View Full Version : Is it just me?

12-02-12, 04:17 PM
I started playing Farm Story a month or two after it's release in May of 2010 and was instantly addicted. The game fit well with my need for order. With the newly formatted leveling, I'm now level 150 with almost 8 million XP to go before I reach 151. I have the capacity to reach 151, but do I really want to?

Once I reached level 75, there has been zero incentive for me to continue playing, yet I'm still here. Through all the bugs, loss of water, gem traps and whatnot, I still choose to trudge on...but why? I've never been one to quit in the middle of something, and when I do set out to do it, I do it well and in a very meticulous manner. Except for the newer ones released in the past few weeks (currently working on), I've mastered all crops with grow time of 2 days or less, flowers with grow time of 1 day or less (excluding those that have to purchased with gems) and all trees. This means I still have the 2-4 day crops and 2-day flowers left to master. It goes against every grain in my body to quit the game without having mastered everything possible, but continuing to play is taking it's toll.

I'm a bit "old school" in that I absolutely do not like to harvest dry crops, but am having to get used to doing just that. There was a time when my crops were fully watered in under 45 minutes, and I suppose it spoiled me. Since the introduction of "Tap to Manage" on every single crop, flower and tree, I've lost many excellent neighbors who faithfully watered and gifted daily. My neighbor list has dropped from over 150 down to 58, a decrease of over 60%. Only 75% of the 58 I currently have water daily, and the remaining 25% either only water if I water them first or only play every few days. I would add new neighbors, but am finding that the new players coming in aren't of the same caliber as those from the "old days". They aren't dependable and water haphazardly, not taking the time to look for ripe, short term crops that might need watered first. I'm very conscientious when I water others, even non-neighbors, and my expectations are too high to even consider adding those that don't share the same concept.

When we started receiving weekly updates with new crops/flowers and trees, I had to remove much of the "fluff" (animals, structures, etc.) from my farm so that I would be able to still work towards mastery. Unfortunately, the result was having to look at a farm that I didn't particularly enjoy seeing, which only added to my increasing frustration and boredom. I honestly can't answer why I continue to play. I've been saying I was going to quit for many months now...yet...here I am. I could say that I was staying because of those few neighbors that I've had since day one, but that's not even it. Perhaps it's because I still have a number of crops to master, but in reality, that will never happen. Since new crops are being released weekly, it's unrealistic for me to believe that ALL could ever be mastered. It's depressing to say the least.

I'm not really sure what the point of this post is other than to possibly vent and share a little of my irrational emotional attachment to this game. I simply need to just delete it and walk away, but am struggling...nuf said.

12-02-12, 05:15 PM
Wow and wow - I would totally hate to l lose a neighbor like you, honestly, but I will understand.

I agree with your entire post and feel exactly the same. Am still at 112 but am seeing the same - as far as my drive to master them all, but no other incentive, neighbors dropping off, many of the new ones being not so reliable and respectful....

My other incentive - during the time of my playing I have met some people that I like and can relate to, but yes, I still can stay in touch with them through other means of communication.

12-02-12, 05:38 PM
I agree about the loss of the "old timer" neighbors.

12-02-12, 07:30 PM
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOUR POST! I miss how it was even just a year ago! I'm having trouble with getting my farm watered and most of my neighbors have a star rating of 0. I always leave a message and play almost daily. It makes me sad to see the game changing. Its a bummer because this is the only game I really play faithfully.

12-02-12, 07:57 PM
Well said. Agreewith you 100%. Those are some of the reasons why I "quit" FS months ago.

12-02-12, 08:17 PM
Agree with you to a large extent n appreciate your post

12-02-12, 10:41 PM
I agree with you. There is no incentive to keep playing. TL needs to add incentives. I have been sending ideas on how to do this for a couple months now. However it doesnt seem like TL cares. Nothing changes and no one responds to say if they are adding the features or not. I am seriously considering changing to a nonTL game soon.

12-02-12, 11:57 PM
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOUR POST! I miss how it was even just a year ago! I'm having trouble with getting my farm watered and most of my neighbors have a star rating of 0. I always leave a message and play almost daily. It makes me sad to see the game changing. Its a bummer because this is the only game I really play faithfully.

