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03-16-13, 11:42 AM
Business = provide enough satisfaction to a customer to the point that they spend money and no more. There are plenty of games who have development arrested or dropped together, they are under no obligation to provide further updates. When you agree to many software licenses including the iTunes and the Google Play Store, you agree that you obtain the software 'as is'.

This is in the Google Terms of Service

Google and TL has already waived legal responsibility for providing you with updates altogether. Obviously, Team Lava would want to eke as much money as possible from your pocket by introducing more new features, but considering the fact that they have to manually add items to your account, this already indicates that they aren't fantastic at android coding. I have some sympathy for Android players, but it's good to read the legal fineprint when you want to install the software which you agreed to when you choose to use the Google Play Store. You are independent and freewilled. If you choose to spend money or use a piece of software, it's up to you to read whatever agreement you just agreed to instead of clicking over it and later claiming you don't have the iOS features. Or you'll end up doing the same thing later in life and the mistake won't be as small as a little dragon game.

It just bugs me. TL is a business. They want money. They introduce features to get more money. The end. If they could have ported over a feature, they'd have done it by now.
First of all, tl makes the implication (by actually calling it the same game) that the Android version is the same game as the IOS version, therefore, Android users have the right to expect the same features that IOS has. Also, nowhere is it stated that Android users must ignore the implied and express invitation from tl to provide feedback via this forum. While downloading the game indicates that you agree to the TOU, it doesn't mean you waive your right to truth in advertising or use of this forum.

As long as tl continues to invite comments, feedback, etc, we all have the right to post said info. This particular thread is clearly titled as Android parity issues, so if you would rather not see comments related to that topic, don't read this thread. Coming in here to tell everyone that they are ignoring the game TOU is wrong - we accept and play or we don't, but none of that has a thing to do with posting comments, feedback, etc here.

03-16-13, 02:26 PM
Yeah, I don't really care about the quests (or the ND goals, for that matter) right now, I just want trading and crafting (though I've sold all my spares by now) and the boosts to offset the feeding cost.

I know my post listed all the features ios has that android does not (at least the ones I could think of at the time) but for the record I could careless about some of the features too. For example, the boosted breed thing sounds like a waste of money, food or gold... That is just one of the features I could do without. I just want the truly game enhancing ones. The fluff features don't matter. I guess you could say it was done for the record. I doubt most of them know just how much we are missing. Unless they recently moved from android to ios, they likely didn't realize how many more features they have received since the fall that enhance their game play. I wasn't nitpicking everything to say I want it and want it now. I was hoping to withdraw some sympathy from the ios players who have been posting here recently. As you saw that backfired, instead of helping them understand we were thought of as spoiled brats who refuse to be happy with the crumbs tl gives android while ios is getting a gourmet meal.

03-16-13, 03:06 PM
My main game is on iOS but I have a secondary game on Kindle Fire!!! Kindle is so far behind iOS and Android that its a down right shame. I wanted a Kindle Fire for my birthday back in January specifically so I could play DS. I was so excited when I heard DS was available for KF. Little did I know that the DS on KF barely gets anything new. So yes, I still play my DS game on KF but I'm sadly disappointed that very little is done to get any new features while on iOS, we get more than what we can keep up with. JMHO!!!

03-16-13, 07:10 PM
ah yes, the sapphire dragon. There was a LOT of uproar over that one as a very large % of iOS users didn't have it after the official release (not including the beta test people). Yeah, shoe was on the other foot there and when an Android user or two pointed that out we were told to "get out of our thread" and "shut up". I remember it well.

Seems my coding comment, um how shall I say this...produced a silence from the crowd :D ....Any other challenges?

LOL ... yeah, I noticed that ... seems there are no more challenges. Ya done good! :)

03-16-13, 07:15 PM
the new dragon quest, while its something extra, it is more a "fun" thing than necessity. one of the many that I guess to me, personally, is not as impt. except for the samurai dragon.

Fun ... hey, I remember fun ... I think. LOL I could use some fun, especially with the goodies they get from sending dragons out. Think we all could use some fun. I don't look for it or expect it, as there are a lot of catching up for TL to do. Well, if they ever do.

03-16-13, 07:20 PM
Hi my friends (Android)
PonyRoar said that update on version 1.3 and Android very update version just, may take some months even a year to update until 1.3..... :D

03-16-13, 07:21 PM
Hi my friends (Android)
JakeStorm8 said that update on version 1.3 and Android very update version just, may take some months even a year to update until 1.3..... :D

Fixed !

03-16-13, 07:28 PM
Hi my friends (Android)
Jakestorm8 said that update on version 1.3 and Android very update version just, may take some months even a year to update until 1.3..... :D

What? If you mean that the IOS update is on 1.3 ... that mean little to us. If you're saying that the update for Android may take months to a year ... that's not news. LOL That update for Android isn't, in my opinion, coming at all and I won't wait a year! LOL

03-16-13, 07:30 PM
A year ... yeah, right ... just think of how far behind we'll be by that time!!!! ROFL

03-16-13, 07:34 PM
lmao ah somebody got busted ;p

03-16-13, 09:19 PM
I was playing on a friend's iPhone and I asked him why he didn't buy the buildings that android don't have? He replied... I don't care about them. lol he isn't into DS much and has no clue what they were but what a waste!! I'm sure they would be appreciated on android much more -_-

03-16-13, 09:37 PM
What? If you mean that the IOS update is on 1.3 ... that mean little to us. If you're saying that the update for Android may take months to a year ... that's not news. LOL That update for Android isn't, in my opinion, coming at all and I won't wait a year! LOL

lol, I'm just kidding... :D

03-16-13, 09:40 PM
I was playing on a friend's iPhone and I asked him why he didn't buy the buildings that android don't have? He replied... I don't care about them. lol he isn't into DS much and has no clue what they were but what a waste!! I'm sure they would be appreciated on android much more -_-

It means your friend don't really know what is Dragon story, oohh.., if all iOS players are like your friends... :D

03-16-13, 09:44 PM
It means your friend don't really know what is Dragon story, oohh.., if all iOS players are like your friends... :D

lol I got him to download it to send me gold when I wanted to buy a second nest, and he plays it now and then but really doesn't care for it :P

03-16-13, 10:49 PM
my blacks, passions, pink, and light all go invisble when evolving in nd, ds, and vd

03-16-13, 10:50 PM
heck my light and pink habitats are invisible aswell along with my enchanted farms but only when their in use

03-16-13, 10:54 PM
ah I don't see us catching up if we do then I'm going to get my head checked cuz. Besides by the time we get caught up ill be out of foilage to turn into debris fml but aye its the truth

03-17-13, 12:18 AM
I play android as well, but on Kindle. I am still new to this game as well.I read every post in this thread as well as many others including the one on feeding costs. I have spent the last 4 hours farming food to level up my dragons cause of this as well. i know most Android users have had some increase in feeding costs, but us Kindle (last to ever get updates) users have not had them.

I say be happy that iOS is the guenny pigs of [] that is coming. We knew the feeding cost was coming so we could concentrate on that as the primary goal so that when the update hits us we loose less than they did. Call it sweet revenge if you want cause I am.

Eventually we will be the same as them and until them I say take advantage of every loop hole you can find!!

03-17-13, 01:16 AM
So has there been any news when we might get this yet?

03-17-13, 02:06 AM
heck my light and pink habitats are invisible aswell along with my enchanted farms but only when their in use

my farms too, they're invisible if I plant something...

03-17-13, 02:17 AM
I've noticed that after collecting the daily coin bonus it is not adding to my coin balance.... Is anyone else having this problem? I've noticed this for a few days now and I'll check tomorrow to be a 100% sure.

I just posted that in the bugs and issues thread, can you check if it is the same for you guys too? :P

03-17-13, 04:34 AM
It's definitely adding the coins in my game. But I have a few dragons invisible on the main DS game. Valentine runs fine, so that is what I play. Feeding in original DS (not updated).
I have farm problems in MS. Gone when I plant, back when I harvest. The oddest thing.

03-17-13, 05:49 AM
I just posted that in the bugs and issues thread, can you check if it is the same for you guys too? :P

will check tomorrow if I remember.

no missing farms/invisible evolving/habitats problem on my end.

03-17-13, 06:17 AM
So has there been any news when we might get this yet?

LOL ... no. There's never been any word about when we might get any of it. Well, except for "We're working on it". They can't do it, because they don't seem to have anyone who knows how to do what ever coding is needed for Android, so it's a lot of hurry up and wait.

03-17-13, 06:18 AM
I just posted that in the bugs and issues thread, can you check if it is the same for you guys too? :P

I posted it several days ago. I'm still having the problem. You lose a lot of coins.

03-17-13, 08:32 AM
Just realized - unless I am just blind/dumb - can I not go back and edit my grammar for that post? It is bugging me.......

03-17-13, 08:37 AM
Just realized - unless I am just blind/dumb - can I not go back and edit my grammar for that post? It is bugging me.......

Nope, know going back to fix grammer or spelling errors. :(

03-17-13, 08:38 AM
Nope, know going back to fix grammer or spelling errors. :(

Bummer - any more surprises I should be aware of?

03-17-13, 08:41 AM
Bummer - any more surprises I should be aware of?

Just don't be surprised when it's been months without any word other than the infamous " we're working on getting Android up to speed" when iOS gets a new update.

03-17-13, 08:45 AM
Just don't be surprised when it's been months without any word other than the infamous " we're working on getting Android up to speed" when iOS gets a new update.

I wont be, but at the same time - if that continues with next update - I am outta here. I am tired of that sort of attitude from developers. But the laugh is at me - I paid $34.99, so the only one who "loses" is me. :( I need to start doing more research into games before I give them my money. This is getting ridiculous.

03-17-13, 08:55 AM
What is the point of "offering" two games when only one is being supported? It might be in their best interest to either hold off any more new updates until ALL platforms are in synch - or drop the other platforms completely - which at this point and my view seems to be the decision they are contemplating. This behavior is common in the "gaming" industry and from I can tell - they are slowly weeding out the other platforms until they can claim "not enough players - shutting down servers due to waste of resources". All too common.

03-17-13, 09:05 AM
What is the point of "offering" two games when only one is being supported? It might be in their best interest to either hold off any more new updates until ALL platforms are in synch - or drop the other platforms completely - which at this point and my view seems to be the decision they are contemplating. This behavior is common in the "gaming" industry and from I can tell - they are slowly weeding out the other platforms until they can claim "not enough players - shutting down servers due to waste of resources". All too common.

I've seen that happen with other games but I don't think that is the case here. Android is huge and I don't think the game will be dropping from Android until the game is dropped completely from Apple as well. I agree though about holding off on updates until the parity is corrected but the CMs ( PonyRoar I think it was ) let us know that TL has enough resources to add the new features while still working to correct the parity... correct me if I'm wrong please.

The updates would really be nice to have and all just so I could get those other dragons that I've probably already earned ( all the albums I bet ) and I could probably get a couple of the gem dragons too. But they will be there when the feature is released... TL has given us tons of new dragons to hunt for right now and I'm really busy going for those and a bunch of others I haven't gotten yet.

Although whenever I sell a dragon I am a bit miffed because it could be a dragon I could break down for parts.... :(

03-17-13, 09:18 AM
Although whenever I sell a dragon I am a bit miffed because it could be a dragon I could break down for parts.... :(

Wait!....what? You (well ios) can break down dragons rather than selling them? Just exactly how much of the game am I missing? How long has this difference existed and is the gap getting smaller are larger?

Sorry to ask so many things........

03-17-13, 09:23 AM
Jake said in another thread (dragon quests, I think) that there's more coming soon. I presume it'd be mostly for iOS, given how major updates tend to exclude us. So I really wonder why do they say that they have the capabilities to work on new features and also work on the old/outdated ones at the same time. Clearly, we don't seem to be getting the "outdated" features anytime soon, neither will we be getting the new features.

Not sure how long more I'll stick around. I can't breed the basic dragons because I don't have habitats for those. Can't breed diamond hybrids because I don't have enough habitats either. Pink/Dark dragons split so often, that I am spending days and weeks breeding the same pairings (alternate between left and right sides) but not getting what I want. I have ran out of "unique" dragons to evolve - they're all epics. Am on to evolving my duplicates now.

03-17-13, 09:27 AM
Wait!....what? You (well ios) can break down dragons rather than selling them? Just exactly how much of the game am I missing? How long has this difference existed and is the gap getting smaller are larger?

Sorry to ask so many things........

Well we didn't have pink dragons until they released the Valentine's Day edition. Then they updated the original DS so you could get them there too. Then they released black on BOTH iOS and Android, so hopefully they are closing the gap. It looks like they are making head-way, it's just slow...

They added a bunch of minor features to iOS but they seem to just be testing type things.... Boosted Breeding, Spin Wheel, Treasure Caves. Nothing that really changes the game that much until they announced the quests thing. Right now it's in BETA on iOS only. No real clear answer as to whether or not it will be available to Android the same time as them releasing it fully to iOS, this is all they said about it:

"When will this feature be available on Android/Kindle?
All I can say at this time is that it will be available on Android/Kindle, along with all of the backlogged features. We're working on a way to catch things up and keep them caught up. Your patience is appreciated."

So take out from that what you may...

03-17-13, 09:27 AM
Wait!....what? You (well ios) can break down dragons rather than selling them? Just exactly how much of the game am I missing? How long has this difference existed and is the gap getting smaller are larger?

Sorry to ask so many things........

We're missing.
1. album feature and 3 dragons (rewards for having a certain number of "unique" dragons)
2. new dawn quests and boosts (boosts were to compensate for the increased food costs, I personally don't consider this to be an important update, because I already have quite a sum of coins, and the food costs far outweighs the boosts. It does help but the increase is somewhat insignificant and disproportionate to the food costs.)
3. trading/crafting (trade away dragons to get gems of the colour, use the gems to craft dragons/decorations - main feature that I really really want, I have 20+ duplicate dragons, thats easily 8 habitats I can save)

Can't really remember what else, but the rest are not that significant.
There's also the wheel/boosted breed/dragon quests, but those are currently in beta-testing and have not be released to iOS, officially.

03-17-13, 09:29 AM
Well we didn't have pink dragons until they released the Valentine's Day edition. Then they updated the original DS so you could get them there too. Then they released black on BOTH iOS and Android, so hopefully they are closing the gap. It looks like they are making head-way, it's just slow...

They added a bunch of minor features to iOS but they seem to just be testing type things.... Boosted Breeding, Spin Wheel, Treasure Caves. Nothing that really changes the game that much until they announced the quests thing. Right now it's in BETA on iOS only. No real clear answer as to whether or not it will be available to Android the same time as them releasing it fully to iOS, this is all they said about it:

"When will this feature be available on Android/Kindle?
All I can say at this time is that it will be available on Android/Kindle, along with all of the backlogged features. We're working on a way to catch things up and keep them caught up. Your patience is appreciated."

So take out from that what you may...

I don't think it will be released at the same time. If it does, yes its a plus for us, but it doesn't change the fact that most of us here still need trading/crafting more. After all, there's nothing much you can do in this game if you're maxed out on habitats.


They have the storage feature too, which I think is for decorations?

