View Full Version : Truffle chairs were brought back: please read

02-10-13, 11:48 AM
Many people have been complaining about how they wanted the truffle chairs back, although they had never had them because they had never unlocked them, and were trying to compare a limited timed gem Item to a unlock-able coin chair, what?
But really both we're brought back but again like last year the truffle chairs are only available to buy again for those players who unlocked them by completing the goals from last year, I did and I can buy them again this year.....
I'm sorry for those of you that didn't unlock it last year, but that's joust how the cookie crumbles sometimes, they only fair way to give you the truffle chairs would mean to bring back all the old goals and stuff you need to complete them, but there is not enough time to complete All those goals and finish what ever you have left (if any) of the new goals. And if you didn't get them done you would be asking for this years locked items next year... See what I mean?
If no that's ok but I hope you got some sort of understanding from this thread

02-10-13, 12:06 PM
But I think they brought back on christmas a goal item on fashion if I'm not wrong, a display. That's mean they can offer any item they want even if its lock.

02-10-13, 12:45 PM
Just bring back the goals then so we can unlock them

kooky panda
02-10-13, 03:42 PM
There is already a thread on the Truffle Chairs. You can add your comments here (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?34649-Truffle-Chair&p=540353&viewfull=1#post540353)