View Full Version : Home Design: Poll and Suggestions

12-26-12, 09:29 PM
Vote for the items that you'd like to see in home design.

If there's an item you really want but it isn't included, let us know in this thread.

12-26-12, 09:37 PM
I really love home design story. So I wish to have all.

12-27-12, 08:01 PM
More land, ability to decorate interior walls, better furniture collections (matching woods/colors), more/cuter little girl's room furniture/decor, patio flooring (voted above but seconding!)

12-28-12, 05:45 AM
And good grief, cut it out with the app pushing. I'd rather actually pay a dollar for a version of this app where you don't push the other games on me. I don't want them so quit asking me please!

12-28-12, 06:31 AM
I just want to be able to play this game. I play several of teamlava games and I love every one of them. I wish they would make Home Design Story available in Google market or playstore. I can't get it from the app store on iTunes.

12-28-12, 01:32 PM
Could we please please please get categorized storage like on CMS. I have a lot of stuff in storage and it takes so long to roll thru each piece to get to what I want, plus the fact that I have no idea where in the line of stuff it may be anyway. So having a living room tab, a bedroom tab, a kitchen tab....you get it, would be most helpful. Thank you :-)

12-30-12, 12:16 AM
I would love to see weekly updates: suggestions would be wall lights, Gorgeous ones from Fashion would be great. More rugs with better designs and color. More wall art. More decor to sit on stands, try to make things more proportioned. More variety of wall papers, Wall decor, really needed. Chaise lounges, more color when selected furniture...living room. I play all the Story games you could easily take items from rest, bakery, Fashion and use them in Home Design.....Surprise us. I also think you did a great job with Christmas items as well with new goals. great idea of having gem sale, hopefully that will prove people are playing the game, hopefully people weren't afraid of it being last update though.

12-31-12, 09:12 PM
I tried to post this on the iTunes rating page for Christmas Design Story. Not sure if it did or not so I'll post here too. I love this game and have met some great people. TL keep up the good work with this great app. My ��Usna71 and I play design Story, Castle Story, City Metro, Pet Store Story, Pet Hotel, Bakery Story and Restaurant Story. The other two I play are Bubble Burst and Jewels.....I will not play Bingo because they have turned me off with all the irritating pop ups on each game. Here is what I wrote on my review: "I have enjoyed playing this game and TeamLava makes it easy for the player to connect with new players. I am happy to rate this game 5 *****. I am offering some constructive criticism and suggestions to keep this game fresh and attractive to old and new users. They were very slow to get the Christmas background ready and also the new furniture, floors, access etc online. Do we need to buy them a calendar? I would like to see more ways to expand my house and outdoor grounds. My ideal would be to drive thru the front gates to an actual front facade:2 story colonial, ranch, cabin, mid century modern, country farmhouse, Tudor, etc. we would be able to decorate the front of our house with different siding, window, door, sidewalk and landscaping selections. Then go thru front door to our layout sat it is now. Ideally I would like dedicated outdoor space so we would not have to take away from our house size. Then we could have gardens, pond, stream, woods, tennis courts etc. Inside I would like more furniture style choices. Some are just too off the wall for me. More accessories like glasses and cheese tray grouped together for a party. Somehow the teapot and cups need to be closer together when placing them. Curtains and shutters for windows. Pets: different dog and cat breeds, bird in cage, fish tank. Real closet with clothes and more accessories such as table photographs, paintings for walls, sculptures, etc. having the ability to have a 2nd story would be fantastic! Also have several exterior scenes that we could choose for our own home. (Mountain, town scene, country, beach, rolling hills etc). Plenty of us like this game but TL Must Be More Timely in their UPDATES. We expect and need weekly updates to keep our interest in the game so it can grow! Don't forget about your loyal players!! Written by Usna71 TL name. "

01-01-13, 10:29 AM
I am new to the game & i placed a item n storage & now i cant find that item. Can u help? Stormid: pinkconeflower

01-01-13, 07:42 PM
I have this game and it could very well be my favorite over fs except that the updates are infrequent. I would love to be able to change out the main room, more outdoor living options such as a fire pit, porch swing etc

01-01-13, 10:07 PM
More expansions. I've quit the game cause I've finished already but would play again if more expansions were added. I got bored of only having redecorating to do. Unlike bakery and the others at least you have food/clothes to master plus I liked redecorating on those games better than Home.

