View Full Version : Decrease in Earnings after Expansion

11-22-12, 04:49 PM
I expanded my bakery to 13 x 16 two days ago. That night, my earnings were halfed: I earned only 30k coins as compared to the usual 50-60k. It was the same again this morning: 20+k coins. I have slightly more tables and chairs in the bakery than before (all accessible to customers). Is this an intentional decrease in earnings or a bug? I have already tried restarting my phone and uninstalling/reinstalling the game.

11-22-12, 04:58 PM
The more time your customers take to get to hostess and tables.... The less money you will make

11-22-12, 10:45 PM
The hostess in my bakery is right by the door, and the customers should take about the same time to reach the tables as before, the few tables/chairs being added to fill up the spaces due to the expansion. Basically, I expanded the bakery but did not revamp it. Also, perhaps to be clear, I am talking about offline earnings.