View Full Version : Perfume Display

01-25-13, 09:03 AM
I love these games so much but it hurts when you see something you want so badly you cant have it. I want the perfume display so badly. I have tried numerous times and always end up with leggings or things for my avatar. its just sad. I wish I could somehow pay you my gems or my coins to guarentee to get it.

Thanks, just needed to vent.

01-25-13, 09:08 AM
I know how u feel girl! I'm like goin crazy without these certain stuff that is adorable! I also would absolutly LOVE to have the perfume display!!! I really hop teamlava makes an update that we could trade are coins for gems, but word of advice to teamlava if u do this update then don't make it too easy but make it fair, like probably 20,000 coins for 20 gems. Anyway I'm not the one who chooses these things, it's up to teamlava

01-25-13, 02:09 PM
OMG I thought it was only me that was obsessing over the Perfume counter. I have made at least 60 failed attempts to get it. They should make it a special LTO offer like they did a lot of the Xmas stuff. I would pay up to 50 gems for it.

01-25-13, 02:16 PM
I couldnt agree more... I am obsessed with it because I am a perfume fantatic... I have spent all my gems trying to get it and all failed attempts... only getting things for my avatar. :( with my luck they will make it a LTO right now when i am out of gems. haha. thanks for understanding my pain.

01-25-13, 03:51 PM
A while ago TL made available for us to purchase certain items containing in these boxes including first prize items such as the fairytale fountain the spring display, the park display..., and I had the pleasure to purchase them at a higher price and I was extremely satisfy. I prefer to purchase something that I desire rather than playing lottery, loose hundreds of gems, and get a really useless or repeated items that leaves you frustrated. So my advice to you is do not panic perhaps TL will repeat the same action and it will include the perfume display.