View Full Version : How much will you be willing to pay for 4-dragon habitats?

02-20-13, 05:19 PM
Why don't we do some market research for TL and maybe they will consider if it's worth taking a risk to lower the price of these habitats, so that more people will buy them.

02-20-13, 05:22 PM
$1,000,000 coins from the game. NO GOLD.

02-20-13, 05:23 PM
I second that. And for my 2 cents, I would rather be able to upgrade one I already have.

02-20-13, 05:25 PM
$1,000,000 coins from the game. NO GOLD.

Haha I wish! I haven't bought any, but I will actually consider if they lowered it to 50 gold. To me that's the maximum amount I'd be willing to pay if it really has to be priced in gold.

Oh, and by "I will buy xx amount of habitats", I meant slowly over a period of time, not all in one shot!

02-20-13, 05:32 PM
I think upgrading existing should be an option so we dont have to sell off dragons or habitats to get the bigger one....and coins or part of a goal should be an. Option. .....

02-20-13, 05:38 PM
I would like to upgrade existing habitats too.

But just a thought, I think I'm just dreaming here because TL will probably not lower prices. Because if they do, they're going to get complaints from those who already bought habitats for 500 gold.

02-20-13, 05:47 PM
1,000,000-5,000,000 coins

02-20-13, 05:52 PM
Coins..... Teamlava has to increase habitats once regular players cant fit anymore with only diamond and infinity having own habitat

I also think those who spent the 500 gems should have that habitat not count towards the max habitats just like extra slot/appliances

02-20-13, 06:17 PM
Coins but make it progressively more expensive the more you buy. eg 3m for first one, 6m for second one.. etc.

02-20-13, 06:38 PM
Coins..... Teamlava has to increase habitats once regular players cant fit anymore with only diamond and infinity having own habitat

I also think those who spent the 500 gems should have that habitat not count towards the max habitats just like extra slot/appliances

If they change pricing for habitats, this idea could be a good way to placate those who already spent 500 gold. They can have an extra habitat, in addition to the habitat cap, for each habitat that they have bought for gold.

Coins but make it progressively more expensive the more you buy. eg 3m for first one, 6m for second one.. etc.

I like this! It makes it increasingly more of a challenge to get, which would compensate for not having to pay gold.

02-20-13, 06:46 PM
Could use some help...I am lvl 70 and I can't buy any more habitats, say need higher lvl and has been saying that since I was lvl 65...have 2 eggs that can't be moved and don't know what lvl is needed...any thoughts...thnks

02-20-13, 06:52 PM
Could use some help...I am lvl 70 and I can't buy any more habitats, say need higher lvl and has been saying that since I was lvl 65...have 2 eggs that can't be moved and don't know what lvl is needed...any thoughts...thnks

You're probably maxed out on habitats already. Sell your duplicated dragon.

02-20-13, 06:53 PM
Could use some help...I am lvl 70 and I can't buy any more habitats, say need higher lvl and has been saying that since I was lvl 65...have 2 eggs that can't be moved and don't know what lvl is needed...any thoughts...thnks

The current habitat limit is 35, so you can't have any more than that.

02-20-13, 07:05 PM
Thnks for info...didn't know. Will it increase as lvl get higher?

02-20-13, 07:08 PM
I would upgrade all my habitats if it were 100 gold each

02-20-13, 07:12 PM
5million coins per new habitat upgrading. 500gold is way too much and not many people will wiling to use real money to purchase. i think new habitats are very well-designed and should let most player afford them. make game easier will maintain amount of players and will to pay!

02-20-13, 07:18 PM
They won't make these for coins. You guys need to list gold amounts. Listing coin amounts will probably discourage TL from changing anything

02-20-13, 07:40 PM
They won't make these for coins. You guys need to list gold amounts. Listing coin amounts will probably discourage TL from changing anything

We can dream :p I would so love to have them for coins.

But I know that's not what TL wants. That's why I was hoping if enough people answered this poll, TL could do the math and lower prices. Some amount of gold people are willing to pay, and still earns TL enough money to justify not charging 500 gold for each habitat.

02-20-13, 07:44 PM
50 gold is reasonable because it is actually feasible to slowly save 50 gold and slowly get the bigger habitats through promotions and gold gifting.

02-20-13, 07:47 PM
This is the way I see it. If they make it 500 gold, people are not going to want to buy it because it looks like a lot. Now, if they leave the limit the same but create an update for the current habitats, bring out more dragons people are bound to pay gold to speed up the process. 5 gold seems like nothing compared to 500 all at once.

