View Full Version : Black Friday deals

11-23-12, 02:44 AM
40% sale on gems - great

Box items available for gems - not so great. Once again I feel that my special items are worthless.

11-23-12, 03:07 AM
I wasted 275 gems a few days ago opening boxes just to get useless items. Of only I'd known..........I'm melting inside. I want the Mediterranean house! The butterfly house! No, the lotus garden....why.....why iTunes why....?????

11-23-12, 03:33 AM
Whatba ripoff! The "impala" is selling for 40 something gems. It's in the box for 24, a fourth place prize I think. I got it and don't want animals on my farm, and was annoyed, so I sold it. For all of 300 coins.

The cheetah cub is 40 gems too, got it in a box, second place. I won't sell it though, since it seems to be a hot commodity.

I do thank TL however, because they have me the items I'd been longing after since forever. I'm hooked. So much so, that with itunes not working I nearly had a heart attack, but instead of going through with it, I switched my accounts over to android. Then after purchasing the pond, and two homes, thus becoming a happy camper, I went back over to iPad.

And I fiinnnnaaalllllyyyy have my barista counter. YES, the dork wins. Now all I need is the 1000 gems and ill be complete.

11-23-12, 03:46 AM
I actually have two gazelles/impalas still in storage. Save some gems and open the boxes!

11-23-12, 03:53 AM
Thanks, teamlava, for the nice offers on this Black Friday !
I just miss an offer for the wonderful dogs St.Bernard and shepard. I started in farm story too late to get them regulary. And last year at Black Friday I did not get the offer. So I hoped the whole year long, this would be the day of the day.
Please offer these dogs. We don?t need dogs in clothes or with other decorations. Pure St. Bernhard is the best.
Greetings from my little gnomeland to all farm story friends!

11-23-12, 06:14 AM
no Zen Temple... the only limited time offer i didnt have and the only one i wanted. :(
not happy

11-23-12, 08:46 AM
I purchased some gems and get some of the items I hadn't had, I'm pretty happy that TL did this for us. I finally got the Sheriff's place, as tried that box a few times trying to get it, and now I finally have it!

11-23-12, 09:40 AM
I got the river sawmill.

Still lusting after the victorian manor.

(sorry yanochka :()

11-23-12, 10:37 AM
Not a fan of the items...
I might get the fishing pond though. I don't fishing but I like its size proportioning. Buildings look so little next to other items so I love anything that makes the building look bigger in comparison.

11-23-12, 02:37 PM
Has anyone noticed that prices have been lowered on these special items? I bought river sawmill for 70 gems this morning...it is now 40 gems��������are we going to be refunded for the extra gems we spent???

11-23-12, 02:42 PM
I was looking at the fishing pond and sawmill but needed to wait for some crops to finish so I had a place to put them. The fishing pond is no longer available and the sawmill was lowered from 70 to 40 gems.

11-23-12, 02:48 PM
I was looking at the fishing pond and sawmill but needed to wait for some crops to finish so I had a place to put them. The fishing pond is no longer available and the sawmill was lowered from 70 to 40 gems. I understand the sawmill, waterlily pond and royal palace have gone from 70 to 40 gems, but I still have the fishing pond available...

11-23-12, 02:55 PM
I was looking at the fishing pond and sawmill but needed to wait for some crops to finish so I had a place to put them. The fishing pond is no longer available and the sawmill was lowered from 70 to 40 gems.

I paid 70 gems for it this morning. Im mad.

11-23-12, 02:56 PM
Has anyone noticed that prices have been lowered on these special items? I bought river sawmill for 70 gems this morning...it is now 40 gems��������are we going to be refunded for the extra gems we spent???

Nope.. ...

11-23-12, 03:01 PM
I was looking at the fishing pond and sawmill but needed to wait for some crops to finish so I had a place to put them. The fishing pond is no longer available and the sawmill was lowered from 70 to 40 gems.

I found the fishing pond. It's 64 gems. I thought is was less this morning,, less than the lily pad. Not sure.

I got the sawmill.

11-23-12, 03:05 PM
I understand the sawmill, waterlily pond and royal palace have gone from 70 to 40 gems, but I still have the fishing pond available...

I found the fishing pond. It's 64 gems. I thought is was less this morning,, less than the lily pad. Not sure.

I got the sawmill.

Okay, I knew the fishing pond was less than the lily pond and didn't realize the price of the lily pond dropped. So I guess there was no change to the fishing pond.

11-23-12, 03:44 PM
I am FURIOUS. I, too, paid 70 gems for the water lily pond this morning. And now it's only 40 GEMS!

11-23-12, 03:47 PM
Between Fashion/RS/Farm I lost at least 200 gems to this fiasco. Oh well, that is the way TL works. Unethical, definetly, but they'll never refund the difference. *sighs*

11-23-12, 04:10 PM
Where is everybody getting these offers?

11-23-12, 08:39 PM
EXPLAIN YOURSELVES TEAM LAVA!! I paid 70 gems this morning for the River Sawmill and now it's down to 40. You're a bunch of thieves!!! What horrendous greed! I don't know how some of you sit around a conference room table and find it acceptable make conscience decisions to deceive people. Truly disgusting! I want my gems back!

11-23-12, 08:44 PM
I am happy that prices have been lowered I purchased 100 gems on restaurant

11-23-12, 10:22 PM
EXPLAIN YOURSELVES TEAM LAVA!! I paid 70 gems this morning for the River Sawmill and now it's down to 40. You're a bunch of thieves!!! What horrendous greed! I don't know how some of you sit around a conference room table and find it acceptable make conscience decisions to deceive people. Truly disgusting! I want my gems back!