That's one thing I won't allow. While I only have 58 neighbors, all of them have at least a 3 star rating. If they don't, I won't add them...call me mean. It doesn't take a lot of effort to maintain 3 stars.

12-02-12, 11:58 PM
Wow and wow - I would totally hate to l lose a neighbor like you, honestly, but I will understand.

I agree with your entire post and feel exactly the same. Am still at 112 but am seeing the same - as far as my drive to master them all, but no other incentive, neighbors dropping off, many of the new ones being not so reliable and respectful....

My other incentive - during the time of my playing I have met some people that I like and can relate to, but yes, I still can stay in touch with them through other means of communication.

Is that you, april? ;)

12-03-12, 12:03 AM
I have to agree with you. I love Farm Story, but it has lost all incentive. I use to water all my neighbors every day but I've lost interest the past few months and I do it maybe every other day. I don't want to quit... But yeah... :(

12-03-12, 06:27 AM
I am over 100 and understand the desire to achieve mastery in all crops. In the case of crops I go with 500 for crops and 76 for decorations (500 is ideal for matering crops). I regularly change out my decorations like Lego blocks to keep myself entertained.

As for dry crops, you realize that you only get a few coins and exp per tile? So many active players like me still play, but have stopped watering since it becomes pointless. I constantly harvest dry crops, I don't think I ever have had all 500 of my crops ever fully watered.

12-03-12, 06:59 AM
Is that you, april? ;)

Yes, thats her. :)

12-03-12, 07:08 AM
I've only been playing for a few months and I'm almost at level 58. I won't have more than 50 neighbors. In fact, I'll probably be cutting it down to 25 or 30. Most of my neigbors water daily or at least a few times a week. Lately I only water back the ones that don't water daily. It really depends on how much time I have. I fully understand that some players have busy lives, and just can't devote the same amount of time I can. As far as leveling up, I have little insentive to do so. There really should be some kind of grand prize at the top level. I don't know why there isn't, and what TL's logic is regarding this. Seems to me that having a reason to reach the top should be the most important aspect of the game! I play because I enjoy it. Period. I like the interaction with other players, and I love decorating my farm and anticipating the new releases. The crop mastery is not an obsession for me, I do what I can to earn the extra gems, but I'm not planning on clearing off my farm to do so!

I do wish I had goals. I play on the Kindle Fire and we are a forgotten lot. But, from what I hear about Tap to Manage, maybe that's a good thing!

12-03-12, 07:16 AM
Is that you, april? ;)

How did you know. ;) :o

12-03-12, 07:20 AM
Yes, thats her. :)

Did you just rat me out?!?! ;)

12-03-12, 07:33 AM
Same here...after tap to manage feature I haven't been playing much. I still try to change my farm designs on a regular basis, but have not been a very good neighbor in terms of watering...sorry

12-03-12, 08:00 AM
Same here...after tap to manage feature I haven't been playing much. I still try to change my farm designs on a regular basis, but have not been a very good neighbor in terms of watering...sorry

Don't be sorry, it's understandable. I wont break up with you.

12-03-12, 10:49 AM
I am newer to farm story, and am totally addicted. I tell nbrs I wtr and gft daily and expect them to do the same. I currently have 80 nbrs 68 are 4 star if I see their nbrs drop I ask why , I warn them 4 times and delete if they drop to 1-2 and do not reply. I'm an adult the kids lose interest. I have taken on newbies most fall by the wayside. I am so addicted but am disappointed TL is not responsive to us, their customers. I made my own Christmas tree because I do not have last years stuff I like decorating and connecting with my neighbors.

12-03-12, 11:24 AM
I am newer to farm story, and am totally addicted. I tell nbrs I wtr and gft daily and expect them to do the same. I currently have 80 nbrs 68 are 4 star if I see their nbrs drop I ask why , I warn them 4 times and delete if they drop to 1-2 and do not reply. I'm an adult the kids lose interest. I have taken on newbies most fall by the wayside. I am so addicted but am disappointed TL is not responsive to us, their customers. I made my own Christmas tree because I do not have last years stuff I like decorating and connecting with my neighbors.

No offence, but if one of my neighbors "warned" me about anything i would delete them with nothing said.

12-03-12, 05:32 PM
How about gems (notice the plural) when we collect, say, 500 of the worthless items? Arrowheads, Grasshoppers, etc..?