02-20-13, 08:11 PM
$5 M to $10 M seems reasonable. Won't buy any for 500 gold.

02-20-13, 08:19 PM
I would buy for 50 gold, consider if 100 and definitely not bying if it's more than that. (I mean, after I've ran out of space and options. I've only 29 habitats at the moment.) But mostly I'd like them to be for coins, be it loads of coins if you must, but coins nonetheless.

02-20-13, 09:12 PM
This is the way I see it. If they make it 500 gold, people are not going to want to buy it because it looks like a lot. Now, if they leave the limit the same but create an update for the current habitats, bring out more dragons people are bound to pay gold to speed up the process. 5 gold seems like nothing compared to 500 all at once.

Ive said this in other threads... people are more likely to spend more on small purchases... 10 things that cost 50 gold each give an impression of more value for your money versus one giant discouraging price tag....simple marketing and economics...

02-20-13, 09:13 PM
Lots of good suggestions on this thread hope someone is paying attention....

02-20-13, 09:51 PM
They need something for us to use our coins for..

02-20-13, 10:10 PM
50 gold is the most I would pay for those habitats if priced in gold and if priced in silver I like the idea of kurebiz that the price would increase with each habitat u buy like the nests

02-20-13, 10:55 PM
50 gold is the most I would pay for those habitats if priced in gold and if priced in silver I like the idea of kurebiz that the price would increase with each habitat u buy like the nests

I agree with this.

02-20-13, 11:05 PM
the 4dragons habitats twice price from the large habitats

02-20-13, 11:27 PM
10 gold ea, i'll chg all habitats. 😃

02-21-13, 12:47 AM
If they must cost gold, make it cost 10 for upgrading an existing 3-dragon habitat, and 50 for buying it right off the market.

02-21-13, 02:46 AM
If they must cost gold, make it cost 10 for upgrading an existing 3-dragon habitat, and 50 for buying it right off the market.

Agreed . I only want to pay 10 gold , it's a reasonable price for me :)

02-21-13, 05:27 AM
I would buy for 50 gold, consider if 100 and definitely not bying if it's more than that.

Exactly how i feel ;) and i would like to upgrad not sell existing anb buy new once

02-21-13, 06:22 AM
I would like to see the ability to upgrade the habitat. It is a real pain to shuffle dragons around to get rid of a habitat. At least I have the ability to trade dragons to clear space, unlike my android and kindle neighbors!

02-21-13, 07:54 AM
I like the idea of 10 gold (IF it has to be gold) to upgrade an existing habitat and 50 gold to buy outright. I would probably upgrade all my forest, fire and magic habitats if this was the case. But going all the way back to the first page, I would agree to having a 1,000,000 coins price tag - just a better fit all the way around - and that would be you bet - I'd upgrade all of my habitats that way, not just probably.

02-21-13, 08:38 AM
But just a thought, I think I'm just dreaming here because TL will probably not lower prices. Because if they do, they're going to get complaints from those who already bought habitats for 500 gold.

True... and I don't think an extra habitat is adequate or appropriate compensation for my money. I bought the new habs because I like their look, not because I needed those extra couple dragon slots...

02-21-13, 09:25 AM
I would pay coins and would like them to be an upgrade. Why do we have to sell or move dragons around, sell an existing habitat, to make room for these habitats. We should be able to just upgrade the existing habitats with no selling or moving involved.

02-21-13, 11:07 AM
I don't think they would have that many complaints seeing how few have bought them

I would like to upgrade existing habitats too.

But just a thought, I think I'm just dreaming here because TL will probably not lower prices. Because if they do, they're going to get complaints from those who already bought habitats for 500 gold.

02-21-13, 11:26 AM
I would pay ?1m plus for new habitats or upgrading my existing ones, coz 500 gold is just way too much

02-21-13, 11:42 AM
They are going to keep releasing dragons to see how many will cave and buy them at that ridiculous cost rather than sell their precious epic dragons that they worked so hard for.

02-21-13, 12:30 PM
The very most I'd spend is 50 gold ... it's too hard to come by, unless of course, you buy gold. I'd have to really think about it though, not just jump at it.

02-21-13, 01:31 PM
These ammounts are indeed absurd... What is TL thinking???
I'd pay no more than 50 gold if they were to cost gold.
They would have to be UPGRADEABLE, which they're not! Like forcing people to sell dragons before they can buy something that's supposed to help them store more dragons... ?
Of course, IMHO they should cost like 2mill coins each. There. That'd be it.

