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[S8] Elsa
01-30-13, 11:37 AM
Thank you to everyone who has been providing feedback so far. We appreciate it! This thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?43532-Update-for-android) has reached quite a few pages. Let's start a fresh thread and continue the conversation.

Recap from the previous thread:

Developing for Android is more difficult due to the multiple operating systems and variety of devices. We're working to resolve the parity, but it takes more time due to the development process. We want to make sure we introduce features that include as many devices as possible.
We currently aren't able to provide a deadline to ensure that we don't present expectations that may not fall on a specific date/time. We rarely announce big feature updates or games prior to release, with the exception of our weekly teasers/content blogs.
The Android platform is supported. Any rumors stating otherwise are false information.
Players have said they would like to see more transparent updates or blogs about Android progress/updates.
Players have said they would like to be caught up before new features are implemented.
Players have said they would like simultaneous updates to all platforms.

Please be familiar with the forum rules & policies (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?6-Forum-Rules-amp-Policies) and keep the thread constructive. If you have a question or concern regarding a moderator action, please submit a thread in Forum Disputes (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?75-Forum-Disputes).

01-30-13, 12:48 PM
Thanks for setting us up, Pony :) When I saw the other one was locked I was so worried at first!

It's great to have the facts right there, too. Everyone will be on the same page when it comes to understanding the Android situation!

01-30-13, 01:03 PM
Yes, thank you, this was a good idea.

01-30-13, 01:07 PM
I really want to believe this is being worked on, I do. My wife and I have put some money into this game, and would love to do it some more, but until there is proof and not words your working on Android, it's hard to justify what feels like funding iOS players updates. I pay money they get the new stuff. That's the reality until you catch up Android : we pay for iOS updates. Every time you release updates for iOS and not us that's what it equates to. That's why it's so frustrating, if you can't update us you shouldn't be taking money. Your more than willing to take money but give nothing back in updates.

I don't want to be this negative, I don't. Just getting some honest feedback out here. Whatever is being done, it's just not enough or fast enough period. Other studios and games keep parity across platforms, so each week that goes by and it doesn't happen the excuse rings very hollow. If other studios can do it, and you can't, that excuse doesn't hold water.

01-30-13, 01:09 PM
Thanks Pony! I'm so glad I have learned to copy and paste before posting on forums, she locked it as I was typing a reply. ;)

I am also sending the valentines requests, some of my best neighbors are ios. Sadly alot of my Android neighbors have stopped being so active. I used the same get daily visits from one, not any more. He/She is still gifting and accepting / sending map requests; but that's it. I'm sad seeing stuff like that, but I understand the why. I'm fairly certain he/she has all (if not then nearly all dragons). My egg count is hovering barely above two, I don't visit nearly as often as I used to. I just started returning visits and visiting neighbors who gift me, for a few weeks all I rarely visited anyone.

I'm just waiting to see what happens at this point. My gut tells me something is coming, but I've put my excitement back in check. I don't want to get overly excited over a bunch of vague hints. Yes Pony said we are getting the valentines version, but we don't know what it will come with. My hope is we will at least see the pink dragons since it goes with the theme. I have a feeling the trading will be a little longer out. I think I remember Jake saying the pink dragons were in the works prior to the trading being released, so we would have those sooner. Only time will tell...

I have resisted the urge to download the valentines ds on my husband's old IPad. I was worried I would be disappointed to see our version when it comes out. I even thought about switching my bs and ds to the IPad from my phone, but that was only a brief thought. I don't want to play on that huge monster of a tablet. The darn thing is heavy compared to my Nexus 7. I just don't like using it. Since I can experience what I am lacking playing on android devices, why torture myself even looking. No point unless I decide to switch to the IPad, which isn't going to happen.

01-30-13, 02:06 PM
I've been playing Dragon Story on android since last summer. I really do enjoy the game, but I'm just so incredibly frustrated about the disparity. To me, it's basically equated to the fact that Android is playing half of the game that the IOS players are. We don't have the goals, the dragons, the buildings, the collection bonuses, and other features that they do.

That said, I have a question that I must have missed the answer on, if it's ever been asked or answered before.

If/When Android gets our Crafting update, will Android get gemstone dragons that are free in Android only, and which IOS would have to pay Gold to get?. Hear me out - I mean, fairs fair, right? IOS already got certian gemstone dragons that were craftable (Free), but Android can ONLY get for Gold (real money).

Why shouldn't Android get that perk once we catch up? Give us certian free breeds of dragons that IOS would have to pay for if they wanted them? Otherwise, it's basically just TL sticking it to Android users for TL's own lack of updates to that platform. When there's disparity between identical games, every other game developer insures that there is still something exclusive to each version so that way each one has their own appeal.

01-30-13, 02:13 PM
To be fair, no one sane is actually buying the gemstone dragons for that much money.

01-30-13, 02:15 PM
I dont really agree with the "cant get deadlines" maybe thats part of the problem...every job I have ever had has enforced deadlines to make sure progress is happening and it is an expectation that deadlines be met or workers get in trouble...how is it thar that same theory isnt practiced by developers.... I am not complaining or being rude...just expressing my feelings and opinions on deadlines....maybe if they had some then there would be a little more pressure to complete the project..... my 2 cents....any way I cant wait for pink dragons ...I realllllly want the album too! Maybe we will get those with the valentines update?!?! :)

01-30-13, 02:18 PM
To be fair, no one sane is actually buying the gemstone dragons for that much money.

I agree and i know I sure wont! But you never know....it would be intetesting to see statistics on gold purchases and devices...

01-30-13, 02:25 PM
If/When Android gets our Crafting update, will Android get gemstone dragons that are free in Android only, and which IOS would have to pay Gold to get?. Hear me out - I mean, fairs fair, right? IOS already got certian gemstone dragons that were craftable (Free), but Android can ONLY get for Gold (real money).

Fact is, you'll eventually get them. I wouldn't think it unfair that iOs would have to wait the same time that Android did for updates - how many months is it now? Lol - but it being permanent would be fair exactly HOW? Remember it's not the players' fault that the updates keep getting postponed! That doesn't even make sense.

01-30-13, 02:53 PM
It makes me sooooo jealous when I visit people and they have so much features that I don't have. Even just a small update other than weekly updates would make me happy because that would show that you's are actually working on something, because come on I know you's say you's are working on it, but words are just words, right?

01-30-13, 02:57 PM
Its not in Google's play store yet. think we'll probably get it but perhaps next week or something.
I remembered having to wait a while longer for RS v.day edition too

Yes, pending no issues, in a few days. :)

Reading between the lines of Pony's post in the the ds valentines thread, I don't think the Android version isn't finished yet, at least as of yesterday. Sounds like they are still finishing it up. I'm not trying to start any drama by pointing that out, just think we should be cautiously optimistic about getting the valentines version tomorrow. We all know what "soon" or "few days" can mean.

01-30-13, 03:11 PM
To be fair, no one sane is actually buying the gemstone dragons for that much money.

I agree and I'll never pay it. I've wondered why it was/is that such a huge gold price tag was placed on Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire for Android. IOS was/is able to craft them, if I'm not mistaken, not have to shell out huge amounts of gold if they wanted them. I also know that many IOS players have had to wait for Sapphire to be available to them, due to some problem and that it will/would be available to them at a later date. First, I think they were told about a week, but I believe it's been longer now. Anyway, I felt then and feel now that placing such a huge gold price tag on something for Android seemed unfair. Didn't understand why then and still don't.

01-30-13, 03:19 PM
Okay I had a silly thing to say about how if iOS has to trade for them then Android can't have it for free but the more I try to word it the worse it sounds.

01-30-13, 03:26 PM
Okay I had a silly thing to say about how if iOS has to trade for them then Android can't have it for free but the more I try to word it the worse it sounds.

Well, IF I understand correctly, Android will be able to craft them at some point in time. When that time is, isn't known. I understand that this could be a fact, but what I don't "get" is, why TL slapped such a huge gold price tag on these dragons for Android, if they knew we'd be able to craft them "some day". Just felt to me like it was pretty much a greed thing, because they knew Android was starved for something and some would pay it. I'd like to think none did, but I'm sure I'd be thinking wrong.

01-30-13, 03:28 PM
Cant understand you. This IS an ios-game and they need to port it to android ... you have no clue how hard it is since its not an cross platform based code. I bet TL is developing with Java but Apple hates cross-platform applications and they have HARD restrictions for apps in the store (i hate the apple-store for that) and they need to develope it twice - One for ios and one for android. I can understand TL: Why should they wait for releasing the finished update on ios - they loosing money when they do. Its a company! And I bet they work as hard as they can on releasing the update for droid too. faster update - faster money!
Someone had to say that.

01-30-13, 03:29 PM
Honestly I've always thought that they shouldn't have made the dragons available until we can craft. It's insulting in a way.

01-30-13, 03:32 PM
If it is the diffant versions that are giving you trouble i would focus on gingerbread that is a couple years old, just about all phones that can handle the game has it. and anyone with a higher version would handle it even better. and gingerbread can handle anything you have done. i know this because i know some one who plays on a ipod gen 2 and that is far far far behind gingerbread

01-30-13, 03:35 PM
This may help, found it recently http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?20551-Dev-Response-Challenges-of-Porting-from-iOS-to-Android

01-30-13, 03:39 PM
This may help, found it recently http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?20551-Dev-Response-Challenges-of-Porting-from-iOS-to-Android

Yep - thats what im talking about. Thanks for that :) Didnt know there was something like that in this forum!

01-30-13, 03:47 PM
This may help, found it recently http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?20551-Dev-Response-Challenges-of-Porting-from-iOS-to-Android

Hmmm, interesting...!

01-30-13, 03:55 PM
Okay I had a silly thing to say about how if iOS has to trade for them then Android can't have it for free but the more I try to word it the worse it sounds.

I don't think there is anyway to put it that could avoid upsetting someone. I refused to buy them either. TL has lost their minds if they think I'm going to pay over $50 for one virtual dragon!

01-30-13, 04:05 PM
Who is accepting their neighbors request for iOS exclusive items?

01-30-13, 04:31 PM
I am accepting my neighbours exclusive requests. Be extremely rude not too. My iOS neighbours are amazing and the lack of updates aren't their fault. I'm grateful they've given us a heads up on all the updates. I've gotten most of my dragons to epic before prices go up. And saved all my duplicates to trade off when I can. Beyond happy to wait for the updates, still trying for mercury o.o

01-30-13, 04:42 PM
Of course I am answering my neighbours requests. It isn't their fault that I bought Android. That was my choice and I am still happy with it.

01-30-13, 04:43 PM
Cant understand you. This IS an ios-game and they need to port it to android ... you have no clue how hard it is since its not an cross platform based code. I bet TL is developing with Java but Apple hates cross-platform applications and they have HARD restrictions for apps in the store (i hate the apple-store for that) and they need to develope it twice - One for ios and one for android. I can understand TL: Why should they wait for releasing the finished update on ios - they loosing money when they do. Its a company! And I bet they work as hard as they can on releasing the update for droid too. faster update - faster money!
Someone had to say that.
Umm... the game isn't already available for Android? We are talking about updates to an existing game, not a whole new one, and tl should have been ready to keep both platforms in sync BEFORE they released the game for Android. The fact that they apparently weren't is bad business and is losing them more money than delaying ios updates ever will. The point being, I don't think they should be 'finishing updates' for ios so much instead of catching up the Android game.

