View Full Version : Misc questions

12-02-12, 09:16 PM
I play Castle Story. I have been reading some of the forum posts and now I have questions.

1. Pet Story - when this came up I thought it was just to download a game, not an actual quest. I didn't download. Can I still download and get reward for it?

2. Are gems interchangeable between games? I saw a post where a player referred to having enough gems to buy an apple tree because he used all gems from 3 Games.

3. I saw a post that said energy is capped at 30... I play on my iPad and iPhone... On one I am a level 16 and max energy is 40. On the other I'm a level 15 and energy max is 30. How did my max energy increase to 40??? Can I increase on the other?

4. Is there a list of what the XP points are for each level?

I love this game, basically addicted to it but it sure does try my patience with the energy caps:mad:! I can't do all tasks in one visit because energy of 30 doesn't let me. I'm sure this is a way to push gem purchases, but its frustrating. I do purchase gems but generally will not use them for more energy. The gem cost of the apple tree is ridiculous as well. I want to try Dragon Story but I'm not sure my patience will hold lol I started playing on 2 devices because I wanted something to do while waiting for energy but Ha Ha! Now I'm just impatient on both so jokes on me :)

Lastly, thanks to all neighbors that have helped come out since I started. So many friendly people helped me progress to where I am now;) thanks! Any help with my questions is greatly appreciated!

12-02-12, 09:30 PM
I see typos but no option to edit... Sry. Also, time is incorrect, not sure why or how to change it. Insignificant issues but thought I would mention (while waiting for energy recharge lol)

12-02-12, 10:36 PM
Hi I'll try to answer your questions :)

1. It's not an 'actual' goal to download other games, but doing so will give you a mini goal to reward you with some gems. But if that one isn't in your goal list, hten you won't get hte next goal for gems when you download it. Check your list for other games to download too. At the moment in mine I have one for jewel mania, and another for bingo. Downloading whichever game is listed in your goals will trigger the next mini goal.

2. As far as I know, no gems aren't interchangable. Maybe that player meant they downloaded 3 games to get he mini goals with gems rewards?

3. The energy cap of 30 is something new (please correct me if I'm wrong!) and it's only the players who had this game during the trial period who have the 40 energy cap. Everyone elses got brought down to 30.

4. Sorry, this one I don't know.

I know what you mean about the energy cap being annoying! I'm level 19 and I keep running out of energy. I always have to choose between tending to my buildings or my crops haha. All of my plants just get left there. I never have energy left for them!

As for the typos, on the forum I'm pretty sure we don't have the option to edit posts. Only moderators do, and it's usually to edit out inappropriate words.

I hope I've helped you!

12-02-12, 10:38 PM
Oh, and as for the time listed on each post, its set to GMT time (I'm not exactly sure where abouts that is but I'm assuming part of the US). I don't think we can change the times on the posts to mach our time zones

12-02-12, 11:07 PM
Thank you!

The energy cap of 40 helps but the 30 is frustrating! I haven't tended plants in days! Glad I'm not the only one! Thanks again! :)

12-03-12, 01:27 AM
Oh, and as for the time listed on each post, its set to GMT time (I'm not exactly sure where abouts that is but I'm assuming part of the US). I don't think we can change the times on the posts to mach our time zones

you can change the time to your own timezone. If you select "settings" from the very top of the page, then "general settings" from the list on the left (need to scroll down a bit) there is an option to select your time zone near the bottom of the page :)

12-03-12, 01:35 AM
If you go to the levels tab in this spreadsheet you'll see the experience levels.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Agn56FhMH3MFdHhUQUZRaWFoZ21zY29kbDhnRmpSU EE

12-03-12, 11:21 AM
@maguar thanks! That is a very helpful guide!
@mymummy789 I did change my time zone, it doesn't seem to make a difference so far. Maybe in a different thread post. Thanks!

12-03-12, 11:25 AM
Another question... Current posts list level 30 as the highest. Does this change with updates? Do quests and other stuff change with updates? Thanks!

12-03-12, 02:26 PM
Another question... Current posts list level 30 as the highest. Does this change with updates? Do quests and other stuff change with updates? Thanks!

Level 30 is still the max. Quests are usually added with the updates unless its just a bug fix update. Requirements for crafting and building can change with the updates. They can also change without the updates.

11-30-13, 12:04 PM
In game purchase will not download, what do I do? Purchased limited special offer, realized my card attached to Apple was deactivated due to recent fraud claim. Change to new card on Apple site & now in game special says already purchased but not downloaded. Deleted game and reinstalled it, did not work. Since last game update, I cannot hard exit game. Any suggestions?

kooky panda
11-30-13, 12:44 PM
In game purchase will not download, what do I do? Purchased limited special offer, realized my card attached to Apple was deactivated due to recent fraud claim. Change to new card on Apple site & now in game special says already purchased but not downloaded. Deleted game and reinstalled it, did not work. Since last game update, I cannot hard exit game. Any suggestions?
Try doing a hard reset of your device. (hold down power and home button at the same time until you see the apple sign )

11-30-13, 04:07 PM
GMT is UK time.