PM
I think number one is a bit excessive if they are still playing (though mine are all in storage now. But i have some nbrs playing who still have theirs out). People should be able to decorate how they want to. Not how others want them to.

Wow! I didn't know having a outdated deco placed out in your bakery will get you deleted. This is the first time I have heard of this reason. =/ I've to admit that I still have my Christmas decorations been placed out in my bakery, also some very outdated decorations and my poor frozen penguin out too! Though I'm still playing actively for almost 2 years already and still continuing on. As for number 2, I do have to agreed about that. Most in-active neighbor being deleted away are those low level players.

I guess I should have been clearer with what I said. I don't delete every neighbor that has their old decor out, but I do delete them if their old decor is accompanied with spoiled food/full messages. That's what I meant. It's just another deciding factor. And no, I'm not one of those post-holiday Scrooges that can't stand to see holiday decorations the day after the holiday! :P

03-12-13, 12:32 PM
Because most neighbors who are truly active do not have Halloween decor out in March.

03-12-13, 12:35 PM
The ornament tiles are my fav and will prolly be in my bakery all year, looks great with the pineapple tables. :) I think ppl change decor less in bakery cuz it's so expensive, ppl keep one look a long time. Know what you mean though if the entire place is all one holiday that is 2 months old. That combined with other things like spoiled food usually is someone not playing.

03-12-13, 04:32 PM
I guess I should have been clearer with what I said. I don't delete every neighbor that has their old decor out, but I do delete them if their old decor is accompanied with spoiled food/full messages. That's what I meant. It's just another deciding factor. And no, I'm not one of those post-holiday Scrooges that can't stand to see holiday decorations the day after the holiday! :P

Ah ok lol. Now I agree with number 1 ;-)

03-13-13, 02:40 AM
I guess I should have been clearer with what I said. I don't delete every neighbor that has their old decor out, but I do delete them if their old decor is accompanied with spoiled food/full messages. That's what I meant. It's just another deciding factor. And no, I'm not one of those post-holiday Scrooges that can't stand to see holiday decorations the day after the holiday! :P

Alright. Agreed with that point. As for the Halloween decor they are in the storage once there's another better deco been released out. =x This make me realized I shouldn't splurge so much gems on a Halloween deco. =.="

03-13-13, 08:44 AM
I just deleted 31 neighbors yesterday. I went from 146 to 115. I still have some more weeding out to do because there were some I just wasn't sure about enough to delete yet. I'm at level 99 and I'm an active player, but not an active visitor of neighbors. I visit all my neighbors once a month. I don't expect daily visits and even my daily tippers don't seem to mind that. I gift cappuccino daily and respond to material requests, but my star level is often 0 or 1. That is why I don't automatically delete 1 or 0 star neighbors. The first thing I look for is spoiled food or no food cooking at all. Then I consider their decor. Spoiled or no food cooking accompanied by Halloween or Christmas only decor is a good sign that player has quit. Then I check their wall. Lots of "full" posts or no posts at all is also a good sign they've quit. The star rating or player's level is the last thing I consider. You don't have to visit daily to be active and people can quit at any level.

03-13-13, 01:14 PM
This is why I make an effort to tip even though it can be a pain. Unfortunately star level is the best way to tell if a person is still active or not. Even if your star level is just a 2 people will know you still play. I may not get to tip all my neighbors every day but I make enough of an effort every few days to keep a 2 or 3 (a lot of times even 4) star rating so that everyone knows I'm still active. I gift everyday and I log in to all my stories (bakery restaurant and fashion) an indecent amount of times a day to answer materials requests. It's kind of sad how often I play really lol. But that's what aggravates me a little bit about the neighbors that refuse to ever tip because the reward isn't great enough for the time it takes. It's not that I necessarily need the money, but it makes it easier to know you are still playing.

03-13-13, 04:39 PM
This is why I make an effort to tip even though it can be a pain. Unfortunately star level is the best way to tell if a person is still active or not. Even if your star level is just a 2 people will know you still play. I may not get to tip all my neighbors every day but I make enough of an effort every few days to keep a 2 or 3 (a lot of times even 4) star rating so that everyone knows I'm still active. I gift everyday and I log in to all my stories (bakery restaurant and fashion) an indecent amount of times a day to answer materials requests. It's kind of sad how often I play really lol. But that's what aggravates me a little bit about the neighbors that refuse to ever tip because the reward isn't great enough for the time it takes. It's not that I necessarily need the money, but it makes it easier to know you are still playing.

