View Full Version : How come virtue and forest give a love dragon?

01-22-13, 07:44 PM
I set up a pair of of virtue ( pink) and forest but get a 5 hr egg. It can only be love dragon. But how come a white x red hybrid and a pure been dragon give another light x red dragon? Does this mean pink dragons don't follow the segregation rule of colors?

01-22-13, 07:45 PM
Pink seperates into light and red ....

01-22-13, 08:57 PM
A lot of people asked these question lol. They should really start reading

01-23-13, 12:38 AM
I am a geneticist and if you are like me, you won't think my question is stupid. Both The light and red colors are from the pink dragon. If the segregation matches the genetic rule, the progeny should possess colors from both parents, instead only have colors from one parent but not the other. I know this is just a game and I shouldn't have thought about it in scientific ways. But since the breeding of dragons containing basic element dragons ( fire, water, air, forest) pretty much follow the rules, I thought it would be true for pink (=light+red) too. But apparently I am wrong. Maybe the designer think the pink dragon is special just like diamond.

01-23-13, 09:37 AM
I am a geneticist and if you are like me, you won't think my question is stupid. Both The light and red colors are from the pink dragon. If the segregation matches the genetic rule, the progeny should possess colors from both parents, instead only have colors from one parent but not the other. I know this is just a game and I shouldn't have thought about it in scientific ways. But since the breeding of dragons containing basic element dragons ( fire, water, air, forest) pretty much follow the rules, I thought it would be true for pink (=light+red) too. But apparently I am wrong. Maybe the designer think the pink dragon is special just like diamond.

Nah, it is more that there are not more than one hybrid of each pink yet so if it didn't break up in to light and red the outcome are always the pinkhybrid. That a dragon in the making can take from only one parent is indeed wierd but that can happen every time you breed two hybirds together !

01-23-13, 09:39 AM
You can read about it in this thread (post 1,)