[S8] Regina
11-23-12, 10:34 PM
Thank you all for reporting this issue. We looked into this issue, and would like you to submit an email to support@teamlava.com to correct this matter. Please note that due to the holiday break, there is limited support. Thank you all for your patience! :)

11-23-12, 10:58 PM
Thank you all for reporting this issue. We looked into this issue, and would like you to submit an email to support@teamlava.com to correct this matter. Please note that due to the holiday break, there is limited support. Thank you all for your patience! :)

Thank you for resolving this issue. While TL's business practices initially made this look intentional (and it may be), I can see what might have happened to cause this problem. I bought the items for 40 gems rather than 70, so was not negatively affected by the price change. I am happy to have been able to get 1st place box items for the second place value of 40 gems rather than the 1st place value of 70 gems, and consider this a good Black Friday deal.

11-23-12, 11:25 PM
Thank you for resolving this issue. While TL's business practices initially made this look intentional (and it may be), I can see what might have happened to cause this problem. I bought the items for 40 gems rather than 70, so was not negatively affected by the price change. I am happy to have been able to get 1st place box items for the second place value of 40 gems rather than the 1st place value of 70 gems, and consider this a good Black Friday deal.

You're so businessy :p

11-24-12, 02:46 AM
Wait so this isn't on just gem sales its on actual items in games??

11-24-12, 03:03 AM
Wait so this isn't on just gem sales its on actual items in games??

You haven't gotten the popup saying buy such and such LTO? They are available in the design tab of almost all of the games.

11-24-12, 04:51 AM
no Zen Temple... the only limited time offer i didnt have and the only one i wanted. :(
not happy


11-24-12, 07:38 AM
Thank you IceePenguin for getting involved. I have sent my email requesting a gem refund. I understand staff is limited due to the holiday, but do you know what the approximate turn around time on something like this would be?

11-24-12, 04:31 PM
You haven't gotten the popup saying buy such and such LTO? They are available in the design tab of almost all of the games.
Yeah but isn't black fiday sale um lowered price. The items are still the same price.

11-24-12, 05:18 PM
Yeah but isn't black fiday sale um lowered price. The items are still the same price.

The big deal was the sale on Gems and then having the box items OUT of the box for purchase. :)

11-24-12, 07:26 PM
Those box items are also for a very good amount of gems in comparison to everything else :p :

11-24-12, 09:42 PM
Sorry about the inconsistent prices everyone! Some of the sale prices were not updated correctly when they were first released on Friday.

If you, your friends, or anyone you know purchased items the first day they were on sale and the game was updated with a lower price, please check out the respective threads for your games.

Farm Story (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?40706-Black-Friday-Sales)
Restaurant Story (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?40705-Black-Friday-Sales)
Bakery Story (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?40703-Black-Friday-Sales)
Fashion Story (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?40704-Black-Friday-Sales)

You will be able to see the correct sale prices and if you purchased the sale item for something different, you will also see information on how to contact Support so we can assist you as soon as possible. Thanks everyone!

11-24-12, 10:44 PM
The big deal was the sale on Gems and then having the box items OUT of the box for purchase. :)

Oh ok.

11-25-12, 12:40 AM
Yeah but isn't black fiday sale um lowered price. The items are still the same price.

They are a sale, considering many are first and second place items from the boxes. Or previous LTOs released. I'd spent numerous gems opening the Mediterranean box because I wanted the royal palace! Now it's resting comfortable on my farm. Many other items are now at a steal, since they lowered the prices. But that will all be over in under five minutes. The fairy grotto is a steal at 40 gems.

11-25-12, 09:07 AM
Can we have the Weekend Getaway please, please, please, please?

11-25-12, 01:46 PM
I wounder if pink got some thinks from the black Friday sale?

11-25-12, 02:46 PM
I wounder if pink got some thinks from the black Friday sale?

See post #8.

11-25-12, 02:50 PM
Oh I see lol.

11-25-12, 02:56 PM
Yes pink got some things. I love a sale.

11-25-12, 03:08 PM
I'm disappointed that everything cost so much anyway.. I've saved my coins and I have nothing to spend them on.. everything cost gems.. I buy a few gems here and there but not 100$ bucks worth .. I'd like a cute little pond or something but can't afford it..

11-25-12, 03:19 PM
I just hope they don't open up any more boxes for Cyber Monday... because then I would get so angry that I got the royal palace and not whatever else they offered, and AUGGHHH.

Unless of course the gem costs are even smaller and account for 2nd prizes.

11-25-12, 07:56 PM
Yes you can get a refund it is posted on another thread . Send memo with purchase details and they will refund you.

11-26-12, 12:28 PM
They are a sale, considering many are first and second place items from the boxes. Or previous LTOs released. I'd spent numerous gems opening the Mediterranean box because I wanted the royal palace! Now it's resting comfortable on my farm. Many other items are now at a steal, since they lowered the prices. But that will all be over in under five minutes. The fairy grotto is a steal at 40 gems.

What is the fairy grotto I've checked out the items everday and not seen it

11-26-12, 12:29 PM
What is the fairy grotto I've checked out the items everday and not seen it

It's in bakery (not farm story)

11-26-12, 01:00 PM
Oh k thanks. Lol your always the one answering my ?S thanks so much