View Full Version : No Brainer, doesn't hurt your gold sales TL, so how bout it?

12-28-12, 01:09 PM
One thing that has been missing from the start that I have just not had the time to post.
We should be able to switch dragons around in habitats, even if they are all full, as most of ours are (meaning habitats AND islands). Say you have a large coin dragon stuck in a smaller coin collecting max habitat and you would like to switch it with a lesser coin dragon that's in a large coin habitat, and both habitats are full.....You are Forced to **** one or trade one, but if its not a multiple gem dragon, it's not trade-able, such as fire etc, so ****/sell it you must.
What is the harm of allowing us to switch dragons around to our liking in all of our full habitats we've worked so hard to fill.
Is it too much to ask for tl to just do something to make the game more user friendly thus helping to make all the players a little happy? We'll see I guess.
And to cover any comments I know will surface, this is a situation where we have no more room for islands/have the max amount allowed/all islands are full/no trade-able dragons to clear space/and just plain allow players to switch their friggon dragons around as it should be.

12-28-12, 01:14 PM
Yes, I stumble into those annoying little problems now and then. Argh. >.<

12-28-12, 01:16 PM
I have that issue too.

12-28-12, 01:52 PM
I play Kindle so I don't have trading *cough, cough* but I have that problem too -_-

12-28-12, 03:54 PM
This should be put in the suggestions thread. I plan on saving one of my allowed 35 habitats for this purpose. A friend does it to. He buys the hab he needs, does what he has to do, then sells it. Then does it again and again as needed changing colors as needed. I first thought this was wasted coins, but with a reservce of over 6 million coins, it really isn't and it makes life so much easier.

12-28-12, 04:07 PM
There's a solution to this which TL seems to be reluctant to do it. We now have the Storage, all TL have to do is allow us to store dragons in storage. That would make all of us players happy :)

12-28-12, 04:48 PM
There's a solution to this which TL seems to be reluctant to do it. We now have the Storage, all TL have to do is allow us to store dragons in storage. That would make all of us players happy :)

Yes, definitely. If and when we Droids get storage, I'd like to be able to do this also. Good idea.

[S8] Elsa
12-28-12, 04:58 PM
Thank you for the suggestions! We'll pass these on to the team.

12-28-12, 04:59 PM
There's a solution to this which TL seems to be reluctant to do it. We now have the Storage, all TL have to do is allow us to store dragons in storage. That would make all of us players happy :)

Ohohohoh, that'd be sweet. :D even if we need to pay a small silver coin fee to kind of set our dragons into storage (dragon hotel! Send your cute dragons in awesome vacations!) or whatever. Many things could be done. :)

02-24-13, 10:05 AM
This should be put in the suggestions thread. I plan on saving one of my allowed 35 habitats for this purpose. A friend does it to. He buys the hab he needs, does what he has to do, then sells it. Then does it again and again as needed changing colors as needed. I first thought this was wasted coins, but with a reservce of over 6 million coins, it really isn't and it makes life so much easier.
Well, this IS a solution, but with the amount of habitats now at a premium, who can spare to have an "extra" habitat. It's like when someone asks for " spare" change in this recession/depression. Personally all my maxed out habitat allowance are filled to the max. Plus , this game is structured so as to waste colossal amounts of time as it is, this idea compounds that issue immensely. Your thought process is respected though. But the time and coins spent on this is asinine for those of us who do not have diamond dragons with those high coin collecting habitats. I come back to the game when I can, and my meager fire, forest, and air habitats have been maxed out at a pathetic and low coin count for hours, sometimes days, so much inefficient and wasted time by design. Thanks for the replies everyone!

02-24-13, 10:10 AM
Ohohohoh, that'd be sweet. :D even if we need to pay a small silver coin fee to kind of set our dragons into storage (dragon hotel! Send your cute dragons in awesome vacations!) or whatever. Many things could be done. :)

omg dragon hotel sounds great!! awesome idea :)

02-24-13, 03:38 PM
We're already going to get dragon stables. Check the ingame faq <3

02-24-13, 04:29 PM
We're already going to get dragon stables. Check the ingame faq <3

Wheeeeeere? :D oh, in the app right?

02-24-13, 04:32 PM
We're already going to get dragon stables. Check the ingame faq <3

Didn't see anything... :(

02-24-13, 07:48 PM
I think both being able to swap 2 dragons in habitats that are full, and the dragon storage are good ideas and would love to see both added. Now to go to my in game FAQ and see what it says about this dragon stable.

02-25-13, 12:12 AM
I like the idea too of being able to just swap dragons between habitats. Sounds lke a pretty basic function to me, saving time and awkward moving about that can be annoying when habitats are full

02-25-13, 02:48 AM
I like the idea too of being able to just swap dragons between habitats. Sounds lke a pretty basic function to me, saving time and awkward moving about that can be annoying when habitats are full

Yes. THIS. I'll repost on the suggestions thread, if you both don't mind.

Anyone manage to find a mention to the dragon stables?

02-26-13, 05:22 AM
All this sounds like a great plan, although ios users will get it all and android users will get squat - we don't even have trading portals or spell shops yet let alone storage or the ability to SELL HABITATS!

02-26-13, 05:27 AM
There should also be a button for select all neighbours. It takes so much time to select them for mystic maps :(

02-26-13, 06:53 AM
The dragon stables, dragon quest and boost breeding features have been removed from the FAQ. Interesting... From memory they were iOS.