03-17-13, 09:32 AM
Jake said in another thread (dragon quests, I think) that there's more coming soon. I presume it'd be mostly for iOS, given how major updates tend to exclude us. So I really wonder why do they say that they have the capabilities to work on new features and also work on the old/outdated ones at the same time. Clearly, we don't seem to be getting the "outdated" features anytime soon, neither will we be getting the new features.

Not sure how long more I'll stick around. I can't breed the basic dragons because I don't have habitats for those. Can't breed diamond hybrids because I don't have enough habitats either. Pink/Dark dragons split so often, that I am spending days and weeks breeding the same pairings (alternate between left and right sides) but not getting what I want. I have ran out of "unique" dragons to evolve - they're all epics. Am on to evolving my duplicates now.

I really wonder how they divide their teams there. I think I remember reading that their developers know how to develop / code for both platforms, which would make one wonder why they just didn't move everyone to Android development to nip the parity issue in the bud from the get-go. Knowing most companies nowadays, their team is probably small and overworked.

03-17-13, 09:33 AM
I don't think it will be released at the same time. If it does, yes its a plus for us, but it doesn't change the fact that most of us here still need trading/crafting more. After all, there's nothing much you can do in this game if you're maxed out on habitats.


They have the storage feature too, which I think is for decorations?

Correct, just storage for decorations, no Dragon Hotel™ yet :)

03-17-13, 09:35 AM
They need to work on a solution for that (the habitats). There will be a time when this game is going to die out because of that very reason. They gave us 5 more habitats, but then they released the dark dragons, which if they continue to pop up at the speed they are going now, will occupy most of these new habitats. And then what ? They will "force" people to just keep 1 of each dragon and cram our diamond hybrids into common habitats. When I am at the point where I feel I cannot play the game as I want to, that everything is too rigid for me to have fun, I will leave too. As of now, I am ok with my habitats, and have still a lot to do.
Soon, it will be Easter and we all know that there will be special dragon(s) for that occasion too. In my opinion, they should hold on releasing new dragons and work overtime on catching us up with IOS features.

03-17-13, 09:35 AM
All I can say at this time is that it will be available/fixed _________. We're working on a way to make available/resolve __________ We have no time estimate at this point. Your patience is appreciated."

I am very familiar with this type of response. Infuriating. I hate saying it at work and hate hearing it twice as much.................................

03-17-13, 09:39 AM
They need to work on a solution for that (the habitats). There will be a time when this game is going to die out because of that very reason. They gave us 5 more habitats, but then they released the dark dragons, which if they continue to pop up at the speed they are going now, will occupy most of these new habitats. And then what ? They will "force" people to just keep 1 of each dragon and cram our diamond hybrids into common habitats. When I am at the point where I feel I cannot play the game as I want to, that everything is too rigid for me to have fun, I will leave too. As of now, I am ok with my habitats, and have still a lot to do.
Soon, it will be Easter and we all know that there will be special dragon(s) for that occasion too. In my opinion, they should hold on releasing new dragons and work overtime on catching us up with IOS features.

No one likes to be restricted in our games, but for this I do think its necessary, given how us droids seems to be having issues with the VD app, which I think is because of the device.. I changed my phone recently so I have no force close issues, etc.
But I think they should have enough habitats such that, each one can have 1 of each dragon in their ideal habitats, and maybe a bit more extras for people who wants to keep extras of what they want.

5 habitats = 15 dragons, so they might not increase the habitat cap that fast.

03-17-13, 09:46 AM
I want a Ruby dragon! After I saw it - I tried breeding red/red until something clicked and said - not gonna happen - then I looked up to obtain - that is the exact thing that brought me to this forum.

03-17-13, 02:06 PM
I posted it several days ago. I'm still having the problem. You lose a lot of coins.

Yeah I'm losing over 20k everyday, you must be losing so much more.. I hope they fix it soon. :)

03-17-13, 03:19 PM
Yayacupcake posted (in part) ... "All I can say at this time is that it will be available on Android/Kindle, along with all of the backlogged features. We're working on a way to catch things up and keep them caught up. Your patience is appreciated."

Uhh ... yeah ... we Androids, for many months now have always been given the same empty lame rhetoric, which means nothing, as most of us don't believe it any more. It's been going on for SO many months!!!

03-17-13, 03:20 PM
I want a Ruby dragon! After I saw it - I tried breeding red/red until something clicked and said - not gonna happen - then I looked up to obtain - that is the exact thing that brought me to this forum.

If you're Android, the only way you can get Ruby or any of the gem stone dragons is to buy them for a lot of gold.

03-18-13, 01:03 AM
I was trying to tell myself not to be bitter; but my wife doesn't have access on her Kindle to dragons I have available and neither of us has access to dragons/buildings that we see on when visiting idevice users. Terrible strategy for Team Lava unless their goal is to alienate customers. This is a fun "time****er" type of game, but my frustration is all ready growing after only four days of playing myself. I can't imagine how the players who have been playing much, much, longer must feel. I am all ready at a point where I want to remove any friends I have that I see are idevice users (the difference is quite obviously sad) and only support those that are NONidevice users. I have all ready donated money to supporting ios updates and features - why should I support giving those players gifts as well when there seems to be nothing given in return for NONidevice users. I really can't say anything new that has not been said other than I have only been playing for about four days (just got my 4day bonus) and notice the difference. When I mentioned to my wife that she does not have access to all the dragons nor to the shop/trade....she immediately stopped playing and went to another game.

Team Lava - pull yer heads out and git moving on fixin yer unfinished product.....everyday this continues fuels the fires of disappointment fer yer customers leading to losses of revenue and tarnishing brand loyalty. Not that is shows you might care at this after reading back 80 pages dating back for quite a while. Hell, you haven't even fixed allowing posters to go back and fix their own grammar mistakes since at least 2011.

I am giving them till end of 2nd quarter to pull their heads out - then I am gone and going to be submitting my views/opinions on all game/app review sites with honesty and links back to threads/comments on these forums - both from customers and responses from staff. Bugs in games/apps are to be expected - abuse of customer loyalty is a whole other issue.

Force close when visiting other islands or when others visit yours, random crashing, being nickle/dimed for every little thing, players having to "buy" with cash dragons not otherwise available, features provided to some players but not others, and there is quite a list of differences.

The real question to Team Lava is: What are you doing to remedy these issues and what is the time frame?

Again, I am new and have only donated a small amount so far - but that is entirely at a halt until questions are actually answered and not some cop out customer service script is spewed out. How so many players have decided to stick around after months of this treatment is beyond me.

When I go to a restaurant and am provided with bad service/food I let the manager know to provide an opportunity to correct it for other customers. Depending on the response determines if I return and whether or I go out of my way to make sure the people I know are inspired to avoid that restaurant. The easiest way to hurt a company is to no longer use their product/service and spread how that company operates using personal experience as an example. Granted there will always be sheep for easy money - but that only goes so far and tolerances are tested.

So far, I enjoy dragon story accepted spending a certain amount towards an enjoyable game; however, what was fun is quickly turning to frustration by a glitchy and unfinished product only to learn that to receive "the full experience" I need ios. Put yourself in our shoes, imagine going to a restaurant and ordering an entree only to learn that if you had sat in a different seat you would have been provided with an appetizer and dessert at no additional charge? No difference in what was ordered or who was serving it; the only difference being where you sat. Would you be upset? Would you blame others for being upset if you were that other person sitting in that other seat? Think about it next time you provide some scripted "were working on it" response. But I also doubt you even read this thread - Wonder how that works for "free" apps.....

03-18-13, 01:05 AM
LOL ... no. There's never been any word about when we might get any of it. Well, except for "We're working on it". They can't do it, because they don't seem to have anyone who knows how to do what ever coding is needed for Android, so it's a lot of hurry up and wait.
Yea, thats probably it. And theyre not hiring any android programmers either because thy profilate as iOS platform. In one post they claim their programmers must be proficient on both platforms, in another they claim only a few are....

03-18-13, 02:33 AM
When I first started this game (close to halloween), the disparity in features weren't that great. It was mainly the new dawn goals and boosts, which weren't much because rewards for completion of goals are pretty insignificant, and even though iOS had boosts, they too had increased food costs which made life harder for them, not us.

Then came trading/crafting (early dec, if i recall correctly). By then, I had gotten a diamond, and still had plenty of habitats to keep spare dragons, so I held on, hoping that trading/crafting will be released soon.

When pinks arrived (a few weeks later), we were once again excluded. I didn't mind at that time, because with all the splitting going on, it wasn't going to be easy anyway, that, and the fact that I still had plenty of other dragons to breed (plus they released new ones, eg: elf, snowman etc).

Close to VD, the pinks arrived, and not long after, dark dragons. Each time, a habitat increase arrived with it, it kind of alleviated the problem and still allowed us to play, as long as we're not maxed out on habitats, we can still continue to breed. I did ration my habitat space, keeping only the rares and super rare duplicates.

Am I upset it is taking so long? Yes. But this is a free game, and I've never bought gold. Yes, iOS may be getting a lot of updates, but the only real urgent ones for us are the trading/crafting and the boosts. And I guess after playing for months, I am emotionally invested in the game, hence I'm still here. Although I'm not sure how long more can I last, 38/40 habitats now.

03-18-13, 04:32 AM
I was trying to tell myself not to be bitter; but my wife doesn't have access on her Kindle to dragons I have available and neither of us has access to dragons/buildings that we see on when visiting idevice users. Terrible strategy for Team Lava unless their goal is to alienate customers. This is a fun "time****er" type of game, but my frustration is all ready growing after only four days of playing myself. I can't imagine how the players who have been playing much, much, longer must feel. I am all ready at a point where I want to remove any friends I have that I see are idevice users (the difference is quite obviously sad) and only support those that are NONidevice users. I have all ready donated money to supporting ios updates and features - why should I support giving those players gifts as well when there seems to be nothing given in return for NONidevice users.

Why punish IOS players ? I will never be able to understand why some players would take their anger out on nice people that are playing the game and have no control over anything. I am Android and probably most of my neighbors are IOS. I would never ever consider deleting them because they are playing on an IOS device. That is not fair. I think they should enjoy the features that are offered to them, because that is what I would do for sure ! Most IOS players are supportive of our demands to TL. They are not the ones who are in control of who gets what and when they get it. They are just people who enjoy playing a game.

03-18-13, 05:13 AM
Why punish IOS players ? I will never be able to understand why some players would take their anger out on nice people that are playing the game and have no control over anything. I am Android and probably most of my neighbors are IOS. I would never ever consider deleting them because they are playing on an IOS device. That is not fair. I think they should enjoy the features that are offered to them, because that is what I would do for sure ! Most IOS players are supportive of our demands to TL. They are not the ones who are in control of who gets what and when they get it. They are just people who enjoy playing a game.
Har ye, hear ye!
Discriminating iOs neighbors, SERIOUSLY? That is just plain petty. iOs users are not to blame for this whole disparity, it's silly to believe they are!
I personally play on both platforms (and got my first diamond...on my ANDROID device -.-) but even way before I had an android phone I was always pro platform parity.

But I have always been supportive of the android parity cause and always will be. I feel it is an injustice, so ot rattles with my bones since I can't stand injustice.
By discriminating innocent players, that only gives a person a tiny sense of satisfaction (I suppose?) and makes them no better than what they're trying to fight. Or worse, even.

03-18-13, 07:53 AM
Yeah, we don't (Androids, I mean) blame the IOS players. Well, at least the majority of us don't ... can't speak for ALL Androids. The problem isn't with IOS players and it isn't with the Mods ... neither can control the problems that we've been experiencing for such a long, long time. It's totally, completely out of their hands. It all seems to boil down to one thing (I'm really, really hoping that it boils down to this one thing) ... TL doesn't know how to code for Android. They seemed to have been able to do this up to a point and then it all went down the tubes. A big problem is that there is no communication. Again, reading back over many posts, this has been said again and again. No real communication. They (TL) won't tell us what's going on. They tried to slide by with "We're working on it" a few times and to be patient, but that doesn't fly any longer. There's no up-front-honesty happening. Of course, if they did tell us that they just can't do it now and won't be able to for a long, long time, a lot of Android players islands would go dark, because they'd leave. Many of us keep hanging on ... why, I don't know. Perhaps for the same reason I'm still here ... hanging on to a very thin and fragile thread of hope. Anyway ... the IOS players and Mods aren't to blame. Shoot, IOS players seem to be having a lot of their own issues.

03-18-13, 08:40 AM
Why punish IOS players ? I will never be able to understand why some players would take their anger out on nice people that are playing the game and have no control over anything. I am Android and probably most of my neighbors are IOS. I would never ever consider deleting them because they are playing on an IOS device. That is not fair. I think they should enjoy the features that are offered to them, because that is what I would do for sure ! Most IOS players are supportive of our demands to TL. They are not the ones who are in control of who gets what and when they get it. They are just people who enjoy playing a game.

we only take out anger of specific players who come in here telling us were spoiled brats who should be glad we got what we got and for android player to quit complaining then they brag about their crafting/ trading, boost, spin wheel, album, and storage not to mention crafting dragon, samuria dragon, and album reward dragons which bring them up 8 or nine dragons more then everyone else to be blunt I along with most android players strongly dislike the ios braggers who come in here bragging and then telling us how we should act.

03-18-13, 08:47 AM
we only take out anger of specific players who come in here telling us were spoiled brats who should be glad we got what we got and for android player to quit complaining then they brag about their crafting/ trading, boost, spin wheel, album, and storage not to mention crafting dragon, samuria dragon, and album reward dragons which bring them up 8 or nine dragons more then everyone else to be blunt I along with most android players strongly dislike the ios braggers who come in here bragging and then telling us how we should act.

Yes, exactly ... most definitely! It's certainly not Android who are spoiled brats.

03-18-13, 09:54 AM
we only take out anger of specific players who come in here telling us were spoiled brats who should be glad we got what we got and for android player to quit complaining then they brag about their crafting/ trading, boost, spin wheel, album, and storage not to mention crafting dragon, samuria dragon, and album reward dragons which bring them up 8 or nine dragons more then everyone else to be blunt I along with most android players strongly dislike the ios braggers who come in here bragging and then telling us how we should act.

Yep, what you said. A good portion of my neighbors are ios and I'm fine with that. No sense being mad at the world because of the decisions of a few. I'm pretty sure I saw an ignore feature when I was looking at settings this weekend. I think I will start making use of it. You know trolls usually stop coming if you refuse to feed them. :cool:

03-18-13, 10:08 AM
It all seems to boil down to one thing (I'm really, really hoping that it boils down to this one thing) ... TL doesn't know how to code for Android. They seemed to have been able to do this up to a point and then it all went down the tubes. A big problem is that there is no communication. Again, reading back over many posts, this has been said again and again. No real communication.

Agreed. And it's been dragging on for months...

we only take out anger of specific players who come in here telling us were spoiled brats who should be glad we got what we got and for android player to quit complaining then they brag about their crafting/ trading, boost, spin wheel, album, and storage not to mention crafting dragon, samuria dragon, and album reward dragons which bring them up 8 or nine dragons more then everyone else to be blunt I along with most android players strongly dislike the ios braggers who come in here bragging and then telling us how we should act.
But those deserve it. :)
I've seen players with that attitude, and I really don't like it. The worst part is people bothering to come over to this thread (specific for android complaints!!) to show a complete lack of respect and sympathy towards android users! Aside vrom being rude and disrespectful, it is uneducated and shows lack of comprehension.

