View Full Version : Game continuously crashing

12-05-12, 04:21 AM
Game continuously crashing, unable to Harvest & replant. I give up it's too annoying and time consuming now, anybody else with this problem?

12-05-12, 07:19 AM
I've had a lot of problems on my Kindle Fire. This morning was the worst ever. Takes forever to load.

12-05-12, 08:04 AM
Ditto on Android. It is also very slow - when I tap to water it takes a while before the water takes place - strange.

12-05-12, 09:49 AM
I haven't had any problems with my kindle fire. I haven't downloaded the tap to manage update tho either..maybe that's your trouble. My friend got the update & that's what hers has been doing ever since.

12-05-12, 10:30 AM
I never got any update.

12-05-12, 11:30 AM
I've never updated mine either and I've stopped getting spotty notifications as well. It has been like that since the server maintenance.

12-07-12, 04:34 PM
I noticed I don't get free coins anymore. What's up with that?! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

12-08-12, 08:00 AM
I'm in the Kindle Fire. I have a problem with leaving messages on people's walls. This morning was bad. Takes forever to load. On certain farms I can't water at all, event though I should be able to. Weird. Generally the speed is okay for planting/harvesting. Mine doesn't crash, just does weird things now and then. I usually turn off my device and reload, that helps.

Thanks for your interest in trying to resolve this. Were free coins removed? I don't get that anymore. Maybe it only goes to certain levels or something?!!

12-08-12, 03:36 PM
I have Motorola Android, play only Farm story, so I don't know about other games. As far as not being a newbie, I think that new users don't know about the forum, or don't use it as much as players that play little more often. It took me several months before I got onto forum and even when I was on forum I took my time to post messages. Strange part for me is that it is random, some days more often that others. I check my apps to see what else is running, clear cache and it still does happen. BTW, I used to have a choice between Force close or Report it, now I'm only being offered to use the Force close.

I'll keep on experimenting. But I have also noticed that sometimes it is very slow, I water and tap on fields - even smaller farms and it takes a while before it takes. The same when I'm deleting off my wall, I tap and nothing happens for a while.

12-10-12, 09:37 AM
I can't get on my game at all today. Keeps force closing. I shut down my Kindle and restarted, the same thing happens. PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE!

12-10-12, 11:04 AM
I play on the Fire also and have noticed that if I click OK on the popup for new items I always get a force close. I can click OK on the limited item but not the new ones. I just click the x to close it and the game continues fine. Hope that is all it is for you.

12-10-12, 11:13 AM
Wow, today it took me 5 force closes to get in and guess what - the box popped up!!! Seriously?!?! That was the last thing I wanted to tap on.

12-10-12, 01:07 PM
I'm getting very tired of this. I've spent good money on gems, and if it wasn't for that investment I'd just quit and uninstall this thing! Every day it's something now. They blame it on having too much stuff on your farm. So, does that mean we should all stop buying stuff, TL?! Isn't the whole point to be able to decorate and set up your farm as you like it?

12-10-12, 05:41 PM
I understand that every device, connection etc will be different, but is there a way we can help the engineers. I cannot see the Harvest Feast - it doesn't display at all, and have villa, but that is it, rest are trees, crops etc.

When the game crashed in the past - I had the option to either do only Force Close or send a report, well now there is no option of sending report. I thought the report did help, because it would send more information to your guys, but maybe I was incorrect. Either way, what can we do to help out to fix the issues stated and enjoy the game.

12-10-12, 06:27 PM
I had no option for sending a report either. After a few hours, when I was finally able to get on, it started doing the same goofy stuff. Certain plots of land woundn't work right. I'd try to plow and it wouldn't. Certain farms wouldn't work for watering, even though there plenty of unwatered places. I had some of my neighbors telling me I was full, when I had just replanted! Off and on it's been hard to check my wall or write on someone else's. It takes forever to load. I never know what to expect anymore! Speed is generally only an issue at the most busy times of the day, which is understandable. Morning, late afternoon and evening. Hope this helps.

01-01-13, 05:19 AM
Sadly I just gave up playing, iOS user fully expanded,

01-01-13, 09:02 AM
I have iPad and have no,problems even with update. I'm on level 75 so have been playing for 9 months. Kindle fire has lots of problems , I think....

01-12-13, 10:39 PM
I'm on Kindle Fire and everytime I try to visit the upper left side of Mg farm, the games closes. I am going to quit playing soon. Going to quit farming and go back to Words with Friends and reading books unless I can fix this problem soon.

01-13-13, 11:32 AM
I'm on an Android Razr - not too many problems with farm story, but many, many with Pet Shop Story.

01-15-13, 11:47 AM
I play on kindle fire. My farm story closes but I figured out that if I don't click on the bottom of the pop ups and just hit the x at the top then it opens. wierd