View Full Version : My issues with DS.

12-28-12, 02:55 PM
1. My id is wassupbaby but i cant type it in game. I believe because the [] part in my id :D so i cant write it on others wall :/
2. I just started playing DS when the snowman came out. So i dont have other LE's dragons such as turkey, witch,boo,zombie.... I'd love to have an option to get these dragons for my collection and i believe new players want it too :(

12-28-12, 03:16 PM
1. My id is wassupbaby but i cant type it in game. I believe because the []part in my id :D so i cant write it on others wall :/
2. I just started playing DS when the snowman came out. So i dont have other LE's dragons such as turkey, witch,boo,zombie.... I'd love to have an option to get these dragons for my collection and i believe new players want it too :(
Ahahaha, that's so funny. I'm sorry xD
Try typing it like this: "Hi , please add me! id is was.supbaby , but without the dot!"
Or ask for the person's id instead. ;)

12-28-12, 03:17 PM
Oh, and I think that those Limited Edition dragons are seasonal, so they may be re-released next Halloween (or Christmas, depending).

kooky panda
12-28-12, 03:20 PM
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