01-02-13, 02:46 AM
A front load dryer for the front load washing machine & a stackable w/d .

01-02-13, 02:48 AM
The ability to decorate the interior room walls would be great! I second that!

01-03-13, 05:09 PM
I love the game! I would, however, love to see possibly the ability to decorate the outside of the house as well as the inside. Also maybe more pets, aquariums, birds etc. also we NEED more expansions! A garage and greenhouse would be neat too ... And maybe eventually the ability to expand and decorate/furnish them!

01-03-13, 05:21 PM
I have this game.I check once a day.I serioursly would play more often than Fashion story,if there were a greenhouse.i love nature!I just hope it can at least be in HDS.Also I love the outdoors.I just wish there was an outdoor patio and an indoor patio.Thanks for reading.If you need neighbors,you can add me.ID: stormkmy

01-03-13, 05:22 PM
:p:p:pjust wish there was an indoor patio;):D

01-03-13, 08:26 PM
Vote for greenhouse, it's my idea!!!!

01-03-13, 11:59 PM
I agree with Krmelancon about the constant flooding of TL other apps...enough already!!!

However I'd like to have:
other tree choices
stand alone basketball goal
Sports toys
Toddlers... a girl, a boy... w/2different poses. one standing the other sitting
House plants
Children toys... like small teddy bears, spinning tops, painting easles, ect.
Individual foods ie; milk & juice cartons, ect.
Stacks of books & magezines to place on tables & nightstands
Mid sized floor pillows to lounge on
Larger stained glass windows & windows with diferent 'Drape' choices
French doors
More wall paper & brick wall choices
Indoor waterfall choices
Workout / gym equipment like we use at public workout centers
Sterio (free standing) the kind people owned several years back
Pinball machine choices
Air hockey table, ping pong table
Huge flat screen t.v. wall unit
more Rug choices including blue so we can fill-in spaces for a water stream affect

More land!!!!!!!

.....and Please, please, please change our outfits!!!!
.....and change the theme music once in a while

Koodles to TL for the awesome Christmas decorations 👏👏👏👏👏

01-04-13, 09:56 AM
How do u get more people to like your restaurant? NO ONE likes it. I don't have that much neighbors and no one tips me that much? Do could you give me advice on making a good restaurant? Cause mine stinks... :(

01-04-13, 05:20 PM
I love this game but would love some more involved goals. Maybe if you add a greenhouse or garage make it so we have to build it. Also after they're built maybe we have the ability to go into them like the house and have goals for them .... Building a car or tool bench .... The ability to grow plants and goals to recieve special plants? Just an idea to make the game a little more "playable" :-)

01-04-13, 05:24 PM
Great job on making a greenhouse christina

01-04-13, 07:40 PM
If it were possible, adding a second floor (there'd be options of balconies and staircases too).

01-05-13, 10:19 AM
I like the 2nd floor idea! Also maybe could we gift some different items? Maybe decorations or furniture instead of just parts

01-05-13, 02:07 PM
I'd like to buy a door because I am making 2 smaller homes instead of one big one and need another front door. Thanks

01-06-13, 09:19 AM
Please, an option to build levels onto your house (second and attic floors) and be able to move the inside doors where u need them or delete them. A rotate button to view your home from different angels. Ability to add more land and make gems easier to get!

01-06-13, 09:20 AM
If it were possible, adding a second floor (there'd be options of balconies and staircases too).

Sorry didnt see your post to quote you, but EXACTLY! This would make the game so much better!

01-06-13, 02:32 PM
My adult children think I am crazy to play this nonstop but my husband is sure I am saving money by playing this versus remodeling my house! Thank you for your creation!