I do tip daily though not all nbrs but if I get deleted by a nbr then I get deleted. I'm not going to worry over it. Besides all my favourite nbrs wouldn't delete me as they play the same and know I wouldn't quit without telling them. Besides its easy enough to find new nbrs if you need to.

03-14-13, 07:47 AM
me and most of my Neighbors do not tip. At level 99 and making 1 million coins a day it is not worth the time
for so little return. That being said, tipping is good early on in the game.

IMHO best way to know a nbr is inactive is to see if they are baking and to read their wall.

03-14-13, 12:54 PM
A lot of my neighbors seem to either not post when they tip or only tip after I do. I still have to weed them out every few weeks but I only keep about 50 at a time so it's kinda easy to remember who I have seen tipping/posting in a while. I wish we had a list here of daily players!

I rarely post when I tip or gift except for the off chance when I read my wall and someone asks a question. I have about 100nbrs and having to post is a pain. If a person deletes me bcos they think I have not t/g, oh well. I don't really care about tips as long as the nbr is kind enough to fill a request when I ask or gift something relevant, not brownies.

For newbies, I generally gift food so they can build up their cash. If someone has a parts box, I send them a part that belongs to the appliance - of course, I can't tell exactly which one they need.

In a few days, I might delete a few people - specifically the higher levels who like sending brownies or choc cake. I have more than enough food. Sending cheap food items is just silly.

03-14-13, 12:56 PM
me and most of my Neighbors do not tip. At level 99 and making 1 million coins a day it is not worth the time
for so little return. That being said, tipping is good early on in the game.

IMHO best way to know a nbr is inactive is to see if they are baking and to read their wall.

WOW! I'm impressed by your bakery. How do you have 48 appliances on the floor - I thought the max was 18. Also, did you pay for any items?

08-21-13, 02:09 AM
I've cut back to about 30 neighbors at the moment. I'm trying to weed out people who don't gift. I just keep finding the ones that are dead beats. I tip and gift daily and I too check my game way too often for requests! Has anyone else had a neighbor that visited, tipped AND filled a parts request but DID NOT gift anything?? Not a thing, all day!! In the end all I want are neighbors that send me a gift, fill parts requests and maybe tip. Is it too much to ask?

08-21-13, 03:06 AM
Um you can only get 20 gifts in a day (you can decline and hope someone spelse sends you one) so they could be neighbours who couldn't send you one as you were maxed. They might live in a different timezone so they can't gift at day reset.

08-21-13, 06:38 AM
My reset is 2 am. I have a handful of nbrs who are full by the time I get up on most days, but I usually get through on the weekends when we're up late watching movies and stuff. They know that though, and they don't mind, because they get their full 20 of what they want every day anyway, so it doesn't really matter. ^_^

I judge inactivity by watching the buildups of 'full' posts on their wall, unbuilt boxes from 2 or 3 goal sets ago, the same spoiled food for a looong time, tips that auto-clear every two weeks like clockwork, things like that.

08-21-13, 07:33 AM
I recently cleaned up my neighbours list, not only to remove inactive ones but to also keep it at a manageable number to suit my playing style.

08-21-13, 08:14 AM
I recently cleaned up my neighbours list, not only to remove inactive ones but to also keep it at a manageable number to suit my playing style.
Always a good idea. :cool:

08-21-13, 09:32 AM
WOW! I'm impressed by your bakery. How do you have 48 appliances on the floor - I thought the max was 18. Also, did you pay for any items?

You can buy extra appliance slots for 49 gems a pop if you wish.

But, once upon a time in a land very far away it did not cost 49 gems to buy extra appliance slots. Players bought extra appliance slots for 20 something gems (i think...it was so looooong ago and far away that I don't remember if 22 gems is correct?). Groovy is a long time player who lived with some of us in that faraway place. Groovy no doubt bought lots of stoves at that price since Groovy saw all the warning signs of what was to come upon us eventually. But some of us did not heed those warning signs and so used our gems on silly things like flooring and decorations and tables and odds and ends. Ahh....but the wise knew that a recession was about to hit in bakery storyland and knew that prices would soar to ridiculous heights and the means of earning coins would droop to woeful lows. But the wise...yay they had prepared for the famine of coins by having appliances...and not just applicances but EASY appliances too so that they could knock out 1 million coins per day.

