View Full Version : feedback : inappropiate words

02-23-13, 09:08 AM
I have been playing TL games for a while, restaurant story over a year big fan of them, one way to promo ourselves to get neighbors is to post on my own and others walls including my storm id for people to add me.

Recently, I was prompted to play fashion story and found out that I can not post my storm id on any walls anymore it keep giving inappropriate words error, after some trail and error I found out that as you can see in my id, i have www at the end and apparantly that is not allowed more, i kind of understand this is to avoid spammers posting websites but the game should have more more intellengence to distinglish the www are at the end and that it is part of someone storm id, TL TEAM, what would you suggest me to do here?

02-23-13, 09:13 AM
Besides spammers these days don't post weblinks with www but with the short url redirecting links...

kooky panda
02-23-13, 09:22 AM
Discussing the in game word filter is not forum appropriate.
You will need to send an email to support@teamlava.com

You may need to have support change your storm ID.