But they do need to cash and I get it. But if they sold them at a lower price, a lot more people would buy!!

02-21-13, 02:40 PM
50 golds upgradeable, then I'm upgrading ALL of my habitats
If 100, maybe few. For 500 right now, Im not spending $20 per habitats that's 2 Costco pizzas teamlava!
I regularly buy golds for speeding up breeding and hatching
But NEVER spent it on decor or habitats.

02-21-13, 04:58 PM
By other amounts I chose no gold!
Maybe a good coin amount?

02-21-13, 04:59 PM
For 500 right now, Im not spending $20 per habitats that's 2 Costco pizzas teamlava!
But NEVER spent it on decor or habitats.

Lol! Two pizzas!
I agree I think coin decor is good enough

02-21-13, 07:15 PM
I would buy for 50 gold, consider if 100 and definitely not bying if it's more than that. (I mean, after I've ran out of space and options. I've only 29 habitats at the moment.) But mostly I'd like them to be for coins, be it loads of coins if you must, but coins nonetheless.

I second this.

There's no way in hell I'm buying any for 500 gold.

02-22-13, 10:55 AM
I agree. The current cost is too high. I will never pay that much for them.

02-22-13, 12:59 PM
I agree, the current prices are completely over the top. I am not willing to pay gold to upgrade the habitats at all. The habitats should definitely be ungradeable, and should be for coins, but once again, I think tl would make the prices extortionate :( yet another example of how poorly tl have executed a feature

02-22-13, 01:03 PM
Let me first say that I'm inexplicably fascinated by this game - I wouldn't be posting here if I weren't.

But I'm quite confused regarding TL's approach on a few things - mainly items only available for gold, and their exorbitant cost.

1) 4-dragon habitats cost over $15 apiece, and even when gold is on sale, still roughly $15 (1400 gold purchased @20% off).
2) The new 'Castle in the Sky' decoration is only available for 900 gold? Even when taking the most economical approach to purchasing gold, that's over $30 (still over $25 with the current 20% off)... and this is for a decoration with no appreciable gameplay benefit, aesthetics aside.

These expenses are far above the cost of (virtually) any game on the App Store, and I wonder how much more TL might make by significantly reducing the gold cost (especially for habitats) and therefore get (presumably loads) more people dropping $5 or $10 to get these gold exclusive items. I can't imagine that they're getting many people to spend so extravagantly on the marginal benefit of of these habitats (or even no benefit for decorations).

In general, I suppose, it's frustrating not to have the option, even if it's quite extensive (e.g. craftable dragons), to earn anything that is available in the game without spending actual money.

Of course, I could just wait for my neighbors to gift me alll that gold... after all, that IS how I got my second nest - but that took forever (and I played nearly every TL game just to get there).

Let me say just one last thing before I end my rant. I enjoy playing several TL titles, and would seriously consider parting with some of my hard-earned cash if I felt like TL would appreciate my donation enough to reward me more substantially in-game for it.


02-22-13, 01:04 PM
PS - I voted for 50 gold. It's attainable, and relatively reasonable, without being too easy to attain all at once.

02-22-13, 01:26 PM
Great input, rub1x. :) by the way, iOS can craft the new decor floating boat thingy. Hoping that Androids will be able to do the same soon.

02-22-13, 01:36 PM
I would be willing to pay 20 mill coins for the upgrade. Something that high TL might think about.

02-22-13, 01:38 PM
I would be willing to pay 20 mill coins for the upgrade. Something that high TL might think about.

Yikes! That's a lotta cash.. Non-diamond owners don't stand a chance. :p you playboy. Change your name to Tony Stark while you're at it!

I think something like 2 million , 5 million or so would be quite adequate. Or 10 tops... 20 seems like a lot.

02-22-13, 01:41 PM
Yikes! That's a lotta cash.. Non-diamond owners don't stand a chance. :p you playboy. Change your name to Tony Stark while you're at it!

I think something like 2 million , 5 million or so would be quite adequate. Or 10 tops... 20 seems like a lot.

Ya it is a lot but 2 mill Is obtainable in a day and 5 mill is obtainable in 2 days. TL is looking at that. 10 mill would be reasonable. The thing I've noticed is TL bases their prices off the top income players and leave the new players out. They keep making it harder and harder on new players

02-22-13, 02:00 PM
Ya it is a lot but 2 mill Is obtainable in a day and 5 mill is obtainable in 2 days. TL is looking at that. 10 mill would be reasonable. The thing I've noticed is TL bases their prices off the top income players and leave the new players out. They keep making it harder and harder on new players

That right there ^ is an undeniable truth. I think they're overlooking how hard they've been making the games for newbies. I believe some may quit for finding the prices to be too high.
I don't think I can accumulate that much cash... Depends on how often I check my game, which isn't as much as it once was xD I think I got close to 11 million once. But I have been down to 5 to 6.5 million for weeks now! Planting a lotta diamondates.

