View Full Version : Confirmation Window B4 Buying Things Pls

11-21-12, 01:13 PM
Hi TeamLava Staff

I wonder if you can add a confirmation window before we buy things.

Yesterday I bought 2 glimmerdust by mistake - when I clicked the unfinished Ivy Hut, it showed I need 40 glimmerdust. Then I clicked the glimmerdust, wanting to see if I can ask this from my neighbours, but nothing showed up. So I click again, nothing showed up again. But when I went back to my main page I found I lost 30 Gem for 2 glimmerdust :'(

Also sometimes it is easy to make mistakes because the iphone touch screen is quite sensitive (Im using IPone 5, not sure about other Iphone mobiles or I Pad...). Therefore I believe a confirmation window is nessesary to avoid those mistakes.

BTW, if possible, Please return my 30 Gem r and withdraw 2 glimmerdust.

Many thanks

11-21-12, 01:33 PM
I think that is the biggest problem with this game....almost anywhere you touch on the screen there is *something* that can be hurried along. As annoying as it is in BS/RS, at least it's mainly only when serving food

11-21-12, 02:07 PM
I lost 80 gems today and yesterday and getting energy I didn't really need. Luckily it's gems I earned from goals so I'm not really bothered now.

11-21-12, 02:32 PM
I agree

11-21-12, 02:59 PM
Thanks For the Feedback, and we'll let the development team know about these ideas. Thanks!

11-21-12, 04:53 PM
I won't even begin to tell you the gold and jewels I've lost in these games because of this! TL will never do it specifically because of this!

11-21-12, 05:14 PM
I also agree, to be more specific, all Gem items need confirmation window. Gold items do not need any of that, i will be annoying if everytime i bought a single path of road I need to tap OK to buy them.

11-21-12, 07:50 PM
Yes, we definitely need one. I sped up something by accident.

11-21-12, 07:52 PM
This has been asked for years now. There are sooo many threads about this. Hope it comes in.

11-21-12, 08:16 PM
Even if they had something like in city story where it opens a window with the option to speedup and an 'x' to close the box

11-22-12, 01:44 AM
Or, maybe The Developer just gonna let it happen, so when we accidently press speed up, they just said "Ooopss... It's not our fault, you pressed it yourself"
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