View Full Version : Missing Wallpaper

02-04-13, 04:40 PM
I expanded my bakery today, went looking for my pink stars wallpaper and its gone? I know that holiday content was removed but I don't know what holiday consisted of pink star wallpaper?

Any ideas?

02-04-13, 04:50 PM
Replace some and the start putting back up and the option buy should come up

02-04-13, 05:14 PM
I still have mine. Did u buy them?

02-06-13, 04:15 PM
It is just 'stores' the number I removed and only allows me to replace those 35 or whatever then its gone again. :mad:

I don't think its holiday related paper? Wondering why its MIA?

02-06-13, 04:17 PM
I believe the pink starred wallpaper was released after Christmas in Dec 2011 for New Years.

02-06-13, 04:22 PM
Ok it allowed me to replace and then when I got to the blank spaces it let me 'place' the missing 2 pieces, but its not available in the wallpaper store line up still? How very odd. I'm happy I got to fill the gaps because the pink I spent gems on to fill them doesn't come close to matching. Guess I will employ this method when I expand again.

Thanks for the tip!

02-07-13, 12:43 AM
same with me, i cannot find pink star wallpaper to on the store. im an android user.