View Full Version : didn't collect price from collection

12-21-12, 12:53 PM
I finished the short n' stubby collection in my pet shop. I didn't collect the turtle. emailed teamlava they told me to find answer here, can anyone help?

12-21-12, 12:54 PM
Have you checked in your inventory?

02-22-13, 05:30 AM
If you have something missing where do you go to check your inventory

03-06-13, 08:18 PM
Check your storage by going to Menu>Storage and scroll through. It has to be there if you haven't found it already.

And will someone please reply to the thread that I started about hearts showing up everywhere, or please reply to my post in PSS Current Bugs?

03-09-13, 04:08 PM
Teammates give advice occasionally. They often refer to forums, because lots have already asked same question. It frustrating not to get direct help.