View Full Version : Empty walls since yesterday - my fault?

12-16-10, 04:08 AM
Since yesterday I often see the users walls empty, mine also, mostly after trying to leave a message. Seconds before there where dozens of messages.
Also since yesterday the walls labels are often "(null)'s wall" instead of the users name wall.

Is this my fault or a Team Lava serverproblem?

MIMI, storm8 ID FrauMimi

12-16-10, 05:56 AM
Same problem here, but this is just one of the many, many glitches in the game!

12-16-10, 04:36 PM
I think, this is a bad day for Farm Story. I am used to the "lost connection" messages, but as often and long as today that's new to me. Even forums.teamlava.com is dead from time to time. Either their server is dying or they are working hard with rebooting and repairing.
Let's hope the best for the nice game.

12-16-10, 06:33 PM
Let's hope they're working on it. Some very talented farm artist have had their art/farms completely wiped out.

Every so often I've been getting the server is down for maintenance message. With any luck all will be restored soon.

12-18-10, 05:15 AM
I'm sure, they are working on it but things are getting worse.
http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?4598-Where-s-my-farm-gone is growing longer and longer and just a minute ago I discovered the first empty farm from a friend by myself.

Farm Story is such a lovely game and the community is lovely as well, let's hope further that TL will discover and fix the problems.

optimistic MIMI