01-30-13, 04:54 PM
Who say TL not treat us Andriod users fairly? So our IOS good neighbors get to breed they'er new Valentine's dragons since yesterday & the Andriod user are part of it too... We get a chance to help send Valentine's card to our IOS neighbors; is it exciting? Wow!! Thanks TL. It's just like the Andriod users doesn't get to eat the candy, but we get a chance to unwrap the candy wrapper for our IOS neighbors! Wow talking about in your face lolx.

01-30-13, 04:56 PM
I respond to my neighbors requests too. Not their fault if TL is dragging their feet to release updates to Android.
But then, there is Kindle. And my fear is that when Android will receive the Valentine update in a few days, Kindle will not. Some have talked about rooting the kindle which would allow to download from Google store. Do not do it. You risk messing up your tablet really badly and this to download an update...that's not worth it.
I hope Kindle will also be updated. The Amazon app store got a few add ons for Bakery Life, as I have seen Thanksgiving and Halloween. My hope is that Valentine will be release for DS in the Amazon app store also.

01-30-13, 04:57 PM
Cant understand you. This IS an ios-game and they need to port it to android ... you have no clue how hard it is since its not an cross platform based code. I bet TL is developing with Java but Apple hates cross-platform applications and they have HARD restrictions for apps in the store (i hate the apple-store for that) and they need to develope it twice - One for ios and one for android. I can understand TL: Why should they wait for releasing the finished update on ios - they loosing money when they do. Its a company! And I bet they work as hard as they can on releasing the update for droid too. faster update - faster money!
Someone had to say that.

This is incorrect. iOS devices use Objective C which is an object oriented version of the C programming language. Android uses C/C++ as the code. The code between the two is actually very similar with *some* differences. In my opinion, not enough differences to warrant so long a wait on the update, but differences (calling conventions, variables, etc) that does cause some delays in coding. I don't think any of the iDevices use Java as their programming language.

Needless to say, I believe things are happening and we've been waiting a long time and hope it's coming in this latest update, even if we have to wait an extra week for it.

01-30-13, 05:02 PM
Hmmm, interesting...!

ok that's interesting. They shouldn't be using Java on Android, that's part of the problem including how slow things are in Dragon Story. If they are porting to java, that's a completely different issue. They should be using C/C++ to keep the code as close to identical as possible.

However, I find this statement somewhat interesting:

Most people would expect that it's the difference in language, Objective-C++ going to Java. However, the two languages are extremely similar in structure so it's not difficult at all to translate from one language to another.

01-30-13, 05:04 PM
Who is accepting their neighbors request for iOS exclusive items?

Why would someone NOT accept? What would be the point? Don't go hatin' on neighbors, it's not their fault.

01-30-13, 05:12 PM
Why would someone NOT accept? What would be the point? Don't go hatin' on neighbors, it's not their fault.

That's exactly what I would've said. Declining it is stupid and immature, and doesn't solve anything. Plus, Android should get the V-Day update soon.

01-30-13, 05:15 PM
ok that's interesting. They shouldn't be using Java on Android, that's part of the problem including how slow things are in Dragon Story. If they are porting to java, that's a completely different issue. They should be using C/C++ to keep the code as close to identical as possible.

However, I find this statement somewhat interesting:
Well, clearly something is wrong on their end... Why don't you try posting that in that thread, see what they reply ? :) you're awesome dude(tte)!
Oh, and for the record: i thought it was interesting that they'd even create a thread talking about these things. I wonder why we hadn't beem directed towards that thread yet.

01-30-13, 05:17 PM
Well, clearly something is wrong on their end... Why don't you try posting that in that thread, see what they reply ? :) you're awesome dude(tte)!
Oh, and for the record: i thought it was interesting that they'd even create a thread talking about these things. I wonder why we hadn't beem directed towards that thread yet.

Ummm, that thread was from august 2011. But I just found it recently.

01-30-13, 05:19 PM
That's exactly what I would've said. Declining it is stupid and immature, and doesn't solve anything. Plus, Android should get the V-Day update soon.
Yeah! it's not your neighbors fault if, you don't know how to play your game on both platform like Jrodt333 ;)

01-30-13, 05:21 PM
Well, clearly something is wrong on their end... Why don't you try posting that in that thread, see what they reply ? :) you're awesome dude(tte)!
Oh, and for the record: i thought it was interesting that they'd even create a thread talking about these things. I wonder why we hadn't beem directed towards that thread yet.

Yes, I think it would have solved some confusion on my part. I need to go research a couple things and I'll get back to people. My knowledge of Java is pretty slim compared to C/C++. Was starting to learn Objective C when I was working for an iPhone development company. Was doing some back-end web site/db work for front-end apps at the time when I was starting to compare C/C++ with ObjC.

There may be a reason to do Java (android phones make heavy use of Java) but I still would develop in C/C++ myself. Maybe there's something I'm missing and since I don't want to speak out of the side of my mouth, I'll shutup while I figure it out.

01-30-13, 05:22 PM
"Android parity discussion", eh? Hard to say much with an update submitted to Google for review... (I assume)
This means the Valentine' s content will, barring problems, be released more or less in parity.

There's really only two questions I can think of to ask...
First, was the Valentine's app submitted to Amazon as well? Would save a lot of your players from googling "sideloading" if they knew it was pending...

More importantly, how much will this app close the gap? Will it contain all the missing content? Or just the Valentine's content? I think closer to the latter. I only expect the Valentine's content and the rest of New Dawn. I figure, like most, there's no way it took four months to port the goals, boosts and costs of New Dawn. I think they held off on releasing an update to New Dawn Android, knowing Valentine's was coming. So they combined the two, a simple pallette and background swap, then add the Heart dragons and rose decor and goals. This way we'll not realize it takes them three months at least to port content - it looks like it's totally in sync...

Ah well, we'll see soon enough... Will it be true parity, or just a ruse to placate the masses while we wait months more for the Album, Crafting, and Pink content to be converted?

01-30-13, 05:23 PM
Ummm, that thread was from august 2011. But I just found it recently.

Oh, nice going! :) you should be a mod. :p

Yeah! it's not your neighbors fault if, you don't know how to play your game on both platform like Jrodt333 ;)
So if someone doesn't switch back and forth , then it is their neighbors' fault? ;D

01-30-13, 05:30 PM
Profsink...I have the same questions....will this update be an overall update or just the valentines stuff to distract and "placate the masses" will we get any ofthe stuff we are behind on? Maybe someone can answer that! I think we wont or it would have been mentioned... I am thankfull we will get something though! Hopefull we will get more of the old updates.... doubtfull it will happen though... dont get me wrong I am grateful we are getting something but it should not excuse or override the things we are lacking....maybe someone higher up will address that question.....ooooooooo still cant wait for the valentines to update!!

01-30-13, 05:39 PM
Cant understand you. This IS an ios-game and they need to port it to android ... you have no clue how hard it is since its not an cross platform based code. I bet TL is developing with Java but Apple hates cross-platform applications and they have HARD restrictions for apps in the store (i hate the apple-store for that) and they need to develope it twice - One for ios and one for android. I can understand TL: Why should they wait for releasing the finished update on ios - they loosing money when they do. Its a company! And I bet they work as hard as they can on releasing the update for droid too. faster update - faster money!
Someone had to say that.

Recap from the previous thread:


The Android platform is supported. Any rumors stating otherwise are false information.

NOT an iOS-only game.

01-30-13, 05:58 PM
I stand corrected, it seems you can ONLY DEVELOP for Android using Java :-( Stupid, especially considering all the libraries are written in C/C++. Go figure :-(

[S8] Elsa
01-30-13, 06:10 PM
Profsink...I have the same questions....will this update be an overall update or just the valentines stuff to distract and "placate the masses" will we get any ofthe stuff we are behind on? Maybe someone can answer that! I think we wont or it would have been mentioned... I am thankfull we will get something though! Hopefull we will get more of the old updates.... doubtfull it will happen though... dont get me wrong I am grateful we are getting something but it should not excuse or override the things we are lacking....maybe someone higher up will address that question.....ooooooooo still cant wait for the valentines to update!!

The Valentine's Day edition will only be Valentine's content.

We agree this doesn't override any parity issues, but are happy that we're able to share the Valentine's content for both platforms.

01-30-13, 07:17 PM
The Valentine's Day edition will only be Valentine's content.

We agree this doesn't override any parity issues, but are happy that we're able to share the Valentine's content for both platforms.

What about the food costs?

01-30-13, 07:19 PM
That explains why I got the v card request and not any of the lotus blossoms requests from my neighbors.

01-30-13, 07:23 PM
And this is why I stopped playing dragon story.

01-30-13, 07:52 PM
Ok I can't help it... I'm glad we are getting the valentines stuff, but a part of me is a little disappointed it's not coming with an update as well.

01-30-13, 08:05 PM
The Valentine's Day edition will only be Valentine's content.

We agree this doesn't override any parity issues, but are happy that we're able to share the Valentine's content for both platforms.
Is that means no pink coming to Android any time soon?

01-30-13, 08:12 PM
Is that means no pink coming to Android any time soon?

I was just going to ask about that. There are no pink requirements in the Valentine content then? I mean, nothing we're going to need pink for?

I saw pictures of the pink "grass" ... that's a LOT of pink! LOL

01-30-13, 08:26 PM
From what I understand, the two Hearts are Red/Blue, and Passion comes from the two halves. No pink. Though the icon makes one think it was intended to be Pink, but got changed for some reason, like not leaving Android out of a Holiday thing.

I'm shocked to hear, well, anything about an update, really. I wasn't expecting much from this update, yet TeamLava still manages to disappoint. At least we're not getting the shaft for Valentine's.

01-30-13, 08:41 PM
From what I understand, the two Hearts are Red/Blue, and Passion comes from the two halves. No pink. Though the icon makes one think it was intended to be Pink, but got changed for some reason, like not leaving Android out of a Holiday thing.

I'm shocked to hear, well, anything about an update, really. I wasn't expecting much from this update, yet TeamLava still manages to disappoint. At least we're not getting the shaft for Valentine's.

Well, that's what I was thinking I understood about the two Hearts.

01-30-13, 08:42 PM
I am accepting my neighbours exclusive requests. Be extremely rude not too. My iOS neighbours are amazing and the lack of updates aren't their fault. I'm grateful they've given us a heads up on all the updates. I've gotten most of my dragons to epic before prices go up. And saved all my duplicates to trade off when I can. Beyond happy to wait for the updates, still trying for mercury o.o

So do I!
My iOS neighbors always send me golds everyday, though I can only send 3 for them, so in average, one neighbor send me 6 golds a week, but I can only send him/her 4-5 golds in respond, i feel guilty :(
Moreover, they visit my island everyday, but I can't do it for them. So, I will accept any request from my neighbors :D

IOS users didn't involve in android's lacking updates, and they never look down on us because of this, so don't blame iOS users such as "I paid money for iOS updating" or "I didn't respond my iOS neighbors's exclusive requests" it's very rude and impolite

01-30-13, 09:03 PM
I have been hoarding apples for four weeks(after getting Mercury Dragon), so I'm very happy we are getting Caesar Dragon tomorrow and Valentine content soon.

01-30-13, 09:45 PM
I have seen that it is confirmed that the Ceaser and Heart dragons will be coming to android/kindle. I have a few questions though...