03-18-13, 10:21 AM
Why punish IOS players ? I will never be able to understand why some players would take their anger out on nice people that are playing the game and have no control over anything. I am Android and probably most of my neighbors are IOS. I would never ever consider deleting them because they are playing on an IOS device. That is not fair. I think they should enjoy the features that are offered to them, because that is what I would do for sure ! Most IOS players are supportive of our demands to TL. They are not the ones who are in control of who gets what and when they get it. They are just people who enjoy playing a game.

I think you might misunderstand me... I am not bashing or blaming ios users in any way, I am only considering NOT supporting development for ios when there is little (or none) for android. The more that nonios device users support ios, the longer it pushes the other updates (if there any) back. TL needs to realize that androids are not a small percentage second rate customers. That is all. If I had not put the money into the game prior to reading into this thread - I would not have installed the game. Knowing that there is little support for my version of game in terms of development and updates why would I choose to install and donate funds towards other device support. Is android programming really that difficult?

Again, not bashing ios players, only not willing to support one side of the game while sitting on the other. I have plenty of ios neighbors and I visit quite often (got my level 4 social rating in about 4 days), I am just a little irked after seeing the truth.

03-18-13, 04:25 PM
I was messing around with the account my son plays on the IPad last night and this morning. He's low level so not much room for habitats, so I started trying to help rearrange his island to maximize the space he does have. From helping him every once in a while I knew things were different but it's much more than I thought. Moving habitats around was so much easier. Once I moved the first one I would stay in an edit like mode. The land he already owned was a slightly lighter color than the rest, so I could actually see where the edge of use able land was. Rather than guessing by painfully moving stuff around on my Android in trial and error. To move anything else all I had to do was tap and drag, once I was done then I could exit edit mode. The sparkles on a habitat after it had been played with were much brighter and more noticeable. The water dragon blew a water bubble! I didn't know they did that. Everything about the appearance in the IPad was much more refined than android. For the record the IPad is a first generation. I have played ds on a nook color, Nexus7, and my note 2 (along with two other phones), all the Android devices looked the same.

Not to mention being able to trade his multiple extra dragons for gems. I made the mistake of looking through the crafting house. All of that stuff combined really frustrated me. We aren't just missing features, compared to IPads polished version we have a rough draft. Yes I realize most of what I'm talking about are cosmetic and really aren't important. My point with telling you all this is we are further behind than most of us probably realized. If tl can't even do the simple cosmetic aspects, how can we expect them to get us anything else? Even if by some miracle android does get crafting before we all have to sick of being ignored and quit, I now firmly believe we will always be lacking compared to iOS. I doubt the parity will ever be completely resolved unless tl stops expecting overworked ios devs to figured out how to program for android and hires android devs. After the last few months I think the powers that be at tl have made their plans crystal clear and Android is not a part of them.

Worst part is I can't quit right now even though I want to. My son loves playing this game with me, if I quit I would break his heart. No matter how frustrated I am at this situation, I won't punish him for it. I'll stick around until he gets bored and if things aren't better by then I'm done. In the mean time I'm going to try to distract him with other games that actually care about their android customers.

03-18-13, 06:27 PM
Yep, what you said. A good portion of my neighbors are ios and I'm fine with that. No sense being mad at the world because of the decisions of a few. I'm pretty sure I saw an ignore feature when I was looking at settings this weekend. I think I will start making use of it. You know trolls usually stop coming if you refuse to feed them. :cool:

"You know trolls usually stop coming if you refuse to feed them." ROFL!!!!!! That's funny, but so true.

I think I saw that feature also.

03-18-13, 06:30 PM
I'm sure, that the Amethyst dragon is IOS only (gem stone), but nothing was said about Moon. To me, the Moon dragon looks like Leopard, just a bit different color. I wanted the Dark Angel, but far, it's not happening. Think I'm going to give up on both Dark Angel and Moon. Besides, they'll require a habitat and I'm dangerously close to max again what with all the new dragons.

03-18-13, 06:49 PM
Did you notice that the game forced close when we try to visit iOS neighbors? I have this problem since somes days now.. Lit doesnt happen when i visit android's neighbors. I'm sure that i m not the only one.

03-18-13, 06:57 PM
Did you notice that the game forced close when we try to visit iOS neighbors? I have this problem since somes days now.. Lit doesnt happen when i visit android's neighbors. I'm sure that i m not the only one.

Mine stalls, lags big time and sometimes force closes. Think it might be due to their having so much on their islands ... decor and such.

03-18-13, 07:07 PM
The only time I have a problem is on my own island, it doesn't lag for me it just closes. I can visit iOS/android neighbours with no problem... Maybe we are finally getting updated... Who knows? I'm not getting my hopes up about it though lol

03-18-13, 07:19 PM
Did you notice that the game forced close when we try to visit iOS neighbors? I have this problem since somes days now.. Lit doesnt happen when i visit android's neighbors. I'm sure that i m not the only one.

Happened once to me Ystd. Other islands are okay though.

03-18-13, 07:20 PM
Mine stalls, lags big time and sometimes force closes. Think it might be due to their having so much on their islands ... decor and such.

Well its not the same as usual. I have beginners as neighbors and i just cant access to their islands. This doesnt happen with my android's neighbors.
Oh i apologize about my last posts, i didnt understand what you are really fighting for. You are right (everyone) and the more users web would be to support the monde we would have a chance to move something. I m ok with you

03-18-13, 07:23 PM
The only time I have a problem is on my own island, it doesn't lag for me it just closes. I can visit iOS/android neighbours with no problem... Maybe we are finally getting updated... Who knows? I'm not getting my hopes up about it though lol

Yes same plus what i said : juste close when i visit some users.

03-18-13, 07:38 PM
I have specific neighbors who i can't visit without crashing. I can't recall if they are ios users, but I this is definitely specific to certain users for me.

03-18-13, 07:49 PM
Well its not the same as usual. I have beginners as neighbors and i just cant access to their islands. This doesnt happen with my android's neighbors.
Oh i apologize about my last posts, i didnt understand what you are really fighting for. You are right (everyone) and the more users WE would be to support, the MORE we would have a chance to move something. I m ok with you

Sorry :( french tab language doesnt like english words

03-18-13, 08:06 PM
I have specific neighbors who i can't visit without crashing. I can't recall if they are ios users, but I this is definitely specific to certain users for me.

I have the same problem. I tried visiting a certain neighbor like five times, but each time the game force closed on me. I can visit others just fine (ios and androids).

The game would also force close after visiting like 5 or 6 neighbors, depending on how heavily decorated the island is. The more the decorations, the sooner my game force closes.

03-18-13, 08:17 PM
I'm crashing the same as you all, but I also crash tapping on the social tab and sometimes the menu icon itself. I've also crashed trying to read my wall and others walls. When I was rearranging the account on old ipad it crashed too soon as I went to visit a neighbor and this particular neighbor isn't heavily decorated. So this isn't just limited to android devices. I don't know what they did after the recent patches but i wish they would fix it, I'm getting tired of the game reloading over and over again.

03-18-13, 08:17 PM
I haven't experienced force closing when visiting iOS neighbours. I always get the lag if the neighbour has lots of decorations. No lag even if the neighbour is maxed out on habitats and dragons.

At first the mods were saying more habitats (i.e. more dragons) would make us lag much more, and I thought it made sense. But experiencing more instances of lagging made me realise it's actually loads of decorations that cause it more than anything.

03-18-13, 08:21 PM
I haven't experienced force closing when visiting iOS neighbours. I always get the lag if the neighbour has lots of decorations. No lag even if the neighbour is maxed out on habitats and dragons.

At first the mods were saying more habitats (i.e. more dragons) would make us lag much more, and I thought it made sense. But experiencing more instances of lagging made me realise it's actually loads of decorations that cause it more than anything.

I think it's the decor too. I crash going to newbie islands with 3-4 habitats on them. From what I have seen the lights are what's making me crash, the more lanterns on an island the worse the lag is. I'm sure that's not the only reason but I have a few neighbors with lanterns everywhere and I can no longer visit them without crashing. Could also be the dragon animations themselves, seems the more populated a specific area the worse my phone handles it. However, if the dragons are spread out a bit it isn't so bad.

03-18-13, 08:37 PM
My last post is kinda confusing, I explain better. I have crashed going to newbie islands with no decor and little habitats as well as to higher level islands. I have literally crashed during any aspect of game play that we can do...what little we can do. Even during breeding and posting on walls. Some of the crashes I think are a coding problem, something they changed is causing problems. It's not a coincidence it started happening after the last patches.

Some of it has been on going for a while. For instance my islands...I have 91 dragons and 36/40 habitats. I still have a bit of land left that is not clear but I have my habitats spread out over all the islands, there is at least a few on each one. I have some decor like buildings, some plants/flowers and a few flags. Hardly any lanterns because they really made my old phone crawl. The habitats and decor aren't slowing me down one bit. I can visit tonguelashing's islands without a problem. His habitats are spread out as well and he has less decor than I do. I have other neighbors that decorate too but not heavy lantern use, no problems visiting them. I have another neighbor that is ios. Has gold caves, lots of plants/flowers, ton of lanterns...very heavily decorated. The habitats vary..in some parts there alot together and some are spread out. On a good day I can stay in game long enough to play with the dragons. If I can painfully navigate through the lag without crashing it's a miracle. Lately I crash while trying to load the island. Here's the part that gets me. I got sick of crashing but felt bad for not returning visits so I have been trying to remember to visit from the ipad. Even on a 1st gen ipad this same island runs with nearly no lag (although the ipad did crash today while visiting a lower level player)! Yet my Samsung note 2 lags and crashes. I know darn well my phone is much better than that old ipad. Things that make me go mmm...

03-18-13, 08:41 PM
I think it's the decor too. I crash going to newbie islands with 3-4 habitats on them. From what I have seen the lights are what's making me crash, the more lanterns on an island the worse the lag is. I'm sure that's not the only reason but I have a few neighbors with lanterns everywhere and I can no longer visit them without crashing. Could also be the dragon animations themselves, seems the more populated a specific area the worse my phone handles it. However, if the dragons are spread out a bit it isn't so bad.

I m ok with you all, i have those problem too on my phone but the one im talking about is really not same as usual. I didnt have problems with my tab before even on <heavy> islands.Well lets wait and see..

03-18-13, 08:43 PM
My last post is kinda confusing, I explain better. I have crashed going to newbie islands with no decor and little habitats as well as to higher level islands. I have literally crashed during any aspect of game play that we can do...what little we can do. Even during breeding and posting on walls. Some of the crashes I think are a coding problem, something they changed is causing problems. It's not a coincidence it started happening after the last patches.

Some of it has been on going for a while. For instance my islands...I have 91 dragons and 36/40 habitats. I still have a bit of land left that is not clear but I have my habitats spread out over all the islands, there is at least a few on each one. I have some decor like buildings, some plants/flowers and a few flags. Hardly any lanterns because they really made my old phone crawl. The habitats and decor aren't slowing me down one bit. I can visit tonguelashing's islands without a problem. His habitats are spread out as well and he has less decor than I do. I have other neighbors that decorate too but not heavy lantern use, no problems visiting them. I have another neighbor that is ios. Has gold caves, lots of plants/flowers, ton of lanterns...very heavily decorated. The habitats vary..in some parts there alot together and some are spread out. On a good day I can stay in game long enough to play with the dragons. If I can painfully navigate through the lag without crashing it's a miracle. Lately I crash while trying to load the island. Here's the part that gets me. I got sick of crashing but felt bad for not returning visits so I have been trying to remember to visit from the ipad. Even on a 1st gen ipad this same island runs with nearly no lag (although the ipad did crash today while visiting a lower level player)! Yet my Samsung note 2 lags and crashes. I know darn well my phone is much better than that old ipad. Things that make me go mmm...

Yes that s it !

03-18-13, 08:51 PM
I m ok with you all, i have those problem too on my phone but the one im talking about is really not same as usual. I didnt have problems with my tab before even on <heavy> islands.Well lets wait and see..

That's what is making me think the recent mass games crashes and overall game behavior is from the update. I'm just guessing, it's not like anyone will else admit what the problem was.

03-18-13, 08:57 PM
That's what is making me think the recent mass games crashes and overall game behavior is from the update. I'm just guessing, it's not like anyone will else admit what the problem was.

I thought the same, just wanted to be sure tht it wasnt my tab (memory problem) . Then force close with my iOS neighbors is only a co?ncidence. Tyvm for your answers

03-18-13, 09:42 PM
I thought the same, just wanted to be sure tht it wasnt my tab (memory problem) . Then force close with my iOS neighbors is only a co?ncidence. Tyvm for your answers

Any time! I'm not happy any of us are crashing. Yet, it's comforting to know it's not just a few people. It seems more large scale.

03-19-13, 05:33 AM
Think this, when trading and crafting features come out on Android, we have to craft and trade those 6 dragons...
It's not annoying, but I think I almost out of habitats because I hold some rare and super rare dragons, I really want trade them all until just one!!!

03-19-13, 06:18 AM
My game is force closing anytime I touch the screen to do something...accept request, visit, breed, plant crops, now it wont even open past the opening pop up screens

03-19-13, 06:55 AM
Just read a news article yesterday that android devices surpassed iPhone 4, apple ahead with iPhone but not for long. Samsung galaxy sales out pacing iPhone and android tablet sales will surpass I pads in 2013. You would think TL would pay attention to the research but evidently not. Hard to believe they continue to ignore the fastest selling devices but guess they drank the apple juice. I am just about done with all of the team lava games and I play several of them. I will not support a company that treats their users like second class citizens.

Jakestorm8 says we will get all of the backlogged features but of course he can't say when. Just more of the same old stuff!!!!! No communication and no attempt at parity, just more features for iOS.

03-19-13, 11:08 AM
instead of that white glaring streak I was telling u guys about now I get a giant yellow or dark red streak burst across my screen and dribble down the middle of the screen

03-19-13, 11:55 AM
Jakestorm8 says we will get all of the backlogged features but of course he can't say when. Just more of the same old stuff!!!!! No communication and no attempt at parity, just more features for iOS.

Well, remember Jake isn't the only programmer at TL, and he probably can't say anything. I would love to see some incremental updates personally, so we all know there is some progress and they are working on parity. I personally think that would be better than a mass of updates all at once, as there's more room for things to go wrong than with incremental updates, but that's just my opinion.

Jake has said they are working on it, and as much as I hate what currently appear to be empty words, we have to wait and hope we will indeed have an update soon.

03-19-13, 02:03 PM
We will get the updates or will we not I dint mind waiting if we do

03-19-13, 04:08 PM
Maybe they can fix the arbitrary cache growth spurts that have actually crashed my device - I'm talking over 100MB. That's just crazy (Of all the stuff I've run, I have NEVER been able to crash this phone with any app!).. and then there's the zoom that doesn't, or maybe it zooms opposite of what I tell it - who knows what it will do or when. And then there is the 'autoscroll'-it autonomously chooses when and where to scroll. I am not sure why I'm at the controlling end anymore cuz it does whatever it wants... or else it pouts like a 2-yr old and does nothing. Lol
Somebody drop me a line if this stuff ever gets fixed cuz I just can't stand all the excitement of playing an unplayable game anymore.

