View Full Version : Navigation, lag, evolving, game closing and .....

02-14-13, 04:10 PM
Navigating around islands, both neighbors and mine, is a problem. Try to go to the bottom, you go to the right. Try to go to the left or right, you may move to the bottom ... it varies, but rarely goes where you're trying to go. Seems to have a mind of it's own.

Lagging ... game is slow to load (all the time) and when visiting neighbors, slow to load their island. Also all the time.

A pop up appears that the game is not responding or whatever. You're given an option to either report it or just click "Ok" and close the game. Either way, the game will close.

I have a Kite Dragon in the Evolver, but it's invisible. LOL I've force closed the game a few times but it's still invisible.

I've noticed for a while now, that the coin counter at the top left of the screen hangs up or freezes. It does this a LOT, not just now and then.

kooky panda
02-14-13, 05:13 PM
When you hit the report button what does the error message say?

02-14-13, 05:13 PM
The problems listed above are happening both my Android tablet and my Android phone. I just deleted my game and reinstalled it .. no change. My Kite dragon is still invisible in the Evolver.

02-14-13, 05:15 PM
When you hit the report button what does the error message say?

Shoot, I can't remember, kooky. I'll wait until it happens again and I'll let you know.

02-14-13, 08:13 PM
I 'm also having problems with navigation/scrolling in VDay. I started a thread on the topic & have contributed to other threads saying the same thing. This doesn't appear to be an isolated issue given all the complaints I've been seeing.

02-16-13, 11:33 AM
1. Android Razr Maxx - System Version Number 6.16.211.XT912.Verizon.en.US

2. Game Version:

I have been having a lot of issues with the game force closing. It happens almost every time I accept a materials request (though not always...just most of the time). It also happens when I accept a friend request. Today it happened when I was collecting my farm harvests (happened when I got to the forth farm). It happens when I send gold (when I mass click everyone from the Neighbors menu....haven't tried it individually). It happens when I request maps. Pretty much it almost always happens when I do anything that involves interacting with other users. It was just odd that it did it while I was collecting the harvests today. It's really interfering with the game because I know that every time I do something other than collecting money or breeding then it will shut down. It doesn't seem to do it when I accept gold....just when I need to send out things (gold, maps, friend requests, friend acceptances, etc.). I'm pretty sure this was happening before I downloaded the V-day edition too.


02-19-13, 08:18 AM
Shoot, I can't remember, kooky. I'll wait until it happens again and I'll let you know.

It's happened several more times ... just no time to post and answer your question. It's just like the old Force Close I used to get last year. Says "Unfortunately, DS has stopped". Then you can click "Ok" or "Report". If you click "Ok", you're taken to your opening screen where you click to start your game over again. If you click "Report", you're given the option to report it, but that never did anything last year or this year.

02-19-13, 08:29 AM
Having same issues I posted about here on Feb. 14th.

I'm Android on a new tablet, which is up-to-date.

Still having navigational issues about 99% of the time I play.

Very slow to load game at beginning (sometimes won't load, but times out).

Very slow loading when going to visit neighbors.

Very slow loading going from one neighbor to the next via Social.

Floating dragons with no habitats.

Coin counter freezes. Have no idea if it missed coins and didn't count them.

Sometimes the dragon in the evolver is invisible.

None of these things happen with my other TL games, but they're not running in the background, as I delete them, reinstalling when I play, because its said not to have games running in the background. Major pain in the nose, but ...

I have restarted my DS game and I have Force Closed it many times. I have also deleted and reinstalled more times than I kept track of. Nothing helps.

As for the version I play ... it's very hard to read (too small and cluttered by designs), but appears to be

These things happen ALL the time, not just once in a while.

02-23-13, 01:26 PM
Has anyone else been having trouble with their DS V-day edition? Mine has been force closing since yesterday and not allowing me to play it at all. I uninstalled and re-installed it three times and restarted my device to no avail. Is anyone else having these issues? I'm on android.

02-23-13, 02:18 PM
I haven't had trouble like that, I'm android too. I don't use the val ed as much as the original ds, but I have been into it a couple of times to breed etc with no probs

02-23-13, 03:01 PM
No problems for me either

02-23-13, 03:22 PM
Has anyone else been having trouble with their DS V-day edition? Mine has been force closing since yesterday and not allowing me to play it at all. I uninstalled and re-installed it three times and restarted my device to no avail. Is anyone else having these issues? I'm on android.

