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View Full Version : Limited items

02-18-13, 01:51 PM
I know that cs is not having any more updates but it would make sence for tl to bring back limited items. Both sides would be happy, players would be happy and it would make tl money because players would buy cash to get the items. Plus tl doesn't have to do much they don't have to design the item it is already designed for them.

03-02-13, 04:39 PM
city story will not have updates

03-02-13, 11:18 PM
That's what I said I am asking if it's a good idea I know there are no more updates

03-18-13, 11:59 AM
NO really bad idea

07-03-13, 08:59 PM
Wow someone has strong feelings about this

01-27-14, 02:07 PM
Good idea