The wise also refused to go along with the rest of us and never fell into the updating trap and so the wise, yes the very wise, can still work magic in their bakeries. ;)

08-21-13, 10:02 AM
You can buy extra appliance slots for 49 gems a pop if you wish.

But, once upon a time in a land very far away it did not cost 49 gems to buy extra appliance slots. Players bought extra appliance slots for 20 something gems (i think...it was so looooong ago and far away that I don't remember if 22 gems is correct?). Groovy is a long time player who lived with some of us in that faraway place. Groovy no doubt bought lots of stoves at that price since Groovy saw all the warning signs of what was to come upon us eventually. But some of us did not heed those warning signs and so used our gems on silly things like flooring and decorations and tables and odds and ends. Ahh....but the wise knew that a recession was about to hit in bakery storyland and knew that prices would soar to ridiculous heights and the means of earning coins would droop to woeful lows. But the wise...yay they had prepared for the famine of coins by having appliances...and not just applicances but EASY appliances too so that they could knock out 1 million coins per day.

The wise also refused to go along with the rest of us and never fell into the updating trap and so the wise, yes the very wise, can still work magic in their bakeries. ;)

LOL! I can't stop laughing when I saw your post. Thumbs up! XD

Back in the faraway land, it used to be 24 gems for the extra appliance slot. Everything is so coins reasonable and peaceful back in the oldest days.

08-21-13, 10:46 AM
You can buy extra appliance slots for 49 gems a pop if you wish.

But, once upon a time in a land very far away it did not cost 49 gems to buy extra appliance slots. Players bought extra appliance slots for 20 something gems (i think...it was so looooong ago and far away that I don't remember if 22 gems is correct?). Groovy is a long time player who lived with some of us in that faraway place. Groovy no doubt bought lots of stoves at that price since Groovy saw all the warning signs of what was to come upon us eventually. But some of us did not heed those warning signs and so used our gems on silly things like flooring and decorations and tables and odds and ends. Ahh....but the wise knew that a recession was about to hit in bakery storyland and knew that prices would soar to ridiculous heights and the means of earning coins would droop to woeful lows. But the wise...yay they had prepared for the famine of coins by having appliances...and not just applicances but EASY appliances too so that they could knock out 1 million coins per day.

The wise also refused to go along with the rest of us and never fell into the updating trap and so the wise, yes the very wise, can still work magic in their bakeries. ;)
http://i43.tinypic.com/eu4r42.jpg That. Was. Beautiful! *wipes away single tear*

08-21-13, 10:55 AM
i caught on too late in restaurant story. I have only 22 ovens slots there. The wisdom I had in restaurant story never quite made it over to bakery story. I foolishly spent my gems on pink floor tiles.

Stupid pink floor tiles...cannot even be sold to pay the electricity bill!!

But I digress from the main topic...

*sigh* I miss those faraway days... :(

How on earth do you get those smileys in the posts Tink?

08-21-13, 11:21 AM
i caught on too late in restaurant story. I have only 22 ovens slots there. The wisdom I had in restaurant story never quite made it over to bakery story. I foolishly spent my gems on pink floor tiles.

Stupid pink floor tiles...cannot even be sold to pay the electricity bill!!

But I digress from the main topic...

*sigh* I miss those faraway days... :(

How on earth do you get those smileys in the posts Tink?
I came along in Janury MY aaa JUST POPPED OFF MY LPTOP. asqaaazaaaazaaaaaaaaaaaaqaqaaqaa

LOL you can keep that. >.< I came along in Jan or Feb, so I didn't get to see that faraway land... but I'd be SO much more infuriated now if I'd been there first-hand and had it all, only to have it yanked away. http://i39.tinypic.com/2zzt7a1.jpg

The smileys... ^_^ I copied them from here (http://messenger.yahoo.com/features/emoticons/) and here (http://messenger.yahoo.com/features/hiddenemoticons/), put them all in an album here (http://tinypic.com/), and I just grab the IMG code for whichever one I want. http://i40.tinypic.com/33tkxvc.jpg

08-21-13, 04:06 PM
How do I delete neighbours?

