View Full Version : i have the feeling that...

11-27-12, 12:36 PM
so, my first teamlava game i really played was FARM STORY. after a few months of playing i got tired of it and switched to bakery/restaurant story. these 2 games really entertained me for a big while but i also stopped playing these. then i tried out other games like pet shop/zoo and nightclub story and stopped playing them after less than 1 week xDD

but then i discovered dragon story and fell in love with the game AND i have the feeling that i'll never stop playing this game... there are coming up new monsters EVERY WEEK! how could this game become boring?! is anybody here having the same feeling? well, we'll see if i will still be playing this game in a few months :D lol.

11-27-12, 12:46 PM
Yes. This is one of the first games I've been able to play this long and I don't think I'll be quitting

11-27-12, 12:55 PM
I feel that way as well! The other stories i downloaded because others asked me too. I liked them enough to play everyday but not with much enthusiasm.
However, i loved dragons even before i started playing this game! I always read dragon books and rawr in real life saying im a baby dragon! Also I never wanted to be in the forums for another game before. So this game is really fun for me and I dont plan on abandoning it even if android couldnt get the same updates as ios or just because i missed an LE dragon like others have done.

11-27-12, 04:22 PM
Yeah the dragon story is reallly hard - keeps you trying and trying. I have a lot of patience so I don't care if I have to wait another day for another breeding or 2 days to clear a tree. it's not a race...

I still play the farm (they add new crops and new levels every time I'm one or two days from mastering my last crop ! only 13 levels to 150 yippee) but Castle story is my favorite by far now. Alll the other games suck IMO lol. The worst of all was Treasure story did you try it ? Took me a week to unlock all islands and then you needed gems to revisit ! Abusive and bo-ring !

11-27-12, 04:46 PM
I play both Dragon and Monster story, tried other story games but just to get the gold! XD

11-27-12, 04:48 PM
Gotta love this game too ;) I was always a FPS or RPG girl (go Halo series and Final Fantasy X!! Oh and Pokemon too) , but I can't explain why this game entertains me so. XD I swear that if my iPad gets "sick" I'd do something silly not to lose the game while it's on repair...like beg my dad to use his iPhone.

Or buy one. Hmmm. Or an iPod touch. My nano is a tad old, but I still love it...

Anyway. This game's so neat and frustrating at the same time *.*

11-27-12, 04:49 PM
I play both Dragon and Monster story, tried other story games but just to get the gold! XD

I play MS too:)

Invite sent. Hehehe.

11-27-12, 04:53 PM
I play MS too:)

Invite sent. Hehehe.
Lol it was you then! XD

11-27-12, 05:03 PM
Lol it was you then! XD
Mwahahahaha! Yes... *evil smirk*

11-27-12, 05:09 PM
I love this game. I've been playing everyday since I started. *thanks RS* What's not to like about dragons!!!

11-27-12, 05:46 PM
I love this game. I've been playing everyday since I started. *thanks RS* What's not to like about dragons!!!

watch out.....their poison(ous) and start fires(torm).

11-27-12, 05:51 PM
watch out.....their poison(ous) and start fires(torm).

*spills coffee*

11-27-12, 06:40 PM
watch out.....their poison(ous) and start fires(torm).

!LOL! Funny :-)