View Full Version : Still no changes??! Please answer Norman

12-12-10, 05:56 PM
A while ago I posted on here asking about updates, you where kind of enough to reply.
We definitely have more updates in store for all our games. I do apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience in the meantime. :cool:

But what has happened??? Nothing again ???? !!
What are you doing, people are not going to put up with this for much longer. Also as another question, another person was told by yourself that there where going to be christmas updates????? I can't see any ?????!!

12-12-10, 08:23 PM
Also as another question, another person was told by yourself that there where going to be christmas updates????? I can't see any ?????!!

Well aren't you blind. The Christmas update is the new Holiday Box in the Expansion tab. Look why don't you.

12-12-10, 11:41 PM
She probably expected TL to come through with their "weekly updates" When the only way to get Christmas decorations is to spend cash for an unknown item, I have a feeling a lot of people are going to pass...especially after the previous Holiday Box debacle when ppl got numerous duplicates. In this economy ppl are probably going to opt to use their money for real decorations and presents. TL needs to wise up....a Holiday Box does not cut it.

And the Bully Boys (and girls) posting nasty things to ppl doesn't help either. You are just driving more ppl away. I've seen numerous posts where ppl are expressing their annoyance at the failure of TL to provide new content, refuse to fix Gem traps, etc. They feel ripped off....and then here come the flamers.

12-13-10, 08:58 AM
She probably expected TL to come through with their "weekly updates" When the only way to get Christmas decorations is to spend cash for an unknown item, I have a feeling a lot of people are going to pass...especially after the previous Holiday Box debacle when ppl got numerous duplicates. In this economy ppl are probably going to opt to use their money for real decorations and presents. TL needs to wise up....a Holiday Box does not cut it.

And the Bully Boys (and girls) posting nasty things to ppl doesn't help either. You are just driving more ppl away. I've seen numerous posts where ppl are expressing their annoyance at the failure of TL to provide new content, refuse to fix Gem traps, etc. They feel ripped off....and then here come the flamers.

I agree partially. I've also seen people respond nicely, and with a differing opinion, to unhappy posts only to be turned on and attacked. I've also seen information posts get hijacked and turned into angry issues posts. Then the attackers deny theyre attacking. Well calling someone a company employee just because their frame of mind is different, is an attack.

It would be nice if everyone lightened up a bit and talked nicer here, though I doubt we will see it as everyone thinks they're 100% right and not at any fault.

As far as cases, I bought some Christmas ones because I like Christmas. I didn't buy Halloween because it's not such a thing for me. I'd like to see the stuff put out for sale, gem or coin, out of the box idea. I personally don't have an issue with gem items being considered an update as it's not what I consider expensive ( here comes those attacks). It's just the basic game is free. That's how I look at it. I understand others feel differently. Too bad they don't understand there are those playing who are not unhappy. But for this I'll be attacked and called stupid or idiot because I don't see someones point. I do see it. I just don't agree.

If the majority were, as some here are saying, then the company would be about bankrupt.