#1- Is it confirmed that Team Lava does intend to update Android/Kindle users so that we can get the dragon album, boost tree, trading portals and pink dragons? If this is confirmed do they intend to update them all at the same time or is it going to be in parts?

#2- When TL does finally catch up Android/Kindle users do they intend to increase our food costs only after everything is caught up or are they going to increase food with only part of the updates?

I personally think that Team Lava OWES it to the kindle/android users to not increase our food and habitat prices until EVERYTHING is up to date. I also think as a token to us for all the frustration and waiting that TL should give us reduced food and habitat prices for a decent amount of time afterwords in order to give us a chance to at least catch up to everything (goals etc..). Please PonyRoar if you can take the time to answer my questions I would be greatly appreciative :)

01-30-13, 10:05 PM
The Valentine's Day edition will only be Valentine's content.

We agree this doesn't override any parity issues, but are happy that we're able to share the Valentine's content for both platforms.

Holy cow!! I got an answer! !!!!!! Yay!!!!!!THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING!!!!!!!!!! Seriously...thank you pony! It is disappointing but we now know...and again I dont want to come off as ungrateful. .. I do appreciate the valentines update and your response!

Ok I can't help it... I'm glad we are getting the valentines stuff, but a part of me is a little disappointed it's not coming with an update as well.

Tru dat.... I am also glad and disappointed at the same time....really an awkward feeling :/

01-30-13, 11:07 PM
Or maybe TL's making an exclusive element for us android players :D we will have some dragons that were created for android in order to having something to do while waiting for other features :D
I'm daydreaming :D

Wow, wouldn't that be a wonderful thing to happen. For once Android gets something iOS doesn't get. Personally I would not wish the agony and pain that I feel as an android user who has to visit neighbors with pink dragons all the time on anyone.

01-30-13, 11:31 PM
Or maybe TL's making an exclusive element for us android players :D we will have some dragons that were created for android in order to having something to do while waiting for other features :D
I'm daydreaming :D

Lol, never gonna happen. :) But like GavGav2 said, I wouldn't want iOS users left out.

01-30-13, 11:48 PM
Tru dat.... I am also glad and disappointed at the same time....really an awkward feeling :/

It is awkward, it really is. After all thinking about it, I think I'm going to take the high road on this one. I'll put the disappointment I feel away and be happy with what we are getting. Is it ideal? No, but life rarely is. Instead, I'll take it as a positive thing. I'm looking at it this way... When has anything other than weekly updates of existing content been released to iOS and Android this close together? My point is, this close to iOS getting the Valentines version is progress. I realize the breeding elements are existing, but this isn't just releasing a weekly update. IMHO, It most certainly is a step in the right direction... which is what most of us wanted.

I don't remember when it started (my current account is actually my redo after I made some mistakes), but it was around the time of the Olympics because I remember failing the question for Athletic because it wasn't high enough level of our get a water dragon in time. Yet, I was able to breed one later on. Last count is think I have 6 currently, was hoping to trade a few in. 100 coins here I come... Anyway, I could be wrong in my assumptions since I didn't start reading the ds forum regularly until recently. Just wanted to add that disclaimer.

01-30-13, 11:51 PM
Good luck with the parity. Maybe you will see it soon.

01-30-13, 11:53 PM
I hate that I can't edit posts. I should also know not to try and make sense at nearly 1am...correction about the athletic sentence... Because I wasn't a high enough level to get a water dragon in time. Okay off to bed with me before my kids wake me up in 5 hours...

01-31-13, 12:00 AM
It is a step in the right direction, but at the same time, standing still. A very tricky maneuver.
TeamLava's always been very good at releasing holiday expansions in parity. Some hiccups here and there, but overall, very good.

I just remain flummoxed by how long it's taking to release the rest of New Dawn. It's totally inexplicable at this point. Unless they just don't care.

01-31-13, 06:34 AM
They say that the two platforms are too difficult to translate and that's what's taking so long? I'm sorry but I have quite a few apps that are for iOS and android and they have no issues with updates. Maybe Teamlava should ask those developers what they do. Just my two cents. Or maybe hire someone who can quickly write for android. Why haven't they yet if they truly cared?

I am trying to be excited about the Valentine's update but to be honest I've been 'burned' far too often by this company. We were told that we would get the crafting, pink dragons (I'm obsessed with pink, if it's pink I need it even if I'll never use it, so you can understand my frustration there, even my hair was hot pink for the longest time) and other updates 'soon' but it's been months. Idk what calendar they've been going by but that isn't soon. So until I see it for myself, I just can't paste a smile on. And tbh until I get my pink dragons, my heart won't be in this game. It's just a game and yet I feel truly heartbroken at this. No game has ever made me feel this way.

And for the people saying that iOS shouldn't have to wait for updates so Android can catch up, are you paying attention to what's going on? It's not OUR fault we've had to wait. I've seen many iOS users in this forum say time and time again that they wouldn't mind waiting so we can at least catch up because they see how unfairly we're being treated. If they're asking for it For us, why can't we have it?? I'm not saying they should wait out of spite. I'm saying that we should be allowed to play catch up every few months. I've tried writing to customer service (asking that it be forwarded to a developer) suggesting that Android be allowed to catch up before iOS gets anymore new features or dragons but I never received a reply, not that I was expecting one, but usually when a Customer submits a ticket about a complaint they have with a product they've put money into, its treated with more care and they're at least given something. I don't mean free stuff. I don't want free stuff. I just want Fair stuff. Idk, maybe I'm being too harsh, but I speak with owners of a very large business on a daily bases that listens to every one of their customers and does their best to make everyone happy, maybe that's given me a wrong view on the rest of the world. Maybe that's not how it works. Idk, I just don't know what to think anymore. I do know that once we have the same updates that iOS has, I'll begin putting money into this game again, until then they are losing money as see no reason to do so now :(

01-31-13, 06:52 AM
I stand corrected, it seems you can ONLY DEVELOP for Android using Java :-( Stupid, especially considering all the libraries are written in C/C++. Go figure :-(

Thanks for the info. :) makes this whole thing a bit easier to understand. Still, they should have someone specialized onnjava for now..

01-31-13, 09:25 AM
I just remain flummoxed by how long it's taking to release the rest of New Dawn. It's totally inexplicable at this point. Unless they just don't care.

Or they really have abandoned it as I have read in other posts referring to the ios nd. If they abandoned it for them, maybe there is no intention to release it to us ever. Pure speculation of course.

Another random (probably totally wild) thought I had.... Has there been any holiday versions of ds released before? Wondering if the valentines version delayed the devs from working on getting android a real (not seasonal) update.

I'm still working on that whole letting go of the disappointment thing. It was so much easier to write it than to make myself believe it. Now if only I could actually practice what I preach.

01-31-13, 09:27 AM
Tonguelashing - I'm sorry I didn't mean to ignore your post. Thank you for taking the time to research that and let us know. In your opinion does that explain why everything is taking so long?

01-31-13, 09:45 AM
I don't know if this discussion helps me or not, I'm so annoyed that there is another update that isn't available to me. Those of us that have android still don't see anything. What are we "behind" now, 4 updates? If they aren't going to support the game on the Android, just admit it. I really do enjoy Dragonstory, but want to know it is a dead end at this point. If it is so impossible to write updates for Android for TeamLava, then how come some of the other games they have, such as Pet shop, have current Android updates alongside the iphone updates?

01-31-13, 10:45 AM
It is awkward, it really is. After all thinking about it, I think I'm going to take the high road on this one. I'll put the disappointment I feel away and be happy with what we are getting. Is it ideal? No, but life rarely is. Instead, I'll take it as a positive thing.
Yes...life is unfair but thats why I play games!! My life has been insanely unfair in the last 30 days (was fired from a job I loved by a women who had been there less than 2 months after I filed hostile working environment claim...now proceeding with a human rights commission claim....) so yeah I really would lo e to have fairness in games as everything else is unfair....gAmes should be distractions from reality and it is fueling negative reactions.....

Tonguelashing - I'm sorry I didn't mean to ignore your post. Thank you for taking the time to research that and let us know. In your opinion does that explain why everything is taking so long?

Really java? Thats been around longer than ios... so why would it take longer ? Shouldnt more people be used to designing with it?

01-31-13, 10:52 AM
So...if Valentine's Day content is coming to Android, why couldn't they just wait to release it for iOS until it was ready for both?

This is the kind of thing that is really starting to get under my skin.

01-31-13, 10:59 AM
So...if Valentine's Day content is coming to Android, why couldn't they just wait to release it for iOS until it was ready for both?

This is the kind of thing that is really starting to get under my skin.

I think that's a legit question.

01-31-13, 11:17 AM
The timeout factor on this form is hideous! Typing a reply and go to post and my session has timed out, wants me to log in and then my post is lost :-( Stupid stupid stupid!

Tonguelashing - I'm sorry I didn't mean to ignore your post. Thank you for taking the time to research that and let us know. In your opinion does that explain why everything is taking so long?

This is one thing that is taking a while yes, but it still shouldn't be taking as long as it has. The two languages are still very similar in nature. But from what we read on the developer post earlier in this thread, TL doesn't have an "iOS Team" and an "Android Team". They expect their developers to do double duty as it were.

I am disappointed that the valentines update is not the major update we've been looking for. It could have been and should have been the full update. I think TL needs to dedicate people to making Android on Par with the iOS version of DS. This can be done in multiple smaller releases. For example, get the full New Dawn update with boosts, and dawn tree, etc. Then get the trading and crafting out. then get the pink dragons. These can all be done in small progress releases and would show us that things are indeed happening.

However, one thing to remember, is a LOT of the updates that happen weekly to DS are NOT in the application!!! They are in the SERVER CODE. Some features in the application are only implemented on the iOS App which is why they appear to get more than we do. The app we install on our devices be it iOS or Android, is mostly an interface to the server. Updates for the iOS version such as the sapphire dragon didn't require an update to the app itself, it just appeared. That's because trading/crafting is implemented on iOS and the feature is added to the server.

The code migration should not be taking 4 months. I thank TL for this valentines day release when it hits the google play store, but it could have and should have been a full update at this point. No reason for it not to be.

01-31-13, 11:31 AM
Thank you, tonguelashing. Geez, this is all pretty dismal. Kind of sounds like they're trying to run when they've not learned to walk, so they're not getting much of anywhere. So ... does our receiving "Valentine content", as it's been called, mean that they're progressing or even learning how to work with Android? As far as "the update" for Android goes ... we may not be any closer than we were a couple months ago, is what it feels like.

01-31-13, 11:33 AM
So...if Valentine's Day content is coming to Android, why couldn't they just wait to release it for iOS until it was ready for both?

This is the kind of thing that is really starting to get under my skin.

Exactly. ....

01-31-13, 12:01 PM
In all likelihood, Apple and Google take different amounts of time for their approval processes. Apparently, Apple is faster.

01-31-13, 12:06 PM
On a lighter note, I'm finally getting the Snowman dragon on my Android tablet!! Now I have both recent holiday dragons (Elf and snowman) before they disappear :-)

01-31-13, 12:20 PM
On a lighter note, I'm finally getting the Snowman dragon on my Android tablet!! Now I have both recent holiday dragons (Elf and snowman) before they disappear :-)

Great news, tonguelashing!!
Caesar just minutes ago landed on my island.

