View Full Version : Suggestion for Efficient Gifting

11-24-12, 02:04 AM
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this before, but can there be a universal check-off button? You check it and it checks everyone on your friend list that you want to gift

I'm going to get arthritis at this rate :'(

12-01-12, 10:00 PM
I wish. I know they want us to spend time/money on the game but this is just ridiculous. I'm currently trying to trim down my neighbor list so I don't have to click 180 checkboxes per day. Please fix this!

12-02-12, 04:53 PM
These games can be quite carpal tunnel-inducing!! Once TL had all the neighbors auto-selected for gifting and requesting. People weren't happy about it so it was removed. There should be an option to turn this feature on and off.

12-03-12, 12:23 PM
Based on how the settings are, I would rather flat out gift the person I'm trying to gift rather than the entire neighbors list pop up. In example, if I wanted to gift marrrina, I go to her bakery and gift her and if anything were to pop up as far as a menu I would want the game to say something along the lines of tap here to gift marrrina only, or tap here to gift marrrina and others.

12-03-12, 12:30 PM
Because my neighbors list is large, I only gift by request. I agree that if there was a better way to do it, I would gift more. Some time ago, and just to see how long it would take, I gifted all my neighbors and it took me about hour and a half. I can't imagine how long it would take others.

12-03-12, 12:32 PM
OOps the hour and a half gifting this is not true...it took me an hour and a half to tip everyone. Sooooorrry!

12-07-12, 02:44 PM
I know :( I used to like getting neighbors, but now it's a nuisance to click every single box everyday. It must be even worse to tip- how can all those 80 and 90 level players tip all their neighbors everyday?

12-07-12, 07:27 PM
I have seen people requesting for the check-all button in the forum before, and nothing has been done yet. I dont remember if TL replied to that thread and what TL said to people's request. :(