03-19-13, 04:51 PM
Maybe they can fix the arbitrary cache growth spurts that have actually crashed my device - I'm talking over 100MB. That's just crazy (Of all the stuff I've run, I have NEVER been able to crash this phone with any app!).. and then there's the zoom that doesn't, or maybe it zooms opposite of what I tell it - who knows what it will do or when. And then there is the 'autoscroll'-it autonomously chooses when and where to scroll. I am not sure why I'm at the controlling end anymore cuz it does whatever it wants... or else it pouts like a 2-yr old and does nothing. Lol
Somebody drop me a line if this stuff ever gets fixed cuz I just can't stand all the excitement of playing an unplayable game anymore.

The crash I got today, I read the report

Exception class name: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Source: BitmapFactory.Java
Source class: android.graphics.BitmapFactory

Running on Acer A500 tablet, Android version: 4.0.3 (stock kernel)

*this* particular crash is caused by a memory issue, which given the consistency of these crashes, it reeks of a memory leak which can be a real dog to track down and then fix. But the more reports we send in, the more information TL will have and the easier it will be for them to track down and fix.

03-19-13, 06:46 PM
The crash I got today, I read the report

Exception class name: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Source: BitmapFactory.Java
Source class: android.graphics.BitmapFactory

Running on Acer A500 tablet, Android version: 4.0.3 (stock kernel)

*this* particular crash is caused by a memory issue, which given the consistency of these crashes, it reeks of a memory leak which can be a real dog to track down and then fix. But the more reports we send in, the more information TL will have and the easier it will be for them to track down and fix.
Oh! I should report my crashes more often then, hopefully it will help! I didn't think it would. Derp. :)

03-19-13, 10:37 PM
I just transferred DS Android to iOS... First thing I done was check out the album, and I got 20 gold, 1000 food, Storm & Scarecrow dragon!

The picture is so much clearer, (obviously you probably know this) and it's faster to visit neighbours. I bought the trading portal and the spell shop and it looks like there is so much to do... Everything is 100% better! The only bad thing is the cost of food to evolve dragons, I'm glad I did it but I wasn't too sure before.

I hope all this is added to android soon so you guys can enjoy the new features, it really has changed the gameplay for me and it's only been like an hour.

03-20-13, 07:31 AM
I just transferred DS Android to iOS... First thing I done was check out the album, and I got 20 gold, 1000 food, Storm & Scarecrow dragon!

The picture is so much clearer, (obviously you probably know this) and it's faster to visit neighbours. I bought the trading portal and the spell shop and it looks like there is so much to do... Everything is 100% better! The only bad thing is the cost of food to evolve dragons, I'm glad I did it but I wasn't too sure before.

I hope all this is added to android soon so you guys can enjoy the new features, it really has changed the gameplay for me and it's only been like an hour.

Gee ... thanks for sharing. LOL I can't afford an IPad and don't like the IPhone (used to have one). Well, I know you'll enjoy playing so much more. Doin the happy dance for ya. Congrats on the IOS device!

03-20-13, 09:26 AM
instead of that white glaring streak I was telling u guys about now I get a giant yellow or dark red streak burst across my screen and dribble down the middle of the screen

I have this but only in expansion veiw.... I also can no longer visit neighbors at all on any version it crashes or gets stuck loading..... this has been going on for about a week ..... I would love to beta test for TL I used to be a pilot lead for software launches at my company.... tech loved me because I am real good at breaking things and telling them how I did it.... moosehay and toungelashing should also be beta testers they sound pretty techy....maybe we could get this show on the road!

03-20-13, 05:58 PM
I have this but only in expansion veiw.... I also can no longer visit neighbors at all on any version it crashes or gets stuck loading..... this has been going on for about a week ..... I would love to beta test for TL I used to be a pilot lead for software launches at my company.... tech loved me because I am real good at breaking things and telling them how I did it.... moosehay and toungelashing should also be beta testers they sound pretty techy....maybe we could get this show on the road!

I've been programming for 25 yrs or so, so yes, I have tech experience :-)

03-20-13, 10:36 PM
There is an updated android version which is supposed to a dress at least some of the crashing issues. I just updated myself and am testing it out.

03-20-13, 11:27 PM
i hope that you guys really work on certain features that is on IOS but not on Android, because without those features( spell shop, the crafting building, and the quest thingy) this games can be very boring because u will reached certain point / level where u progress very slowly. i was very excited at first, but now that i saw what features my friend has on her ipad, the excitement really go down. if you guys really want to maintain ur android players, u really need to work on this fast, or else people will get bored and stop playing or even worse, deleting the apps. thanks.. :)

03-20-13, 11:43 PM
There is an updated android version which is supposed to a dress at least some of the crashing issues. I just updated myself and am testing it out.

Works great for me !

03-21-13, 01:43 AM
There is an updated android version which is supposed to a dress at least some of the crashing issues. I just updated myself and am testing it out.

Which version is it?

03-21-13, 01:57 AM
Which version is it?

DS original - or regular - same

03-21-13, 06:42 AM
There's an Easter update available in Google Play. The pink grass is gone (which I think is good!), but the cost of feeding your herd will be higher. Easter dragon shows up in the Market and there's a popup about letting Easter dragons frolic or some such wording. I see nothing else "new".

03-21-13, 07:04 AM
There's an Easter update available in Google Play. The pink grass is gone (which I think is good!), but the cost of feeding your herd will be higher. Easter dragon shows up in the Market and there's a popup about letting Easter dragons frolic or some such wording. I see nothing else "new".

New app? Guess I'll wait for a while and see if I get a 30 gold quest to install it, since the only new thing is the Easter dragon. The costs were already increased in VD app. Original app has the increased food costs too.

03-21-13, 07:18 AM
The ND version I'm using does not have increased food costs.

03-21-13, 07:26 AM
New app? Guess I'll wait for a while and see if I get a 30 gold quest to install it, since the only new thing is the Easter dragon. The costs were already increased in VD app. Original app has the increased food costs too.

Don't know that TL will do that for us, but remember the egg change deal I had not too long ago?? It happened again in the Easter app. This time, the Firestorm egg changed to a Honeybee. I posted about it in the Easter dragon thread. Weird how that happens. Well, to me it is.

03-21-13, 07:54 AM
Don't know that TL will do that for us, but remember the egg change deal I had not too long ago?? It happened again in the Easter app. This time, the Firestorm egg changed to a Honeybee. I posted about it in the Easter dragon thread. Weird how that happens. Well, to me it is.

what about the time? did it show 10 hour or 12 hours? I wish this will happen to me when I eventually try breeding for it though! can't get a honeybee!!

kooky panda
03-21-13, 10:39 AM
Which version is it?
Dragon Easter version
It is now the most current android version to be playing.

03-21-13, 10:50 AM
Dragon Easter version
It is now the most current android version to be playing.

I was using the Android Easter version when my egg changed from Firestorm to Honeybee. Strange, but had happened once before, a while back with the Four Leaf dragon.

03-21-13, 11:35 AM
OK, so this seems to be adding insult to injury...the amethyst dragon contest says 5 iOS users and 5 android users will win. Hmmm, but wait a minute...checking latest DS for Android (Easter edition) I don't see trading and crafting available. Hmmm....

so only if we spend 1700 gold ($50 real money depending on what gold deals you have and how much gold you have saved up) to get a chance to win 5000 gold??? I'm sorry, no android player in their right mind will spend that kind of gold on a dragon!!

Now...if we had trading/crafting suddenly available...I know for a fact we'd be all over that as many of us have duplicate dragons to trade whereby we could get at least one dragon in the contest timeframe, assuming no use of gold to speed up crafting or trading.

But this statement really just means that 5 iOS users will win. What on earth is going on over at TL?

03-21-13, 12:20 PM
I noticed the habitat limit has been increased from 40 to 41. It helps a little, but I have about 10 habitats dedicated for duplicate rare/super-rare dragons I eventually intend to put in trade shop (I still hope we'll get it). If spell shop is difficult to do, perhaps trade and storage can be done first to allow Android users to trade in the dragons for gems and store them for later use instead of using up all the habitat space... Just a thought.

03-21-13, 12:20 PM
when the released Cesar dragon there was a glitch. there seems to be a similar glitch with Easter dragon. I would wait to try and breed Eastern dragon until the goal is available in the book.... before when there was no goal in the book but the Dragon was in the market the Dragon was not breedable.... people spend gold to speed up failed attempts when was not an attainable dragon.... the only reason I mention this is because the same thing appears to be happening with this Easter dragon that happened with Caesar dragon.... I would wait until the goal is in the book and the dragon is in the market to try and read this dragon.... that is just my 2 cents from previous experience I could be totally wrong..... but now I always use the rule that if it is not in the goal book I don't try.... so for me to try to breed a new Dragon it has to be in the market AND in the goal book.... Just precaution I take because I have seen something like this before and wasted gold to have them fix glitch later..... good luck

03-21-13, 12:22 PM
Huh... my post seems to have disappeared. Guess TL doesn't like all the send reports I've been sending them as of late lol

OK, so trying to do this again.

I'm not really getting the point of the new Easter edition. It's disappointing enough as it is that TL decided to have a gold contest for the newest gem dragon to which android must purchase to get while iOS gets to just craft. I could see the point if the edition caught us android and kindle players up a little bit more to the iOS platform, but to only get the funky looking bunny dragon thing just doesn't cut it to warrant another edition on my tablet. Oh, and tonguelashing, I have to agree - really TL? $50 out of pocket to join in a contest? I think not.

03-21-13, 12:28 PM
when the released Cesar dragon there was a glitch. there seems to be a similar glitch with Easter dragon. I would wait to try and breed Eastern dragon until the goal is available in the book.... before when there was no goal in the book but the Dragon was in the market the Dragon was not breedable.... people spend gold to speed up failed attempts when was not an attainable dragon.... the only reason I mention this is because the same thing appears to be happening with this Easter dragon that happened with Caesar dragon.... I would wait until the goal is in the book and the dragon is in the market to try and read this dragon.... that is just my 2 cents from previous experience I could be totally wrong..... but now I always use the rule that if it is not in the goal book I don't try.... so for me to try to breed a new Dragon it has to be in the market AND in the goal book.... Just precaution I take because I have seen something like this before and wasted gold to have them fix glitch later..... good luck

I was told that they will look into this...too make sure im wrong this time :) lol....I hope im wrong... if not .... I hope they got a head start on it this time.... yay!

03-21-13, 12:30 PM
OK, so this seems to be adding insult to injury...the amethyst dragon contest says 5 iOS users and 5 android users will win. Hmmm, but wait a minute...checking latest DS for Android (Easter edition) I don't see trading and crafting available. Hmmm....

so only if we spend 1700 gold ($50 real money depending on what gold deals you have and how much gold you have saved up) to get a chance to win 5000 gold??? I'm sorry, no android player in their right mind will spend that kind of gold on a dragon!!

Now...if we had trading/crafting suddenly available...I know for a fact we'd be all over that as many of us have duplicate dragons to trade whereby we could get at least one dragon in the contest timeframe, assuming no use of gold to speed up crafting or trading.

But this statement really just means that 5 iOS users will win. What on earth is going on over at TL?

In their right mind ... are the key words.... some will pay for sure...but I think they are crazy!

03-21-13, 01:36 PM
OK, so this seems to be adding insult to injury...the amethyst dragon contest says 5 iOS users and 5 android users will win. Hmmm, but wait a minute...checking latest DS for Android (Easter edition) I don't see trading and crafting available. Hmmm....

so only if we spend 1700 gold ($50 real money depending on what gold deals you have and how much gold you have saved up) to get a chance to win 5000 gold??? I'm sorry, no android player in their right mind will spend that kind of gold on a dragon!!

Now...if we had trading/crafting suddenly available...I know for a fact we'd be all over that as many of us have duplicate dragons to trade whereby we could get at least one dragon in the contest timeframe, assuming no use of gold to speed up crafting or trading.

But this statement really just means that 5 iOS users will win. What on earth is going on over at TL?

Just like the other gem stone dragons ... WE have to shell out a lot of gold, if we want these dragons, while IOS can craft them. I'm sure there are some Androids who will buy the dragons. This Android won't. We're getting the higher food costs, to be more like IOS, but we're not getting anything else. It's been like that for quite a while, as you know. There's an old Jerry Reed song (country) with a title that kind of goes side by side with what's happening to us.

03-21-13, 03:52 PM
Just like the other gem stone dragons ... WE have to shell out a lot of gold, if we want these dragons, while IOS can craft them. I'm sure there are some Androids who will buy the dragons. This Android won't. We're getting the higher food costs, to be more like IOS, but we're not getting anything else. It's been like that for quite a while, as you know. There's an old Jerry Reed song (country) with a title that kind of goes side by side with what's happening to us.
Lmao - somebody did, in fact, get the gold mine and it surely wasn't Android...

03-21-13, 04:38 PM
Lmao - somebody did, in fact, get the gold mine and it surely wasn't Android...

ROFL .... you knew exactly what song I was referring to!!!! Nope, wasn't Android. I wonder just how many Androids have won any of the more recent contests.

03-21-13, 04:47 PM
ROFL .... you knew exactly what song I was referring to!!!! Nope, wasn't Android. I wonder just how many Androids have won any of the more recent contests.

not sure, at least none of them were my neighbors, but I don't know how many winners are on the forum either. I'm almost tempted to buy gold to buy the dragon for an entry and see if I win...for the # of actual android users entering the amethyst contest...I'd virtually be guaranteed to win :-)

03-21-13, 04:50 PM
Dragon Easter version
It is now the most current android version to be playing.

So we have another DS version to upload - easter one (like valentine's before) right ?? What about last DS original update ? thought that DS regular was THE referent .. :/

03-21-13, 05:06 PM
Dragon Easter version
It is now the most current android version to be playing.

Actually... both original dragon story and the easter version are version

There was an update for the original this morning.

Also, is the size of the client for easter version supposed to be 45MB? Original is less than 5MB...and neither one of them zoom or scroll well.

03-21-13, 05:10 PM
ROFL .... you knew exactly what song I was referring to!!!! Nope, wasn't Android. I wonder just how many Androids have won any of the more recent contests.

Yeah, I'm that old too. Lol

I guess there's going to be 5 of them winning this newest contest... not me though - I draw the line at buying dragons so I won't have an entry.

03-21-13, 05:12 PM
Actually... both original dragon story and the easter version are version

There was an update for the original this morning.

Also, is the size of the client for easter version supposed to be 45MB? Original is less than 5MB...and neither one of them zoom or scroll well.

Got three DS version on my tab.. I cant have the same on my phone !! it s not a "parity" problem but it gets tiring perpetually changing versions without being sure to be protected from forced closures and without being sure of having some of the dragons emerged since January 2013 .. I personally got stuck on chocolate one's. no new dragon since (apart four-leaf and night) ...

03-21-13, 05:16 PM
Got three DS version on my tab.. I cant have the same on my phone !! it s not a "parity" problem but it gets tiring perpetually changing versions without being sure to be protected from forced closures and without being sure of having some of the dragons emerged since January 2013 .. I personally got stuck on chocolate one's. no new dragon since (apart four-leaf and night) ...
So far as I can tell, original and easter are the same except that the Easter version has the easter dragon available. Other that that, they both have all the other dragons/habitats.