01-31-13, 01:16 PM
Yes same here but I cant open market for some reason..
Game crashes when I open market
Is it going to be fixed?

01-31-13, 01:19 PM
There is a thread going now of people reporting problems. I didn't crash, but didn't freeze and received a game roll back twice as a prize! At least the roll back did include the gold I had just spent!

01-31-13, 01:21 PM
Sulo... Here is the link to that thread. Here (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?45426-My-DS-is-crashing-ever-since-the-Caesar-dragon-has-appeared)

01-31-13, 01:35 PM
On a lighter note, I'm finally getting the Snowman dragon on my Android tablet!! Now I have both recent holiday dragons (Elf and snowman) before they disappear :-)

That's great! Cngrats. ;)

And i suppose the Heart dragon stuff is being tested in iOS before launching for android. It seems like caesar is crashing android games, so i can imagine the problems with the heart/valentines' edition...

01-31-13, 01:42 PM
Gratz on your snowman! That was a nightmare for me to get too!

01-31-13, 04:04 PM
Just spent my stockpiled gold to try and breed a ceasar dragon....kept getting fruitful ...logged back on forum after I spent roughly a hundred gold to find out less than an hour after I started they took the ceasar away!! Wasted at least an hour and 50 gold for nothing!!! Why cant they get some programmers that know what they are doing.... I am very irratated right now... only updates we get are broken ones! Thats the best they can do in the last 4 months??? This is making me doubt we will even get valentines....pony said "cant speculate" on cupid dragon ... no new dawn goals or pink or album with valentines ...we are never going to get anything especially if they cant get the small weekly stuff right! Arggg so frustrated right now.... I emailed support an earfull.

01-31-13, 04:47 PM
My question is why are we (android) not getting the first updates that came out? I would seem to me that the first updates would come out before the ones released yesterday. How long is it going to take to put the updates in order and release them as they were released?

Or are we waiting for all releases to be fixed and released at the same time , this should take a lot longed to achieve.

01-31-13, 05:58 PM
Just spent my stockpiled gold to try and breed a ceasar dragon....kept getting fruitful ...logged back on forum after I spent roughly a hundred gold to find out less than an hour after I started they took the ceasar away!! Wasted at least an hour and 50 gold for nothing!!! Why cant they get some programmers that know what they are doing.... I am very irratated right now... only updates we get are broken ones! Thats the best they can do in the last 4 months??? This is making me doubt we will even get valentines....pony said "cant speculate" on cupid dragon ... no new dawn goals or pink or album with valentines ...we are never going to get anything especially if they cant get the small weekly stuff right! Arggg so frustrated right now.... I emailed support an earfull.

Don't think they took Ceasar away. It's now part of a goal chain explained in another thread New Dawn -> Lightbringer -> Emperor. Android version of the game can breed the Ceasar Dragon. I'll be trying my attempt tonight while my snowman is on the nest :-)

01-31-13, 06:07 PM
I'd rather have the trading first than the boosts!

@tongue, they took it away for a few hours because it was causing a fair amount of ppl's game to crash

01-31-13, 06:10 PM
I'd rather have the trading first than the boosts!

@tongue, they took it away for a few hours because it was causing a fair amount of ppl's game to crash

That makes sense.

I think I'm in agreement with trading/crafting arriving first as I have a LOT of extra dragons I can trade in to create the gemstone dragons. But, it looks like it's going to be much longer than I hoped it was going to be (thought it would be full parity with the valentines update). At least we are closer as the valentines update is a feature update not just having the new dragons. As the breeding calculations are different (break appart, etc) which leads to pink dragons and other features. At least I can dream, yes?

01-31-13, 07:26 PM
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Boosts, Album, Storage, Trading or Crafting. These things are different kinds of updates than Pink or the Hearts. Those are just new recipes and habitats, while the others are actual changes to how the game works... Altering capacity of habitats and such.

The Valentine's update sounds just like every other holiday update TeamLava does - new tile set/background, new goals, decor and recipes, released in parity between iOS and Android. This is what they do, and they're good at it. But changing the way the game works? They seem to only be able to do that on iOS.

So I'm betting we see Pink long before any other feature updates, as I don't think we'll ever see Boosts, Album, Storage or Trading&Crafting.

01-31-13, 08:03 PM
Yeah they took it away temporarily ...just happened to be while I was spending my stockpiled gold ....now it back and the fruitfuls keep coming and now a sunrise grrrrrr.... anyway wasted gold... grouchy zebra.... I am outa here.

01-31-13, 11:18 PM
SPOILER......Omg omg omg so excited just got valentines on android andddddddd pinks are there!!!!!!!!!!!

01-31-13, 11:35 PM
SPOILER......Omg omg omg so excited just got valentines on android andddddddd pinks are there!!!!!!!!!!!

Faster than I expected!

So ... guess that means a switch from "our" New Dawn game to the Valentine's? Finish up the few goals on our New Dawn for the Caesar first?

01-31-13, 11:47 PM
Faster than I expected!

So ... guess that means a switch from "our" New Dawn game to the Valentine's? Finish up the few goals on our New Dawn for the Caesar first?

The caesar dragon goal is in my original ds game. I started them in nd but can't breed caesar right now so went back to the old game and the goal was still there for it.

02-01-13, 12:07 AM
Pretty sure its broken sent an email to support hopefully its fixed before others try.... double check quest book if quests arent there dont try breeding it wont work .....same issue as ceasar earlier as far as I can tell.....BEWARE!!!

02-01-13, 12:15 AM
Oh thank you, I did not have the ceasar quest this morning and I got a sunrise while breeding ceasar, now no valentine quest and I got a magic :(

02-01-13, 12:17 AM
Yup no quest no chance at breeding... glad I could take that 500 some odd gold hit between the valentines and ceasar.... maybe it will save someone else from doing the same! Stupid me I got too excited to notice :(

02-01-13, 12:47 AM
None of the vesions require more coin at farm for food...but valentines version wants 1200 food to feed my level 7 pegasus while new dawn and original still only require 240 food.

02-01-13, 12:48 AM
SPOILER......Omg omg omg so excited just got valentines on android andddddddd pinks are there!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you get the 30 gold installation quest or did you stalk the app store for it? xD

02-01-13, 12:53 AM
Did you get the 30 gold installation quest or did you stalk the app store for it? xD
No 30 gold.... I guess I stalked app store... hadnt played for 2 or 3 hours so I checked and it was there lol

02-01-13, 01:30 AM
Yeah, Dragon Story: Valentine's day appeared in Google store :D i'm downloading :D

02-01-13, 01:37 AM
With the Pink dragons! Thank you TL, I was dying trying to get an Angel dragon for weeks! Finally something new!

02-01-13, 02:00 AM
Is there supposed to be pink quests also????. if so ... I have none. Which would indicate I cant breed them either.

02-01-13, 02:07 AM
Is there supposed to be pink quests also????. if so ... I have none. Which would indicate I cant breed them either.

It might be time to just slow down and wait til the morning. It's good that they have released the app but as we all know there are sometimes bugs. Bugs most often get fixed quickly where as the updates come more slowly.

02-01-13, 02:10 AM
Yes I am a night owl... so ehhh lol... but yeah it appears most others are not lol.

02-01-13, 02:17 AM
Me too, its 3am in the morning and I am up checking the appstore on my kindle fire :) Not that I am in a hurry to get it, I just want to see it to know that its there for me when I am ready and by ready I mean, all my light dragons evolved...lol

02-01-13, 02:25 AM
I'm so happy! Not a complete update but it's a start! :) Vday edition!!

02-01-13, 02:25 AM
Indeed. .. lol I just told someone else to wait... just so they make sure all bugs are worked out...

02-01-13, 02:27 AM
I cant breed pinks or hearts... no quests in quest book.means..no breeding...

02-01-13, 02:30 AM
I cant breed pinks or hearts... no quests in quest book.means..no breeding...

I see, I just checked out your island and sent you a neighbor request :)

02-01-13, 02:37 AM
We have pink dragons, heart dragons and new decorations :D we don't have the quest but i think it's the same with new dawn so i will try breeding heart dragon when my den available

02-01-13, 02:41 AM
Well I cant breed them... I have update...does anyone read these things lol... dont waste gold there maybe a glitch if you see no quest you may not be able to breed like I cannot.... tired of warning people now ... hopefully others read the last few pages of this or all my typing may be in vain! !

02-01-13, 02:44 AM
How can you be sure that you can't breed them?

02-01-13, 02:45 AM
I'm reading!!! Thanks for the heads up! :) I'm still postponing my Valentines installation cuz I want the rewards for the same reason! I'm still waiting for the quest.... :(

02-01-13, 02:59 AM
Well I cant breed them... I have update...does anyone read these things lol... dont waste gold there maybe a glitch if you see no quest you may not be able to breed like I cannot.... tired of warning people now ... hopefully others read the last few pages of this or all my typing may be in vain! !

But i received the pop-up said "Try breed leftheart dragon and right heart dragon to get passion dragon"
And i will not waste any gold because i have no gold, moreover, my breeding den is busy now, when the breeding complete, i think the goals will appear

02-01-13, 03:05 AM
No problem ivanazagreb and chocolat13..... I had same missing quest problem with ceasar... ceasar could not be bred until quest appeared in book.... I also spent over 400 gold trying to breed heart dragons which are just as commin as charm and magic but all I got was charm and magic... so feel free to try ...maybe I am wrong...as far as I can tell from what I have experienced the new dragons will not breed until the quests register in the book... I have no pink and no heart quests currently and spent a chunk of gold and got nothing. ..so please try... I just post this to maybe prevent some pour soul like myself from spending gold on something that does not appear to be available....

I'm not saying I don't believe you! I just tried the Virtue dragon twice and I will wait some "official" statement from TL before another experiment, I don't want to waste gold if there is a glitch or a bug. Thanks for the heads up, a few more hours is not a big deal after months!

02-01-13, 03:08 AM
Just out of curiosity what time is it in your country? People keep writing that mods are still probably sleeping so I'm wondering am I the only one that is in the morning zone? :D It's 11 in the morning in Croatia!

02-01-13, 03:20 AM
But i received the pop-up said "Try breed leftheart dragon and right heart dragon to get passion dragon"
And i will not waste any gold because i have no gold, moreover, my breeding den is busy now, when the breeding complete, i think the goals will appear

I also recieved that pop up...but still no quest and no dragons....they were popping out right and left for ios users on their update. I am not saying dont try I am just saying dont spend gold....yet. but that doesnt really affect you I guess.lol....my breeding den was empty many times still no quests.let us know whenyou get the qquests and if you breed one before that :)

02-01-13, 03:22 AM
I'm not saying I don't believe you! I just tried the Virtue dragon twice and I will wait some "official" statement from TL before another experiment, I don't want to waste gold if there is a glitch or a bug. Thanks for the heads up, a few more hours is not a big deal after months!

I hope i am wrong or if i am not they fix it soon! Good luck! :)

02-01-13, 03:22 AM
Just out of curiosity what time is it in your country? People keep writing that mods are still probably sleeping so I'm wondering am I the only one that is in the morning zone? :D It's 11 in the morning in Croatia!