Yes ... several problems daily. I posted about the problems a couple times in "Bugs", but am still having the problems. My game closes with a pop up that DS has stopped working. Many times my game won't load at all. I have navigational problems, slow loading at different levels, coin counter freezes and doesn't count coins. I don't know if it has tallied all of them ... maybe. I've done all the recommended things to do, but nothing helps.

02-23-13, 04:43 PM
i haven't been able to use it since yesterday which is a problem for doing anything with pink dragons. when i click the button to open the game i immediately get an error which says: "The application Dragon Story (process com.teamlava.dragon5) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."

02-23-13, 04:45 PM
Wow, that really sucks ! :(
Besides some difficulty scrolling around some high level/highly decorated islands, I am pretty much good.
The game froze when I collected my coins today, I tapped "force close" and reopened it and it was fine.

02-23-13, 04:48 PM
I have that problem with my Kindle game. It pops up that its not responding and I can either wait or close. I usually just tap 'wait.' Most of the time it straightens itself out and other times it force closes.

02-23-13, 05:32 PM
I have that problem with my Kindle game. It pops up that its not responding and I can either wait or close. I usually just tap 'wait.' Most of the time it straightens itself out and other times it force closes.

Same with my android phone. It's a pain to visit neighbors. :/

02-23-13, 06:10 PM
Using vday app and no issues with phone..

02-23-13, 06:15 PM
"Wow, that really sucks !"

Yes, it most definitely does! I have restarted my game many times. I have restarted my tablet many times. I have deleted and reinstalled my game so many times ... well ... wish I had a bar of gold for every time I did that. Nothing helps. Royal pain in the nose!!!

02-23-13, 08:33 PM
Have a suggestion-
Try using the old DS, see if the same thing is happening there. This is not happening for me but it's just a suggestion....

02-23-13, 08:46 PM
Have a suggestion-
Try using the old DS, see if the same thing is happening there. This is not happening for me but it's just a suggestion....
The old DS definitely works fine but you can't breed pink or heart dragons or build pink or heart habitats.

02-24-13, 12:39 AM
It's your device. Androids have bad software and good hardware. iOS has good software and bad hardware.

02-25-13, 08:12 AM
it well could be. it's just weird that it worked just fine for a while and then for no reason at all it stopped working completely.

02-25-13, 08:26 AM
It's your device. Androids have bad software and good hardware. iOS has good software and bad hardware.

And you base this on ...??

02-25-13, 08:50 AM
i have been having force-close issues since the beginning of the game, on Valentine's version..i have had the same wid the bakery story too, but definitely not as much as on DS..here it force closes atleast 1 in 5 attempts of playing..and at times, multiple times in a row..

02-25-13, 10:35 AM
And you base this on ...??

Apparently, personal experiences that weren't very positive for Apple. The posts were here somewhere, but aren't anymore.
Anyhow, the problem with Android is software-based, but I think it's more because of the large ammount of different software versions than their actualnquality. I have a feeling that Team Lava's techs aren't very comfy programming Android stuff.

02-25-13, 10:38 AM
Apparently, personal experiences that weren't very positive for Apple. The posts were here somewhere, but aren't anymore.
Anyhow, the problem with Android is software-based, but I think it's more because of the large ammount of different software versions than their actualnquality. I have a feeling that Team Lava's techs aren't very comfy programming Android stuff.

I think you're right about they're not being comfy with Android. It would be great if they had/found someone who was.

02-25-13, 12:12 PM
I think you're right about they're not being comfy with Android. It would be great if they had/found someone who was.

Part of the problem is the Android version of the game *must* be written in Java (which is stupid, java should be optional and write naitive C/C++). It is slow and has it's own memory management issues. So the port to Android is a code translation not a straight port like originally thought it was (it should be, but the requirements of Android don't make that possible).

The V-Day edition crashes a lot due to what I believe is a memory leak. I base that just on my programming experience. I personally hate Java, it doesn't belong in an an environment like this. It was Designed for the Web and that's where it should stay.

