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View Full Version : Security And Chat plane

Blessing Star
06-25-10, 08:25 PM
Perhaps this should be looked into quickly for FarmStory is growing.
1.Control of our own wall ... place a "all clear" button.
2.Control who can write on our wall.. place an "iggy button" on a stalker/ bad word writter. of course neighbors can write on our wall.
4.Place a PG-13 rated star on a farm to know its either an adult or a child playing. It also could mean parental control.
5. Tired of going back n furth of "walls" .. can we have an open chat plane that is in the tabs with the wall? .. which any can jump in and talk in the convo; dont forget deletion option and if the person is iggyed they can't talk with u either too.
6. A "hit and save text" if for any reason needed ...

Perhaps a certain level can add these options? .... I have also written a suggestion called "hidden gems and such" .. I may have placed it in the wrong part of the forum; but maybe having someone for-see the smoothness of this growth can move them around to in its right place. ..
-volunteer(s) options for the love of farmstory..

7. Registration is of importence in this forum ..