I am in us...idaho..mst...3:22 am

02-01-13, 03:55 AM
I'm so excited about this update I can't get my mind off it!! I just spend like 2 hours rearranging my Island so I can fitt two more habitats but I'm low on coin so I'll have to wait for two more days before I can get enough for clearing and expanding! At the moment I'm waiting so I can get the light dragon and the worst thing is I thought about getting it two days ago when I had enough coins :( And my den is buisy.... ofcourse with a nother magic from yesterday! :(

02-01-13, 04:08 AM
I'm so excited about this update I can't get my mind off it!! I just spend like 2 hours rearranging my Island so I can fitt two more habitats but I'm low on coin so I'll have to wait for two more days before I can get enough for clearing and expanding! At the moment I'm waiting so I can get the light dragon and the worst thing is I thought about getting it two days ago when I had enough coins :( And my den is buisy.... ofcourse with a nother magic from yesterday! :(

Haha I did the same thing! I got so excited and rearranged my island. Sold some of my duplicate common dragons and few habitats 'cause I'm maxed out on habitats. :D I also called my husband that he should download the vday edition.

02-01-13, 05:03 AM
I can't see the new version in the Play store. How did people download it?

02-01-13, 05:16 AM
I can't see the new version in the Play store. How did people download it?

search for dragon story's valentine. if i recall correctly its quite high up the list (top 3?)

02-01-13, 05:24 AM
So does anyone know why some Android users got the Valentines Goal and others did not, or did any Androud users get it at all?? And is this a glitch TL is looking into??

02-01-13, 05:38 AM
So does anyone know why some Android users got the Valentines Goal and others did not, or did any Androud users get it at all?? And is this a glitch TL is looking into??

I don't know, i'm trying for diamond hybrids now :( but i think we used to lack of goals in the past, so maybe you can try breeding red+blue, if you get magic, that doesn't mean we can't breed heart dragons, because lots of ios players have the same situation

02-01-13, 06:25 AM
Has anyone tried breeding for the pink dragons yet? I went ahead and bought a large pink habitat in excited anticipation!

02-01-13, 06:39 AM
I get a pop up about the Heart Dragons but no Goal in the Island Gooals thingy! So what now??

02-01-13, 06:44 AM
i think its possible to get the goal for the same game, b'cos previously i got the ND one while i was playing the normal DS.

well, enjoy the new dragons! :p
i'm gonna wait for a while whilst i continue trying to breed for hypnotic (and for any possible bugs to be fixed!)

02-01-13, 06:46 AM
i think its possible to get the goal for the same game, b'cos previously i got the ND one while i was playing the normal DS.

well, enjoy the new dragons! :p
i'm gonna wait for a while whilst i continue trying to breed for hypnotic (and for any possible bugs to be fixed!)

Well I read the thread too late! I've downloaded DS V already but nevermind! I just don't understaind what's with the The Matchmaking Mother goal! I hope they fix the game soon!

02-01-13, 06:47 AM
Again I'm sorry ivan T.T if the goal really comes out in DS I'm gonna feel so guilty...

02-01-13, 06:54 AM
Again I'm sorry ivan T.T if the goal really comes out in DS I'm gonna feel so guilty...

LoL don't worry and don't feel guilty ! I'm not a patient person anyway... I would end up installing it later anyway cuz I just can't wait!

02-01-13, 06:56 AM
Does anyone know if there are going to be any updates for Kindle players ???

02-01-13, 06:58 AM
Does anyone know if there are going to be any updates for Kindle players ???

Sorry I have no idea! Nothing was said about that on the forum. I hope you guys get it soon....

02-01-13, 07:01 AM
Does anyone know if there are going to be any updates for Kindle players ???

You know, Kindle is an Android ?
Because, the OS of Kindle is Android !!!! (I always post this !! ) :mad:

02-01-13, 07:03 AM
Yes I do know henrylucky that Kindle is Android based. But as you may have noticed on other threads, Kindle is still not at same levels than other Android devices because we are depending on Amazon Appstore and not Google.
No need for the angry face, ok ?

02-01-13, 07:09 AM
BTW, are you (Android ) already downloaded the v-day version ? ?
Because, I'm downloading it right now

02-01-13, 07:11 AM
BTW, are you (Android ) already downloaded the v-day version ? ?
Because, I'm downloading it right now

I've downloaded it and installed it but there seams to be an issue with the mailn quest that lets you to obtain Left and Right Heart dragons, the mods say TL is working on that!

02-01-13, 07:12 AM
I heard someone the food prices were raised in this version. Is that true?

02-01-13, 07:14 AM
I heard someone the food prices were raised in this version. Is that true?

yes its true. not sure which thread i saw it at (its one of the popular ones), zebra mentioned it. (not sure full nick!)

02-01-13, 07:38 AM
I'm glad android users got the valentine and pink dragon update after months of waiting however kindle users have to wait some more.....

02-01-13, 07:55 AM
I hope Kindle players get Valentine's soon.

Wish it wasn't so ... well ... pink, though. Won't complain about it ... just wishin. LOL

02-01-13, 07:58 AM
So does anyone know why some Android users got the Valentines Goal and others did not, or did any Androud users get it at all?? And is this a glitch TL is looking into??

I don't have the goals yet. Yes, TL is working on the fix.

02-01-13, 08:01 AM
I'm not saying I don't believe you! I just tried the Virtue dragon twice and I will wait some "official" statement from TL before another experiment, I don't want to waste gold if there is a glitch or a bug. Thanks for the heads up, a few more hours is not a big deal after months!

I didn't know Virtue was available for Android yet. Is it? not in my Market.

02-01-13, 08:02 AM
Just out of curiosity what time is it in your country? People keep writing that mods are still probably sleeping so I'm wondering am I the only one that is in the morning zone? :D It's 11 in the morning in Croatia!

9:05am US Central Standard Time ... west Tennessee.

02-01-13, 08:03 AM
I didn't know Virtue was available for Android yet. Is it? not in my Market.

It's on market !
Search dragon Story and search the v-day edition

02-01-13, 08:32 AM
It's on market !
Search dragon Story and search the v-day edition

Found it .... thank you.

02-01-13, 08:41 AM
Happy happy happy! Despite all the glitchs and missing goals and whatnot. Hopefully Kindle will get all of it soon too.

02-01-13, 08:57 AM
I hope Kindle players get Valentine's soon.

Wish it wasn't so ... well ... pink, though. Won't complain about it ... just wishin. LOL

My thoughts also. I think TL was inspired by Pepto and Tums for this version.

02-01-13, 09:40 AM
there seems to be many panning issues for valentine's version, i.e. moving left sometimes causes the screen to shift right instead etc

02-01-13, 10:03 AM
has anyone gotten a left/right heart dragon on android yet?

02-01-13, 10:05 AM
(Android user) When I opened DS this morning the message said something about the New Dawn Tree. I have the Caesar dragon challenge but not the L and R heart. I have cleared the island in anticipation of the tree finally appearing...but no NEW DAWN TREE. I don't care about breeding new dragons as much as I care about getting my New Dawn Tree to earn more coins, getting challenges so I can get all the neat stuff ios users have on their island, and breeding the rare or super rare that I don't have yet. I was so happy when the game opened this morning, now I feel quite disappointed. Anyone else see a window mentioning the New Dawn Tree? BTW I have no offer to download valentines DS either. Just Valentine RS and Slots.

kooky panda
02-01-13, 10:07 AM
(Android user) When I opened DS this morning the message said something about the New Dawn Tree. I have the Caesar dragon challenge but not the L and R heart. I have cleared the island in anticipation of the tree finally appearing...but no NEW DAWN TREE. I don't care about breeding new dragons as much as I care about getting my New Dawn Tree to earn more coins, getting challenges so I can get all the neat stuff ios users have on their island, and breeding the rare or super rare that I don't have yet. I was so happy when the game opened this morning, now I feel quite disappointed. Anyone else see a window mentioning the New Dawn Tree? BTW I have no offer to download valentines DS either. Just Valentine RS and Slots.
This goal on android is not related to getting the boosts.

It is available, but is part of a quest chain. It starts with New Dawn > Lightbringer > The Emperor Approaches.

Please note that while these are New Dawn goals, they are not related to Boosts (before any speculation occurs, it's ONLY these three goals that are available).

02-01-13, 10:33 AM
This is all so new, it's a bit confusing for many of us ... me included. :) I was able to get Caesar while playing the ND and completed the goals there for Caesar, the tree, Mother's robes and any other that was there. There were no more, but I waited a bit. I then installed the Valentine app from Google Play. There have been no goals showing up within Valentine. I undertand that there was/is a bit of a problem with the goals and that TL is working on it and I read a post that told us there was a goal associated with Left/Right dragons (to wait for it) and not to breed pinks dragons until the goals are fixed. A few things that I don't understand and haven't been able to find within the forum (maybe I'm missing it) have to do with the goals from ND. I know the tree isn't for boosts, but is it "there" somewhere and we're supposed to find it? Do we need to uninstall and reinstall our game for the goal fix when it happens?

02-01-13, 11:07 AM
The tree isn't there. I think to make it appear your clear the area around the tree and it should be there, but it isnt. I've had the area cleared for months no tree, just a patch of land I can't remove cause that's where the tree will eventually appear. I hope.

02-01-13, 11:17 AM
So, is the Valentine's Day Edition working, yet? I haven't gotten a quest asking me to install it, yet. Are pink and heart dragons actually breedable? I read that you can't get Infinity in the V-Day version, either. Why is this? Looking for answers, please.

kooky panda
02-01-13, 11:32 AM
Hey guys, not sure on everthing with the new Valentine Game. I am checking to see if I can get any information.

02-01-13, 11:41 AM
So I'm betting we see Pink long before any other feature updates, as I don't think we'll ever see Boosts, Album, Storage or Trading&Crafting.

Good news, Android now has the sliding color tabs in the Market. This should mean the wait for Pink was the longest wait for a new color we're likely to see. Future colors should be simultaneous.

Bad news, they're alerting us to the fact we won't be able to access Storage any time soon. This means the Five remaining iOS exclusives are likely to stay exclusive for the foreseeable future. Worse yet, no Storage means no Trading/Crafting. Well, they could, but we wouldn't be able to get any of the crafted stuff on our islands.

Still, a pleasant surprise, aided by PonyRoar's little... Miscommunication.

02-01-13, 11:46 AM
Hey guys, not sure on everthing with the new Valentine Game. I am checking to see if I can get any information.

Thank you, kooky! I know that earlier this morning (and still) the goals aren't working for the Valentine app. So the Left/Right Heart dragon goal isn't there and I read somewhere on the forum, sorry I can't remember which thread, that we shouldn't try to breed for them or the pink dragons right now. It was also said that TL had been working on a fix.

02-01-13, 11:47 AM
The tree isn't there. I think to make it appear your clear the area around the tree and it should be there, but it isnt. I've had the area cleared for months no tree, just a patch of land I can't remove cause that's where the tree will eventually appear. I hope.

Oh, ok ... thank you, Kittana. I've not run across any place yet that can't be cleared, but maybe I'll find it eventually.

02-01-13, 11:50 AM
Yes I do know henrylucky that Kindle is Android based. But as you may have noticed on other threads, Kindle is still not at same levels than other Android devices because we are depending on Amazon Appstore and not Google.
No need for the angry face, ok ?

Ooooh, I am so, so sorry that you still dont have our updates. It?s not fair, really...