02-25-13, 01:37 PM
Part of the problem is the Android version of the game *must* be written in Java (which is stupid, java should be optional and write naitive C/C++). It is slow and has it's own memory management issues. So the port to Android is a code translation not a straight port like originally thought it was (it should be, but the requirements of Android don't make that possible).

The V-Day edition crashes a lot due to what I believe is a memory leak. I base that just on my programming experience. I personally hate Java, it doesn't belong in an an environment like this. It was Designed for the Web and that's where it should stay.

Well, your explanation makes it a lot easier to understand ... for me, anyway, since I'm no where near knowledgeable about such things. Thank you!

02-25-13, 03:28 PM
Part of the problem is the Android version of the game *must* be written in Java (which is stupid, java should be optional and write naitive C/C++). It is slow and has it's own memory management issues. So the port to Android is a code translation not a straight port like originally thought it was (it should be, but the requirements of Android don't make that possible).

The V-Day edition crashes a lot due to what I believe is a memory leak. I base that just on my programming experience. I personally hate Java, it doesn't belong in an an environment like this. It was Designed for the Web and that's where it should stay.
You're great at explaining these things. They should hire you! :) thank you.

02-25-13, 03:39 PM
You're great at explaining these things. They should hire you! :) thank you.

I agree with that!!

02-25-13, 03:53 PM
You're great at explaining these things. They should hire you! :) thank you.

Thanks. Though, I'm not much of a Java Programmer. I could most likely do it based on my C/C++ knowledge (they are still similar enough languages), and I'm not willing to Move to California as it's too far to be away from my kids (they live with their mom). So unless they want a remote employee (did that before when I worked as a tech writer for a company in Austin, TX) that won't happen. I am willing to discuss it though...

Maybe, they'd like another forum admin specific to Android issues??

02-25-13, 04:07 PM
Thanks. Though, I'm not much of a Java Programmer. I could most likely do it based on my C/C++ knowledge (they are still similar enough languages), and I'm not willing to Move to California as it's too far to be away from my kids (they live with their mom). So unless they want a remote employee (did that before when I worked as a tech writer for a company in Austin, TX) that won't happen. I am willing to discuss it though...

Maybe, they'd like another forum admin specific to Android issues??

Yeah, that would be great! And, I mean, if you work on programming stuff, it's not like you have to present at headquarters, right? :3
Try their job or mods section, something like that. You're a pretty calm and collected guy anyway, so that's two good points in your favor. :D

Plus, if they leak breeding secrets to you, you should TOTALLY TELL! Ehehe. Besides, I always heard it say that C/C++ is the universal technological language, so...

02-25-13, 04:35 PM
Android here - I've been seeing issues with this as well but I can force my way through them. I do get the "Force Close" pop-up screen quite a bit but I either hit "Wait" or just wait and it loads up. The only thing I use VDay for is to breed then I close it out and run everything else I'd want to do in Reg Version.

My V-Day version sees the exact same issues reported here, freezes, navigating errors ( N E S W directions seem fine it's when you move diagonally ), coin counter not initially loading properly, floating dragons, disappeared dragons / habitats / farms after harvesting / before harvesting.

It definitely seems like a software related issue though. I'm sure V-Day edition was rushed out the gate despite the bugs, just to get it out in time and to give us something to do and so we wouldn't miss out on the festivities.

Think the best thing to do is to just let the game run its course and move back to regular version once you've got what you want out of the V-Day edition. Hopefully TL is working on getting pink implemented on regular version.

02-25-13, 04:38 PM
Maybe they are working on another version right now that will remedy all these problems. I don't think we are going to be in pink and hearts for a long long time. I hope not...I am ready to get back to green !

02-26-13, 06:57 AM
Dragon Story is a pretty processor & graphics intensive game. If you are on an older device, it will definitely crawl thru loading & displaying all elements of the game ( habitat's, buildings, dragons etc.. ). I found this out by comparing my 3 android devices performance when playing DS. I have no problem with the 2 dual core devices on ICS that I recently purchased whereas I always grit my teeth whenever I am on the 2 year old device on Froyo due to the slow loading & response... exactly the same problem expressed in the 1st post.

02-26-13, 01:14 PM
Really laggy today, with a lot of FCs, floating dragons with no habitats and the usual issues that I've had for a while now.