View Full Version : Rock stockpiling

11-29-12, 06:46 AM
So far a lot of the buildings require a lot of wood but not much rocks (Ivy's, Thurston's, the well, etc). In the mean time, I need a mother load of coal, and even more iron ore for adventures, for Thurston, for the market.

What do you do with the stone block/ stones surplus? Do you just let it max out and collect the 15 coins? Am I missing some sort of crafting/ buildings that would take up those extra rocks?

11-29-12, 06:50 AM
I use the extra to make Stone/Royal/Enchanted Blocks as you'll need them for the Royal Buildings. Check out maguar's guide for how much each building requires, for the most part you need to same amount of blocks that you do beams and etc....

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Agn56FhMH3MFdHhUQUZRaWFoZ21zY29kbDhnRmpSU EE#gid=0

11-29-12, 06:58 AM
Thanks, I was hoping there will be some other buildings that's imbalanced the other way (i.e. less wood more stones, god forbids when it needs builder's paste as well!!)

I'll go back to deforest my kingdom now =_=

11-29-12, 07:07 AM
I use them to stock up my fancy/royal block, you gonna need a lot more soon! ;)

11-29-12, 07:11 AM
I use them to stock up my fancy/royal block, you gonna need a lot more soon! ;)

I would, but Thurston sucked up all my iron ore, trying to restock iron is how I end up so stoned to begin with =_= Oh the irony, I can't get more iron ore without getting more stones; and to make fancy beams I need iron ore >___<


11-29-12, 07:14 AM
I bought the iron rich rocks when I needed those iron ores ;) I'll send one ya way tmr ^.^

11-29-12, 07:19 AM
I bought the iron rich rocks when I needed those iron ores ;) I'll send one ya way tmr ^.^

Same, when I needed the ore but not rock, I bought the Iron Rich Rocks and stocked up. :)

11-29-12, 07:19 AM
Oh no worries, I can buy those with coins.

Just send me the good old GD :p~ Thurston is still looking for that non-existent Tavern that requires super glue which sucks up GD .... this game is crazy, I tell you, it's crazy.