View Full Version : Social button...

12-16-10, 11:44 AM
Has been moved! I keep hitting the camera button instead. I also noticed with is update, I get only three restaurant choices to visit with the social button. And those have been restaurants with low or no stars. I don't want to tip " no tippers" .

12-16-10, 12:13 PM
Has been moved! I keep hitting the camera button instead. I also noticed with is update, I get only three restaurant choices to visit with the social button. And those have been restaurants with low or no stars. I don't want to tip " no tippers" .

I totally and completely agree on both counts.

12-16-10, 08:49 PM
I completely agree with the first 2 posts. The social button being moved has become a real problem, especially when switching between RS and BS, the buttons are in different spots on each game. It is just really annoying. And I just noticed another thread on the community pages issue.

12-17-10, 08:18 AM
Just adding my voice. We've become accustomed to tapping a certain way. Moving the icons have completely thrown off my rhythm