02-01-13, 12:11 PM
Read my posts on pages 9-11 or so of this thread....I also did not get quests/goals...I also did and have not got 30 gold prompt...I have addressed food.... I can not breed pinks or hearts without a quest in the book....just as I could not breed ceasar without a quest and then they fixed it ....I dumped a hundref hold into ceasar who was not available to me during at least half the 2 hours I tried for him..... my dumb a $$ didnt even think to check for the quests in the quedt book (not the same as the pop ups for the dragons that link you to market) I figured since they launched ceasar and fixed him ...they would have dealt with any similar issues and I had saved gold just for breeding pinks and le's what not ...so I got excited and then bammmm another 400 or so gold gone..... then someone kindly pointed out to me that heart dragons are as common as magic and charm and that is alllll I got stopped at super dragon..... SOOOO HAS ANYONE ON ANDROID SUCCESS FULLY BRED A HEART DRAGON?? HAS TL FIXED THIS? IF THEY HAVENT THEN WHY? AND WHY DONT I SEE SOMETHING LIKE A NEW THREAD WARNING ANDROIDS...NO GOAL NO BREED DONT BLOW YOUR GOLD TILL ITS FIXED!!! any ways I really do love the pink got my habitsts and all ready :)

02-01-13, 12:12 PM
Hunref hold = hundreds of coin ....stupid phone didnt catch that one lol

02-01-13, 01:31 PM
I wonder why it's so hard for TL to give us everything iOS has?

02-01-13, 01:40 PM
HI :) I guess this answers every one questions about the difference between ISO, Android and Kindle as I am thankful for the new dragon which I got Yippy :) But nothing other then that. This is getting a bit old with seeing nothing for months and then even since I haven't been able to get even a rare and now since all the extra time since no updates I ve been trig for Diamond NOTHING> I am glad though there are other dragon games out there as they since the short time I have found them have given back more then I have put into TL. I hope one day they give ie TL gives the players that are faithful as I see many something other then just nothing but excuses >> Sadden :(

02-01-13, 02:19 PM
Ooooh, I am so, so sorry that you still dont have our updates. It?s not fair, really...

Thank you, Ambrosia, I appreciate your sympathy.

02-01-13, 04:31 PM
ok mother quest is on android now!! at least for me it is! go check it out :-) :-)

02-01-13, 04:43 PM
Can we start breeding now? I don't want to waste gold like I did yesterday trying to get Caesar dragon.

02-01-13, 04:45 PM
Wow what a confusing mess! The one day I didn't have a chance to read the boards throughout the day. I think I understand most of it, off to read more to make sure it's safe to install the Strawberry Shortcake edition. (I too had that entire bedroom set, among other things. I was obsessed with Strawberry Shortcake; quite possibly why to this day pink is not my favorite color! Lol) :cool:

Codenamezebra : sorry you lost all that gold! That sucks as much as the gold traps (*coughlagwhenbuyingexpansions* lost 360 gold from that grrr). Just want to say thank you for being so proactive in warning us about the bugs.

Being stuck with only the Amazon marketplace is what kept me from getting an Amazon tablet when I was looking for a one for my birthday. I'm so sorry you guys are still waiting! I hope you get the updates soon!

02-01-13, 04:45 PM
Can we start breeding now? I don't want to waste gold like I did yesterday trying to get Caesar dragon.

i got it first shot...dont know if it is left or right. so yes u can :-) :-)

02-01-13, 04:49 PM
Thanks emergRN. Would you like to share the "magic" combination?

02-01-13, 04:59 PM
Thanks emergRN. Would you like to share the "magic" combination?

Yes it's breedable ... Daughter used plain water and fire and got it first try.... Then she tried again and got magic

02-01-13, 05:03 PM
Have the virtue goals come yet? Maybe the virtue dragons are breedable now.

02-01-13, 05:18 PM
I just got the virtue goal :)

02-01-13, 05:30 PM
Thanks emergRN. Would you like to share the "magic" combination?

water and fire...and now i am going to try fire and water :-) i like things simple lol

02-01-13, 05:38 PM
I just breed a virtue, first try. I never get anything first try, unless I'm not trying for that one. ;) White + love. I couldn't resist seeing if it worked. I have enough gold to speed up breeding, but not enough to hatch it.

02-01-13, 05:49 PM
I just breed a virtue, first try. I never get anything first try, unless I'm not trying for that one. ;) White + love. I couldn't resist seeing if it worked. I have enough gold to speed up breeding, but not enough to hatch it.

It's 33 hours, a virtue ! You know what it is, and it ain't running away, so save your gold for the LE's.. ;) congrats!

02-01-13, 05:52 PM
Its finally fixed....yay...

02-01-13, 05:53 PM
Anyone here able to send requests on Valentine edition? Everytime I try to send requests, it force closed :(

02-01-13, 05:55 PM
Anyone here able to send requests on Valentine edition? Everytime I try to send requests, it force closed :(

i sent ok...currently receiving them...slllooooowwwwlllyyyy lol

02-01-13, 06:19 PM
It's 33 hours, a virtue ! You know what it is, and it ain't running away, so save your gold for the LE's.. ;) congrats!

I... Couldn't... Resist! No worries, I can buy more gold if needed.

Anyone is welcome to add me, most people from my old neighbors seem to have quit. My ID is magikot.

02-01-13, 06:20 PM
Oops meant to say I haven't tried to add anyone today.

02-01-13, 06:25 PM
Yay, finally got the goals for LeftHeart/RightHeart and pinks! Now I don't know what to try for, pinks, vday dragons or Caesar. So many new dragons all at once! :)

02-01-13, 06:27 PM
Awesome virtue and passion/heart dragons are breedable now! :) So now Android is missing boosts, album, storm, scarecrow, sword in stone, trading, crafting, and the craftable items, right? Somehow the list seems a lot smaller now. Lol.

02-01-13, 06:32 PM
Awesome virtue and passion/heart dragons are breedable now! :) So now Android is missing boosts, album, storm, scarecrow, sword in stone, trading, crafting, and the craftable items, right? Somehow the list seems a lot smaller now. Lol.

Ten dragons smaller. Zero features smaller. No, wait, one feature smaller. We got the proper food costs, finally.

Sadly it seems the remaining gap is more of a bottomless chasm, now.

02-01-13, 06:35 PM
I know almost nothing about the features Android is lacking so I don't know what I'm missing. Which is kinda lucky. I'm just happy we finally got something.

02-01-13, 07:44 PM
Guys don't think about what we are still missing and let's enjoy this amazing update. Options, options, options!
Personally I recomend breeding Left-Right Heart dragons and then the pink collection because the first ones expire. We have a lot of things to do! I'm so excited!

02-01-13, 07:47 PM
guys don't think about what we are still missing and let's enjoy this amazing update. Options, options, options!
exactly! :)

02-01-13, 08:09 PM
Seems all is working on my Android tablet (knocking on a lot of wood). Not sure what the Rose Archway is, but I don't have it. Maybe it's tied in with some goal??

02-01-13, 08:15 PM
Seems all is working on my Android tablet (knocking on a lot of wood). Not sure what the Rose Archway is, but I don't have it. Maybe it's tied in with some goal??

Yes it is. I think you have to breed a passion dragon to open the goal. But since i only have to right hearts, i am just guessing.

02-01-13, 08:22 PM
Yes it is. I think you have to breed a passion dragon to open the goal. But since i only have to right hearts, i am just guessing.

Thank you, kwhales! I'm slow ... ok, I'm old .... LOL ... but I'm slowly getting it together.

kooky panda
02-01-13, 08:52 PM
Seems all is working on my Android tablet (knocking on a lot of wood). Not sure what the Rose Archway is, but I don't have it. Maybe it's tied in with some goal??
Here is a goal thread.


02-01-13, 10:23 PM
Goal is working on android guys! I'm breeding my very first virtue dragon! :) I got lazy from breeding a ceasar dragon because I failed at 4 tries. :(

02-02-13, 02:11 AM
I need help guys, its impossible for me to complete the matching mother goal because everytime I tried to send valentine card request I got forced close :( anyone experience this and know how to fix this?

02-02-13, 05:25 AM
there seems to be many panning issues for valentine's version, i.e. moving left sometimes causes the screen to shift right instead etc

Yes, I have the same problem. Movement around islands isn't as smooth as in previous version of DS. My own island isn't too bad, but visiting others is an exercise in frustration.

02-02-13, 05:30 AM
I... Couldn't... Resist! No worries, I can buy more gold if needed.

Anyone is welcome to add me, most people from my old neighbors seem to have quit. My ID is magikot.

I got Ceasar first try. Got Magic first when trying for half heart, will try again shortly. Adding you as neighbor, my island's name is "Gilligan's Island" :-)

02-02-13, 05:34 AM
Actually, that's "Gilligan's Isle"...showing my age I think :-)

02-02-13, 05:43 AM
Actually, that's "Gilligan's Isle"...showing my age I think :-)

As does mine, " Fantasy Island ", lol

02-02-13, 12:30 PM
Thanks for the invites I've received!

Actually, that's "Gilligan's Isle"...showing my age I think :-)

As does mine, " Fantasy Island ", lol

Nothing wrong with those names! It was a great show! I love watching I Love Lucy reruns, shows just aren't made like they used to be. My (Crystal Falls) was the result of simply drawing a blank page, while trying to name my second game. The waterfall happened to be what I was staring at the time. I want my original name back, just might be dumb enough to spend the gold to change it... Maybe. My ID and my old island name were taken from a game I have played off and on since the summer of 2000... EverQuest. Started playing when I was 19, almost thirteen years later I still play. :cool:

02-02-13, 02:48 PM
Yes, I have the same problem. Movement around islands isn't as smooth as in previous version of DS. My own island isn't too bad, but visiting others is an exercise in frustration.

Same here. My island isn't as bad as when visiting, but you're right, movement isn't as smooth as it was in the original and in ND.

02-02-13, 09:40 PM
Eventually get them??
Based on the development of Android DS/DS New dawn, I would say you are foolishly optimistic.

TL works on updates that we don't care about, ignores polls that we participate in, won't give time-frames AT ALL, abandons games on Android that NEVER reach parity (City story)... the list goes on.
(These are things that HAVE HAPPENED, not rumor or supposition)

I doubt we will get the updates at all, the only hope that we WILL get them is people keep pointing out what a poor job TL is doing.

02-02-13, 10:45 PM
we just got the pinks... give them time?
its not the full list but i think its enough to give most of us something to do for a while.
i hope trading comes next though, running out of habitats!

02-03-13, 02:20 AM
Looking at that photo someone posted to show off their Diamond, it becomes clear how very, very different the two clients are. It's become routine to look at an iOS island and say, "What is that?!" Sadly, the answer is likely, "Something you'll never see on Android."

02-03-13, 02:54 AM
I've never played City story, but kind of wondering whether it's a less interesting/popoular game, therefore it's less income-generating for TL? That would make it more likely for them to want to abandon, and also there are so many angry android DS players on this forum that they surely can't just shove us aside. DS probably makes them more money as well. Now that we have pink it takes some pressure off them for the time being, but I'm sure everyone is still eagerly looking forward to catching up fully.

02-03-13, 06:41 AM
For Kindle users, check this link. The question is about a Valentine update for a different TL game, but still, it can give an insight about Valentine update for DS.


