View Full Version : Thank You

11-27-12, 12:36 PM
To MHz
Senior Game Designer


What a great game
Exhilarating, Exciting Enchanting
Like many I look forward to playing everyday

What a Fantastic Team
Great Goals Great Graphics Great Story line


The Powers That Be
The Fantastic Team
& We the Consumer Players

Is tough!

Your intro thru the announcements though humorous has been proven true many times over

From my view point you are the #1 best dang Wrangler !

Thank You

11-27-12, 12:47 PM
I second this.... Great game!!!!

11-27-12, 12:49 PM
aww you guys are too kind.

11-27-12, 01:18 PM
I agree with the OP but I still want more energy. :p

11-27-12, 01:37 PM
I agree too. I love this game soooo much!!!

11-27-12, 01:39 PM
This game is fun!

11-27-12, 01:39 PM
This is by far THE best TL game....long may it last.

11-27-12, 01:43 PM
One thing I trully appreciate and thankfull is you always care and listen to what we- player/customer-want or need. and then take the best satisfying actions. You always be there for us, and that makes the game even more lovable :)

11-27-12, 01:56 PM
Couldn't agree more! Wonderful game!

11-27-12, 01:59 PM
Yeah,it does make the game more fun to know one of the devs actually respond on forum to our feedback,and seems just as excited as us when updates come out(it's kinda like an excited kid sharing in the fun with a new awesome toy,lol);)

11-27-12, 02:34 PM
One thing I trully appreciate and thankfull is you always care and listen to what we- player/customer-want or need. and then take the best satisfying actions. You always be there for us, and that makes the game even more lovable :)

Yeah,it does make the game more fun to know one of the devs actually respond on forum to our feedback,and seems just as excited as us when updates come out(it's kinda like an excited kid sharing in the fun with a new awesome toy,lol);)

100% agreed!

This game is fun, probably the best TL has created so far, and having MHz_ around in the forum answering to us makes it even better :)

Again, thank you!

11-27-12, 02:52 PM
The characters are absolutely adorable!