How about a larger reward for collecting 1000 of said worthless items?

How about allowing us to water 15 drops when we hit, say, level 100? 20 drops for level 150?

Oh, remove "tap to manage!" Anyone wishing to do so can use the menu listing.

12-03-12, 05:47 PM
It'd also be really nice to gift folks things from your inventory. From Gnome, to Mansion. Even gems & cash. People like to gift, recipients love receiving gifts.

12-03-12, 07:48 PM
No offence, but if one of my neighbors "warned" me about anything i would delete them with nothing said.

Me too. The first time. I think the threats are rude.

12-03-12, 08:56 PM
I dont have much trouble getting my farm watered. I get full a couple of times a day with mostly new crops as i have mastered almost all the old ones and rarely plant just for xp or coins. I try to water all my good nbrs daily, ones that either gift or water me too. But i do a bit of wall hopping non nbrs at times which i do still find fun.

I think i will catch up and master everything, especially if we get more short term crops in the coming months.

We really do need incentives to go beyond lvl 150. Some new 10m coin buildings, more levels or crops/trees for lvl 100 amd 150+ may keep us farming longer.

12-04-12, 06:18 AM
No offence, but if one of my neighbors "warned" me about anything i would delete them with nothing said.

Me too. The first time. I think the threats are rude.

I agree - it is just a game, plus what do you know about the people playing it? For example I have a neighbor, that has special need son, her husband has been undergoing surgeries and she also has a daughter, so you know what, she waters and plays when she can and that is fine. If you play with adults, you need to understand they have real life and responsibilities and again this is just a game, relaxation ...

And if they don't water or play daily, but you want them to, delete them and move on.

12-04-12, 07:53 AM
It'd also be really nice to gift folks things from your inventory. From Gnome, to Mansion. Even gems & cash. People like to gift, recipients love receiving gifts.

That will never happen. TL would never allow it, and from a business standpoint I can certainly see why. I think they should change the gifts we're allowed to give every other month or so. That would be fun!

12-04-12, 08:00 AM
We do have to realize that not everyone can gift and water daily. Some of my neighbors are business people, and they travel out of the country a lot. They do what they can, and knowing that, I'm fine with it. I refuse to take on anymore newbies tho. I've had very bad luck with them. I won't invite anybody either, cuz they ask me to add them, then when I do they don't accept or reject and I'm stuck with another pending invite that I can't delete! GRRRRRRRR!!! That one iritates the heck out of me!

12-04-12, 09:53 AM
Who cares if someone doesn't water? Playing and being rigid don't go well together. It's a game to play or is it a job. Every now and then you get to connect with someone you've never met on the other side of the planet. That's so cool! Sometimes it's just fun to let yourself go and have a ball. You only live once. Star ratings mean nothing.

12-04-12, 11:42 AM
Who cares if someone doesn't water? Playing and being rigid don't go well together. It's a game to play or is it a job. Every now and then you get to connect with someone you've never met on the other side of the planet. That's so cool! Sometimes it's just fun to let yourself go and have a ball. You only live once. Star ratings mean nothing.

If you'd asked me that last year I'd probably say it annoyed me when nbrs never watered. Now I'm glad to have some that only gift or stop by when they can. I do water and post those who water and post on mine. After that I water but dont post on the rest of my 3-4 star nbrs. The 0-2 stars I try to visit at least once a week, though doesn't always happen. But I no longer mind having nbrs that just gift or stop by occasionally. Saves me time cause I don't feel I have to visit them. That being said I am also glad I have some nbrs who water and post often and occasionally have a little chat.

If someone 'warned' me. I'd delete them in a heartbeat. If they don't like how I play then delete me and move on.

12-04-12, 12:06 PM
If you'd asked me that last year I'd probably say it annoyed me when nbrs never watered. Now I'm glad to have some that only gift or stop by when they can. I do water and post those who water and post on mine. After that I water but dont post on the rest of my 3-4 star nbrs. The 0-2 stars I try to visit at least once a week, though doesn't always happen. But I no longer mind having nbrs that just gift or stop by occasionally. Saves me time cause I don't feel I have to visit them. That being said I am also glad I have some nbrs who water and post often and occasionally have a little chat.

