View Full Version : Failed Transfer?

02-10-13, 04:27 PM
Okay so. Team Lava reallllly did a number on me. I emailed them so they could transfer my game back to my Android. I wanted to transfer back after they got the update that iOS had. The pink dragons, etc. It was on my Ipod Touch. For some reason, my game wasn't showing up when I trasnferred. Both devices said Level 1. The emailed me back and said they needed me to make a temporary ID on the new device, the games I play, and the number of gems and gold I have. So I did just that and emailed them the details. They emailed me the next day saying that they attempted the transfer and to check the game to see if it worked. It didn't. And I told them that. They emailed me saying the same thing. Make a temporary ID, blah blah. My ID is CassideeRae. My temporary ID was CassideeRae2. I've noticed that every time I try to transfer from my Ipod to my Android, the ID doesn't change. The game erases from my iPod as if it transferred, but when I go to the Android, it's level 1 and the ID is STILL CassideeRae2. It won't transfer my original game to my Android. But when I put it back on my iPod, no problems. It's all there. I feel like Team Lava Support just made it worse. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there anything I can do? Help!

02-12-13, 05:11 AM
Have a look in my thread " help I lost my pets". Try what I did. On the device you want your game on. Download and play a storm8 game ( I played vampires live) play 3 levels then go home then to settings and it gives you the option to transfer storm 8 id games to your device

02-12-13, 05:12 AM
Use your original id not your new one.

02-12-13, 05:14 AM
My thread p3