This is why I make an effort to tip even though it can be a pain. Unfortunately star level is the best way to tell if a person is still active or not. Even if your star level is just a 2 people will know you still play. I may not get to tip all my neighbors every day but I make enough of an effort every few days to keep a 2 or 3 (a lot of times even 4) star rating so that everyone knows I'm still active. I gift everyday and I log in to all my stories (bakery restaurant and fashion) an indecent amount of times a day to answer materials requests. It's kind of sad how often I play really lol. But that's what aggravates me a little bit about the neighbors that refuse to ever tip because the reward isn't great enough for the time it takes. It's not that I necessarily need the money, but it makes it easier to know you are still playing.

Star level actually just tells you who is actively tipping. Some of my neighbors with a 0 star level are my best material request responders, which is much more important to me when I'm trying to complete a goal than tips. Of course, I still enjoy tips and do tip, but I only tip those who have 3 or 4 stars because they are the ones who obviously care about tips. If I tipped everyone, I would never sleep!

08-21-13, 04:12 PM
How can u knock 1M per day , it just won't sell. So extra slots are just unnecessary in BS.
Or it's in the first version where the kids run like crazy?

08-22-13, 08:50 AM
If you see Groovy's bakery you would understand how she makes lots and lots of coins per day. There is nothing on the counters usually except Red Velvet cake. And there are many, many, many many counters in there. If you watch Groovy cook you'll understand the system. She puts on RVC on her stoves and then puts them out in the store on all her many many many counters. Because she is just selling red velvet cake and nothing else they do sell off or she cooks somethig else and lumps them all onto one counter then starts the process all over again. Red Velvet is the easiest thing to sell as the quantities produced are not that great. Right now she has 12 frosty oven thingies and is mastering those recipes so those are laid out on all her counters. Her ovens are sitting there not baking anything. When she is done mastering (she only has to cook each recipe about 6 or 7 times) then she will no doubt go back to red velvet until another recipe comes out for her to master.

If you put out your 18 stoves and cook nothing but RVC for a week you would be pleasantly surprised at how much money you could make. But the trick is not to lump it all on one counter. Spread it out a bit over a few counters. They sell really quickly. Same with Black Forest and Sweet potato pie. If you spread them out over several counters they will sell out pretty quickly and will earn you quite a bit of coins.

There is another little magic trick she uses as well...but we can't use it so it's pointless pointing it out here. As I said, Groovy was one of the wise, the very wise.

08-22-13, 09:03 AM
I think it would be nice if TL would put a last visited beside each players name. I also thought it would be a great idea if, instead of having to go in and sift thru yours or their wall for gift requests, just give each bakery a billboard for the bakery owner to use so that they can publicly post a gift request, vacation dates, or even a status. It would fit well right above the bakery walls. Even cooler is, they could make it look like a chalkboard or a neon sign! Or maybe a TV! 📺 Flat screen would be cool! Anyway. Just a thought.

08-22-13, 09:08 AM
That was....beautiful!! A tear flows down my cheek as I envision those days of yester year. ����

08-23-13, 10:49 PM
that is what i do. I had about 56 neibors on RS then i went through deleting the O and in active users, so then i went ack down to 28 but with a bit of work within about 3-4 day i am back up to 80

08-24-13, 09:40 AM
I'm level 99 I have taken breaks for vacations and burn out, I check with their star levels and if their a 0' not on vacation,or posted on my wall then I delete them. I find some time in this game there are some people just don't tip or gift. they add neighbors to complete goals. :-)

10-07-13, 06:51 PM
I just did this in BS I had 465 neighbors now I have 25. It took me 3 days to go through all of them. Thinking about only adding about 25 more, so I can control my Bakery better. Any more ideas.

10-07-13, 07:12 PM
I delete my wall every few days the recent notes but I have older notes on my wall that I keep. If someone has tips on all the tables and all the notes for the last two weeks talk about their tips being full, they're probably inactive. Since I'm in their places daily, it's easy to tell about some.

I was more curious how ppl manage nbrs - if other ppl wait til pretty much you have to or if ppl have a way of keeping up to date more often.

One of my nbrs put a note on everyone's wall that she was going to weed out nbrs and pls let her know if you were playing. She skipped players she knew were active that she got gifts from, posted on all the ones she was unsure of and that worked for her, she got rid of a lot. But I have a lot fewer and I find most ppl don't write back even if they are playing, so I didn't want to end up deleting ppl who do play.