03-21-13, 05:16 PM


03-21-13, 05:17 PM
So far as I can tell, original and easter are the same except that the Easter version has the easter dragon available. Other that that, they both have all the other dragons/habitats.

yes but I kept new dawn for the low cost feeding :)

03-21-13, 05:25 PM


Been a long time since I heard that song!! LOL, Yep, I'm pretty old too :D

03-21-13, 05:33 PM


LOL!!!!! Yeah, that's the one! ROFL Really didn't think anyone would know what I was referring to!

03-21-13, 05:34 PM
yes but I kept new dawn for the low cost feeding :)

So did I... and it's the only one I can move around my island in

03-21-13, 05:36 PM
OK, so this seems to be adding insult to injury...the amethyst dragon contest says 5 iOS users and 5 android users will win. Hmmm, but wait a minute...checking latest DS for Android (Easter edition) I don't see trading and crafting available. Hmmm....

so only if we spend 1700 gold ($50 real money depending on what gold deals you have and how much gold you have saved up) to get a chance to win 5000 gold??? I'm sorry, no android player in their right mind will spend that kind of gold on a dragon!!

Now...if we had trading/crafting suddenly available...I know for a fact we'd be all over that as many of us have duplicate dragons to trade whereby we could get at least one dragon in the contest timeframe, assuming no use of gold to speed up crafting or trading.

But this statement really just means that 5 iOS users will win. What on earth is going on over at TL?

I think they're doing this because sometime ago someone posted about the un-fairness of sweepstakes but we all know what happens to such posts. By separating iOS and android users into two separate pools, then drawing 5 from each, makes the sweepstakes a little more "fair", if I can put it that way. Of course it's totally unfair that the android winners would have spent $50 more than the iOS to enter the contest in the first place.

03-21-13, 05:36 PM
So did I... and it's the only one I can move around my island in

hey I just post a message on "bugs reports" to talk about that : difficult moves. but even on ND I m not able to move a habitat..

03-21-13, 05:38 PM
By the way, are the rest of you guys also not getting a timer on the snowman dragon or is it just me? I got the pop-up about getting it before it melts, but don't see any timer in the market. Is this just another android thing?

03-21-13, 05:41 PM
By the way, are the rest of you guys also not getting a timer on the snowman dragon or is it just me? I got the pop-up about getting it before it melts, but don't see any timer in the market. Is this just another android thing?

That's our Timer. Android never had an official one. This was also the case during Halloween time

03-21-13, 05:42 PM
By the way, are the rest of you guys also not getting a timer on the snowman dragon or is it just me? I got the pop-up about getting it before it melts, but don't see any timer in the market. Is this just another android thing?

no timer. maybe in some days

03-21-13, 05:43 PM
I think they're doing this because sometime ago someone posted about the un-fairness of sweepstakes but we all know what happens to such posts. By separating iOS and android users into two separate pools, then drawing 5 from each, makes the sweepstakes a little more "fair", if I can put it that way. Of course it's totally unfair that the android winners would have spent $50 more than the iOS to enter the contest in the first place.

Yes, it's definitely unfair. How could it not be? it disturbs me that some Androids would fall for this, but I know some could very well. If there are those that do, they certainly have deeper pockets than I.

03-21-13, 05:45 PM
That's our Timer. Android never had an official one. This was also the case during Halloween time

Yeah. I don't know why I thought during the period from halloween till now, they would have created a timer.

Not that it matters to me right now. Just wanted to know for when other dragons become limited in future.

03-21-13, 05:50 PM
Yes, it's definitely unfair. How could it not be? it disturbs me that some Androids would fall for this, but I know some could very well. If there are those that do, they certainly have deeper pockets than I.

We shall see. From a huge pool of players, I'm sure there will be at least 5 who would make the purchase just for a chance to win. Maybe they think of it as a lottery, one where you win virtual gold bars. In a sense it's kind of like winning cash if they are regular gold buyers, since the gold they won would mean they purchase less or none for the next I-don't-know-how-long I guess. But still totally unfair that they are spending money to enter when others don't need to pay a single cent.

03-21-13, 06:07 PM
We shall see. From a huge pool of players, I'm sure there will be at least 5 who would make the purchase just for a chance to win. Maybe they think of it as a lottery, one where you win virtual gold bars. In a sense it's kind of like winning cash if they are regular gold buyers, since the gold they won would mean they purchase less or none for the next I-don't-know-how-long I guess. But still totally unfair that they are spending money to enter when others don't need to pay a single cent.

The contests aren't fair and getting the new dragons ... shoot, that's stacked against everyone who plays. Something's not right in the neighborhood.

03-21-13, 06:27 PM
Crafting is time consuming!! Not sure if you guys know because I had no idea but..

Amethyst Dragon = 2X Large Amethyst + 3 Nether Dust + Spell Scroll

Large Amethyst ....trade a rare purple dragon to get 1 or trade a common purple dragon to get a small amethyst.. (or craft 10 small amethyst to get a large amethyst)
Nether Dust = small sapphires & small amethyst
Spell Scroll = small emerald & small topazes

You can only trade a dragon once it evolves too which is annoying. I traded Life and I got a small ruby, I thought I would get an emerald too but I didn't. The Spell Shop and Trading Portal are really annoying... not fun at all.

03-21-13, 07:15 PM
The Spell Shop and Trading Portal are really annoying... not fun at all.

Perhaps, yet I even the time consuming annoying trading portal is better than selling a duplicate dragon for 100 coins.

As for yet another slap in the face disguised as chance to give an android player a better chance of winning if they spend $50 on a game that refuses to give android updates after a year ago of saying "we are working on it"... TL must really think we aren't too smart. I hope no android player buys it. If I spend $50 on a game it'll be a real game that actually rewards their customer's loyalty rather than insulting their intelligence every chance they get.

03-21-13, 07:36 PM
Perhaps, yet I even the time consuming annoying trading portal is better than selling a duplicate dragon for 100 coins.

As for yet another slap in the face disguised as chance to give an android player a better chance of winning if they spend $50 on a game that refuses to give android updates after a year ago of saying "we are working on it"... TL must really think we aren't too smart. I hope no android player buys it. If I spend $50 on a game it'll be a real game that actually rewards their customer's loyalty rather than insulting their intelligence every chance they get.

True, they still should be an option to all DS players, plus making android pay for the crafted dragons isn't fair... they should make it so android can breed it or buy it for coins.

The only thing that I am interested in is the quests. The trading/crafting imo isn't all that, the boosted breed I've tried twice for 10 gold and I got Mistmoth and RightHeart... but I'd rather save up the gold than waste it on that.

03-21-13, 08:34 PM
True, they still should be an option to all DS players, plus making android pay for the crafted dragons isn't fair... they should make it so android can breed it or buy it for coins.

The only thing that I am interested in is the quests. The trading/crafting imo isn't all that, the boosted breed I've tried twice for 10 gold and I got Mistmoth and RightHeart... but I'd rather save up the gold than waste it on that.

Really? You're one of the few who doesn't consider trading/crafting significant I guess. I doubt many of us here will feel the same, considering it frees you up in terms of habitat space. And you have more decorations available. I know I sure am looking forward to it. If it comes before I quit that is.

03-21-13, 08:50 PM
Perhaps, yet I even the time consuming annoying trading portal is better than selling a duplicate dragon for 100 coins.

As for yet another slap in the face disguised as chance to give an android player a better chance of winning if they spend $50 on a game that refuses to give android updates after a year ago of saying "we are working on it"... TL must really think we aren't too smart. I hope no android player buys it. If I spend $50 on a game it'll be a real game that actually rewards their customer's loyalty rather than insulting their intelligence every chance they get.

Huh .. hem ... sorry but ... bought it .. :S .. sob !

Naaaaa it s a joke !!!

03-21-13, 08:52 PM
Perhaps, yet I even the time consuming annoying trading portal is better than selling a duplicate dragon for 100 coins.

As for yet another slap in the face disguised as chance to give an android player a better chance of winning if they spend $50 on a game that refuses to give android updates after a year ago of saying "we are working on it"... TL must really think we aren't too smart. I hope no android player buys it. If I spend $50 on a game it'll be a real game that actually rewards their customer's loyalty rather than insulting their intelligence every chance they get.

There will be kids out there who can't reason like this. I just hope their parents have some sort of control over where their money goes in terms of spending on games.

03-21-13, 08:53 PM
Huh .. hem ... sorry but ... bought it .. :S .. sob !

Naaaaa it s a joke !!!

I hope no android player actually pays real $$$ for this thing. I think it would be totally funny to have a list of only 5 iOS users winning in the Amethyst contest.

03-21-13, 08:54 PM
I hope no android player actually pays real $$$ for this thing. I think it would be totally funny to have a list of only 5 iOS users winning in the Amethyst contest.

Like someone else said, there could still be 5 names on the android list. It's not like we can tell if those islands actually exist :P

03-21-13, 09:12 PM
Really? You're one of the few who doesn't consider trading/crafting significant I guess. I doubt many of us here will feel the same, considering it frees you up in terms of habitat space. And you have more decorations available. I know I sure am looking forward to it. If it comes before I quit that is.

I just transferred android to iOS and I was excited about it but I just don't like the trading/crafting, maybe because you have to evolve the dragon before trading it. If you didn't have to evolve before trade then it wouln't be so bad, but wasting food to feed 6 fruitful then waiting ten hours to evolve then another six hours to trade is boring. As for it clears up habitat space, it sure does but I only plan on keeping one of each dragon so for players like me, I doubt they would waste food and evolve the dragon when you can just sell it to make room for one you don't have.

Once I get the crafted dragons I probably won't use it anymore, the decorations I don't care about.. to me it's just a waste of space and the neighbours that I visit that have too much decorations is annoying because of obvious reasons. If you enjoy collecting decorations then I guess you will enjoy trading/crafting.

03-21-13, 09:16 PM
I just transferred android to iOS and I was excited about it but I just don't like the trading/crafting, maybe because you have to evolve the dragon before trading it. If you didn't have to evolve before trade then it wouln't be so bad, but wasting food to feed 6 fruitful then waiting ten hours to evolve then another six hours to trade is boring. As for it clears up habitat space, it sure does but I only plan on keeping one of each dragon so for players like me, I doubt they would waste food and evolve the dragon when you can just sell it to make room for one you don't have.

Once I get the crafted dragons I probably won't use it anymore, the decorations I don't care about.. to me it's just a waste of space and the neighbours that I visit that have too much decorations is annoying because of obvious reasons. If you enjoy collecting decorations then I guess you will enjoy trading/crafting.

I would really enjoy trading and crafting despite the annoying waits and chance thing with getting gems. I have more than 10 duplicate dragons all at level 4 just waiting to be traded. I evolve them whenever I run out of dragons to epic, because I only so occasionally ever get any new unique dragon so my evolution den is free almost all the rest of the time.

03-22-13, 03:05 AM
I just feel like I have to add my two cents to this.

Storm8 is one of the leading mobile games developers. You've released a plethora of new games, and probably had a significant increase in your earnings due to microtransactions from new users around the entire world. But still, you're giving a large part of your playerbase a significant disadvantage in your games.

I can fathom that you haven't added support for games like Jewel Mania for Android/Kindle yet. I'm not even frustrated about it, even a little. Fact is, if you hadn't released Dragon Story for Android, I'd happily rather play any other game by your competitors. But now I feel like I'm playing an incomplete game, and it's painfully obvious since my girlfriend that plays on her iPhone has so much more to do with her game.

I can't imagine that hiring some designated coders for Android or Kindle would be even a noticeable loss for your company. In fact, providing that part of your playerbase with a game that doesn't feel incomplete would probably give them another incentive to invest in microtransactions. Yes, I realize that you've been hiring coders that are s****ed in both developing for Android and iOS, but that only speaks against you when Android users aren't getting the same features. And it's not like it's hard to find a s****ed coder for both iOS and Android; in fact I'm certain that there's hundreds of incredibly s****ed coders in the Redwood City ALONE. Even more in the state of California. Frankly, from a pure business standpoint, you're losing players (eg, losing money) on not supporting these platforms to the fullest.

Yes, Android does have features that isn't on iPhone. But I'd rather be able to utilize the storage, Trading Post and Magic Shop than to gain 700-3500 fruits just by closing and re-opening the app. And the Android Statue isn't a significant bonus either. And now, iPhone has Boosted Breeding as well. Finally, iPhone users can get free dragons just by getting more dragons, since for every 5 or so dragons they get, they can claim a free reward in the form of a dragon or some decorations. And Android/Kindle users can only get the trading post dragons by paying for 1700ish gold, and they can't even get the free dragons that iOS users can. For me, buying 1700 gold with real money would cost me 490 SEK, which as of the 22nd of March 2013 is 75 USD, or 58 EUR. That kind of money could buy me a used Xbox game. That kind of money could buy me enough food to eat for A MONTH. And lastly, the game lags on Android, quite a bit. Personally I've got an HTC One X+, a phone with twice the RAM of iPhone 4S, twice the processing power (0.8 gHZ on iPhone vs 1.7 gHZ on HOX+) and twice the processing cores. There's no manufacturing error with my phone, since I can play a LOT of games without even the slightest bit of lag. But scrolling up and down my island lags on Dragon Story, and all other Stories Storm8 has released.

I do realize that porting a game from iOS to Android isn't an easy task -- that's not what I'm trying to claim. What I'm getting at is that you might want to put more effort into including the new features for Android/Kindle; and if you actually ARE including those features, you really should be providing your users with some kind of ETA for when we can expect these features to appear. Most users (I'd roughly estimate around 20%>) aren't checking the forums that often, and I'd guess that even fewer know that the forums even exist. Those users are just in the dark, they don't know anything else than that their friends with iPhones have features that they don't. That's losing players on a technicality, and that's a pure financial loss for the company. Seeing as other phone companies such as Samsung, HTC and so on so forth are selling substantially more phones now than they did before, it's just a matter of time before more and more people using iPhones now switch to Android, and if they play Dragon Story, you're losing customers.

Excuse me for sounding negative now, but I doubt that I'll get a response from anyone with the power to make this change happen in this thread. I even doubt that I'll get any other answer than "it'll happen soon".

In conclusion, it may be childish to take something like a mobile game this seriously. But it's not the game itself that's bugging me -- it's the fact that a well renowned company gives iPhone such bias while obviously ignoring other devices.

03-22-13, 03:32 AM
I just transferred android to iOS and I was excited about it but I just don't like the trading/crafting, maybe because you have to evolve the dragon before trading it. If you didn't have to evolve before trade then it wouln't be so bad, but wasting food to feed 6 fruitful then waiting ten hours to evolve then another six hours to trade is boring. As for it clears up habitat space, it sure does but I only plan on keeping one of each dragon so for players like me, I doubt they would waste food and evolve the dragon when you can just sell it to make room for one you don't have.

Having to evolve dragons wouldn't be much of a problem for me, because I'm currently evolving my duplicate dragons. I can go a few days, even weeks without getting a new dragon to evolve. Thats just how hard it is for me to get the pink/dark hybrids. And like I said before, I can't really breed other colours because if I get spares, I won't have the habitats to keep them OR if i build new habitats for them, I might run out of habitat space if new dragons are released before trading/crafting is released. I only intend to keep 1 of each dragon too. but the habitat cap of 41 is still insufficient (I think), if you wish to have all your diamond hybrids in a diamond habitat (which most people wants). which is why trading/crafting is very very useful to many people. As for common dragons, I don't even bother to keep them..