01-11-13, 09:50 PM
Car would be cool. If you decide to do a car do not do a weird car do a sports car like a Porsche of something

01-12-13, 10:47 AM
I'd like to buy a door because I am making 2 smaller homes instead of one big one and need another front door. Thanks Yes! I agree with this. More door choices would be nice. If it's possible to move the first room too, that would make designing more flexible too.

I also think there should bt eh option of having walls on all rooms. In order to avoid clutter, there can be a "don't show wall" button just like the one that exists right now...except there can be a separate one for walls inside the house to make designing easier.

01-12-13, 02:01 PM
I second all these suggestions. I would add:
- more bookcases; varying sizes and colours
- a sink to go with blue and yellow counters and appliances.
- a dishwasher to go with the darker cabinetry.
- more desks
- shorter or at least less bulky end tables
And would like to have more wall hangings with better proportions and vertical placement.

01-12-13, 02:06 PM
I agree if I have not installed your other games after the first 10 times stop asking me! I would pay a nominal fee to have that removed.

01-13-13, 11:19 AM
More end tables
Coffee tables
Book cases
Black tile
Wall art
Stained glass window
Table decorations
Cabinetry to match all sinks and bathtubs..eg winter sink and tub

Love the game...just hate i've lost storage items. Afraid to store anything else.

01-13-13, 07:40 PM
Wish we could sell old wall design and flooring,also gift extra materials to neighbors

01-15-13, 04:41 PM
Keep the suggestions coming :)

01-15-13, 04:58 PM
Haha, lol. I voted for everything except the ducks, green house & treadmill :P Awesome ideas, TL!!

01-15-13, 05:00 PM
Suggestion: New doors! Pls! That has been bugging me since I first started! I really want to replace my old door. (Btw: I don't play HDS on this ID since it's on another device.)

01-16-13, 12:13 AM
Go greenhouse go!
It's my idea buts its losing so vote for greenhouse!

I also want to add a idea a tree house.:D
Hope u vote for greenhouse ! :)

01-16-13, 12:14 AM
Also how about a Forrest theme?


01-17-13, 06:28 PM
Go greenhouse go!
It's my idea buts its losing so vote for greenhouse!

I also want to add a idea a tree house.:D
Hope u vote for greenhouse ! :)

Wow, the tree house seems great :D Cool idea!

01-18-13, 06:09 PM
I'd like to be able to place interior door openings. I'd like to be able to rotate the view, have hallways, have dimensions of rooms given when selecting them for construction, be able to move the main room, have coordinated furniture and cabinetry options, have other musical instruments (proportional) to select. I would also like to be able to expand further.

01-19-13, 02:30 AM
Two big ones - being able to move the 'main room' and MORE LAND!!!

01-23-13, 12:12 AM
And good grief, cut it out with the app pushing. I'd rather actually pay a dollar for a version of this app where you don't push the other games on me. I don't want them so quit asking me please!

I agree!!! heck I'd rather just pay for the whole game(s) instead of downloading yet another to get sucked into (marketing 101) and in the end sit like a blubbering FOOL because I realized that over the course of the game life...a few months.... I could have purchased a REAL car! Ok so that's a stretch but still....I need to go to TL anonymous and break the spending cycle. It doesn't seem so bad in small chunks but when a GAME costs over $200 for phantom and nonexistent "stuff" ....well that's a problem. I would pay for an ultimate version but with them making money hand over fist with the in-app mega lotto I doubt that will ever happen. Most games are going that way because they hook more buyers...yes buyers...with the free app and then BAM ....your kid just bought the farm with all the trimmings cuz she saw 300 gems and went gaga. Ugh.... Ok I'll step down from the slippery soap box before I'm pushed off ☺:p

01-23-13, 12:20 AM
Ok I hopped back on for a sec... What's worse than your kid spending / buying gems? Well in my opinion it's my slippery finger lightly dusting the "purchase 10 coins for 100 gems/gold" because of the stupid message box about food running out that comes ups in a blink of an eye and before I knew what was happening I had just spent my precious gold on food...I can grow....that DOESN'T take a month to earn via my awesome neighbors or 10$ ...real money... To buy...... Ok off.