02-03-13, 07:21 AM
I have done a lot of complaining about Android not getting updates. But I'll be the first to eat my words (most of them anyway). Do we have trading or crafting? No. But we have Something. And for that I am So happy. Thank you TeamLava for giving us something. (Yes it happens to be the thing I was most looking forward to but I still would have been happy if it had been the trading instead of the pink dragons, because its progress and that's all I wanted.) Ideally it would be nice to be hand in hand with iOS but I'll take progress. So thank you again, I'm pretty content at the moment :) and I apologize to the moderators for my anger and frustration.

02-03-13, 07:23 AM
Just wanted to reiterate that as an iOS player who also has been willing to purchase Gold, I am in full support of releasing updates to all platforms at one time rather than in the staggered fashion that has become the norm. :)

I have some great neighbors and I'm sure some of them are on a different OS than me and to me, it isn't fair that they are forced to keep waiting and waiting and waiting while their iOS neighbors are growing, growing, growing.

Though no one is forcing anyone to pay for anything, I also think that it is reasonable for a paying customer and fan to ask for timely updates within reason. If money is being taken, then service needs to be given in turn and in light of the influx of all the new iOS updates (most of which I don't have save for the Album and Storage even though I am on a new iOS device), I can understand how other players on other platforms - especially those who have supported by buying Gold - will consider 'service' to be equivalent to 'updates'.

Yes, development on Android is definitely more difficult because of all the different possible devices and OSes available, but maybe updates to iOS could wait a little, too, to even things out a bit maybe?

Anyhow, just my own 2 cents and as such, save for the Scarecrow Dragon and Storm Dragon from my Album rewards, I have not implemented any of the other new features as I intend to wait until everyone else can get the same things.

It's more fun to see what everyone can do when everyone has the same tools and features at their disposal. :)

02-03-13, 12:16 PM
Just wanted to reiterate that as an iOS player who also has been willing to purchase Gold, I am in full support of releasing updates to all platforms at one time rather than in the staggered fashion that has become the norm. :)

I have some great neighbors and I'm sure some of them are on a different OS than me and to me, it isn't fair that they are forced to keep waiting and waiting and waiting while their iOS neighbors are growing, growing, growing.

Though no one is forcing anyone to pay for anything, I also think that it is reasonable for a paying customer and fan to ask for timely updates within reason. If money is being taken, then service needs to be given in turn and in light of the influx of all the new iOS updates (most of which I don't have save for the Album and Storage even though I am on a new iOS device), I can understand how other players on other platforms - especially those who have supported by buying Gold - will consider 'service' to be equivalent to 'updates'.

Yes, development on Android is definitely more difficult because of all the different possible devices and OSes available, but maybe updates to iOS could wait a little, too, to even things out a bit maybe?

Anyhow, just my own 2 cents and as such, save for the Scarecrow Dragon and Storm Dragon from my Album rewards, I have not implemented any of the other new features as I intend to wait until everyone else can get the same things.

It's more fun to see what everyone can do when everyone has the same tools and features at their disposal. :)

Woah, you don't need to do that! If you have the features, enjoy them! There's no need to restrict yourself from them just because Android and Kindle don't have them.

02-03-13, 04:53 PM
Since I've switched to iOS I can speak for how different the game is. Not only do I have several new features but the game runs so much faster. What I considered a normal amount of lag is now gone. I can send people maps and it takes less than a second when before it would take 30-45. Collecting from habitats is faster and so is navigating my island.

While I suppose that my device contributed to that, my phone is not that old and should run well and on other games and apps it does.

The difference is ridiculous to be honest.

02-04-13, 06:23 AM
Just wanted to reiterate that as an iOS player who also has been willing to purchase Gold, I am in full support of releasing updates to all platforms at one time rather than in the staggered fashion that has become the norm. :)

I have some great neighbors and I'm sure some of them are on a different OS than me and to me, it isn't fair that they are forced to keep waiting and waiting and waiting while their iOS neighbors are growing, growing, growing.

Though no one is forcing anyone to pay for anything, I also think that it is reasonable for a paying customer and fan to ask for timely updates within reason. If money is being taken, then service needs to be given in turn and in light of the influx of all the new iOS updates (most of which I don't have save for the Album and Storage even though I am on a new iOS device), I can understand how other players on other platforms - especially those who have supported by buying Gold - will consider 'service' to be equivalent to 'updates'.

Yes, development on Android is definitely more difficult because of all the different possible devices and OSes available, but maybe updates to iOS could wait a little, too, to even things out a bit maybe?

Anyhow, just my own 2 cents and as such, save for the Scarecrow Dragon and Storm Dragon from my Album rewards, I have not implemented any of the other new features as I intend to wait until everyone else can get the same things.

It's more fun to see what everyone can do when everyone has the same tools and features at their disposal. :)

Well thank you for thinking of us! Though I agree with jrodt333, no need for you to wait for us. If you have the update, by all means enjoy it :) but this is exactly the sort of thing I was referring to in one of my previous posts. You're not the first person with iOS to suggest waiting so we were all equal. So if Android asks for it, and Kindle asks for it, And iOS asks for it, why isn't it being implemented? I can understand if maybe, iOS was a bigger part of their gamers and they disagreed so TL wouldn't want them upset, but that is not the case. At this point it's their whole (not Everyone but people from all devices) customer base asking for something they aren't receiving and that's simply not the way to run a business. I say someone should start a poll, (keep updates as they are, make them a little more spread out to satisfy all users) and they would be surprised at the results. I've seen countless iOS users say they would wait for us. Another suggestion I've seen is to hire a team for Android. THAT is something I would put money into the game for without hesitation. Hear that TL??? I have been avoiding giving money because I don't really see where it's going being iOS updates. But were these changes implemented, I'd likely buy gold every week! Yes I'm happy about the Valentine's update. It's Something. But I do hope this isn't just bread crumbs thrown at us in hopes we would forget we're starving, so to speak.

02-04-13, 06:50 AM
Actually, that's "Gilligan's Isle"...showing my age I think :-)

Would you mind adding me as well? I love seeing new islands but really love seeing ones that have dragons I don't have. I did stop playing for a while out of frustration and sort of wish I hadn't. I'm a little behind :( And anyone else that would like to add me :) Storm8 id: Bellamour (I also have a second account, PelletAR)

02-04-13, 10:03 AM
Anyhow, just my own 2 cents and as such, save for the Scarecrow Dragon and Storm Dragon from my Album rewards, I have not implemented any of the other new features as I intend to wait until everyone else can get the same things.

It's more fun to see what everyone can do when everyone has the same tools and features at their disposal. :)

This is very, very considerate of you, but don't feel you have to do that. It's when players like you offer to do that then I feel especially bad about some of the nasty and entirely uncalled for things I've said about iOS users.

Like I posted above, though, there's a huge difference between iOS Dragon Story and Dragon Story for Android, which makes me feel sad, but also justified about being so frustrated. Note I do not mean justified about lashing out at other players; that was a bad night for me and I wish I could take it back. I'm talking about just the general frustration regarding lack of updates and such, because the games are so very different.

I really hope everyone is on the same page ASAP. Because while I bought a new iPod (my other one was 6 years old) and get to enjoy DS in a whole new way, I know not everyone will have that same opportunity.

02-04-13, 11:27 AM
I'm just happy we got pink and valentine's dragons. I wasn't expecting that.

02-04-13, 12:14 PM
Would you mind adding me as well? I love seeing new islands but really love seeing ones that have dragons I don't have. I did stop playing for a while out of frustration and sort of wish I hadn't. I'm a little behind :( And anyone else that would like to add me :) Storm8 id: Bellamour (I also have a second account, PelletAR)

Added :-)

02-04-13, 03:39 PM
Would you mind adding me as well? I love seeing new islands but really love seeing ones that have dragons I don't have. I did stop playing for a while out of frustration and sort of wish I hadn't. I'm a little behind :( And anyone else that would like to add me :) Storm8 id: Bellamour (I also have a second account, PelletAR)

Accepted invite from PellletAR and invited Bellamour. :-)

02-04-13, 08:15 PM
I found it absurd that TL just released more decorations. I mean I'm happy about it but again, it costs quite so much gold for me.

Apparently, it's really easy for TL to bring update stuffs like this because it will rake them more. On the other hand, it seems that it's really really hard to bring us even the Dragon Album :(
Well, at least they still care about us with these Valentine updates :)

02-05-13, 06:15 AM
Thanks guys! :)

02-05-13, 06:40 AM
I found it absurd that TL just released more decorations. I mean I'm happy about it but again, it costs quite so much gold for me.

Apparently, it's really easy for TL to bring update stuffs like this because it will rake them more. On the other hand, it seems that it's really really hard to bring us even the Dragon Album :(
Well, at least they still care about us with these Valentine updates :)
Part of me wants to say beggars can't be choosers, but it's pretty sad how far behind Android is on features and I can't blame you for wanting more.

To be fair, features are harder to design and implement than decorations though.

02-05-13, 07:52 AM
Yes, aneroid devices are behind, but some of them are farther behind than others. I got the Valentine edition for my DroidX yesterday, but still trying to patiently wait for the update to come to my Kindle Fire. Since TL started releasing Valentine updates to all the games, there have been three seperate games available to my Droid, and none made available for the Kindle Fire. I'm beginning to fall seriously behind in my Pet Shop because of these "device parities". I understand there is rather large amount of work that is involved in updating across so many platforms, but if you sell even one little bit of content for money, than you should even the release times out a bit more, or work harder to get things done in a timely manner. I will not pay money while still feeling like a second class citizen.

02-05-13, 09:29 AM
I do not think updates are coming to Kindle. Read the Kindle updates thread and the various answers mods/staff gave. It doesn't look too good :(

02-05-13, 03:23 PM
I do not think updates are coming to Kindle. Read the Kindle updates thread and the various answers mods/staff gave. It doesn't look too good :(
I agree... I think vday stuff will be loooong gone before kindle users see any updates. Not being negative, just truthful. The sad truth, but there it is. :(

02-05-13, 03:28 PM
The Kindle situation is even more awful than ours. :( Especially after our latest updates.

02-05-13, 03:52 PM
The Kindle situation is even more awful than ours. :( Especially after our latest updates.

I feel guilty we finally got something, while Kindle is still without. Sounds to me like tl doesn't want to deal With Amazons submission hassles. This isn't just a ds thing. I play bs and rs, Kindle is continuously left out of those updates too.

02-06-13, 05:53 AM
Its my personal opinion that ios should have to wait for updates until android can get the same updates. Im really not happy and will be sitting back and waiting for the updates before I do much more.

02-07-13, 10:22 AM
I am very close to deleting the games all together. I have Farm Story and Dragon Story. I love both! I am on Kindle Fire and I will not buy an IPad! I love my Kindle! If they do not do something soon for my Dragon Story I will drop both. I have been waiting and asking and I feel like as some else said "a second class citizen" I guess maybe I just dont understand the problems TL is facing. If someone can help me understand it better, I might stick around a little longer, but if not~! Here's hoping

02-08-13, 07:58 AM
I play on Kindle Fire. I play games for some fun, but seems like I am more likely to be disappointed lately. Makes me wonder if I love punishment and need counseling or something.

02-08-13, 09:24 PM
Dragon Story: Valentine's got an update. I haven't downloaded it yet.

02-08-13, 09:47 PM
Downloaded it. There doesn't seem to be many changes. The light tab is still missing, they seem to have made an attempt to fix the problem with moving around the island, but the loading time was MUCH faster. :) Not sure if they fixed the problem with not being able to accept neighbors.