Well said, Atychi!

03-22-13, 05:26 AM
yes but I kept new dawn for the low cost feeding :)

In my experience, the version doesn't matter for feeding in the end. The clients may show more expensive feeding, but I believe it's the same cheap feeding on the server side. What happens on the expensive clients is that they show the expensive food amounts being used until it syncs with the server. Then food magically gets replenished. You can try it. Feed just 1 serving in an expensive version, note your food amount, then restart the client and see if some food came back.

03-22-13, 07:58 AM
Great post Atychi :)

03-22-13, 08:31 AM
In my experience, the version doesn't matter for feeding in the end. The clients may show more expensive feeding, but I believe it's the same cheap feeding on the server side. What happens on the expensive clients is that they show the expensive food amounts being used until it syncs with the server. Then food magically gets replenished. You can try it. Feed just 1 serving in an expensive version, note your food amount, then restart the client and see if some food came back.

I tried it and you are right. When I logged out then back in, my food was replenished back to what it would of been with the cheaper feeding!

03-22-13, 08:44 AM
In my experience, the version doesn't matter for feeding in the end. The clients may show more expensive feeding, but I believe it's the same cheap feeding on the server side. What happens on the expensive clients is that they show the expensive food amounts being used until it syncs with the server. Then food magically gets replenished. You can try it. Feed just 1 serving in an expensive version, note your food amount, then restart the client and see if some food came back.

Does that go for ios users too?

03-22-13, 09:05 AM
Does that go for ios users too?

Highly unlikely. considering the number of posts asking about the food cost each time a new dragon is released. If it was the case, I think they would have realised it by now.

03-22-13, 09:09 AM
I just feel like I have to add my two cents to this.

Storm8 is one of the leading mobile games developers. You've released a plethora of new games, and probably had a significant increase in your earnings due to microtransactions from new users around the entire world. But still, you're giving a large part of your playerbase a significant disadvantage in your games.

Bravo Atychi, and you are not being negative, this is the way Lava does its business. Article was an eye opener, all should give it a read. That said here is my $1.85USD.

Okay New player BUT Im about to become and EX-player. I do not like playing games that are not ready for release, that Im not Beta Testing. As long as you can NOT play the game's FULL content. IE "Andi users" not have access to full features. To me this means you released the Andi version as incomplete or not ready. For what? Money, that has to be it, well you can watch the money fly right out the window bye bye. We can happily play and not spend a dime. Spin it as you may, its the truth. I have been sitting here trying to "breed" lovly dragons that I dont even have access to. Im glad I didnt spend more moneyon gold to speed up the process before I realized this. There are four people in my house that play. So imagine if we all wanted the Amethyst Dragon! Seriously how hard is it to make this possible, not sure what goes into whatever you need but hire someone that CAN make is so. I mean no disrespect, but if you worte it for iOS then why cant an Andi programer just rewrite/code it for Andi? Another question, if you got THIS far on the game for Andi WTF cant you finish it. We are missing a FEW things, I think that is what really surprises me. A few3 buildings a few features are whats missing. Guess thats why Im a player NOT a dev, besides I never half a$$ anything I do..... Imagine if high-rise builders half jacked a building 50 stories in the air and one day it came crashing down. Go ask Sony what happened after they took over Everquest, a large number of players left to OTHER GAME because Sony is a greedy blood sucking excuse of a company, they ruined a great game all for the $$$, now its free to play never updated, grapahics suck and after playing the well maintained games we could never go back.

Listen I LOVE the game, but Im NOT going to spend my time or money on something that is "BROKEN." Or for a company that isnt actually doing anything to fix a HUGE problem, kinda feels like you are taking advantage of Andi users nd I dont like that feeling. One poster said it correctly, Andi users are playing for iOS players to get a full game. Sigh oh well guess Ill go back to giving my money back to KIWI, atleast I have the chance to actually play a FULL game, and Im not treated like a second class player because Im an Andi user. Ill give ya a bit to remedy these issues after that its Good Bye TeamLava, infact I think I will clear my phone of ALL of your titles at thqt point. By the way, answers?! Back rubbing, gifts of apology,anything from TL at all, do they even read this? Or is it another waste of time. Dont want to do it on Forum, you have my email, put it to good use. /END RANT! :mad:

03-22-13, 09:52 AM
In my experience, the version doesn't matter for feeding in the end. The clients may show more expensive feeding, but I believe it's the same cheap feeding on the server side. What happens on the expensive clients is that they show the expensive food amounts being used until it syncs with the server. Then food magically gets replenished. You can try it. Feed just 1 serving in an expensive version, note your food amount, then restart the client and see if some food came back.

I'd feel safer using ND still though. You'll never know what might happen, if one day suddenly the server accepts the new food costs.

03-22-13, 10:13 AM
I tried it and you are right. When I logged out then back in, my food was replenished back to what it would of been with the cheaper feeding!

I mentioned this some pages ago asking if it was happening to other Android users and they said no. Glad to know others are experiencing this, too.

03-22-13, 10:33 AM
I'd feel safer using ND still though. You'll never know what might happen, if one day suddenly the server accepts the new food costs.

You might be right, but I'd guess that if that happens it'll be on the server side which means it won't matter which client version you're using. If that happens before we get the trading portal, I'm done with this game.

03-22-13, 10:36 AM
I mentioned this some pages ago asking if it was happening to other Android users and they said no. Glad to know others are experiencing this, too.

Sorry I didn't respond. This thread has too many pages for me to read them all. I just check back once in a while and read the last few pages.

03-22-13, 10:52 AM
Well I'm not even worried about being an android player and not getting the crafting stuff. I just want my baby dragons back! They dissapeared from valentines version a few days ago and haven't returned. The habitats they were in say I can add an egg, as if they were never there. I am missing these level 1 dragons: deep, luck, charm, laserlight and genie. What gives?

03-22-13, 01:12 PM
You might be right, but I'd guess that if that happens it'll be on the server side which means it won't matter which client version you're using. If that happens before we get the trading portal, I'm done with this game.

Hear, hear.

I am actually very disappointed with how TeamLava has handled this whole parity. On one hand they tell us, "We're working on it, but we can't speculate when it will be available. We appreciate your patience." On the other hand, when people complained about not having enough habitats for their dragons they claimed, "We consider everyone before we release updates. It would not be fair if people with older devices would not be able to play our games because their device could not handle the increases in max habitats." I also read a mod or Community Manager say something like, "Capping the habitat size is a way to limit the amount of silver a person can collect."

All in all, it is very contradicting that they promote equality across platforms, yet do not demonstrate it in their game. Because we, as Android users, are missing some key features, we should not have inflated food costs. Yes, it would be nice to craft and trade duplicate dragons. However, it would be even nicer to be able to store unused decorations. Other TeamLava games have storage capabilities, why not Dragon Story?

Also, this thread itself is a joke. We have been given a thread to voice our complaints and moan, but that is only so we do not fill up the Dragon Story Discussion board with a lot of complaining threads. We are not being kept abreast of the current state of development. My patience is wearing thin. I'm starting to think if the features were ever coming they would have happened by now. In lieu of the features we want it appears that the Android team working at TeamLava is working on holiday updates and an increasing number of dragon releases to keep us playing.

I will say that I do enjoy playing. I can play in five minute spurts on my break at work. However, I do not want to play anymore if this is the way TeamLava treats its consumers. Give us something to go off of, like a timeline or a progress update. I'm so tired of hearing, "Thanks for your patience. We cannot speculate when you will have the features, but in the meantime, we'll increase the food costs and give you a large amount of super rare dragons to try and breed."

Ugh...I think if we don't have the features soon, I'm going to have to abandon the game.

03-22-13, 02:13 PM
I think we have heard enough complaints about how this is not fair to Android users etc, I am not going to say much, when unfair things happen in life , there are only two choices , voice it and wait / hope for it to change or just quit.....

I have just chosen to quit Dragon Story, I may check back every 6 MONTHS to see if anything has changed an might consider playing again. Good luck everyone..!

03-22-13, 02:40 PM
As a reminder, please keep comments relevant to this thread. Also, third party links and mentioning of third party games are not permitted on the forums.

We do appreciate the feedback and just because we make no official statements on the progress of games on Android, it does not mean we are not actively working on updates. We do understand your point of view and it's clear from the number of pages in this and the previous Android parity threads that this is the most important thing for you guys.

To put things in a better perspective for you all, content and engineering are two different pipelines with different people working in each. Even though we have been bringing you frequent content updates, bringing the current iOS features to Android is definitely something we're actively working on.

03-22-13, 03:17 PM
I think we have heard enough complaints about how this is not fair to Android users etc, I am not going to say much, when unfair things happen in life , there are only two choices , voice it and wait / hope for it to change or just quit.....

I have just chosen to quit Dragon Story, I may check back every 6 MONTHS to see if anything has changed an might consider playing again. Good luck everyone..!

Yeah ... I think when my Temple is clear and the nests are clear (empty), I will try ONE more time for Dark Angel and the Easter dragon and them I'm finished and will also be leaving. I may check back now and then to see if anything has changed. I have a lot of doubt that it will, though. As for my trying for the new dragons ... they're nearly impossible to get. Far too many fails. I understand having fail times, but what we're getting is way, way to many and two dragons having the same breed time and color is nuts.

03-22-13, 03:27 PM
finally got my moon dragon

03-22-13, 03:36 PM
And another " we're working on it " canned response with no ETA.

03-22-13, 04:15 PM
finally got my moon dragon
Congratulations! I have not been able to get a single black hybrid since the breeding rule were changed. It's getting frustrating!

And another " we're working on it " canned response with no ETA.

But if course! They have "been working on it" since 2011. We did get the pink and black dragons, guess we should count our blessings for that much. :rolleyes: I realize if I am right, no one will ever admit it... I'm starting to think the breeding rules were changed to slow down people breeding all the dragons. It's hard to imagine someone at tl would think long fail times and dragons breaking down like the they do would actually increase enjoyment of the game.

Between the constant crashing, breeding going the way it is, being left out of every new feature developed, and the lack of communication other than the generic response I have about had enough. This is beyond ridiculous. Rare and super rare has taken on a new meaning. It's sucking what little fun us Droids can have with so many features still missing right in front the game.

03-22-13, 04:16 PM
Oops... Right out of the game.

03-22-13, 04:22 PM
Congratulations! I have not been able to get a single black hybrid since the breeding rule were changed. It's getting frustrating!

But if course! They have "been working on it" since 2011. We did get the pink and black dragons, guess we should count our blessings for that much. :rolleyes: I realize if I am right, no one will ever admit it... I'm starting to think the breeding rules were changed to slow down people breeding all the dragons. It's hard to imagine someone at tl would think long fail times and dragons breaking down like the they do would actually increase enjoyment of the game.

Between the constant crashing, breeding going the way it is, being left out of every new feature developed, and the lack of communication other than the generic response I have about had enough. This is beyond ridiculous. Rare and super rare has taken on a new meaning. It's sucking what little fun us Droids can have with so many features still missing right in front the game.

Magicot ... it's not game enjoyment they're after. LOL

03-22-13, 04:24 PM
And another " we're working on it " canned response with no ETA.

Yep. We didn't really expect anything else after this long, did we.

03-22-13, 04:41 PM
Magicot ... it's not game enjoyment they're after. LOL

Exactly my point! And I didn't expect more from tl.

03-22-13, 04:55 PM
" Originally Posted by Magikot
Congratulations! I have not been able to get a single black hybrid since the breeding rule were changed. It's getting frustrating! "

Hem someone could tell me what is talking Magikot about : "breeding rules were changed" ? what does it mean and wich changes ?
tyvm for your answer

03-22-13, 05:54 PM
We do appreciate the feedback and just because we make no official statements on the progress of games on Android, it does not mean we are not actively working on updates. We do understand your point of view and it's clear from the number of pages in this and the previous Android parity threads that this is the most important thing for you guys.

To put things in a better perspective for you all, content and engineering are two different pipelines with different people working in each. Even though we have been bringing you frequent content updates, bringing the current iOS features to Android is definitely something we're actively working on.

Maybe TL should switch some of there "content" developers to the "engineering" pipeline.... ios players have already stated they can wait for some "new stuff" many have also stated they have enough "new" "hard to get" dragons that TL should have some time to devote to correcting the parity....they really do not listen if they have not observed those comments....slow the new content down for a week or two and devote those people and hours to what's needed....that's what I have seen stated on here time and time again....

03-22-13, 06:00 PM
I just feel like I have to add my two cents to this.

Storm8 is one of the leading mobile games developers. You've released a plethora of new games, and probably had a significant increase in your earnings due to microtransactions from new users around the entire world. But still, you're giving a large part of your playerbase a significant disadvantage in your games.

I can fathom that you haven't added support for games like Jewel Mania for Android/Kindle yet. I'm not even frustrated about it, even a little. Fact is, if you hadn't released Dragon Story for Android, I'd happily rather play any other game by your competitors. But now I feel like I'm playing an incomplete game, and it's painfully obvious since my girlfriend that plays on her iPhone has so much more to do with her game.

I can't imagine that hiring some designated coders for Android or Kindle would be even a noticeable loss for your company. In fact, providing that part of your playerbase with a game that doesn't feel incomplete would probably give them another incentive to invest in microtransactions. Yes, I realize that you've been hiring coders that are s****ed in both developing for Android and iOS, but that only speaks against you when Android users aren't getting the same features. And it's not like it's hard to find a s****ed coder for both iOS and Android; in fact I'm certain that there's hundreds of incredibly s****ed coders in the Redwood City ALONE. Even more in the state of California. Frankly, from a pure business standpoint, you're losing players (eg, losing money) on not supporting these platforms to the fullest.

Yes, Android does have features that isn't on iPhone. But I'd rather be able to utilize the storage, Trading Post and Magic Shop than to gain 700-3500 fruits just by closing and re-opening the app. And the Android Statue isn't a significant bonus either. And now, iPhone has Boosted Breeding as well. Finally, iPhone users can get free dragons just by getting more dragons, since for every 5 or so dragons they get, they can claim a free reward in the form of a dragon or some decorations. And Android/Kindle users can only get the trading post dragons by paying for 1700ish gold, and they can't even get the free dragons that iOS users can. For me, buying 1700 gold with real money would cost me 490 SEK, which as of the 22nd of March 2013 is 75 USD, or 58 EUR. That kind of money could buy me a used Xbox game. That kind of money could buy me enough food to eat for A MONTH. And lastly, the game lags on Android, quite a bit. Personally I've got an HTC One X+, a phone with twice the RAM of iPhone 4S, twice the processing power (0.8 gHZ on iPhone vs 1.7 gHZ on HOX+) and twice the processing cores. There's no manufacturing error with my phone, since I can play a LOT of games without even the slightest bit of lag. But scrolling up and down my island lags on Dragon Story, and all other Stories Storm8 has released.