02-22-13, 02:15 PM
I would be willing to pay 20 mill coins for the upgrade. Something that high TL might think about.

Mmmh, I am almost there :)

[S8] Elsa
02-22-13, 02:35 PM
Thank you for the poll, everyone! We'll pass this along.

Ya it is a lot but 2 mill Is obtainable in a day and 5 mill is obtainable in 2 days. TL is looking at that. 10 mill would be reasonable. The thing I've noticed is TL bases their prices off the top income players and leave the new players out. They keep making it harder and harder on new players

I don't call the shots regarding the prices, but we definitely don't want to alienate new players. That being said, just throwing this into the ring to get the conversation going, there does need to be things out of reach to create goals to work towards. This improves the longevity of the game and makes it challenging. The balance needs to entice new players to reach these long term goals and still engage the seasoned player.

02-22-13, 02:48 PM
Thank you for the poll, everyone! We'll pass this along.

I don't call the shots regarding the prices, but we definitely don't want to alienate new players. That being said, just throwing this into the ring to get the conversation going, there does need to be things out of reach to create goals to work towards. This improves the longevity of the game and makes it challenging. The balance needs to entice new players to reach these long term goals and still engage the seasoned player.

True. Maybe we're complaining because we know what it was like before the changes (in expansions, in feeding costs, etc.). Kinda makes me feel a bit bad for the newbies, but hey. Guess a game without challenges would be a game for "under 13" and not "over 13". :)

02-22-13, 04:12 PM
I don't think they would have that many complaints seeing how few have bought them

I bought 4 Raging Rocks, 4 Glorious Groves, 2 Grand Gardens (and I'm planning on buy 2 more) for 500 gold each but I'd LOVE for TL to lower the price tag so it's affordable to everybody. It's more fun that way

02-22-13, 04:21 PM
I think there should be basic color habitats that hold 4 dragons for $750,000. Fancy colors (diamond, purple etc) for a million. There should be a limit on the total number of habitats not based on which color you buy. At that price I would buy as many as they would let me. I still wish there was some way to buy gold with coins...or maybe grow it in an enchanted farm or something. I really need a second nest!!! Above all I think the habitats should be available for coins, not gold...even if it's an exhorbitant amount at least it's achievable.

02-22-13, 04:22 PM
Yeah but, if the price was lower, more players would buy them and in the end TL would make more money off of more players. Sell them for gold if they must, but at a reasonable price. It's hard to justify paying $20 (500 gold) for one dragon. At least for me it is.

02-22-13, 04:37 PM
To some, it will seem ridiculous if not indecent to "throw away" hundreds of $ in new habitats for a game, and not matter the cost, they will never buy anything with gold.
To others, the pleasure they get from their game is well worth it and they spend whatever is asked to indulge in their hobby.
And there are some "in between" who will save money to buy one or two.
All types of players can usually be satisfied in a game. EXCEPT when there is a drastic need for more habitats and the provider only hands out the coveted goods to a certain amount of players. It makes things unfair, and somewhat sad. I would hate to see TL taking the route of only minding the "elite".
These habitats are doing just this. Most people playing this game just cannot afford to shed $20 for 1 dragon. Therefore these habitats are for the elite.

02-22-13, 08:21 PM
I will never pay 500 gold to hold one extra dragon. Just like I won't spend 1000 gold on a nest

02-22-13, 09:10 PM
The upgraded habitats leave us without a longterm goal unless we reach for our wallets though. If I wanted to save 500 gold for a habitat upgrade it would take me a month. And if I wanted to upgrade all of my habitats by saving up gold it would take me almost 3 years. I'm doing the math and it's no joke. It's obvious their goal is to make money off these, and I'm sure they need money to keep the game going but if these habitats were 100 gold each it would be money if not more in their pockets. If TL were to break even on sales after lowering the habitat cost so what? You won't have people complaining and more people being drawn to your game

Thank you for the poll, everyone! We'll pass this along.

I don't call the shots regarding the prices, but we definitely don't want to alienate new players. That being said, just throwing this into the ring to get the conversation going, there does need to be things out of reach to create goals to work towards. This improves the longevity of the game and makes it challenging. The balance needs to entice new players to reach these long term goals and still engage the seasoned player.

