View Full Version : What exactly is the difference between dragon story, new dawn, valentines?

02-03-13, 07:28 AM
I downloaded Dragon story about a month or so ago and love it. I know there is also new dawn. Is there any actual point in playing that version instead? From what I can tell there doesn't seem to be any gameplay differences, just graphical ones. Am I missing out on anything by not playing new dawn? Would I miss out on something from original dragon story if I switched over to new dawn so early? It's all very confusing.my girlfriend had been playing the game much longer than me and she had new dawn. I asked her if she crafted anything yet and she said she didn't even have the option to buy a spell shop in new dawn.
Also I see valentines version was released. Can I only get those valentines dragons with that version? I don't care for the color scheme of the world from viewing pictures. Hopefully someone can explain this to me.
Thanks in advance!

02-03-13, 08:05 AM
Depending if you are android or IOS has a large part of which version you should play. Right now, Vday is the most update for both platforms. So play that. The Vday dragons are only available on this edition. If you are not playing vday, Android is the ND game. If you are IOS, the original is the one you should play. Those are the most updated for that particular platform.

02-03-13, 08:50 AM
I am playing on my ipad. Why is the original the better version to play instead of new dawn for iOS? I just don't understand the point of releasing new versions if they are basically all the same. I mean, what exactly was the point of new dawn if everything could still be done on the original? I want the most complete version which you say is VD but I really dislike the color scheme.
Also, my friend got a left heart dragon at least a week ago before VD was even out. So are you sure it's been confirmed that the heart dragons are only available in VD? I've seen his game with my own eyes.

02-03-13, 09:00 AM
I am not exactly sure why they started ND. All I know is that ND brought higher food costs for lights. They wanted everyone to get ND, but some players refused because of the light feedings. They released new stuff on ND so the holdouts would come over. Then they updated the original and wanted everyone to switch back to that game. I personally like the original better. Last week alot of boo boos happened and the Heart dragons were released to soon. They fixed that and now you can only get them on VDay version. You can play the original but if you want to breed for the hearts, you will have to use vday, then go back to the original game. I was thinking about doing this but it was more of a pain. Yeah, someone over did the pink. and I think the new passion habitat looks better with the green grass. Eventually, after VDay, TL will want us all to go back to the original version or ND, but until that happens, VDay is the most current game.

02-03-13, 09:04 AM
K, I've bred my hearts on original DS, after downloading valentines ,of coarse.

02-03-13, 09:10 AM
Bred to get them or bred with them? *curiously she asks*

02-03-13, 09:13 AM
Lol! To get them! But... Maybe to get passion I should try using VD version because, that's not working so well!

02-03-13, 09:23 AM
K, I've bred my hearts on original DS, after downloading valentines ,of coarse.

I don't like pink so I just downloaded the valentines for the gold, which I got. Anyways, I have bred 2 left hearts, one is in passion habitat, 2nd in nest still. I also bred my left heart and my super and got mistmoth which is what I wanted to begin with when I got the first left heart. I play on an iPad and my island name is dragonfly ranch if you want to see.

02-03-13, 09:37 AM
Well then, never mind about what I wrote. But, why didn't any one tell me, pink is driving me nuts. Gotta go get my green back.

02-03-13, 12:54 PM
Wait so in order to get heart dragons now you need VD? Can I just download VD but keep playing original and be able to breed them on digital or do I need to breed them on VD and then once I have them I can go back to digital and they will be there? Still a little confused.
Also, so according to what you said, if on iOS, there is absolutely no point in switching over to new dawn...

02-03-13, 02:20 PM
We (or me) isn't sure. Go on original version and see. I know that with my original version game, I don't think its an option. When I open the game, I only get the pop up for caesar, not valentine. But when i go to VD, i get both pop ups. But they are in both markets. So, oh i am so confused. All I know is I have both hearts and going for passion tomorrow on VD-just in case.

ND has no value for IOS right now. That i am sure of. You might want to read the vDay thread and the left and right heart threads for verification.

02-03-13, 02:45 PM
I have a game on ipod and another on iphone. Both original versions of DS. On my ipod, quests show up for valentines dragons, get left heart and 15 valentines cards and so on but on my iphone, no quests appear about valentines but I have bred a left heart and bought the passion pit habitat. So from what I can tell so far, you don't have to go pink to get the valentines dragons!

02-03-13, 02:47 PM
oh, I forgot, I did get Caesar on my IPod but just haven't tried for other valentines dragons yet

02-03-13, 05:48 PM
I've been playing DS about hourly on my Android and NEVER got a quest for Valentines. I kept seeing requests for cards though and Google'd it. But then again, you iOS guys have always had it so much easier than those of us on Android. /sigh I'm just glad that I can start my pink and passion habitats in Valentine's and then do all my regular playing on New Dawn. Not happy with that aweful pink color scheme at all. As I said in my Google Play review, "This thing SCREAMS at you with a color scheme that only those who never outgrew My Little Pony can truly ignore." LOL

02-03-13, 08:30 PM
So I've finally downloaded VD because I wasn't seeing the dragons on my market. Now, in VD I see them but in original I don't. Yet I get the challenges for them on both VD and original. Should I just be safe and play VD for awhile to get what. Need and then go back to original?

02-04-13, 04:27 AM
So I've finally downloaded VD because I wasn't seeing the dragons on my market. Now, in VD I see them but in original I don't. Yet I get the challenges for them on both VD and original. Should I just be safe and play VD for awhile to get what. Need and then go back to original?

That's what I am doing. I find that jumping from game to game has an effect on my games syncing properly.

02-14-14, 10:16 PM
on android ND had an lower feeding cost, now it's no longer available which i think isn't right

02-15-14, 01:47 AM
There is no Valentine's Day version in my GooglePlayStore, just the original, Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving. I have these dragons..Valentine's, Bride, Left-heart, Right-Heart and Passion.

kooky panda
02-15-14, 03:17 PM
This thread is from last year.

Closing thread to avoid any confusion.