I found that when I found a player who I thought was inactive (let's just say their tables have been full of tips for days and their gifts maxed for days), I would post on their wall "do you still play?" that most active players getting this post from me would react. (forgive the run-on sentence.) They would post back, "yes, I still play!!" or, "I have been busy with school!" What I am saying is, most people do not like to receive such a message. To weed out the inactives, I do the following: first, if I notice that their tables have been full of tips for days and gifts maxed for days, I read their wall to see if they posted that they are on vacation, busy with rl, or whatever. If not, I just keep an eye out. After a few days of posting, "let me know when clear" (and getting no response), I will post "do you still play?" If no response after several days, I will post on their wall "let me know when you start playing again." And then I delete them. But to each his/her own.

10-08-13, 11:41 AM
I have a list for BS, FS and RS (Yes, I know it's sad :P). I keep an updated list of active players: players who tip, gift or ask/answer requests and replace inactive neighbours with new neighbour requests. Although it doesn't help when new neighbours decide to got MIA after I invite them... == I usually wait a month before deleting inactive neighbours.

10-24-13, 03:15 PM
I had a little over 600 neighbors. Then dwindled it down to just over 300 but back up again. I can post all day long "Not adding new neighbors" and they still post "add me". I feel somewhat obligated to the newbies as long as they're making an effort. I wish players would learn to read wall messages.

10-27-13, 04:23 PM
If you see Groovy's bakery you would understand how she makes lots and lots of coins per day. There is nothing on the counters usually except Red Velvet cake. And there are many, many, many many counters in there. If you watch Groovy cook you'll understand the system. She puts on RVC on her stoves and then puts them out in the store on all her many many many counters. Because she is just selling red velvet cake and nothing else they do sell off or she cooks somethig else and lumps them all onto one counter then starts the process all over again. Red Velvet is the easiest thing to sell as the quantities produced are not that great. Right now she has 12 frosty oven thingies and is mastering those recipes so those are laid out on all her counters. Her ovens are sitting there not baking anything. When she is done mastering (she only has to cook each recipe about 6 or 7 times) then she will no doubt go back to red velvet until another recipe comes out for her to m
If you put out your 18 stoves and cook nothing but RVC for a week you would be pleasantly surprised at how much money you could make. But the trick is not to lump it all on one counter. Spread it out a bit over a few counters. They sell really quickly. Same with Black Forest and Sweet potato pie. If you spread them out over several counters they will sell out pretty quickly and will earn you quite a bit of coins.

There is another little magic trick she uses as well...but we can't use it so it's pointless pointing it out here. As I said, Groovy was one of the wise, the very wise.


Is there a thread someplace with this kind of information in it?? It would be really useful to know how to maximize output for maximum profit. I'm also interested in how many tables w chairs are needed in order to get the full capacity crowd all day long.

10-28-13, 03:04 PM
I had a little over 600 neighbors. Then dwindled it down to just over 300 but back up again. I can post all day long "Not adding new neighbors" and they still post "add me". I feel somewhat obligated to the newbies as long as they're making an effort. I wish players would learn to read wall messages.
I suppose you're nice, but, really, why? Anyone who posts "add me" on my wall gets one visit back to tip, and then their msg gets deleted. not because i don't want to encourage new players, but i just really don't want to add randoms just to have to spend time figuring out if our play styles match and then feeling bad about deleting them.

But since you're here (and anyone else with a high number of neighbors), I've always been curious about this (please don't think i'm rude). why would you want that many neighbors? You can't get that many gifts or requests, and even if your bakery is at max size and solid tables, only 99 neighbors could tip you at a time (plus one person who could tip 4 times) before it was time to clear. so what's your motivation?

10-28-13, 11:19 PM
well, i delete the 0-2 nbrs everyweek. i am a daily player with 4 star, pls aad me ~

11-02-13, 06:25 PM
How does one delete players who have not played in months?

11-02-13, 11:18 PM
How does one delete players who have not played in months?

Main, Social, Neighbors... At the top will be a small rectangle that says "Edit". Click that. Then there will be a "Remove" button beside all your neighbors.

Be sure to click the "Done" button when done, to return to normal mode ('Gift/Visit' buttons instead of 'Remove' buttons)