If someone 'warned' me. I'd delete them in a heartbeat. If they don't like how I play then delete me and move on.

Yeah, you're a great neighbor. I'm pretty awful at times because I downloaded games to get gems and then when I started playing I said "hey this is a fun game". Then I accepted every neighbor request because "hey why not?" so now every morning I spend about half an hour accepting part requests and gifting. And I check in to my games several times per day to accept requests but other than that I stink as a neighbor because my life is hectic and noisy. Sometimes I play sick and just veg out on my games but most of the time I'm just living my life, and trying to make the best of things. Please delete me if I'm not measuring up. There are plenty of neighbors out there.
Posting warnings on walls lead to 12year old kids spamming your wall, I think.
As far as requesting parts go, only request to those that gift or request or visit. That way you know who's on.

12-05-12, 10:58 AM
Yeah, you're a great neighbor. I'm pretty awful at times because I downloaded games to get gems and then when I started playing I said "hey this is a fun game". Then I accepted every neighbor request because "hey why not?" so now every morning I spend about half an hour accepting part requests and gifting. And I check in to my games several times per day to accept requests but other than that I stink as a neighbor because my life is hectic and noisy. Sometimes I play sick and just veg out on my games but most of the time I'm just living my life, and trying to make the best of things. Please delete me if I'm not measuring up. There are plenty of neighbors out there.
Posting warnings on walls lead to 12year old kids spamming your wall, I think.
As far as requesting parts go, only request to those that gift or request or visit. That way you know who's on.

I'd never delete you. You're a great nbr to. Accepting requests and gifting is appreciated. And you do pop over and visit when u can. I really don't mind having nbrs who just gift and accept requests. The only thing that really drives me batty is when nbrs quit without posting a note on their wall or my wall (posting a note on their wall would be just fine). If nbrs quit that's fine but wish they'd have the courtesy of letting their nbrs know. I have a couple on Bakery I'll be deleting soon. One posted 6 months ago shed be away for a month p, which was fine but it's been a bit over 6 months now and she still hasnt returned (tables are all still in storage).

12-05-12, 03:03 PM
That's one thing I won't allow. While I only have 58 neighbors, all of them have at least a 3 star rating. If they don't, I won't add them...call me mean. It doesn't take a lot of effort to maintain 3 stars.

Yeah, I have been getting rid of a lot of nbrs that just aren't watering me back. I think I have only 50 nbrs left. You're totally right that it doesn't take much to maintain 3 stars! Hey! By the way...looking g for a good nbr I'm accepting gladly! Lol! Sauce1974!

12-06-12, 08:32 PM
I am over 100 and understand the desire to achieve mastery in all crops. In the case of crops I go with 500 for crops and 76 for decorations (500 is ideal for matering crops). I regularly change out my decorations like Lego blocks to keep myself entertained.

As for dry crops, you realize that you only get a few coins and exp per tile? So many active players like me still play, but have stopped watering since it becomes pointless. I constantly harvest dry crops, I don't think I ever have had all 500 of my crops ever fully watered.

You get 1XP per plant for dry harvest and 2XP per plant for watered. I'd say double the XP is worth it.

12-06-12, 08:40 PM
No offence, but if one of my neighbors "warned" me about anything i would delete them with nothing said.

I don't "warn". If they drop below 3 stars, I delete...period. The only exception are those that have mentioned they were going to be away and/or long time neighbors that are taking breathers from the game. Even then, though, I'll give them 2-3 weeks, then they're gone. As someone else said in here, it's a game. I don't hold any type if emotional attachment to other players.

12-07-12, 01:21 PM
Instead of just mastering crops, play wth farm design. go to the thread showing pictures of farm design. very challenging, less nbrs, better friends, I delete nbrs at 2 wth3 reminders, just a thought....

12-07-12, 01:23 PM
I don't "warn". If they drop below 3 stars, I delete...period. The only exception are those that have mentioned they were going to be away and/or long time neighbors that are taking breathers from the game. Even then, though, I'll give them 2-3 weeks, then they're gone. As someone else said in here, it's a game. I don't hold any type if emotional attachment to other players.
Just a gentle question, wtr bk? Sometimes they reply wth a reason if they ignore me then I delete.