02-22-13, 09:25 PM
We are earning coins from having dragons continuously. Besides expansion, where else are we gonna spend our coins? Another big plus, each of the 4-dragon-habitat costs 500 gold, unless I am purchasing gold, or else, I will never be able to afford it.

02-23-13, 12:22 AM
I'd never pay 500 gold for a mere 1 extra dragon. That's just plain crazy if you ask me. I'd feel comfortable paying 50 gold each, but even then assuming I'd want all my habitats to be the max size, I doubt I'd be willing to buy too too many of them. Now if they cost, say, 5 mill. each, then I'm sold. I'd even buy gold just to thank TL for making them cost coins, no joke.

02-23-13, 12:34 AM
Actually, not just 1 extra dragon. The new habitats can hold 10,000 coins and they're more beautiful & pretty, aren't they ? :)
I will definitely buy them, if they cost coins not gold :(

02-23-13, 04:18 AM
Actually, not just 1 extra dragon. The new habitats can hold 10,000 coins and they're more beautiful & pretty, aren't they ? :)
I will definitely buy them, if they cost coins not gold :(

Yah, they are really pretty... I think that's also a key factor. Having a really pretty habitat that can hold more coins and an extra dragon is, for some people, well worth the 500g. But that is because they CAN afford it. For others, not so much!
If they lowered the prices, the people who bought at least one habitat would most likely buy/upgrade all of them. And a lot more other players would buy as well. They'd less MORE habitats for less, but in the end they'd make more money out of this.

02-23-13, 05:12 AM
Hmm, maybe TL can make all new habitats for coins but very long time to build it, maybe 72 hrs and very expensive coins...too keep TL profit

02-23-13, 05:29 AM
rather spend my money on food, taxes, car maintanence, you know, real stuff. Waiste of money

02-23-13, 07:19 AM
I would only buy if you can purchase them in coins. Or maybe make them craftable.

02-23-13, 09:11 AM
Millions of coins not gold

02-23-13, 02:03 PM
I would consider buying at 250 gold, same with the new floating castle. If they were 1/2 the price I'd be likely to buy them. 500 for the habitats and 800 for the decoration is just too much. I spend a lot of money buying gold but these prices are way too high for the benefit you get from them. I know that the habitats earn a lot of coins as well as another dragon, but I don't need the coins. I really think people would end up spending more overall if the prices were more affordable

02-23-13, 02:14 PM
They need to drop it to 100g, and/or make it available for silver (like 1 or 2million)
Seriously, think about it.
500g is $20. We have 35 habitats.
If you want to max out your other element habitats, you'd be looking at what, 25 habitats? Because Im not going to buy something I can only have 1 of, it'll look stupid.
So that'd be $500 to get all the habitats. [I am assuming on average people have 25 normal element habitats, and 10 diamond/virtue habitats]

TL is clearly pushing out all these new dragons without increasing the habitat limit because they are trying to force people who have reached the limit to pay cash to make room for their dragons, and that is NOT FAIR.

02-26-13, 09:40 AM
If the Dragon Habitats were 50 gold I would upgrade some but not all of my habitats. Since I play the game at least 5 to 6 times a day sometimes more. I could clear most habitats before they reach max coin count. So the 10000 max coins is no extra incentive. Now if the new habitats had a extra bonus of speeding up coin collecting so instead of a dragon breeding max coins in a hour they could do it in 30 minutes then spending gold for the new habitats would make it worth it. Also I would pay up to 100 gold for such a habitat, especially if it count as a extra Habitat and not my 35 Max Limit.

Gold habitats need to have some type of bonus other than holding 1 more dragon or more coins. Especially since most people can't breed every dragon that exists. I still can't get a Planet, Diamond or Elf Dragon so 35 regular Habitats is just fine for now. Plus I don't have Crafting ability since I use Android so If I keep 1 of each Dragon I am still okay with the 35 Habitats.

02-26-13, 10:17 AM
Yeah but, if the price was lower, more players would buy them and in the end TL would make more money off of more players. Sell them for gold if they must, but at a reasonable price. It's hard to justify paying $20 (500 gold) for one dragon. At least for me it is.

So right, if they lower the price the demand will be higher... But I personally won't buy any habitats for more than 50 gold, a few million coins I'm fine with

02-26-13, 11:59 AM
I voted 100 gold each as-is, but I would pay 500 gold if it went over the habitat cap (i.e. add one additional habitat).

