View Full Version : Gem Purchase Suggestion

12-06-12, 05:42 PM
Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well. As the title suggests, this is a suggestion for bakery story gem purchasing but can be extended across all TeamLava games.

I spent a lot of time searching for a similar post on the forum but could not find anything so before I go on, let meapologise in advance if this has been posted elsewhere and my search attempts have been mediocre.

Now to the point, I think it would be a great idea, possibly difficult, but great none the less to make gem purchases possible out-of-app. Now before you shoot this down, take into consideration the advantages. Purchasing apps on-site and sending them to ANY TeamLava game from right here. Making purchases based on a StormID and not the game being played at the moment, and in the event you are like me and playing 6 TL games, the possibilty of gem transfer. Options make people more likely to buy, so does flexibility, something this suggestion definitely possesses.

And one other thing, those people that get "Your device does not support in-app purchases", you just opened a gateway for all of them.

I think it deserves some serious consideration and I would love to hear what others thought.

Respect to all. AramisKun!!