02-08-13, 10:51 PM
I know this is off topic, but I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I just ordered a Galaxy Note 2 to replace my Samsung Exhibit 2. That's a major upgrade and I'm so excited I had to tell someone. If only I hadn't refused faster shipping than ground! I will probably be kicking myself for that when my patience runs out.. Likely by Tuesday! I'm hoping I won't crash anymore when visiting the heavily decorated neighbors anymore. Something about the lights brings exhibit to a crawl. Anyway, I'm done now. :-)

About the update.. I think did load a lot faster. Moving around is less painful on my island, haven't checked others yet.

02-08-13, 10:54 PM
Wow major typo...

Should say "It did load faster...."

02-09-13, 05:37 AM
:o It wasn't my intention to make anyone feel bad in regards to my update decisions on my iOS device and I am sorry if that is what it came across as that.

I choose what I choose of my own free will and there are many reasons I choose what I choose and besides 'staying on more equal grounding with my Android neighbors', it is also a way for me to make a statement and silently vocalize my decision and thoughts to the development team. :)

That said, I wanted to take a moment to see if I can explain further why I chose what I chose.

As I mentioned previously, I started on an old secondhand previously loved and used iOS device and given how expensive ANY 'smart' devices are, I was just happy to have it, period. Generally speaking, I am the sort of person who tries to get as much use out of things as possible - previously used or not - and the old iOS device was no exception.

Dragon Story was available for my device - my device had been able to update the OS to JUST the right version to allow it - but... like many Android and Kindle users, I experienced major problems in playability. Game closing on its own, unable to visit neighbors, game closing when neighbors were visiting or gifting, etc. Basically, I wasn't getting the 'full experience' of Dragon Story and at one point, it didn't even matter what updates were pushed out because with all those problems happening, I couldn't fully enjoy the game anyhow.

My device was too old, but my device was also what it was and I wasn't able to upgrade to any other similar device of any OS because... well. Expensive is expensive and I had/have other things to pay for aside from things to entertain me. That, and the older device played other things quite well indeed and the PDA aspect of it was still fully functional, so... why toss out something that still works, right?

That said, I played DS on that device for 3 months or so (last two months of use being the most heavy) and simply made do but as some of you have shared experiences of, I kept getting frustrated that though my older device was/is supported, I couldn't fully enjoy it and one of my feedback to the team was that as a player, I would rather experience a FULLY SUPPORTED game rather than one that seemed to be less supported.

It isn't very fun to get into a game, pay money towards it... and then be unable to fully enjoy it because your game is 'different'... and this applies - in my opinion - to both actual gameplay differences (like my experience on an old iOS device) and game feature differences (like on Android and Kindle) owing to either age of devices or type of devices.

Some of you have expressed that it can feel like everything is stacked against people who own 'cheaper' devices (and a lot of Android products really are more affordable than similar iOS products) and because of my experience owning an older iOS device that I couldn't upgrade in any way, shape, or form, I 'got that' and continue to 'get that'.

I definitely don't believe that the developers would do such a thing as that, but I can definitely understand how it can perhaps feel that way... if only because I kind of felt that way myself at one point while I was in the middle of struggling to even keep my DS game open long enough for me to breed and feed my Dragons... much less visit my neighbors!

Like sollia, I managed to get an updated iPod Touch 5th Generation as a Christmas present (and from the same person who so generously gave me their older iOS device to play with no less!) and so I can now finally fully enjoy all the features if I wanted to...

But out of my own free will, I choose not to at this current point in time.

This isn't a self-denial sort of thing or anything about trying to somehow get back at people for what they've said about iOS players or anything like that (and YES, I totally understand the frustration that would build up and explode - I exploded myself while I struggled to play my own game on an older device, too, and ranted plenty about how I felt that the gameplay was stacked in favor of Android! LOL).

Rather, I simply remember what I myself have experienced and though I continue to support the game both freely and by buying some Gold, I also use my island as a silent statement that 1) as an iOS user (and a paying one at that), I -honestly- DON'T mind waiting (alongside my Android neighbors!), 2) older and less supported devices regardless of OS can have problems with game playability, 3) though getting a new device can definitely be an answer, not everyone has that kind of money at hand to do so, 4) if I were to swap to an Android device, I would want to have the same game as I would have on my iOS device.

Especially in regards to the last statement, if I were to swap to an Android device and if I had done all the New Dawn goals and gotten the boosts and gotten the Trading and Crafting... I would NOT be happy to lose the features.

And aside from all those things, I kind of got used to my older device and I'm also nowhere near the ability to raise enough Epic Dragons to warrant the whole New Dawn coin boost thing, too!

So, really. I simply DON'T mind waiting and I'm hoping that when I'm 'ready' to implement all the new features available to me that they will be available to the Android users as well (and hopefully Kindle, too!). :)

All that said, despite my feelings related to having a different game experience from what the actual game should be/was intended to be, I want to reiterate that I truly believe Team Lava IS trying their hardest to get things done and the reason I say that is based on my observations of game differences in switching devices.

When I was on my older device, my Dragons weren't flying and my waterfalls had no moving water and my islands - save for the habitats when people visited - had minimal to no animated effects whatsoever. I was also less able to zoom in as much as I am now and animations and even sounds on a whole were simpler. On my new device, my Dragons fly, my water flows, sparkles are everywhere, and even the sounds are different!

What does this mean?

This means that my older device had a game that was specifically optimized for being played on older devices (or maybe even different devices) while my newer device has a game that is running probably as close as it was meant to be run.

In turn, this means that Team Lava knows and knew of the differences between two of even the SAME family of device and consequently, tweaked the game accordingly for each and it is for this reason that I honestly and truly believe that Team Lava WILL come through for Android and Kindle and that they ARE seriously trying.

They could have simply NOT allowed the game to be played on my older device, but instead, they allowed it and accommodated for it and in this same way, they will find their way to push the same things out for everyone if at all possible.

That said, though I experienced much frustration with playing DS on my older iOS device, I am also grateful that I was given a chance to play DS in the first place. :)

02-09-13, 12:20 PM
updated to the latest version of the Valentines edition that came out yesterday on my Android tablet, but the scrolling/panning issues still remain :-(

02-09-13, 12:42 PM
I'm not having any scrolling issues, but half my habitats have disappeared. All of my white, pink, and passion habitats are gone, as well as my farms, and the Bitter Barks I still needed to clear. I can collect from the habitats, plant at the farms, and clear the trees but they've just disappeared altogether. Pretty annoying.

02-09-13, 12:54 PM
Still nothing for Kindle?????

02-09-13, 04:23 PM
Dear TL! Could you please give us ( Android/Kindle) an estimate time of the Trading/crafting update. Currently I have no more space, I sold so many rare/super rare duplicate dragons and diamond habitats to make room for new dragons. I really don't want to sell my rare/sup rare dragons for 100 coins but I have no choice. So could u please let us know if it worth to wait for the trading feature and stop breeding new dragons for now.

02-09-13, 06:02 PM
My scrolling problems are back again today, much worse than last night. Scrolling in a north, south, east, west pattern kinda works; moving in any other direction the screen will only move a tiny amount. The Valentine's versions themselves seem to be buggy not just in ds.

02-09-13, 06:14 PM
My scrolling problems are back again today, much worse than last night. Scrolling in a north, south, east, west pattern kinda works; moving in any other direction the screen will only move a tiny amount. The Valentine's versions themselves seem to be buggy not just in ds.

mine too...went away after the update but its back

02-09-13, 07:15 PM
You obviously have noticed that they snuck in the food being stupid expensive?
I was actually happy with the update....


02-09-13, 07:17 PM
Bug still exists, feed your Dragons in the old DS and they cost 8 times less. I mean seriously... 4200 instead of 500?

02-09-13, 07:23 PM
Yeah that is ridiculous, isn't it ? Old DS is a must for that, and to get away from the pink and the scrolling problems ;)

02-09-13, 08:59 PM
Well. That is what's going to happen eventually. :/ got about 100k food stored up not, which don't seem much if the new food costs take effect

02-09-13, 09:34 PM
now if only we'll know when trading/crafting comes along... :D

02-09-13, 10:46 PM
And the totems and the tree of light... you know, the stuff we ACTUALLY WANT.

02-10-13, 01:51 AM
It isn't just us wanting the features either - the habitat boosts went with the feeding hike for ios... now we just have the 5x feeding hike. It was great that pink came out for us but it was pretty underhanded to raise feeding requirements and not coin flow or any of the other nd perks.

02-10-13, 03:18 AM
It isn't just us wanting the features either - the habitat boosts went with the feeding hike for ios... now we just have the 5x feeding hike. It was great that pink came out for us but it was pretty underhanded to raise feeding requirements and not coin flow or any of the other nd perks.

use the old versions to feed the pinks = no feeding hike yet. :D

that said, when i went to ND to feed my cupid dragon just now, scrolling is a huge bother. i think its a one-off issue though.
no issues with scrolling on VD so maybe its a device resource problem.

does anyone knows if the pink dragons can be bred on ND? or do i have to use VD to breed it?

02-10-13, 03:28 AM
use the old versions to feed the pinks = no feeding hike yet. :D

that said, when i went to ND to feed my cupid dragon just now, scrolling is a huge bother. i think its a one-off issue though.
no issues with scrolling on VD so maybe its a device resource problem.

does anyone knows if the pink dragons can be bred on ND? or do i have to use VD to breed it?

I think you must use VD to breed pink since there are no pink dragon on market of ND

02-10-13, 02:01 PM
Any Word Yet?

02-10-13, 02:05 PM
I'm sure I have just read somewhere we can only breed pinks in valentines at the minute

02-10-13, 04:13 PM
Alright thanks.
btw the neighbour bug has been fixed.

02-10-13, 07:08 PM
I'm sure I have just read somewhere we can only breed pinks in valentines at the minute

I was breeding while in the Valentine Edition, although not just within the last couple days, except for the new dragons.

02-10-13, 07:10 PM
I was breeding while in the Valentine Edition, although not just within the last couple days, except for the new dragons.

Yeah, I did ... had to get fire back, because I had to sell it to make room.

02-11-13, 05:18 AM
I think I missed other features that are more important that pinkies/valentines..
Converting dragons.
Along with all the other stuff.
Oh, throw Castle story in there too :D

02-11-13, 03:39 PM
I think I missed other features that are more important that pinkies/valentines..
Converting dragons.
Along with all the other stuff.
Oh, throw Castle story in there too :D
Nope you didnt miss them they still are not available...as well as castle story and treasure story ...those would be nice additions to android though.

02-14-13, 11:07 AM
I finally bread a virtue dragon on Android and went to Evolve it. It *is* evolving, but the funny thing is, the evolution temple doesn't show the pink element on it in the Valentines Day edition of Dragon Story. I see the progress bar, and if I tap on the temple and and the evolve icon, I see it is evolving my Virtue dragon, but the temple otherwise looks empty. Usually when game items start disappearing, I quit and restart the game, but that didn't work this time, it's still not there.

Out of curiosity, I started up the New Dawn version, same thing. No pink glowing element on the evolution temple.



02-14-13, 02:54 PM
Same with all pink hybrids: evolution temple not showing pink element only progress bar. This does not bother me, what is really annoying is dragging from island to island...it is impossible! I use the original version to visit neighbors.