I do realize that porting a game from iOS to Android isn't an easy task -- that's not what I'm trying to claim. What I'm getting at is that you might want to put more effort into including the new features for Android/Kindle; and if you actually ARE including those features, you really should be providing your users with some kind of ETA for when we can expect these features to appear. Most users (I'd roughly estimate around 20%>) aren't checking the forums that often, and I'd guess that even fewer know that the forums even exist. Those users are just in the dark, they don't know anything else than that their friends with iPhones have features that they don't. That's losing players on a technicality, and that's a pure financial loss for the company. Seeing as other phone companies such as Samsung, HTC and so on so forth are selling substantially more phones now than they did before, it's just a matter of time before more and more people using iPhones now switch to Android, and if they play Dragon Story, you're losing customers.

Excuse me for sounding negative now, but I doubt that I'll get a response from anyone with the power to make this change happen in this thread. I even doubt that I'll get any other answer than "it'll happen soon".

In conclusion, it may be childish to take something like a mobile game this seriously. But it's not the game itself that's bugging me -- it's the fact that a well renowned company gives iPhone such bias while obviously ignoring other devices.

Congratulations! I have not been able to get a single black hybrid since the breeding rule were changed. It's getting frustrating!

But if course! They have "been working on it" since 2011. We did get the pink and black dragons, guess we should count our blessings for that much. :rolleyes: I realize if I am right, no one will ever admit it... I'm starting to think the breeding rules were changed to slow down people breeding all the dragons. It's hard to imagine someone at tl would think long fail times and dragons breaking down like the they do would actually increase enjoyment of the game.

Between the constant crashing, breeding going the way it is, being left out of every new feature developed, and the lack of communication other than the generic response I have about had enough. This is beyond ridiculous. Rare and super rare has taken on a new meaning. It's sucking what little fun us Droids can have with so many features still missing right in front the game.

I agree ... Breeding has been unusually difficult. .... I used to buy gold and play everyday....now I don't and I won't....the pink dragons were a distraction....black is overwhelming.... I keep getting tons of rare and super rares and have to sell them off....those equal big gems in that darn portal thingy....it is maddening to sell stuff hypnotic and aurora dragons for 100 coins!! The game seems to be getting worse....

03-22-13, 06:03 PM
Sorry if it seems that I heavilly insis but

Could someone be kind enough to tell me what is talking Magikot about : "breeding rules were changed" ? what does it mean and wich changes ?
tyvm for your answer

03-22-13, 10:44 PM
Sorry if it seems that I heavilly insis but

Could someone be kind enough to tell me what is talking Magikot about : "breeding rules were changed" ? what does it mean and wich changes ?
tyvm for your answer

* can't use infinity as diamond parent
* with intro of dark angel dragon, pink and black potentially break down when breeding with diamond (previously, if you bred a virtue with diamond, you got another virtue or the unicorn) and more often than not, do break down. This coupled with the fact that the dark angel is the same breed time as regular night dragon is really evil on TL's part.
* pink and black dragons break down more than previously
* you can get a diamond hybrid from breeding a diamond with a regular hybrid, previously had to use pure element dragon to get diamond hybrid, and breeding a hybrid with diamond only gave you same color combo you bred with)

All of these are mentioned in other threads

03-22-13, 10:49 PM
* can't use infinity as diamond parent
* with intro of dark angel dragon, pink and black potentially break down when breeding with diamond (previously, if you bred a virtue with diamond, you got another virtue or the unicorn) and more often than not, do break down. This coupled with the fact that the dark angel is the same breed time as regular night dragon is really evil on TL's part.
* pink and black dragons break down more than previously
* you can get a diamond hybrid from breeding a diamond with a regular hybrid, previously had to use pure element dragon to get diamond hybrid, and breeding a hybrid with diamond only gave you same color combo you bred with)

All of these are mentioned in other threads

Tyvm.. really sorry but i didnt find it in another thread :-\

03-23-13, 12:32 PM
Been making plans for my gardening attack which will happen soon, so I've not checked in as often as usual. Hmmm, didn't have to be concerned ... doesn't seem to be much going on. LOL Guess everyone's trying to snag one of more of the new dragons. I try now and then, but not hitting the Temple as often as I was before ... those new dragons are just about impossible for me to get, at least for me.

03-23-13, 02:04 PM
Been making plans for my gardening attack which will happen soon, so I've not checked in as often as usual. Hmmm, didn't have to be concerned ... doesn't seem to be much going on. LOL Guess everyone's trying to snag one of more of the new dragons. I try now and then, but not hitting the Temple as often as I was before ... those new dragons are just about impossible for me to get, at least for me.

Same, still try but nothing new

03-23-13, 02:17 PM
Same, still try but nothing new

They made these dragons VERY difficult to get, no matter if you buy gold or just keep trying and plodding along.

03-23-13, 02:29 PM
They made these dragons VERY difficult to get, no matter if you buy gold or just keep trying and plodding along.

Hopefully i never bought gold, i would be ruined ! "they" maybe just dont WANT to give them. Hard to see seasonals going.

03-23-13, 02:37 PM
don't think ill buy gold ever again lol, did that once and ended badly but I'm definately going to try for night breeds and virtue breeds

03-23-13, 03:01 PM
They made these dragons VERY difficult to get, no matter if you buy gold or just keep trying and plodding along.

I've been lucky and got them all except Dark Angel. He's all I have left to get but is a tricky "angel"

03-23-13, 03:07 PM
I've been lucky and got them all except Dark Angel. He's all I have left to get but is a tricky "angel"

I haven't been able to get any of the black (or pink) hybrids since they introduced Dark Angel and changed the breeding rules. I have night, bat and deep on this id, and night, bat, and illusion on another id. Never was able to get goblin or hunter, nevermind moon or Dark Angel.

When the new black/pink hybrid comes out...that will be hell...unless they tighten up the breeding rules again so these dragons don't break down as often.

03-23-13, 04:01 PM
I haven't been able to get any of the black (or pink) hybrids since they introduced Dark Angel and changed the breeding rules. I have night, bat and deep on this id, and night, bat, and illusion on another id. Never was able to get goblin or hunter, nevermind moon or Dark Angel.

When the new black/pink hybrid comes out...that will be hell...unless they tighten up the breeding rules again so these dragons don't break down as often.

I agree. All this breaking down is nonsense. If Orange dragons ever come about it'll be chaos.

03-23-13, 04:02 PM
Assuming to get Orange, you breed Yellow and Red.

03-23-13, 04:56 PM
And another " we're working on it " canned response with no ETA.

I assure you that my previous response was not "canned" as you suggest. That would require me going out to get some preservatives and the right canning equipment. Seems like too much trouble to me. :)

Maybe TL should switch some of there "content" developers to the "engineering" pipeline.... ios players have already stated they can wait for some "new stuff" many have also stated they have enough "new" "hard to get" dragons that TL should have some time to devote to correcting the parity....they really do not listen if they have not observed those comments....slow the new content down for a week or two and devote those people and hours to what's needed....that's what I have seen stated on here time and time again....

I'm not sure content developers and engineers could easily switch tasks. They require two vastly different s**** sets. ;)

03-23-13, 05:20 PM
it'd be cool that if they do bring out the orange set dragon that they'd pull out all stop and toss in the terrain digging option we were discussing in the dragon polls.that way you could just dig up the first orange dragon as an added gift type deal but dunno if that'll happen just speculating is all

03-23-13, 06:41 PM
it'd be cool that if they do bring out the orange set dragon that they'd pull out all stop and toss in the terrain digging option we were discussing in the dragon polls.that way you could just dig up the first orange dragon as an added gift type deal but dunno if that'll happen just speculating is all

Orange?? My stars, we have enough trouble getting the new dragons available now what with all the splitting!! LOL

03-23-13, 08:36 PM
I assure you that my previous response was not "canned" as you suggest. That would require me going out to get some preservatives and the right canning equipment. Seems like too much trouble to me. :)

No disrespect but once again another statement that doesn't let us know what is going on...which is what we want and are anxiously awaiting. I know you aren't given much and can say even less, which is a big letdown.

Would just like to see " x is the issue. hopefully it should be addressed by y...once that is tackled then the features should be added by z... We'll update you with our progress when we have one or every couple weeks, whatever comes first" ... Or something like that. Basically something that gives us an idea of what's going on instead of just leaving us in the dark.

03-23-13, 09:35 PM
Maybe TL should switch some of there "content" developers to the "engineering" pipeline.... ios players have already stated they can wait for some "new stuff" many have also stated they have enough "new" "hard to get" dragons that TL should have some time to devote to correcting the parity....they really do not listen if they have not observed those comments....slow the new content down for a week or two and devote those people and hours to what's needed....that's what I have seen stated on here time and time again....

I'm not sure content developers and engineers could easily switch tasks. They require two vastly different s**** sets. ;)

What if the content developers stopped making IOS only dragons and updates, and spent their time developing dragons and content for ALL platforms, until the engineering team gets Android all caught up?? This way, the gap doesn't keep getting bigger and Android doesn't keep falling further behind....

03-24-13, 03:49 AM
well they could at least give us the basic function like having a storage or dragon album!!

03-24-13, 04:24 AM
I don't understand what's the problem with storage either. Let's not even compare with games like bakery or restaurant. Even a less advanced game like pet shop story has storage! (For both decorations and pets.) And we're not even storing dragons here, just decorations.

03-24-13, 07:32 AM
Yeah. I would be fine if we only got a small update here and there. Like storage this week and trading down the line and what not. Whatever updates are simplest to code could roll out as they are ready.

03-24-13, 09:39 AM
Simplest to code? The coding is done already for other games TL produces as has already been pointed out. So the delays to DS getting these features is unacceptable. They need to hire me as an additional coder/porter to get it done faster.

All that said, the crashes and memory issues on the android version of DS make it virtually unplayable as it crashes with 'OutOfMemoryError' all over the place, right in the middle of moving around an island (usually those with too many decorations), posting to a wall, playing a habitat, everything. I get to visit 2-4 nbrs before it crashes. This memory leak needs to be fixed and made top priority over features or game is not fun to play.

03-24-13, 10:11 PM
Not right now ... but wonder how many of us woud help back tonguelashing if we could. I know I would!

I would! Some one who actually cares about Android needs to be involved. Judging by the mass amounts of negative reviews for multiple tl games in the Google play store, tl won't be a top android developer for much longer... Unless they get the crashes fixed and feature updates coming.

03-24-13, 11:17 PM
Not right now ... but wonder how many of us woud help back tonguelashing if we could. I know I would!

It was a wink. We would surely need someone like him. I know he says how TL could manage since a long time,

03-24-13, 11:20 PM
Not right now ... but wonder how many of us woud help back tonguelashing if we could. I know I would!

Tonguelashing could be like a bridge over trouble water..

03-24-13, 11:37 PM
Tonguelashing could be like a bridge over trouble water..

Well, considering I live on an island...that's very true :-)

03-25-13, 02:38 AM
Thanks for your support you two :-)

Do we have any more takers? :D

oh oh oh me me! i will work some (or lots) of OT and i can empty my wallet for the cause :-)

03-25-13, 06:41 AM
Wonder how much longer we're going to have to endure the Amethyst popup.

03-25-13, 09:11 AM
I wonder if they are updating android soon, because I have the (beta) ios dragon quest outpost on my island. It just appeared after they placed the gem cluster. I can't do anything with it but it does make a cool decoration. This is very strange. :confused: :confused:

03-25-13, 10:16 AM
I wonder if they are updating android soon, because I have the (beta) ios dragon quest outpost on my island. It just appeared after they placed the gem cluster. I can't do anything with it but it does make a cool decoration. This is very strange. :confused: :confused:

Another android player had it on their island also, which is strange since it's useless. I'm surprised it happened. However, we can hope.

03-25-13, 10:22 AM
Another android player had it on their island also, which is strange since it's useless. I'm surprised it happened. However, we can hope.

If anything they were probably just beta testing on iOS and plan to release the feature to Android as well. But I highly doubt we'll get trading portal and spell shop even if we get questing.

03-25-13, 11:54 AM
It looks like my friendly reminder was not enough to keep the conversation on-topic. Disciplinary actions will be taken should anyone continue making posts not relevant to the thread's topic.

This thread doesn't have to exist and we allow it because we understand your frustration with features missing from the Android versions. If you all continue to derail the thread and post off-topic, we can and will close the thread. Thanks for your cooperation! :)

To keep this thread on topic, any responses to this post can be directed to the Forum Disputes section.

03-25-13, 01:04 PM
I wonder if they are updating android soon, because I have the (beta) ios dragon quest outpost on my island. It just appeared after they placed the gem cluster. I can't do anything with it but it does make a cool decoration. This is very strange. :confused: :confused:

What version are you using?

03-25-13, 01:59 PM
I wonder if they are updating android soon, because I have the (beta) ios dragon quest outpost on my island. It just appeared after they placed the gem cluster. I can't do anything with it but it does make a cool decoration. This is very strange. :confused: :confused:
I think that happened since tl to give you the gem cluster that was in your storage they have to transfer your account to an iOS device .... And probably if you had an iOS device your account is once of the lucky ones chosen for the beta testing

Same thing will happen if you had ios and had the crafting buildings once you switch back to android you can't use them

03-25-13, 03:10 PM
I wonder if they are updating android soon, because I have the (beta) ios dragon quest outpost on my island. It just appeared after they placed the gem cluster. I can't do anything with it but it does make a cool decoration. This is very strange. :confused: :confused:

As others have suggested, this issue was created when we had to manually place the Gem Cluster on your account. Sorry to falsely get your hopes up, but it's just a decoration for you at this time.

03-26-13, 06:13 AM
What version are you using?

I use ND, Easter and the original version.

03-26-13, 03:33 PM
I have publicly applauded TeamLava for separating the recent sweepstakes for the Amethyst Dragon (since we have to buy and Apple can craft for it). That is a GREAT step in the right direction. But I'm curious about the OTHER recent new dragons where we just got and announcement that they were there, and yet Apple users got entered into another sweepstakes for doing the same. Why can't Android users have a similar sweepstakes? Seems to me that the added incentive of a sweepstakes would result in more gold purchase and such and be a profitable thing for TeamLava. So it seems odd that they wouldn't do that. Anyone got an answer?

03-26-13, 04:51 PM
I have publicly applauded TeamLava for separating the recent sweepstakes for the Amethyst Dragon (since we have to buy and Apple can craft for it). That is a GREAT step in the right direction. But I'm curious about the OTHER recent new dragons where we just got and announcement that they were there, and yet Apple users got entered into another sweepstakes for doing the same. Why can't Android users have a similar sweepstakes? Seems to me that the added incentive of a sweepstakes would result in more gold purchase and such and be a profitable thing for TeamLava. So it seems odd that they wouldn't do that. Anyone got an answer?

The Easter Dragon and Moon Dragon and now Mask Dragon all breedable on both platforms (though kindle can't breed the mask dragon) so the contest is all the same pool of users, no need to separate them out...Only the crafting contest(s) are/will be different...at least until such a time as Android gets the ability to craft and have equal ability to get the dragon.

FrozenTurtle actually answered this question for me in this contest thread as I was curious about it also.

03-27-13, 04:07 AM
As a reminder, please keep comments relevant to this thread. Also, third party links and mentioning of third party games are not permitted on the forums.

We do appreciate the feedback and just because we make no official statements on the progress of games on Android, it does not mean we are not actively working on updates. We do understand your point of view and it's clear from the number of pages in this and the previous Android parity threads that this is the most important thing for you guys.

To put things in a better perspective for you all, content and engineering are two different pipelines with different people working in each. Even though we have been bringing you frequent content updates, bringing the current iOS features to Android is definitely something we're actively working on.