02-26-13, 07:38 PM
If the Dragon Habitats were 50 gold I would upgrade some but not all of my habitats. Since I play the game at least 5 to 6 times a day sometimes more. I could clear most habitats before they reach max coin count. So the 10000 max coins is no extra incentive. Now if the new habitats had a extra bonus of speeding up coin collecting so instead of a dragon breeding max coins in a hour they could do it in 30 minutes then spending gold for the new habitats would make it worth it. Also I would pay up to 100 gold for such a habitat, especially if it count as a extra Habitat and not my 35 Max Limit.

Gold habitats need to have some type of bonus other than holding 1 more dragon or more coins. Especially since most people can't breed every dragon that exists. I still can't get a Planet, Diamond or Elf Dragon so 35 regular Habitats is just fine for now. Plus I don't have Crafting ability since I use Android so If I keep 1 of each Dragon I am still okay with the 35 Habitats.

It would be nice to have extra perks for spending gold on those habitats, but I still wouldn't spend more than 50.

Honestly I'm irritated with the 35-habitat limit. I don't have all the available dragons either, but it's precisely because I'm on android that I need to keep as many duplicates as possible. If I only keep 1 of each dragon, then what am I going to trade when trading finally comes to android? By the way, if I sound angry, it's not that I'm angry with you... just frustrated with the limit thing.

02-26-13, 08:18 PM
I agree: 1-5 million coins, but not gold

04-19-13, 10:07 PM
4-dragon habitat for "major coins", though i wouldn't mind spending gold since i will never buy any.
maybe 50 million coins per 4-dragon habitat for the best dragons.

04-19-13, 10:08 PM
for the lowest dragons, minimum 500k to 750k

04-19-13, 11:21 PM
coins but make it progressively more expensive the more you buy. Eg 3m for first one, 6m for second one.. Etc.

i agree!!!

04-19-13, 11:27 PM
$1,000,000 coins from the game. NO GOLD.

Agree with you all the way.

04-19-13, 11:47 PM
Of course using coins would be better. But now, speeding up requires double amount of gold, there's no point in speed up anymore. So I don't mind using the golds from neighbors to get these new habitats. That said, the lesser the amount of gold required, the better!

04-20-13, 04:34 AM
After the way tl has done many of us with the double gold issue I wouldn't buy a 4 dragon habitat for 1 gold. I've got over 300 gold that I bought before all this happened and its going to sit there. I don't want them to look at my account and think they can treat me however they want and I'll still spend gold. I would buy one for coins though because I earned those without spending any money.

04-20-13, 04:52 AM
most players have billions of coins at a certain level, coins get building up quickly, but no where to use them, at least bring something to use some coins instead of gold.

04-20-13, 06:01 AM
I would not want four dragon habitats at all. I can barely see my three dragons per habitat as it is because they get so big and block each other out.

04-20-13, 06:12 AM
I have one of each, I think once you buy a gold habitat it should work like this..

1st Grand Gardens = 500 gold
2nd Grand Gardens = 350 gold
3rd Grand Gardens = 200 gold

Something like that! People asking to get it for coins.. lol never gonna happen!! It would be cool but still it won't happen.

04-20-13, 06:40 AM
well, i dont complaint about the 500g habitats. i just wish i can buy golds with silver coins. i have too many silver coins.

04-20-13, 06:44 AM
I have one of each, I think once you buy a gold habitat it should work like this..

1st Grand Gardens = 500 gold
2nd Grand Gardens = 350 gold
3rd Grand Gardens = 200 gold

Something like that! People asking to get it for coins.. lol never gonna happen!! It would be cool but still it won't happen.

how about 15M coins or more? i think it would be great if i can buy those 4 dragons habitat with large amount of silver coins.

04-20-13, 06:48 AM
Must be nice to still think about using gold at all cause after being take advantage of by TL I will never spend a single gold bar again!!!!!

04-20-13, 06:54 AM
well, i dont complaint about the 500g habitats. i just wish i can buy golds with silver coins. i have too many silver coins.

how about 15M coins or more? i think it would be great if i can buy those 4 dragons habitat with large amount of silver coins.

Yeah it would be great for us but not TL.. Many have bought these habitats for 500 gold so I doubt they will ever sell it fo coins. lol @buy gold with coins.

Must be nice to still think about using gold at all cause after being take advantage of by TL I will never spend a single gold bar again!!!!!

Good for you. I have gold and will not buy anymore or speed up until stables upgrade is reduced...