View Full Version : Why no daily Bonus in my games

12-27-12, 02:52 PM
I never get the daily bonus in any of my team lava games on my android phone. I play Bakery,Fashion & Restaurant. My son and daughter have IOS ipods and they get the bonus every day. :( I have tried shutting down and restarting my device and also going in at the same time every day but still nothing.

12-27-12, 02:55 PM
If your device has trouble connecting to our servers, it may not load the pop-up message displaying how many Coins you received from the Daily Bonus. However, you are still receiving the Coins. You can verify this my checking subtracting the amount earned since last visit from your current total of Coins. It should be slightly more than your Coin total the last time you accessed the game (depending on your Bonus amount).

If you still believe there is an issue, feel free to email us at support@teamlava.com for further assistance.

12-27-12, 03:00 PM
I play on Android and haven't received the "daily bonus" messages since the last update to FS Regular (and not for the Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas versions). To clarify, I'm not speaking about how many coins I earn overnight, but the actual "bonus" coins that we used to get every day. The only game I have recently received a daily bonus is for Dragon Story (which I hardly play). So it's definitely not a connection issue for me if I get a daily bonus for some games and not others. Just wanted to mention in case that's helpful. I miss the daily bonuses because I liked having the extra coins!

12-27-12, 03:13 PM
Me either only coins earned from shop. Someone mentioned somewhere that sense Anroid started having goals we don't have daily bonus any longer. I don't know if IoS has ever had daily bonus or not.

12-27-12, 03:18 PM
That's right! That's exactly when mine stopped--when we got goals for the first time.

12-27-12, 06:52 PM
I'm on Kindle and stopped getting the pop-up about the same time as everyone else, however I'm prettysure I am getting the extra coins.

12-27-12, 06:53 PM
Oh and I also don't think it has anything to do with server connection.

12-27-12, 10:10 PM
That's all fine and good. But if there's no pop up how are we suppose to know the difference between the coins earned from sales and a daily bonus if it's all added together? Seems silly I don't know so to know I suppose we should log on a min before 12 log out then back in at midnight or min after to know..lol

Who has time for that nonsense or is not sleeping.

12-27-12, 10:12 PM
I wasn't getting any Daily Bonus or Welcome Back pop-up so there was NO way for me to tell in Farm, RS, Fashion on my Android Phone. The only pop-ups I would get would be daily gem sales, LTO, and weekly update.

12-28-12, 10:46 PM

you mean we're supposed to be getting bonuses?
haven't had a daily bonus in months.
i thought they did away with that.

i'm another android player by the way.

12-29-12, 09:56 PM
Yeah that's the unfair part of being an ANDROID user!

12-29-12, 10:21 PM
That's all fine and good. But if there's no pop up how are we suppose to know the difference between the coins earned from sales and a daily bonus if it's all added together? Seems silly I don't know so to know I suppose we should log on a min before 12 log out then back in at midnight or min after to know..lol

Who has time for that nonsense or is not sleeping.

When I first started not getting my daily bonus I got on just before midnight and just after, and I got daily bonuses in my games. I did it a couple of times after, but haven't in a while. So I had time for that nonsense; it was better to know I got the bonuses rather than assume I wasn't without any proof. I've posted I get bonuses a few times in other threads but gets ignored; people would rather believe they aren't getting bonuses.

Reset time for me is 12am, since I am in the same state as TL. It is normal waking hours for me.

On Android, and haven't gotten the popups since goals were released, but am getting bonuses.

06-05-13, 02:10 AM
I guess it is still the case that FS doesn't get daily bonus's on android? Weird, because I get them on both Dragon and Pet Shop. If there is one game where the bonus is REALLY needed, it is this one.

06-05-13, 02:39 AM
Closing as this is an old thread