Maybe TL also needs a specialist in psychology so they can figure out what will make people happy so they will keep playing.

03-27-13, 05:34 AM
Maybe TL also needs a specialist in psychology so they can figure out what will make people happy so they will keep playing.

Or if they don't want to pay for one a good start would be to continually act upon feedback provided to improve certain aspects of all their games. For example, a confirmation button before gold's used for anything to eliminate gold traps. Just an example of something I see suggested over and over in multiple tl game threads. Among other things...

03-27-13, 06:01 AM
Or if they don't want to pay for one a good start would be to continually act upon feedback provided to improve certain aspects of all their games. For example, a confirmation button before gold's used for anything to eliminate gold traps. Just an example of something I see suggested over and over in multiple tl game threads. Among other things...

Nah, anything that will improve customer satisfaction but negatively impact gold sales isn't getting implemented. Like a conformation button, or android parity.

03-27-13, 06:36 AM
Nah, anything that will improve customer satisfaction but negatively impact gold sales isn't getting implemented. Like a conformation button, or android parity.

Sigh! I know it will never happen, but a girl can dream! (or just be really sarcastic!) :p

03-27-13, 08:41 AM
http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?48812-Mystery-icon-in-the-Market!/page2 Android only? I can't see the tab on my iPod but it's there on android.

03-27-13, 09:23 AM
http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?48812-Mystery-icon-in-the-Market!/page2 Android only? I can't see the tab on my iPod but it's there on android.

Whoa, that's cool... Android only huh? LOL, imagine the pending Apple rage....

03-27-13, 09:51 AM
Whoa, that's cool... Android only huh? LOL, imagine the pending Apple rage....

lol Yeah but I don't see android getting something before iOS, maybe it has something to do with android finally getting the iOS features.

03-27-13, 10:04 AM
lol Yeah but I don't see android getting something before iOS, maybe it has something to do with android finally getting the iOS features.

LOL doubt it. If anything we are just in this beta test as well and no iOS user has found the icon yet on this devices.

03-27-13, 11:48 AM
LOL doubt it. If anything we are just in this beta test as well and no iOS user has found the icon yet on this devices.

I seriously doubt it too. No way android us going to get an exclusive anything. When we got the cake for Google plays birthday there was a few ios players who were disappointed they couldn't get it too.

Whoa, that's cool... Android only huh? LOL, imagine the pending Apple rage....

I did and the irony of an ios parity thread popping up made me smile. Then my thought bubble popped and I was back in reality!

My guess is the icon is related to the Quest feature ios is beta testing. Seems like the time frame could be right for a full release to iOS based players. The icon is where new line of reward dragons is going to go. Why the pillar? Who knows... Why eastern there for RS and music theme for bs the week of easter? The reason android sees it? Simple, tl plans to offer us the chance to purchase the dragons just like the gemstone dragons for the low low price of $50-75 per dragon. Pure speculation, but I thought I would join in on the fun guessing game! :cool:

03-27-13, 01:47 PM
Do you think this may be as we are being updated

03-27-13, 02:21 PM
Do you think this may be as we are being updated

I don't see any updates available right now... assume you're meaning tomorrow when they release new dragons n what not.... One could always hope that we get it < insert current week here >.... but don't hold your breath!

03-27-13, 05:11 PM
So after getting the Gem Cluster from the Greedy Goblin Quest put on my island, it now has the dragon quest platform. Too bad I can't use it...hopefully soon though.

03-27-13, 06:23 PM
grrrrrrr i dont hant have the mystery icon and i am android grrrrr what are you guys seeing

03-27-13, 06:34 PM
grrrrrrr i dont hant have the mystery icon and i am android grrrrr what are you guys seeing

I don't have it either...only showed up briefly. Probably be released tomorrow after Mask contest finishes.

03-28-13, 08:07 PM
Well. For a start at least now the dragons are being released at the same time (I hope I'm not gonna jinx future releases!). Hopefully trading comes soon. With all these splitting of colours, it is very easy to get rare/super rare hybrids.

03-28-13, 09:57 PM
Well. For a start at least now the dragons are being released at the same time (I hope I'm not gonna jinx future releases!). Hopefully trading comes soon. With all these splitting of colours, it is very easy to get rare/super rare hybrids.

The only hybrid I got while trying for mask was goblin. Everything else has been winter, coral, luck , one super, one half heart. No pink hybrid (origami, bubble which I already have, but still) and no moon and of course no mask. Others didn't get any black or pink hybrids. The breakdown rate of these hybrids has changed since dark angel and no one is liking it.

I want to see features on android updated soon. Boosts, crafting, dragon quest (which is on my island since to placed the gem cluster but of course useless to me).

03-29-13, 03:21 AM
Be happy you don't have the storage right now. You know how some of us keep our nests full just to protect us from accidental egg purchases? Well not anymore. TL has made it that if iOS players accidentally purchase and egg, and our nests are full, it goes directly to storage. No more 'check your nest' warning. We can't store dragons there, but TL can. So hope for a confirm button before you guys get storage. You guys are safe from this accidental purchase, for now.

03-29-13, 03:44 AM
Be happy you don't have the storage right now. You know how some of us keep our nests full just to protect us from accidental egg purchases? Well not anymore. TL has made it that if iOS players accidentally purchase and egg, and our nests are full, it goes directly to storage. No more 'check your nest' warning. We can't store dragons there, but TL can. So hope for a confirm button before you guys get storage. You guys are safe from this accidental purchase, for now.I can't beleive they removed, that just proves how much they want you to accidentally purchase something.

03-29-13, 07:32 AM
Be happy you don't have the storage right now. You know how some of us keep our nests full just to protect us from accidental egg purchases? Well not anymore. TL has made it that if iOS players accidentally purchase and egg, and our nests are full, it goes directly to storage. No more 'check your nest' warning. We can't store dragons there, but TL can. So hope for a confirm button before you guys get storage. You guys are safe from this accidental purchase, for now.

That's just not right. Purposely setting out to cause players to make any purchase, be gold or coins, is wrong and unethical, in my opinion. Having been caught in a couple traps and after reading what others have gone through, I've resorted to using a stylus, that makes it a lot less easy for my finger to accidentally touch something else. Things are so close together or small.

03-29-13, 07:39 AM
Be happy you don't have the storage right now. You know how some of us keep our nests full just to protect us from accidental egg purchases? Well not anymore. TL has made it that if iOS players accidentally purchase and egg, and our nests are full, it goes directly to storage. No more 'check your nest' warning. We can't store dragons there, but TL can. So hope for a confirm button before you guys get storage. You guys are safe from this accidental purchase, for now.

oh wow I didn't know that, I really don't understand why TL has to resort to these kind of unethical behaviour, it achieves nothing but turn players off. my way of preventing falling into gold traps – don't buy gold, so there is never enough gold for an accidental purchase

03-29-13, 08:40 AM
oh wow I didn't know that, I really don't understand why TL has to resort to these kind of unethical behaviour, it achieves nothing but turn players off. my way of preventing falling into gold traps – don't buy gold, so there is never enough gold for an accidental purchase

I played some of those other games for coins. I spent days or weeks on those stupid games just for the coins. After my first gold trap, their response was it's not in their policy to reverse such transactions. That tells me enough about this company's character.

03-29-13, 08:48 AM
Be happy you don't have the storage right now. You know how some of us keep our nests full just to protect us from accidental egg purchases? Well not anymore. TL has made it that if iOS players accidentally purchase and egg, and our nests are full, it goes directly to storage. No more 'check your nest' warning. We can't store dragons there, but TL can. So hope for a confirm button before you guys get storage. You guys are safe from this accidental purchase, for now.

but you can disable the option transaction in the game! it avoids accidental purchases!

03-29-13, 08:49 AM
I played some of those other games for coins. I spent days or weeks on those stupid games just for the coins. After my first gold trap, their response was it's not in their policy to reverse such transactions. That tells me enough about this company's character.

Having zero concern about parity already tells me a lot about the character of the company, and the gold traps just solidify it.

03-29-13, 09:54 AM
but you can disable the option transaction in the game! it avoids accidental purchases!

How on earth do you do that? There is no such option.

What they need to do is not worry about the storage issue, but a simple confirmation dialog would avoid any unnecessary purchases. My fiancee and I figure make it for anything over 49 cold. That way you have to confirm for any dragon purchase (some are as low as 50), but you can still speed breed/hatch/evolve without confirming you want to do so every time as that will be annoying.

That feature then needs to work on Android as well :-)

03-29-13, 09:57 AM
How on earth do you do that? There is no such option.

What they need to do is not worry about the storage issue, but a simple confirmation dialog would avoid any unnecessary purchases. My fiancee and I figure make it for anything over 49 cold. That way you have to confirm for any dragon purchase (some are as low as 50), but you can still speed breed/hatch/evolve without confirming you want to do so every time as that will be annoying.

That feature then needs to work on Android as well :-)

lol I apologize, I have to correct my post, I thought they were talking about buying gold not about accidentally buying products on the market.

03-29-13, 10:00 AM
lol I apologize, I have to correct my post, I thought they were talking about buying gold not about accidentally buying products on the market.

or purchase from the dragon album. My fiancee accidentally purchased a mermaid dragon from the dragon album and accidentally purchased a snowman from the popup because her finger was already in motion to collect coins from a habitat when the popup happened. The fact that these are direct purchases tells you something...No way for a confirmation or not even a 'take you to market' approach like currently happens for android users since they haven't figured out how to do a direct purchase from a popup yet on Android ;-)

03-29-13, 10:07 AM
It isn't fair tho because android users are been left behind and iPad user get everything. iPad users should have to pay for dragons with gold while android should be allowed to craft them only if it's for a short period of time. The tables should be turned for a while

03-29-13, 10:12 AM
It isn't fair tho because android users are been left behind and iPad user get everything. iPad users should have to pay for dragons with gold while android should be allowed to craft them only if it's for a short period of time. The tables should be turned for a while

That will not happen. The basic game is the same for both platforms. Both platforms have the same prices for dragons and food and habitats, etc. iOS users can even purchase craftable dragons, it's just that they can craft them so why bother purchasing. I'm still waiting to see the results of the Amethyst contest and hoping there are only 5 winners (iOS) because it will send a message to TL about Android and how much we hate the lack of parity and are not willing to pay for a feature that others can use for free.

03-29-13, 05:29 PM
Spin the wheel offered IOS users a new dragon. Unless they hurry up and give Android users the wheel, we are once again missing on a new dragon. Unless you want to shed the gold, of course. Not me !

03-29-13, 05:47 PM
Spin the wheel offered IOS users a new dragon. Unless they hurry up and give Android users the wheel, we are once again missing on a new dragon. Unless you want to shed the gold, of course. Not me !

Do we know for sure that the clockwork orange dragon is not breedable? It's red and yellow. Maybe it can be bred.

03-29-13, 05:51 PM
I think you can only get it from the wheel.

03-29-13, 05:53 PM
I don't even see it in the market. It's supposedly 500 gold, which is not terribly high and I was thinking if I do all the games goals and save my gold, I may be able to purchase it down the road. Way down the road, lol.
I won't BUY gold to get it, but I may save it for that...
From what I understand, it is available through the wheel game only. At least for now. Pony posted about it on the Spin the Wheel thread.

03-29-13, 05:55 PM
I don't even see it in the market. It's supposedly 500 gold, which is not terribly high and I was thinking if I do all the games goals and save my gold, I may be able to purchase it down the road. Way down the road, lol.
I won't BUY gold to get it, but I may save it for that...
From what I understand, it is available through the wheel game only. At least for now. Pony posted about it on the Spin the Wheel thread.

Its in my market for 500 gold and is red and yellow. I wonder if anyone bred one?

03-29-13, 06:07 PM
The only new thing I have in the market is the mythic banner for 1,000,000.
No clockwork dragon, even for sale.

03-29-13, 06:09 PM
The only new thing I have in the market is the mythic banner for 1,000,000.
No clockwork dragon, even for sale.

Yeah. I just opened my ipad and it says exclusive dragon spin to win, get it why you can. or thereabouts. So, really unfair to you guys.

03-29-13, 06:17 PM
Oh well, I am not going to worry about it. Even with playing the games, it wouldn't be enough and it sounds like it is there for a short period of time... I am not going to bore myself to tears with games I hate to play just to get it, I have decided. There will always be differences like that between the 2 types of device. There is nothing to be done about it.

03-29-13, 06:38 PM
Spin the wheel offered IOS users a new dragon. Unless they hurry up and give Android users the wheel, we are once again missing on a new dragon. Unless you want to shed the gold, of course. Not me !

Only dragon I know of with spin the wheel is dream dragon

03-29-13, 06:40 PM
Only dragon I know of with spin the wheel is dream dragon

I take that back...just saw it in the spin wheel thread :-( yet more disparity...come in TL!!!! Catch up already, this us ludicrous!

03-29-13, 07:07 PM
Hi, everyone! We're trying new things with the wheel feature and are delighted to introduce a new Dragon. Spin and you may win the Clockwork Dragon!


What does a Clockwork Dragon look like in its epic form? Only time will tell!

So only available from spin the wheel..not even breedable making this an other iOS only dragon( (sorry, not buying dragons) that really sucks. Like thanks a lot guys, that's really very appreciated when the Android and kindle users have been waiting seemingly forever for an update. Gee , we know where the resources and our money that we pay for gold goes...

Plus now with sooo many air/fire hybrids and duplicate breeding times, your game is messed up giving single element results from a two element breeding.

TL needs to fix their game and now!!

03-29-13, 07:09 PM
For me, it is not so much the waiting for it, but how can we be sure that we will eventually be able to get it IF in future we get such features? I mean, look at the treasure gold cave, iOS has (had?) it, and I don't think any android user got it.

03-29-13, 07:14 PM
For me, it is not so much the waiting for it, but how can we be sure that we will eventually be able to get it IF in future we get such features? I mean, look at the treasure gold cave, iOS has (had?) it, and I don't think any android user got it.

Android has missed out on a lot, but now the breeding seems to be a mess too. It's really getting old getting Magic & Firestorm back to back... I think the breeding issues are on iOS, I'm not sure if android is too?

03-29-13, 08:04 PM
Android has missed out on a lot, but now the breeding seems to be a mess too. It's really getting old getting Magic & Firestorm back to back... I think the breeding issues are on iOS, I'm not sure if android is too?

I've been getting firestorms and more firestorms for days. Yes, I think they changed the breeding issues. Previously when breeding pinks, even though they split, I had so much more rares and super rares. Now its just mainly commons and more commons.

03-29-13, 08:15 PM
I'm am so disheartened and disgusted with tl in general right now. We complain about the lack of parity for so long .
It's crystal clear they have no intention of increasing the level of communication with us. It's not that they are ignoring us specifically, this is just how they operate. I had a long post typed up and I just deleted it. What's the point? TL clearly could careless about customer satisfaction. DS isn't the only game TL's customers are upset with for one reason or another. Those problems are being ignored just like everything else is.

I never make decisions in the heat of a moment, so I need to think about what I'm going to do. Right now I'm wondering what is the point to even playing DS with the breeding rules the way they are.

03-29-13, 09:33 PM
I've decided wheather android get updated with the ios features or not I'm still going to play mabye not as much but I've got nuthn betr to do lately so passes the time